If you've read anything on social media over the past few days about the new Nintendo Switch releases Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you might have noticed shiny Pokémon hunters are out in force. A shiny, for anyone who doesn't know, is a rare Pokémon that is a different colour from the regular one you would normally encounter. While shiny hunting has always been popular, it's really taken off in the latest releases.
Something a lot of players have been doing is resetting the game in hope of getting a shiny starter. It seems to have worked for quite a lot of people so far, but we're curious to know if anyone within the Nintendo Life community has had any luck yet. So vote in our poll and tell us down below in the comments if you ended up getting a shiny Pokémon.
Comments 54
No, but found a Shiny Turtwig with a Dawn Hat in Go today at least.
Currently trying to find one in the Eterna Forest!
Update: found a shiny Wurmple!
Caught a purely random shiny Zubat today. Have caught a few from shiny hunting (chaining, etc) in various mainline games but this is the third completely random shiny I've caught in the mainline games (first was a Pidgy in 2000 playing original Silver version, then a male Nidoran in 2011 playing FireRed version).
I'm hoping to find one at some point in the underground.
Been playing since Gen 1. I have never, ever caught a shiny Pokemon. Truth.
My copy hasn’t come in the mail yer, so my answer is no.
@Hck the only shiny I've seen in 100h of SwSh is a Kommo-o and I missed it. But not catching a single shiny in like 20 years is just extra unlucky
I don't have these games but I did find my first shiny back in the DS games, a Purugly. I traded it away though because I didn't like it. And shinies are overrated.
My first west sea Gastrodon encounter in the underground was shiny. I second-guessed at first, but Lo and behold - sparkles.
This is especially lucky because I was hoping to encounter a shiny west sea Shellos or Gastrodon because I caught a shiny Shellos in the original Pearl back in 2007 (that I never trained), and I couldn’t be bothered going through the tedious ordeal (and expense) of transferring it across four generations. Funny how it’s come full circle and shiny Gastrodon has finally joined my team in the Pearl remake. It’s a little ugly, mind, but I’m nevertheless glad to have it.
I found the initial Shellos in Pearl when hunting for something (that I can’t remember) just outside of Pal Park with the Poké Radar, but there was no chain in effect yet, and the grass hadn’t sparkled either (at least not that I had noticed), so both Shellos and Gastrodon were full-odds encounters.
I’m not counting on finding any others though, at least not among those that I really, really want. I was hoping for a shiny Galarian Farfetch’d in Shield and hatched one within my first five or so eggs (and I didn’t yet have the shiny charm either). Another extremely lucky situation where I got a shiny that I specifically wanted.
I really wanted a shiny Bellsprout or Weepingbel in the original Pearl and I had spent quite some time chaining to no avail. Despite how easy it is to find shinies in the Let’s Go games, I couldn’t find a shiny Bellsprout or Weepingbel there either! You can’t always get what you want, I guess.
Haven't they raised up the Chance and Methods heavlily since back then?
I had never seen a Shiny until Sun and Moon and in the Ultras i had sooo many from that Dimension.
50 hours into let’s go eevee, well over a 100 into shield… still not one shiny 😭.
Had a tone on prior consoles (especially the 3ds games) but I’ve had incredibly bad luck with shinnies on switch. Hopefully if it does happen it’ll be a good one, like a mimikyu or something.
30 hours of game time and still no shiny turtwig starter. pain
@Hck you and me both.. honestly it shocks me that there are even articles asking about this. To me, coming across a shiny Pokémon is like someone handing you shovel and telling you to find a live body buried in a cemetery.
I’ve NEVER gotten a shiny other than literally being handed one by mystery gift and I’ve also started with Gen 1.
Only shinies I've ever gotten outside events and trades were a shiny Nidoran♀ in I hatched in Y (with Masuda method and Shiny charm) and a shiny Bisharp I found in the wild area in Sword (no shiny chance augments).
I saw a shiny Tailow when I was a kid playing Ruby and killed it thinking it was a glitch that would ruin my saved file…. Never saw another since and it haunts me to this day 😐
I’ve never got a shiny in the main line games it’s only when I got Pokémon Go I got ***** loads.
Caught a shiny Glameow in wild today!
I feel like i'd waste hours worth of gameplay if i try to get a shiny starter
i don't even have the game yet
and i always have bad luck with shinies
the only shinies i got are from in-games gifts, event gifts, random trades, shiny hunting & GO
There was a random shiny geodude in Oreburgh Gate
@Hck I also have been playing since Gen 1. And I only once caught a shiny Pokémon, by pure chance: a shiny Pikachu.
Just caught a shiny Golbat today in the wild
Just caught a shiny Pikachu
@Azuris yes and no, kind of depends on what you're looking for and which game you're trying to find it in...
base shiny rate is 1/4096, used to be 1/8,192 before gen 6.
with a shiny charm it goes up to 1/1365.3 in b2w2, 1/512 in every game after.
ultra wormholes had the best odds out of all the games for regular mons, with each regular mon having about a 36% chance of being shiny at 5000+ lightyears traveled in a type 4 wormhole. though regular mons odds were rigged from the moment you entered so if it wasn't shiny, you could not soft reset until it was.
legendaries & UBs didn't get that buff, but unlike the regular mons you could soft reset for them and their odds were buffed by the shiny charm.
shiny charm used to be an all-around buff in odds up til swsh, where static encounters with pokemon where not affected by the shiny charm, so all the legendaries outside of dynamax adventures are stuck at 1/4096 odds.
another thing to note is that pokemon in dynamax adventures have a 1/300 chance of being shiny, 1/100 with shiny charm.
with bdsp, the shiny charm doesn't affect anything but eggs, its unknown if this was a bug, oversight or intentional.
the other methods to get shiny pokemon in bdsp is the pokerader, a successful chain of 40+ yields 1/99 chance of sparkling patch with a shiny in it, but they botched things up with it so the chains more likely to break in these games than in dppt so it ends up being a 7% chance of the chain breaking each time if you do everything right, while in dppt it was only a 2% chance
the new method in these games is gathering the dust that diglett and dugtrio in the underground leave behind until the meter under the mini-map hits 40 which increases the odds of shiny pokemon to 1/2048 for 4 mins.
so ultimately, the best way to get shinnies in this game is the ever-present masuda method with a 1/683 chance of a mon hatching shiny, 1/512 chance with the shiny charm.
rambling on...
theres also pokemon or pokemon forms that you can't legitimately get shiny yet and every main series game since bw has had pokemon that are shiny locked and all mythicals tend to also be shiny locked so some mons will take you through a special kind of hell to find shiny...
for example, mew which the only 2 methods of getting shiny where though limited time event behind a paywall in go or the old sea map event from 2005, only way anyone can get the latter is through a gameshark these days and even than its still leaves you with the 1/8,192 chance of encounter...
then you have jirachi which can only be farmed from a pokemon colosseum bonus disk which will most likely cost you over 200$ to get one used.
and even after that, it will require a constantly deleting ruby or sapphires save data & getting the pokedex for each attempt with the 1/8,192 odds.
then you got manaphy...
these are also the only 3 pokemon currently shiny locked BDSP.
this is including the mythicals that are locked behind event items, namely darkrai, shaymin & arceus though they might end up having shiny locks put on them by the time their events come...
@Outerdragon alas, go isn't an option for all of us. nearest pokestop to me is like 20 miles away right now and the only way to get to those on foot is via either trespassing or walking down a road thats... well, the speed limit is pretty much non-existent due to the lack of cops.
the lack of pokestops makes it extremely hard to even level, let alone shiny hunt.
@Ultrasmiles even more so when it's at the start of the game. i could see if it was the only way to farm them like it is with regidrago & regieleki, but it's not.
i was extremely lucky to get a shiny regidrago in under 500 kills, shiny regieleki however... well, over 900 kills and off and on soft resetting since last august and still haven't gotten it to spawn
Only shiny i have come across was in black v2, a grimer that i KO'd with an unlucky crit
Not yet, I was considering on getting a shiny Piplup but I decided to just go for a regular starter as there is a small cutscene that plays before you get your first Pokemon and I couldn't be bothered watching that for potentially up to 1,000 times.
Speaking of Gen IV games and shiny's, I remember this one time years ago when I was playing Platinum and I literally bumped into two shiny Pokemon back to back and feeling like an absolute champion. I've never had that level of luck since xD
I tired a few soft resets fir the starter but gave up as wanted to play but the starly in the opening battle was Shiny on the 4 or 5th go .....
Once caught a shiny gyarados. Not that hard really.
The forced Shiny Gyarados you get in G/S/C and Geodude in Lets Go, those were my only ones so far.
Why do you care? You hate the game.
I've never shiny hunted or anything like that, but I've caught about 5 or so just randomly over the years (wingull, meditite, couple shuppets, geodude), and have hatched a few by breeding (shroomish, raltz, rockruff). I've recieved quite a few via wonder trade (including legendaries and mythicals, and yes, they are almost certainly not legit). Wonder trade is where most of mine came from. I've also collected some from official giveaways. I believe I have about about 40 or so in total - a little more than a full box.
@Moonsorrow999 I dont think they have any kind of opinion about it. All they do is done to generate clicks and it works.
I Tried to get a shiny decidueye using the masuda method without the shiny charm, and it hatched on my seventh try. I'm trying to do the same for sableye, WITH the shiny charm, and after three months of trying and 3000 eggs it won't show up
I don’t have the game yet but I watched linkus7’s stream yesterday where he spent 20+ hours and 1360 resets to get a shiny piplup
I did actually. Got a shiny Turtwig in 42 resets. I wasn't even going to hunt it at first but a friend convinced me to do so and I ended up with it. Only the second time I've ever gotten a shiny starter.
Only shiny I ever got was a green Marill that I evolved into an orange Azumarill in Sapphire. Traded it over to Pearl, eventually traded in Pearl with all my Pokemon I traded over to it including that Azumarill. Big regrets
Truly amazing games, haven't found a shiny yet so I'm just here supporting articles about Diamond and Pearl.
I would try but since I am not received my PINs set yet I am not picking up the game yet. My PreOrder is still missing the PINs.
In the original diamond I maxed out my hours at 999 think I managed to get 47 shinies, so far I have nothing but when I get the radar I'll be all go especially with not having to play memory with the grass patches this time around
Got a shiny Houndoom, first encounter, full odds. Shiny hunting seems super good in this game in general though, might be the biggest draw tbh.
You'd have better odds of getting a Female Starter than getting a Shiny Starter. And mind you the Male/Female Ratio is 87.5%/12.5 that's something that needs to be addressed in the next title.
I encountered a shiny Budew in the safari. Ofcourse it fled after the first turn... (why must I find one in safari T_T?)
But Pkhex is already out so now my main team is all shiny :3
My very first encounter was a shiny starly.. but alas, no balls.
Would this be classed as good luck or bad? 😮💨
Hacking already? Let alone generally, that's just sad
Yeah, it's very sad looking at a box full of shinies
I understand you feel that way, but that's just how I play
I don't even know what a shiny Pokemon is, this is so confusing 😩
I caught 9 shiny eevee yesterday in swsh ¯(ツ)/¯
@EriXz Shiny Pokemon are pokemon that have a different color scheme than they normally have. They also sparkle/shine when they appear. They are very rare (1/8000 prior to gen 6, 1/4000 gen 6 onwards).
@tsdenizen Except the shiny charm has no effect in normal encounters. It seems a major drawback since the charm has always worked in wild encounters since its introduction. That said, pokeradar is back, so yeah.
I don’t even have the game yet! Soon…
Shiny Bidoof on Route 202 while looking for an Starly with a good nature. Named her Roofus. I thought it looked sus.
Can't argue with this response, fair play.
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