Square Enix has revealed that NEO: The World Ends With You hasn't met the company's early sales expectations, despite being well received by fans and critics alike.
In a newly published results briefing covering the first half of the financial year, the company notes that net sales and operating income within its digital entertainment business have fallen year on year. This is despite the fact that titles like Outriders, NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., NEO: The World Ends with You, and Life is Strange: True Colors were all released during that time frame – something that Square puts down to the "challenging comparison" created by the previous year's launches, which include Final Fantasy VII Remake.
"While NEO: The World Ends with You was well received by users, it has underperformed our initial expectations," Square Enix says. "We have plans to release Life is Strange: True Colors for Nintendo Switch, as well as Life is Strange Remastered Collection in the near future. We are hoping for both titles to continue to sell well over the long term."
In the first half of this financial year, Square has booked net sales of ¥168.9 billion (down ¥3.8 billion YoY), operating income of ¥29.1 billion (down ¥2.5 billion), ordinary income of ¥31.4 billion (up ¥900 million), and net income attributable to parent company shareholders of ¥22.9 billion (up ¥6.9 billion). Its full results release can be read here.
[source hd.square-enix.com, via nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 128
Maybe less time licensing and promoting Marvel games, more time promoting your in-house titles?
Square Enix seems to have an identity crisis as both a publisher and developer.
To be expected. I absolutely love the original on DS, have pretty much hated both the iOS and Switch ports for having dreadful controls in comparison. They waited too long for a sequel too, I’m over it by now. Same thing happened with Kingdom Hearts 3 for me.
I used to love Square, but serves them right with all the dumb decisions they have made as of late.
I'm looking at KH1 & 2 Cloud debacle
And Pixel Remasters not being on Switch and missing the GBA content
Edit: not to mention Baland Wonderworld hot mess
I wonder what's the sales figures are what were they expecting.
As good as TWEWY is it was never a huge seller. I think the first game didn't even break 500k.
If I get it I'll get the DS original, because it sounds like that console was a far better fit for the game.
Most of Squenix's current output doesn't interest me. TWEWY passed me by; I did buy the switch version, tried it once and noped out very quick. I did not like the controls at all. Bad controls ruin games; it is why I still haven't gotten back to Kid Icarus Uprising.
The only game that I haven't picked up yet which I want to play is Nier, but otherwise, I could not care less for the line-up.
That said, I am awaiting new Dragon Quest games and if the rumours are true regarding Chrono Cross, I will buy that at launch so I can finally play it.
At least one comment on here has already touched on one problem with the game: NEO The World Ends With You is a completely different game to the DS original, not a port or a remaster. But there's also a port/remaster that wasn't very good. NEO TWEWY had completely different controls and was very good. Definitely a touch of the Wii Us with the messaging.
It's a shame: as someone who liked but didn't love the original TWEWY, NEO TWEWY is my game of the year by a distance. If you like the original or JRPGs in general, it's a must-buy. It deserved better.
NEO TWEWY should have been switch exclusive, at least for a year. The series is already tied with Nintendo (i would not be surprised if it sold something like 70/30 in favor of Nintendo) and could have done way better marketing that what Square Enix did, which was literally 0.
NEO TWEWY its a quality game that's unlike anything out there.
And i think Square did a terrible job since even people on this page are mixing TWEWY with NEO lmao
It's a shame because NeoTWEWY is such a good game and one of the few JRPGs (action or otherwise) I couldnt put down.
Understandably, though, the series is ultimately a niche IP. It's kind of a miracle it even got a sequel... But I hope this doesnt scare SE from trying at least one more entry just to answer a few more hanging questions.
Tried the demo and was intrigued by the story, but the weirdly simplified combat especially how dodging works put me off.
a weak promotion campaign + a high price + no "The World Ends With You 2" title + an Epic exlusive game (PC version) = failure
Probably worth reminding that this sequel is not exclusive to Switch and it is not revealed here on which platform it performed the worst.
The world ends with you had the cooler name, nice soundtrack and cool graphics for a DS game. Its like Angry Birds for the first generations of iPhone, a game that used touch controls in a very efficient way considering the hardware limitations. But near 14 years later the sequel feels more like a relic of the past almost like Nintendogs and Dr. Kawashima
P.S: Dear Square Enix PSP had 2 great (Crisis Core at least) exclusive Final Fantasy spin-offs . Why we got none on a much more succesful system like Switch?
At least it got great reviews.
When the game is this good, you can probably keep selling it for a while to come.
Ok so let's put the game in the hidden gems of the switch
Four problems:
I have the first game on Switch and to be honest, I fail to see what makes these so great. They're okay, but didn't appeal to me very much beyond having a fun art style. So that was my reasoning for not getting the sequel.
Bummer. Huge fan of the DS original and I thought NEO was quite good too.
I often call out Square Enix and other companies about the stupid business decisions they make, and my predictions always turn out to be right. This game had no chance to make money.
Why on Earth would anyone buy this? What's the reason to buy it? Anyone who wants the game can buy the DS version and play it on their 3DS. What is the point of this remake?
The Advance Wars remakes will also be commercial failures, because Nintendo is doing the same thing: they're releasing something that already exists. Anyone who wants those games can play them on their 3DS.
The Switch and the 3DS have sold the same amount of units, so we can assume that almost every Nintendo Switch fan has a 3DS. That's why these remakes flop.
I own it but haven't touched it yet. I am a little surprised this IP never took off with the Kingdom Hearts crowd?
I would like to see data from publishers on how Switch versions of games do when they arrive day and date with other console versions. It seems like a no trainer that Life Is Strange would have done phenomenal on Switch if it just dang came out when the others did
The titles being remade are not playable on 3DS, and that last paragraph is definitely a logical fallacy. (But yeah, they still aren’t going to big numbers purely because it’s a niche series).
Just like Castlevania and Mega man didn't really translate from 2D to 3D, I wonder if changing the game from a touchscreen DS game to a 3D game left it stranded between a fantom that have moved on from gaming and a customer base that doesn't want a weird JRPG. It's very nice.
Not having played the original was the main reason why I didn't consider getting this. Though, I don't know if the original is even required to understand what's going on here, or if they're completely separate.
I was interested in trying out the original, but the weird controls in the remake (and no Pro controller support) put me off getting that.
Not every game is guaranteed to be a hit. They could do something productive with the feedback as to why it isn’t selling and address those things.
"Let's underpromote a sequel to a decade-old niche handheld JRPG and expect it to sell gangbusters."
Makes sense. Probably didn't help the general consensus was "it's good, but it's not as good as the first game, which SquEnix didn't port well to home console and turned a bunch of people off of the concept of console TWEWY".
That's a shame, it's great!
@TheWingedAvenger It’s not a remake. It’s s sequel that was fairly well received.
But that’s possibly part of the problem. People perhaps didn’t know it was a new game.
The fact every in-house RPG besides Final Fantasy is getting a small budget doesn't help.
@RainbowGazelle @TheWingedAvenger that's a different game. NEO: TWEWY only exists on current-gen consoles.
@roboshort @Dr_Awkward
Thanks for informing me of that! And you're right, the problem is largely that Square has done everything to confuse the public. Just read this article. It doesn't say that the game's a sequel. And the Square press release that the article quotes also makes no mention of the fact that the game is a sequel nd not a remake.
Here's a basic language lesson for the geniuses at Square. The word "neo" means "new". When you make a sequel, you shouldn't give it the same exact name as the first game and just stick the word "new" in front of it. That will make people think it's just a new version of that old game, i.e. a remake. If you must use the exact same title as the first game, then put the number "II" at the end, so we know it's a different game. Or at least give it a subtitle that makes it clear that it's a sequel. People are too busy to go to your website and read about whether the game is a sequel or a remake. RPGs are a dime a dozen, so we just go to the next one.
Hey, your name is spelled the same forward and backward!
Looks like the ip is dead. Too bad since i liked the game.
@Dr_Awkward Really? Oh, I genuinely thought it was a remaster of the original DS game.
I am not surprised. I tried the demo and found the combat a lot of button mashing and could not even finish the demo before getting bored
NEO TWEWY Has underperformed Square-Enixes expectations. Just like Rise of the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, FFXV, Outriders, Avengers, and pretty much every other game Square puts out not named DQ or ending in "VII", and they even said the same about DQXI early on? You don't say?
Maybe the problem isn't sales, but the expectations?
And are they seriously blaming individual title sales performance for a revenue drop compared to 2020's artificial boom that the entire industry experienced?
Edit: Plus, the unexpected confusion. If a lot of people right here on NL, basically TWEWY Central, plus Push Square readers don't even know this is a sequel......nobody in the wide market at all even knew what this game was. I didn't realize there was more confusion this was a sequel than that the WiiU was a console and not a Wii accessory. That's just sad on their naming/marketing.
@TheWingedAvenger Finally, someone noticed!
@RainbowGazelle Yep, this article is about the sequel. The original is much better on the DS/3DS than on the Switch, though the things that make it unique on the DS also make it more difficult (imo). The sequel, discussed in this article, is very good, but (again, imo) not as good.
The advertising is really bad for this game i haven't heard much about it.
It's disappointing it underperformed like that
@NEStalgia I've noticed the same thing. Pretty much everything Squeenix release lately they say has underperformed expectations.
If they really want to make some money perhaps they could release FFVII Remake on other platforms. 😉
@BulkSlash I'm sure Sony paid well for that game to remain a timed exclusive on PS4/PS5.
@BulkSlash Or at least provide a roadmap on the padded out sequels. But....we all know part 2 will underperform expectations.....
@Ralizah the fact that they got Uncle Jimmy to open up his wallet and buy exclusivity a second time based on a patch and a DLC expansion is kinda hilarious.
They barely promoted this game at all. And it released in a flurry of other July titles such as Monster Hunter Stories 2, Zelda Skyward Sword HD, Great Ace Attorney, etc.
At least it wasn't Switch exclusive, otherwise they would have blamed the Switch. The fact it drastically outperformed the PS version at least sends the signal that Switch is not to blame, in fact Switch is the only reason the game saw any modicum of success at all.
But this is a shame. I played a few hours and it's good. Looks great in handheld mode, too. Ppl should pick it up.
It's on sale for $48
Neo TWEWY Amazon
Sad to say I didn’t buy it at launch nor have I got it yet. I love TWEWY, played it on DS back in the day and bought the Switch remake. Problem was I finished the remake not long before NEO launched so I was ready to move onto something different for a bit. Should have bought it by now as a fan of the series wanting more of this kind of unique game…this news has pushed me to get it now at least.
That said, I don’t remember a single bit of advertising for this game around launch, and as a sequel to a niche game it was always going to have an uphill battle. They just seemed to push it out with no fanfare whatsoever. They should’ve packed in a download code for the original game for a start, would’ve gone a long way in getting more people interested I think.
As to be expected really...
-Dormant franchise
-Next to no marketing
-EGS exclusivity on PC
A lot of beartraps SE stepped into.
Also, never forget that it's SE in the first place. Their "Expectations" are usually ridiculously high, sometimes pretty much out of reach.
So while i can definitely see NTWEWY underperform, that word means something different out of SE's mouth.
@NEStalgia It's their only real way to compete at this point, since their studios will be busy spending 4+ years making licensed Marvel games in the meantime.
If people have to wait a year or more to play the games they want on other platforms, they'll give in and just get a PS5. Or, at least, that's the thought.
I'm sure S-E is laughing this way to the bank. Bleed Sony dry via timed exclusivity contracts and free marketing for a couple of years, and then re-launch the game on new platforms.
Didn't Bravely Default 2 also come out in that time frame?
I'm only an hour into Neo but I'm really enjoying it so far. Though it probably wouldn't have sold well but they should have put the remaster on Wii U.
I played the original but didn't get this one. I'm just over games about highschoolers in japan, personally. Same thing with anime.
TWEWY NEO had practically no marketing, no wonder it did not sell well. Also Square really should space out their second Tier IP releases, they often compete against each other
@jamesthemagi - I see and understand your point. Shame it has to be on NEO's shoulders.
Sony should just hurry up and buy square, make them as good as they used to be and Kings of the JRPG genre
This is a game I really wanted to try a demo of before I bought so I haven't gotten it yet. I realize the previous game got a brief trial, but that game didn't allow pro controller support so I decided not to play it.
@TheWingedAvenger this is not a remake, but a sequel (and the fact that you and many others didn't understand it, it's basically one of the reason why it underperformed ).
And the Advance Wars one is a remake of the 2 GBA titles, so not playable on 3DS (or DSi).
Well the first one on the switch had me use a single joy con and so I didn’t play it
I’d argue TWEWY didn’t need a sequel. It told a complete story. It was also perfectly suited for the DS, gameplay wise and thematically.
I am a huge TWEWY fan but never felt the urge to play Neo.
@UltimateOtaku91 And make Dragon Quest locked to Sony? Ew, no.
Maybe if SE would give people what they actually want they would make a profit...
Maybe release games people actually want? Mmkay?
Not surprised. Three points:
-Plenty of people played TWEWY's ports on ios and switch, and they are pretty poor, they screwed the combat a lot.
-As far as i know, the anime failed to gain a decent audience.
-This new game comes too late, and its inferior to the original game in almost every way: botton-mashing combat, new characters that fail tobe engaging, and its unable to make its own thing in the end (some of its best parts, are poor rethreads of the original).
I finished it, but i would be lying if i said that i really liked it. Its ok... i guess...
It would have sold much better if the remaster of the first game was cheaper to hook newcomers
Finished the game in the summer, but didn’t had any urge to complete 100%. I played the first game 2 times, once on switch, it was brilliant. The second one average.
You know what particularly bothers me about the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters?
They've remade each of these games many times before, often-times better on older systems.
By producing newer, inferior remakes by the standards of mobile gaming, all this actually does is encourage people to emulate the older, better versions.
There's also strange decisions like having two remakes of Dragon Quest III on the same system, one being a simple mobile port, and another looking to be a polished, well-made "2D-HD" version. I am sincerely looking forward to that though.
@Ralizah LOL, sadly true on all counts.
It almost worked on me, I ended up buying Deathloop on PS5 only because it was half price and I don't have my X. It'll be free on GP in under a year....why did I buy it? It was half price and I was curious.
They really need to think about this high price thing. Ratchet is the game I bought the PS5 at launch for and I didn't buy it for months until a sale because it was $70. Deathloop is a game I'm literally going to get for free before I'll ever actually have time to play through it and I bought it anyway because it was $30 and I was curious.
Still a better use of $30 than Insomniacs next 2 Marvel games, so whatevs.
I'm honestly really mad about this. Of course it didn't meet expectations when you swept it under the rug and acted like it didn't exist. Maybe if it got more than 3 total seconds of coverage in their E3 presentation, this would be a different story. If they had done ANYTHING to bother marketing it, maybe more people would see what a fantastic game it is. Neo is easily my game of the year, and I'm really sad that the series has been overlooked not just once, but twice now. This is the final nail in its coffin, unfortunately.
Oh well it was good to have had this sequel that was totally unexpected and of excellent quality... For me if this game failed it was due to the terrible port of the first game for the switch, I know two people who did not buy the game cuz they were afraid to be similar genre despite my positive publicity
@VIIIAxel i entirely agree with you! Love your profile pic altough im more of a Shoka fan hehehe and it is GOTY for me too
Honestly this game always kinda looked cool but I feel people buying this switch version are fans of the original.. with its dated style which was super fresh and hip years ago when it came out but not today i doubt it looks appealing to anyone who didnt like the original and this is a different system a different era...people accepted all sorts of weirdo game gimmicks on 3ds .. the gameplay looks ..like it has an.. aquired taste to it
@NinjaWaddleDee I agree with you regarding being over highschoolers in Japan, reason i have been watching way less anime than before (long are the days of cowboy Bebop, ghost in the shell, etc) but TWEWY might have teenagers but i think it fits than genre
Agree, I'll just play them in the old systems, but would be great if they were available at their best in the Switch too.
I know DQ is not as "known" as FF in the west, but I'm surprised they have made 0 effort to port 4-9 on Switch either.
Fair enough, but like others mentioned, the marketing and naming did not do this title any favors either.
you know what would help sales? Selling the FF remasters on Switch/PS/Xbox. Not on phones
@RainbowGazelle Neo TWEWY has a completely different playstyle to the first one; they've reworked the battle mechanics to make it appropriate for the console, and while it's not as innovative as the first, it's still pretty cool what they did. If you have other concerns, fair beans, but just a heads up in case the control scheme for TWEWY FR was the major turn off
@TheWingedAvenger what the hell are you even talking about? This is not a remake, this is a sequel. You’re talking about the DS port for the Switch, which is the first game.
And this, folks, is why the game failed to sell. Even on a gaming site, where people are supposed to be informed about video games, 6/10 of the first comments are confusing both games.
Square Enix, I hope you’re reading this to understand your mistakes instead of putting the IP to sleep for another 12 years.
They've provided amazing remakes of DQ4, DQ5, DQ6, DQ7, and a superb enhanced port of DQ8 in the past on Nintendo handheld systems, but they strongly prefer to port games to mobile than to consoles, and then prefer to port the mobile versions of games to PC or consoles if they do.
It's disheartening that they think this is good enough, they make some very strange decisions when porting games as it is.
If it was exclusive for like a year on Switch it would have done much better with the marketing then SE sending it out to die. Nintendo marketing helped make Octopath Traveler a great seller straight out the gate before the ports even happened. Not to mention Sony/Pc only players never played the first game for a direct sequel so it’s a reverse Persona 5 strikers situation for them
@TheWingedAvenger The Switch outsold the 3DS by almost 17 million units as of this September and is still selling way faster than the 3DS ever did. They didn't sell the same.
The Advance Wars remakes are remakes of the GBA games. They're not playable on the 3DS.
I got DQ 4-6 and 9 on DS
And 7 & 8 on 3DS
The problem with porting these versions is the work around the double screens, even though it was not heavy invested in some of those.
And yes, the mobile ports are poor "imitations"
I think a lack of meaningful advertising, exemplified by some earlier comments, was part of the problem. Not to mention it released in July, which was a very full month for the Switch (can't speak for other platforms) between games like Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, Monster Hunter Stories 2, and Skyward Sword. I want NEO: TWEWY, but I haven't got around to grabbing it yet. It's very rare that I pick up something at launch unless it's a special edition or limited run.
I did play the Switch port of Final Remix and enjoyed my time with it overall, but I found the controls unwieldy at times; I'm told the DS version is the way to go, but I... admittedly passed on it when I had the chance. It's very touch screen heavy, and I try to baby my screens after the fiasco with my original phat DS; the Guitar Hero: On Tour games and other early touch-heavy games weren't kind to it.
This is their own fault as they didn't advertise it much. These companies just expect games to sell only based on the installbase of a console. PS4 sold over 100 million but their 1st party games hardly reach 20 million sales copies.
No marketing for this. Came and went.
@Cheez no Bravely Default 2 came out in Feburary
@Einherjar also to mention that The World Ends With You didn't get released on PS4 as well. If it had gotten released on PS4 ,perhaps Neo The World Ends With You would have sold better
@Arawn93 yup
In comparison I loved both Bravely games for the 3DS, finished both 100%, bestiary, etc, but the one on Switch didn't get me interested since the "beta" trial version.
Some changes from the previous titles sure didn't help much.
Hasn't this got an awful control scheme on the switch??
@YANDMAN That is The World Ends With You (The Nintendo DS one) port on Switch. NEO The World Ends With You doesn't have the awful controls
It's the marketing. I have never heard of the TWEWY IP period outside of word of mouth and the Nintendo Direct announcing NEO. I have never even heard of a demo for this series until the NSO Trial. People can't buy your game if they don't know it exists.
@Bolt_Strike its also a reverse P5S decision too. TWEWY isn't on PS4 and PC and yet the sequel is on those platforms.
Such a shame. A fantastic game. One of the best of the last years for me. Awesome. So sad we won't see such a work anymore. We will keep playing Fifa, Call of Duty, Mario Kart and GTA V
@anoyonmus A good point, yes.
I'd imagine that a few people have grown weary about Nomura Sequels and how dependent they are on you having played every piece of the series due to the mess that Kingdom Hearts has become.
@dimi I have wanted crisis core on switch for the longest time. That is my favorite psp game of all time.unfortunately still trapped on psp.
Honestly not surprised. I was looking to get this one but I wasn't satisfied with what I saw in the demo. They should've just released it to all platforms (incl. pc and xbox) if they wanted to sell more copies.
@RudyC3 problaby Neo the World Ends with You peformed poorly on Switch.
@Octane_st1m NEO did release on PC (EGS). But TWEWY didn't get released on PC. If TWEWY released on PC and PS4, perhaps NEO would have sold better
@Sakisa why Sony making Dragon Quest exclusive to them is wrong? most of Final Fantasy games is exclusive to PlayStation, what the difference if Sony buy Square Enix?
@jamesthemagi - Trust me, I don't disagree here. I do think they needed to at least do some advertisement. But I think they were too bold thinking as Bravely Default 2 "did well" and the Tokyo RPG works all succeed their expectations, that NEO would naturally do the same.
The game is better, and deserved to be treated as such.
of course Neo the World Ends with You underpefomed, litte to no marketing, bad version of the World Ends with You on Switch and not releasing the World Ends with You on PC, PS4 and the Xbox family, releasing in a very busy month, if Square Enix did this, the game would have sold well.
@anoyonmus Ah so it did make its way via the Epic store. I was actually looking for it on Steam as I wanted to see if I can get it cheaper on our regional storefront. I just don't see myself spending the $60 equivalent for this but I do understand that its an AAA release.
@Octane_st1m yeah
@NEStalgia My personal favorite was in 2013 when they said Hitman Absolution and Tomb Raider underperformed.
Yes, the wildly successful Tomb Raider reboot and THE MOST SUCCESSFUL HITMAN GAME EVER. What a stupid company.
@anoyonmus Ahh cool, I might check it out then, I always thought it looked cool.
@kkslider5552000 The same company that hasn't paid People Can Fly citing that the terms are on profits and Outriders hasn't turned a profit. Which is a very suspect claim, but they provide no sales data so they can claim whatever they want. I'm certain SE does some very.....questionable....Enron accounting, and siphons money from one place to another, fudging the numbers elsewhere. The fact that they claim almost every game they make "underperformed expectations" with an implied frowny face to their investors really makes me wonder what they're doing.
@Giancarlothomaz Because the presence of Dragon Quest has been predominantly Nintendo and all the numbered entries are on Nintendo and has even been published by Nintendo in other regions multiple times. I don’t give a fig about modern Final Fantasy, Sony can keep that crap, but I don’t think Sony should have Dragon Quest over Nintendo.
@Sakisa also to mention that Square Enix and Nintendo make deals for modern/old school JRPGS quite often like Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler and the upcoming Triangle Strategy.
I’m surprised they didn’t mention FFXIV, considering how it absolutely blew up over the summer and the new expansion is coming out in a few weeks.
@Sakisa also DQ is very popular in Japan and PlayStation isn’t very popular in Japan. Nintendo is popular though which is why DQ releases on Nintendo platforms
Think they were too much in a rush to turn it into a multi game IP (Port of the original, this, anime etc.) that they forgot to promote the thing more.
But then, if you had the rights for certain Marvel properties, those have to come first I guess.
@RainbowGazelle Honestly it's not entirely your fault for not knowing. The fact that you aren't the only one who has made similar comment goes to show that Square Enix absolutely neglected once again to market and inform people of this games existence and target purpose.
The game's announcement was a huge deal to classic fans yet it's only fans who've kept their ears to the wall who really understood that this was a big deal for them. Square Enix basically let Nintendo do all the marketting for them and the game isn't even a Nintendo exclusive funny enough.
Basically if it isn't Final Fantasy or a licensed property (cough Marvel cough), Square seems to see it's own IPs like a lost child that they themselves neglected.
I would have gotten it for PC but with the Epic Store exclusive deal I didn't bother to get it. Going to wait till the game gets released on steam but that depends on what else is releasing at the time.
@Minfinity @Kyranosaurus @Dr_Awkward Ah, thanks for the info, guys. So the original is also on Switch too, and I was getting them mixed up.
@Pres_Shinra Thanks! I'd say Shoka was my favorite character in Neo, but I think Tsugumi worked best for my avatar choice.
Seems to be a pattern. Despite being a rather big publisher SE manage to make some of their games so obscure that if you miss the announcement trailer you almost certainly will never be aware of the game until it's already released.
It's not even something that's unforseen or unpredictable. You can pretty much tell the exact same thing will happen with Chocobo GP. One Trailer, very little information on characters or even its story mode, and it's releasing next year.
This is gonna be one of those evergreen titles that’ll just keep selling over the years, they should just keep discounting it every other month to grab peoples attention. The game is great, maybe its just not worth $60 for some people. As much of a fan I was of the original (I also got it on ios and later on switch) I just grabbed this game on a sale. For me it was just a little too late to get hyped for it, same for kingdom hearts 3, they just waited too long
Somehow, this is all Nintendo's fault.
So let's recap (imo) some Square Enix Recent Poor Decisions:
I could be wrong on some of these (and I'm certain there's more), so forgive and correct me if so but this is what I can recall off-top smh. Seems like too many seemingly- what should be good news from Square- far too often comes with a caveat or grain of salt... whereas tbh they should be pretty straight-forward wins and hard to mess up lol. Get it together Squeenix smh!
... Wun can only hope.
@jamesthemagi I was about to go off on you about talking smack about kh but Than I say you were talking about the cloud versions. As a kingdom hearts nut even I will admit it's a stupid call but at they end of the day for the switch to run them properly it would need at least a 64gb game card and as of the moment there is non.
@TheWingedAvenger remakes are a good way to
1. Add to the game
2. Fix problems the original had
3. Give a new generation a way to play a game on current hardware.
But yes ports/remakes lately have been very disappointing sonic colors ultimate, gta trilogy
Plenty of games that have partial downloads (ex MK11 has 26GB download aside from cartridge) They could have done that with all of the "movie" games if they wanted to do the Story so Far.
Besides I had realistic expectations and never expected KH3 as part of the package.
They could have also split the games into 1 & 2 so 2 different cartridges.
Plenty of solutions, before having to resort to cloud versions.
Their lost because they do not get my money, along with I'm sure many others.
Since NEO: The World Ends with You has also had a PC release, they left out that they struck - again - an exclusive deal with EGS and yeah, if you leave out a platform like Steam, with a huge userbase and most if them not wanting to start a collection on a another storefront / client, yeah stuff like that does underperform. Don't act all suprised all of a sudden, SE.
I loved the original on the DS, had lots of interesting ideas.
I'll get the sequel when I have time, and when the price is right.
Too much to play ... And I didn't even bother with Metroid
Did they even market the game?
For those in the UK waiting for a sale on NEO: TWEWY, ShopTo just reduced it to £28
thats what you get for the nft crap. lmao
This is a shame, I bought a copy but haven't gotten a round to playing it just yet but this probably means we will never get another game in the series which in all honesty is fine, I never expected a sequel for the first game to ever came out really so at this point I am content. Not every series needs ten entries, sometimes it's nice for a series to be short and sweet.
TWEWY should have gotten it's sequel much sooner, I think. Unfortunate.
It may just be their race to the 2nd place of: who can be the worst company?!
They're like little siblings looking at big brother EA screaming : "I CAN DO THAT TOO!! "
Its a pretty good game but like others have said it is niche at the moment and the marketing and price point is kind of high for it. But Square hasn't been Squaresoft in a while since the Enix merger and their marketing here in the ststes could use work. I found out about NEO after it had been out for over two months because Playstation like Microsoft promotes heavy for the shooter heads and pvp free for allers so they can get the mob money and extra for online play or in game purchases. Im really hoping as well about the Crono Cross remake as I believe they need to get back to their roots with what put them on the map. They really did mess up with Avengers and Gaurdians even though Gaurdians is ok. But over all what they had this year compared to last year that didn't need help compared to this year and still the only game they are still promoting is life is strange which is another mess up to keep rereleasing it in different versions, just get the switch and leave it at that because its a niche game as well. I wonder if the marketing managers have bias or something when it comes to studios They should have a good next year with what they are releasing so far even with bad marketing. Heres to 2022 and Nintendo beat out everyone in terms of a great game selection for 2021. And if anyone feels like me please let these shooter heads know Deathloop isn't a goty contender when its 60 bucks and can be beat in one sitting with crashes and bugs and they didn't even try to hide they didn't put a whole lot of work into it graphical or environment wise, or the fact the story and ending is nil, with no replay value or end game content, just wanted to add that while I was here since it looks like they got away with it bringing game expectations down with it for future releases.
It doesn't help that
B. The translation had quite a few niggles in it I didn't like, like memes where they didn't belong (Hi Week 2 Among Us Reference that was completely out of place) or the translator(s) adding crap that made no real sense compared to the JP side of things (Hi Don and What's-your-face from week 1 with the out of place lines)
C. It's a sequel to a 10+ year old game from the DS times, so it's a niche within a niche
and D. Squeenix is so GOD DAMN NOTORIOUS about what constitutes a "successful game" (Hi Tomb Raider Reboot sequel!) that I wouldn't be surprised if they were actively moving the goal posts so they can "justify" moving onto stuff like the Marvel tie-in games. Wonder why Tomb Raider has been dead these past few years!
So, yea, Squeenix isn't exactly giving it's all to stuff these past few years I feel, outside Final Fantasy and anything even remotely mobile (I will say, Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia has been fun and a "play as you can" mobile game and nowhere near as predatory, as say...oh...FREAKING BRAVE EXVIUS, THANKS FOR THE MONEY SINK GUMI/ALIM, CHOKE ON YOUR 8* UNITS)
@jamesthemagi it's just a con of being a nintendo owner. I play on xb1 so I'm fine.
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