Physical distributor Limited Run Games is showing no signs of slowing in terms of hard-copy releases for Switch. Here are some of the most recent announcements, courtesy of the company's official Twitter account:
Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space
Unite the citizens to save the timeline! Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space is coming to PS4 and Switch physical through our distribution line. The 4-week pre-order window opens November 16th at http://LimitedRunGames.com

Redout: Space Assault
Mankind is struggling for survival, split between a depleted hot Earth and a cold, claustrophobic Lunar colony. Your job is to maintain order by eradicating numerous external threats. Pre-order Redout: Space Assault for the Switch/PS4 now at http://LimitedRunGames.com

Cyanide & Happiness: Freakpocalypse
Talk to, touch, and look at everything in your environment in this point-and-click adventure! That sexy-looking clock? Ask it to prom! That rotting piece of fruit? Touch it! Pre-order Cyanide & Happiness: Freakpocalypse now for the PS4 & Switch at http://LimitedRunGames.com

BlazBlue: Centralfiction

Narita Boy
Will you be adding any of these physical releases to your Nintendo Switch collection? Comment down below.
[source limitedrungames.com]
Comments 51
Crysis 2 is also on sale now.
I just find the limited pre-order window very annoying. For instance, I have bought Axiom Verge 2 now, the sale window was open until November. But I knew Crysis 2 would go on sale on November 2nd. If I wanted both I had to pay shipping two times. And I talked to their customer service, there’s ‘no’ way for them to make sure it gets shipped together by either already ordering Crysis 2 or holding on to one game before shipping or something.
Such an expensive service which is not as customer friendly as it seems. It feeds a lot on fear of missing out.
I wish they would do another batch of Samurai Shodown. I need to replace my copy that was stolen.
Seriously , Limited Run has been a blessing for this generation of gamers, especially Nintendo fans.
They’ve really kept physical gaming alive and well.
@Friendly : Like you, I usually wait until the very last day so that if there are multiple titles that I am interested in, that I can buy them together and save on shipping.
What I find especially annoying (not so much for my sake as I am not interested in the games) is that all three Crysis games would have fit on a single 32GB cartridge, but to obtain all three games physically on Switch, one's only option is to buy the first game, which is available at retail at almost the same price as the complete trilogy on other platforms, and the latter two games via Limited Run in two separate windows, as they aren't available to buy together (and shipping will add a substantial amount to the overall cost of the trilogy).
For the money, one could have bought the trilogy three times over on another platform (even less on PC or last-gen platforms) when they could have just added an extra $10 or so to the price and sold the entire trilogy at retail instead. The asininity here beggars belief. Hell, even an extra $20 would have offered an infinitely superior value proposition than the circus that's unfolding here.
Artificially scarcity in game preservation’s disguise …
Too expensive, too
And to make things worst Crysis 2 and 3 will come to "smaller stores" in Europe via Limited Run Games. But when will this happen? How many will they ship? Will the cartridges be limited over here in Europe? Which stores will sell them and will they take preorders too? And how much will they cost? If it's 50 € for each game we can buy them directly during Limited Runs preorder phase.
This whole thing is so annoying.
Already have Axiom Verge 2 CE ordered, about to bite the bullet and order Narita Boy CE as well.
Have a few coming from LRG, Strictly Limited, First Press and Special Reserve Games.
My wallet really does need a break
Damn if only Central Fiction had English voice dubbed like the previous three BlazBlue games. I'm just too lazy to read text in Story Mode.
@Silly_G Hell, I'm happy they're all sold separately. I don't care for collections if possible.
@Friendly Yep, I got tired of using the service as well. Just got my last couple games from them in the mail but I’m done. Even Mushihimesama isn’t tempting me like I anticipated. I can totally see why you’re turned off by it.
I love LRG and Super Rare Games and the other physical releasing companies
People spitting on LRG but my only problem with them is that they are shipping from the USA. That is what is making their releases expensive for me.
But after all the image I show describes it for me perfectly
Nope. Over priced tat.
Still waiting for the Castlevania from months back!
@Magician No backing out now friend, time to pony up... 😋
@Silly_G What are the odds of a future retail release of the Crysis Trilogy?
As someone who always gets tempted by LRG releases, but has so far always resisted due to shipping costs primarily, I do find it entertaining seeing retail releases pop up after a limited run release.
@Tasuki Samurai Shodown was on general release in Europe, so you should be able to find a copy on it on Amazon or something.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@gcunit : Your guess is as good as mine. I can't imagine that the likelihood is great considering that a 32GB cart would be needed to store all three games (and bundling three cartridges makes no sense for such a compilation, as Switch cartridges can accommodate numerous units of software without having to consolidate them into a single launcher).
I was really annoyed that a local retail release of Streets of Rage IV was announced at around the time that LRG's pre-order window had closed (and I had already placed my order), as I would much rather support local releases due to Australia being such a small market (not to mention that it would have ended up in my hands sooner). Fast-forward to today, and my copy remains sealed as a more complete retail edition of SOR4 had since surfaced, and apparently there is even more DLC on the way. How many more physical releases do they intend to release before we can finally own a complete physical copy of the game?
There really aren't very many examples of retail reissues that have sprung up after LRG's pre-order windows have closed. I am aware that GameStop in the U.S. reserve the right to order LRG's releases for retail sale (complete with unique artwork), but such has not yet occurred in other markets. I for one would love an all-in-one Shantae cart with all five games, mainly because Pirate's Curse was only available in limited quantities, from memory (as opposed to LRG's current practice of open pre-orders), and is obscenely expensive on eBay.
@Silly_G I dunno there are quite a few now…. All the Star Wars games they released - but double packs and much cheaper for a start….
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Old-Red Unfortunately for me I am in North America not Europe.
@Stocksy : Ah, yes. Not being a Star Wars fan, I had forgotten about those. A much better value proposition as well as being more convenient (with no need to swap cartridges).
There is an Asian release of No More Heroes I and II with both games on a single cartridge. While I had ordered LRG's releases (and I believe they have recently shipped), I am tempted to sell them off and import the Asian release instead.
@Specter_of-the_OLED I already own Blazblue Central Fiction Special Edition physical, in English? Was strange to see this coming out from LRG. I wonder if it didn’t get a physical release across the pond?…
@Silly_G The Streets of Rage 4 situation is bordering on scandalous. As much as I'd like the anniversary edition, I am not in favour of supporting that practice, having bought the retail release at full price only to see the price fall about 30% a couple of weeks later because there's an even better release coming at the same price - lets the whole industry down by putting people off supporting Day 1.
@gcunit : I'm also quite irate with the Jumbo re-release of Two Point Hospital as there is even more DLC on the way.
I really, really enjoyed the game, but I'm not keen on returning to it until a complete edition is issued. This won't be a popular position, but I wish all physical releases would be put off until all DLC/updates are complete and issued on the supplied media. A pipe dream, I know.
Did Microsoft steal Limited Game's puppy? Why are all the games PS4/Switch, but no XB?
@Tasuki you should still be able to order through Amazon. I can order games from Japan or the US like the Ace Attorney or Okami. Maybe Amazon US doesn't allow something similar. Worth having a look though.
Very tempted by Mushihimasama. I'll probably end up getting it.
@TheFox Because the Xbox is digital friendly and not physical. If you buy a new Xbox console you still can't use it if you do not connect to the internet and make a MS account. This is the case with Xbox One and Series X.
No other console has that level of DRM.
Only game I'm interested in this list is BlazBlue.
@gcunit Citizens Unite? I already have a Japanese copy. Mushihimesama? I've got a preorder down. Redout: Space Assault? Yeah, I'll be grabbing a copy. Cyanide & Happiness? Meh, pass. BlazBlue Centralfication? I already bought a European copy a couple or few years ago. Narita Boy? Oh yes, I'm in for a copy.
@BloodNinja I’m still waiting patiently for my huge Zombies Ate My Neighbors box that should be shipping “soon” since they’re already a month late by their own estimates
@Curator Overpriced, bloated shipping costs, manufactured FOMO, and now releasing titles from Konami, Crytek, Ubisoft, Disney, etc.. ? A blessing indeed... 🙄🤮👎
Ugh me, too! I was hoping to get Castlevania by Halloween, but the wait goes on.
But if this is what it takes to get these worthy games on cartridge, I’m willing. Open preorders and a looong wait are better than nothing at all.
What some people do not get is this is a small company. They are not making a fortune. Since runs are so small the media is expensive, They also have to pay Nintendo their cut. Also since these games are not their games they have to pay to even have the rights to publish the game from the original developer.
@shred5 I get it but also WISH i was faster - like ZAMN is my favorite video game of all time and I gave then $110 back in June and now I’m just waiting and waiting and waiting 🥺
This comment may be unpopular, but do you think they're doing too much? I ordered a game back in the first weeks of September and I'm still waiting on it. I don't feel like it ever took this long before. I know with covid and supply chains and all but can they keep up?
@GannonBanned I get it but also is a reason. They have no Idea what demand is and since they are small they can order a bunch of carts and end up sitting on them if they do not sell. Most games we purchase are already made and released to a retailer. Limited Run take orders and then go to have them published after they find out what the demand is. I am also guessing Nintendo still makes the carts in Japan and shipping is a issue right now with everything. It stinks but it is what it is, I bet they wish it could be different too because it would be better for them. I am involved in a project that took for ever to release because we could not get boxes made. the item was manufactured but we could not get boxes.
@shred5 oh yeah I’m fully aware this is full on boujee American white male complaining - I work in software and the things that can slow anything down can be minute but impactful.
Even though we’re talking about greater supply chain setups, I love the joke that the Dead by Daylight team made:
99 bugs in the code on the wall, 99 bugs in the code.
You take one down, and pass it around, 107 bugs in the code on the wall???????
I love that, You made my day.
99 bugs in the code on the wall, 99 bugs in the code.
You take one down, and pass it around, 107 bugs in the code on the wall.
@Longondo Back in May I had a house fire. Everyone evacuated doing so we had to leave possessions behind. A day after the fire there was a break in and my Switch amoung some other things where stolen and my copy from LRG was in the Switch.
@Old-Red But will a copy from.Europe work on a NA Switch once I get another one?
@Shoryuken2 Yeah it was a Play-Asia physical version that I bought, LRG is just offering a reprint. Even though the game is in English localization, all the voice dubbed in Story Mode are not. There's too many text to read in Story Mode and that section of the game had a good, bad, true, and gag ending for every character. The corny English dubbed makes the gag endings very enjoyable to see and listen to but now that this game had no English voice dubbed, only the Japanese voice, now I had to read the text and pretend to dubbed the gag myself which makes me loose a bit of that fun factor when seeing those gag endings.
@GannonBanned Honestly, if they had a faster process it wouldn’t be so bad! But I keep finding that my excitement wanes by the time I receive the darned thing. By big box, you mean the collectors edition? What would be inside?
@BloodNinja Zeke’s water gun, 3D glasses, soundtrack, 3D comic, trading cards, and the game OFC. - probably some other stuff I forgot (I always played as Julie, but PS4 got the Julie gun)
@GannonBanned Doesn't come with actual Zombie flesh, cancelled my pre-order.
@BloodNinja but a huge baby delivers it
@GannonBanned LOL
@Zuljaras , yeah I get your point. But while I’m ok or not ok to pay a switch tax to get a physical release, depending on my likes , I’m really against the artificial scrasity and those pre pre orders windows. They aren’t great defenders of physical release, there’s literally no reason to have limited or ridiculous small batch. Except for hoarders or collectors or quite wealthy people!
@Tasuki yes, the switch is not region locked, so you can use any different countries format on any switch. The only issues are buying or downloading paid dlc for a different region. I think you have to create an account in that country if you want to access any paid dlc. Patches and free dlc are fine though.
Yeah I don't buy from other regions mainly cause I am not sure if it will work or not. That's definitely good to know so once I get another Switch I will definitely keep any eye out for a European copy of the game. Thanks.
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