It's been revealed Retro Studios had rather ambitious plans to make the third entry in the popular Metroid Prime series an open-world game.
During an interview with the Kiwi Talkz, Deck Nine Games producer Byran Walker - who was the senior producer on Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, revealed how Metroid Prime’s series director, Mark Pacini, had an idea to make the third game an open-world title, and even feature Samus' ship as a playable asset. Unfortunately, the "open-world" idea was so big, it got scrapped.
“Mark came forward with an interesting twist in the vision and some of the formulas for Metroid Prime 3, as compared to Metroid Prime 2, we wanted to a greater degree leverage the ship as a playable asset, for instance, and we had that to some degree in Prime 3 but Mark was thinking much more ambitiously...There was also an open-world, less linear... that the team was excited about. We weren't able to prototype a lot of those, cause those were really, really big - we did have some ship prototypes early, but the open-world one was much bigger...In fact, Mark had printed out as one of his visual aids, this origami Samus ship. He had taken the mesh of the Samus ship and used a program that basically unfolded it into what he could then turn into a paper model. So we had this cardboard Samus ship that he had coloured in and it looked great, I think we could sell it today, but he kind of had that as a Mascot...and that was cool"
Walker added how he felt Retro Studios may have "fallen short" of its goals, in regards to the open-world design being excluded from Prime 3, and the title not being able to "expand the formula". Despite this, the team is still incredibly proud of the third entry and thinks it's a "fantastic" game. Though, he still does wonder how fans would have received this "open-world" idea if it was released:
"I would be very interested in seeing what the response was - especially the fan community to the expanded use of the ship and the more open-world non-linear experience that we were touching upon with that pitch."
Would you be interested in a more open-world Prime game where you could possibly even use Samus' ship? How about one like this in the future? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 65
Sounds like something that could work better on a more powerful console than the Wii, but I can't imagine a Metroid Prime game that's open world, since the camera is first person.
To me that's like making a live-action remake of an animated movie. It could work today with advanced technology, but the actual execution probably wouldn't be good.
Edit: Alright I've already been proven wrong, now you can stop @-ing me.
Edit 2: and I got pinged again. Tip for anyone who sees a comment they disagree with, DON'T reply to a comment of the original commentor has stated not to reply. It wastes everyone's time and paints you in a bad light.
Thank God this was scrapped, keep Metroid the way it is. Again what's the fascination with everything being open world. Not every game needs this crap!!!
What? There have been 1st person Open World games for ages, never heard of Skyrim? Open World games have also existed before the Wii, so it could have been done, just nowhere near the quality of the games we have today.
@HotGoomba Skyrim is a first person open world game. Thrid person mode is also available but it's supposed to be played in first person.
@hhernan I mean true, but the difference is Skyrim is a first-person adventure game, Metroid Prime is a first-person shooter franchise.
Of course, it could still work, but I can't see it happening in the near future.
Still dreaming of an open world wind waker from the start. Imagine 100 different islands that you could play in any order. One day xxxx
Not sure an open world is what I'd want in a Metroid game. Though would it have changed the predominant blue color?
Well the 2D Metroid games are sort of open world, aren't they? But I'm glad they scrapped the idea. The only open world game I've played is Breath of the Wild and oh boy do I not want to go there again.
It would not be impossible to create an open-world game without scrapping the Metroid-like structure completely. Here's to hoping they'll try that with Prime 4.
@HotGoomba I've always considered the Metroid Prime franchise a first person adventure series over an FPS. The game's progression is about exploration, puzzle solving and taking down dungeon bosses. FPS titles tend to be about running the gauntlet.
@HotGoomba Well... Skyrim is openworld and in First person. 🤔😁
Metroidvania and Open World are sibling genres already. The next Metroid game being "Open World" isn't a stretch.
Jedi: Fallen Order and Batman: Arkham Knight are pretty much Metroidvania Open Worlds. Take one of those (Fallen Order if Samus is going to multiple planets, Arkham Knight if she's sticking to one), put it in First Person, add the Gunship and there you have it.
Open world is completely pointless in a game like Metroid where the claustrophobic feeling only makes the game stronger. Besides, the games are known for having large, interconnected worlds, so I don't think open world would add anything to it.
Yes Nintendo themselves billed Metroid Prime as a First Person Adventure, but I’m just not convinced an open world concept would work for Metroid, nor do I think it would be necessary to begin with. I’m fine if they keep the same formula as the prime games tbh.
@KoopaTheGamer exactly this!
I always felt the 2D Metroid games were fairly open world anyway as the sectors are often interconnected once you’ve got the right power-ups.
If anything, spreading the game world out in a Prime game to make it large enough to use Samus’ ship would just break that interconnectedness and add tedious padding when you want to backtrack to a previous area.
I want prime 4 to be that ambitious please!!!!
Jedi Fallen Order is open-world? Have you played the game?
Aaaaah don't scrap it! It is a perfectly good idea, even if it wasn't the time to make it yet! Branching off to create new worlds and stuff is good spinoff material and is beneficial to the IP as a whole in my opinion.
Well I mean if anyone could make it work it would be Retro, wouldn‘t it? People couldn‘t imagine Metroid going 3D and yet they pulled it off and proved everyone wrong.
Basically any Metroid is open world once you get all the power ups. Except for elevator scenes/loading screens, everything is interconnected. Something I actually didn't like in MP3 was the disconnection between different levels (just like Skyward Sword), even though it was cool to fly Samus's ship. I blame it on the Wii's power
edit : sorry, other users said it better before me
Metroid has always been about having a large interconnected world - so from that point of view, it has always been open-world - similar to Zelda games really. So, I really don't understand some of the comments here decrying the idea as some kind of travesty.
And even though Metroid is usually linear, it does feel non-linear. The first few hours in Super Metroid in particular stand out - it definitely feels like genuine exploration, rather than following a set path (though both are somewhat true). It might make sense to expand on that and make it truly exploratory and non-linear in the same way Zelda has been trying that (with ALBW and BoTW).
So I don't think this is a bad idea really.
I don’t mind the idea in general and would love to see what they could do with it but I think it would have been a strange way to end the trilogy.
While open world has its potential, Metroid has always aimed at a sort of claustrophobic, tight-quarters, isolated experience. I'm not saying that couldn't be somehow accomplished in an open-world environment, but it would definitely be a challenge to maintain the "feel" of being a Metroid game as opposed to "BotW in space"...and honestly more so than is likely worth the effort trying to achieve for the developers (who already have historically had lengthy development times, delays, and setbacks as it is dating all the way back to the original Metroid Prime). Some formulas are simply best left untampered with.
Metroid always had an open world approach, in the terms that you explore large areas and advance through them as you gain more abilities, and on the 2D Metroids, you can actually access some areas earlier if you perform certain actions. So, I don't know why some people sound surprised or annoyed at that conception. Prime 3 didn't do anything to expand gameplay possibilities, it's the worse of the three games.
I'd love to see some of this implemented in prime 4, in fact, I kind of expect it. Metroids roots are so similar to Zelda's that I think it would greatly benefit from a botw style makeover. I don't necessarily mean a big open world, but big and interactive and mysterious. That feeling of true isolation and discovery and survivalism has never been recaptured since the original. Obviously super Metroid and prime 1 are good games, but I felt like I was being kind of ushered along a prescribed path with little choice in the matter, always feeling like things were going to be ok. I want to feel lost and alone and in trouble.
Edit: Metroid 2 on game boy definitely does recapture the vibes of 1. it is terrifying and isolating
I think Metroid Prime would be just fine in an open world. Metroid Prime Hunters truly did open worlds but unfortunately they were linear levels. The idea just had to be developed further.
Samus ship could have it's own power ups and abilities like a tractor beam or warp drive that could be used to remove obstacles or battle giant bosses/enemies. If they design it well there will be parts in the game the ship can't get to forcing Samus to get out and dungeon crawl.
Somebody needs to upload that papercraft Samus ship!!
Prime 4 will be open world then, and there will also be an oragami ship amiibo to go with it? I'm sold.
I’d be open to an open-world Metroid game but it’s not my preference. I’d like to see a new Metroid series after Prime 4 that takes place in a later part of the timeline and plays like a 3D version of the 2D games, like a third-person shooter with a lot of exploration and 3D platforming elements. Not Other M tho lol.
@echoplex you’ve perfectly encapsulated why Corruption was a disappointment after the less constricted Primes 1&2.
That's a much better description of it after all anyway. Even they would tell you that. I don't know why everybody always think that just because there is first person view and that there is indeed a shooting that all swing has to be classified as a first person shooter. Way more of an adventure game than a shooter any day of the week.
@ALinkttPresent I hope I don't come across as rude or dismissive in asking this, but did you not like Breath of the Wild then? Its interesting to hear other opinions considering its near-unanimous praise
@Ron22 Exactly. 20 years ago Ocarina of Time was open world, but these it somehow doesn't count anymore. The general definition has shifted to large open sandbox games. OOT isn't too different from Jedi Fallen Order for really. But yeah, Metroid, in that regard, is already pretty much open world, using the broad definition. I think these days 3D Metroidvania is used, but they're the open world games from 20 years ago.
@westman98 Pretty much. You get a handful planets you get to explore, and you can return to any of them (and are encouraged to do so). It's very similar to Metroid Prime in structure.
@Dragonslacker1 Any true console sequel to Wind Waker would be a major dream come true. Heck, a rerelease of the original with a few extra dungeons/islands would be a major dream come true! 😃
The way I see that working is having multiple planets/space stations/asteroids/etc. that Samus can visit and you can pilot the space between them (think Starlink), where you may get into skirmishes with Space Pirates, discover secrets, etc. Then you land, you have your surface level, which leads to the more claustrophobic labyrinths below. I very much see a version of this happening. Metroid Prime 4 maybe...?
Why are people not liking the idea of open world when MetroidVanias are basically open world as they are...
Take that idea and start developing prime 5 already (and 6 while you're at it).
@stinky_t @ALinkttPresent I agree with him. It’s a great game but it dissolved the Zelda formula into a game that I will never replay again. The only Zelda I haven’t played a second time and I won’t intend to.
It stripped the series of some of its magic and even though it added new ones, it feels like something’s missing.
This new open-world formula should be used for that and it’s sequel and then be done with it.
There is so much stuff that didn’t work. Tedious quests, not many memorable NPCs, the fragile weapons. Almost no story, no real dungeons, no special items, no sense of progression (sense of discovery is another thing) no memorable bosses, etc, etc. The creative items system that lets you reach new areas was almost none existent. That was a special kind of magic when you went into a dungeon, you got an interesting new item and then you could reach new places you couldn’t go before. The unlocked runes from the start were pretty meh.
When the devs open these kinds of games, the design loses focus.
There’s tons of good stuff, don’t get me wrong. But after the years passed, I look back into it and it’s nowhere near my favorite Zelda. I will go back and play Majoras, Ocarina, ALttP, Links Awakening, WW etc. again and again for years…. But I don’t see myself going back to BotW once after I finished it.
My opinion and I’m a HUGE Zelda fan. I played the NES original on release, so I’ve had my share of Zeldas through the decades.
But going back on topic…. YEY! Metroid!
@Axelay71 yesss! I am so glad somebody agrees. I thought I was the only one thinking that. Open world is such a time waster for me. I dont enjoy finding my way through vast maps.Just give me a task and Ill do it instead of running around like an idiot for 10 hours.. Linearity ftw
I don't like the idea of an open world Metroid game. Metroid has always had some form of linearity. You couldn't go through a door with a blast shield until you found the missile launcher, etc. And Metroid has always been a series of rooms that the player progresses through by finding more and more upgrades, becoming more strong as they do so. Maybe there's a way that a Search Action game could work in an open world format, but I don't see it. I do like how Metroid Prime 3 gave you multiple planets to explore, and more importantly, gave you a sort of quick travel so exploration wouldn't be so mundane, like in Metroid Prime 1 and pre-Light Suit Metroid Prime 2. I'm hoping Metroid Prime 4 will do something similar, while also expanding the worlds that are explored, because Prime 3's planets were not as expansive as Tallon IV.
@Justaguest likewise glad I'm not the only one either. I love retro gaming, linear gaming. I'm so fed up with lots of modern games being padded out with rubbish side quests, fetch quests, crafting, open world. What happened to proper fun video gaming. Nintendo luckily still get it.
@fafonio thanks for a super considered, insightful reply. I can't say I've come at the game from the same perspective- BotW was my first Zelda (aside from 10mins of each NES game on 3DS) and the lush world and movement came to be what I associate with Zelda. And it's a design I love.
Recently I've completed Skyward Sword HD, and the items, dungeons and swordplay I fell in love with too. I like them in different ways. To me it's like sandbox vs course-clear Mario - both are great, and I wouldn't want to give up either of them. 'Closed' Zelda can deliver great puzzles, dungeons, stories and NPCs, and 'open' Zelda can give awe and exploration. I don't like the idea of either style going away - they have different focuses and mean different. Back to yay Metroid - if they wanted it open, why keep it as a Prime game? Call it Metroid Conquest and have Samus dive in and capture the whole world or something.
@Scapetti I think people are confusing the term with (open world) sandbox games. There's a ton of overlap between those definitions anyway.
Kinda sad that Retro never had the chance to create their own IP. Rare at least had a chance and came up with some of their own ideas under Nintendo such as Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, Perfect Dark, and Get Force Gemini!
Oh my goodness my notifications.
@TanukiTrooper I mean that's fair, I consider it a mix of both.
@Schizor88 @PickledKong I already have been mentioned Skyrim, and I'm gonna say the same thing to you that I said to that guy. Both games differ enough from gameplay so that Skyrim could work better than Metroid Prime in first-person, but you aren't wrong either.
As for Fallout, you've got a point.
@SeaFishelle A bit of both.
@PickledKong and they say the like Metroid.
I recently tried an open world Metroid Prime game - it was called Journey to the Savage Planet - and I didn't really enjoy it.
@Edu23XWiiU I don't know if you were referring to me or not, but just in case you were, just because I have an opinion that you don't agree with/or have realized was a dumb opinion doesn't mean that I don't like Metroid.
Again if you weren't referring to me I'm super sorry for @•ing you.
I always thought that some of the divine beasts in BOTW looked rather metroidy, with their arm cannons and finding secret caves with bombs, seemed very metroid. I would have loved to play in a Samus armor, and would love to see a 3rd person Metroid in a similar vein to BOTW.
@DeathByLasagna So...Kid Icarus Uprising, but with Splatoon like controls and Metroid style exploration?
How the heck is ReCore not being mentioned once here? I mean, I was a designer on it myself and worked directly for Pacini, so maybe the connection is just more apparent to me, but this is what led to ReCore's open-world mixed w/ dungeons (plus all the Metroid Prime pulls like lock-on targeting in a shooter.)
If you're a curious Metroid Prime fan at all, it's on Xbox Game Pass with all the patched content and significant quality of life improvements now too. ^_^b
All I got from this was an open world paper metroid would be cool. And I agree.
@TanukiTrooper It's literally an FPS. Just because the pacing is different doesn't all of a sudden make it something else. There's no other solution to clearing the game other than shooting things, and it's in first person.
See you in Prime 4!
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
Always felt Metroid was Nintendo combining the platforming of Mario and Exploration of Zelda. I wish they would switch it up sometimes. Give me a Zelda that's built like a 2d Metroid!
@HenHiro You done whining? I already acknowledged that I was wrong so your comment was 101% unnecessary. Maybe next time read the edit that is in BOLD text.
@HotGoomba Maybe I was? Hahahaha, can't tell, messages are way up now! Everyone has different opinions, let's express them hehehe.
Since Metroid is about exploration, this sounds like a good concept for 3D Metroid. In fact, it could be the perfect staple of a first-person open world Nintendo IP.
No surprise that it was too amibitious though, open world games on consoles at the time were still taking off and the Wii could only handle something akin to Xenoblade. Skyrim would come out in 4 years and that would introduce first-person open world.
This is the perfect idea I'm having for Metroid Prime 4 I hope it takes this idea into account, having both confined spaces and an explorable world combined...
For real. It’s not even close to open world.
It’s a Dark Souls type game. Meaning basically 3D MetroidVania.
I always wanted a Metroid with a vast openworld planet surface that has entrances to a classic complex underground system.
Openworld on the surface and metroidvania down below.
In my wildest dreams, Metroid Prime 4 is open world, with at least 3 spherical planets to explore. You'd have to go from one planet to another, kind of like GTA San Andreas, and 3 planets are necessary to have some kind of "open space exploration dynamic". If there's only two planet, you'd always explore the same path (like GTA V with the big Los Santos and mini city on the north of the map).
The game would be a mix of more linear levels we know and love from the 3 previous games, but some open and spherical planets to explore.
But it's way too ambitious and it might be boring, I'm not a game designer. But hey, I can always dream.
I would much prefer an open World Federation Force sequel that, since Federation Force on the 3DS is the only Metroid game I have ever played...
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