Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer was a rather fun, albeit limited in scope, spin-off on 3DS. Intriguingly, today's Animal Crossing Direct revealed that the concept is being dialled up to 11 in Animal Crossing: New Horizons as Happy Home Paradise, and it'll also be the game's first paid DLC.
Intriguingly it'll be $24.99USD / 24,99 Euros / £22.49 as a standalone expansion or will be included with Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack. That's a pretty good bonus but also shakes up our previous thoughts on the NSO Expansion Pack, which before now was only confirmed to add Nintendo 64 and SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis games.

As for Happy Home Paradise, it's a very meaty update. You head to the airport and pick up a new job designing Holiday homes. There's huge customisation in terms of how you design homes and surrounding land, including all-new ideas like ambient sounds and partitions; you can even change the season on a Holiday island. Some residents may become roommates and ask for a new design, there's plenty of depth.
Beyond that you'll also get to design sites like a hospital, school and restaurant, which residents will visit. All of your work in the DLC will be paid in Poki, with exclusive items to buy. The good thing is that those items and all those new design tools can be taken back and used on your own island. Eventually you'll even have the chance to redesign your residents' homes.
Content wise, there's a lot there to justify the cost, we'd suggest.
Let us know what you think, and whether you're planning to pick this up either standalone or through the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack.
Comments 75
There's no way im getting this... I have to get it
I'm split on this. If you include the Animal Crossing DLC, the price increase for NSO is kinda understandable but for people who don't play Animal Crossing, it's way too much for just N64 and Genesis games.
Intersting. Have they confirmed the price of the expansion?
@InkIdols $50 for a normal plan, $80 for a family plan
@InkIdols yes it's 50 dollars a year
@CelS Alright. That seems reasonable. I'll see if we get one without the ac bonus.
I was expecting this functionality in the base game as a step forward for the franchise.
I won’t be buying this unless they issue a physical release with the DLC on the cart.
Iwata’s Nintendo is now well and truly behind us. Remember when he said that Animal Crossing would never have paid DLC? Oh, I remember...
It looks more worthwhile to buy the DLC outright and keep it on my Switch, rather than have the expansion tied to an online membership.
I'm glad there's an option to just straight up buy it.
@Kreko there might not be an option without dlc
@CelS I'm not sure whether to save the "J. Jonah Jameson you serious laugh" for this article or the one inevitably dedicated to whether this price is worth it
Can someone tell me if the DLC from the NSO expansion will be kept permanently or will one not be able to play it as soon as the subscription expires?
Those wall partitions are gonna be game changers, lol. It's the little things
I will buy the DLC $25 since i don't play NSO games.
@Silly_G Are you serious? Iwata is the one who introduced DLC to Nintendo games in the first place. Don't you remember those horrendous DLCs from NSMB2?
@CelS they might add other dlc in the expansion pack as well. Perhaps the pokemon dlc next or something. Perhaps all dlc from Nintendo going forward is included in this expansion pack. Feels like a very weird addition though… very Nintendo-ish
But do you ‘own’ the dlc though? Or do you lose it once your subscription runs out? Anyone knows?
The price is reasonable since the yearly family plan is $80 for up to 8 members, meaning each person would be paying $10 a year for Nintendo Switch Online including N64/Genesis games and Animal Crossing DLC.
I hope Nintendo releases an updated physical version of Animal Crossing with all of the additional content on the cartridge.
So that means the online expansion is £45. So it costs £27 more than the basic online and includes £22.50 worth of DLC. So the remaining N64 and Mega Drive games are effectively £4.50 extra. Sounds pretty good if you split it out that way.
@steely_pete : I would assume that the expansion content would be inaccessible without a subscription, but any items/upgrades gained that can be used on the home island will remain.
Nintendo 64 (NSO) games are coming on October 25.
I have so many questions about the NSO expansion pass now… namely, if you get Happy Home Paradise via the expansion pack, do you keep it forever after purchasing a year of it, or do you just “rent” it for the year like it’s a game on PS Plus? I presume (read: hope) the former because the latter would be flat-out unpractical.
Also, why haven’t we had an update on the expansion pack details yet anyways? Without proper context, this announcement in the AC Direct just makes things way too confusing.
Checked plans of USA and EU and EU prices are 39,99€ and 69,99€ while USA prices are 49,99$ and 79,99$, so.
@Ooccoo_Jr a year!! Instead of a one off cost for dlc you need to keep paying that. It’s ridiculously over priced and I hope it gets the backlash it deserves
I hope I can get the N64 and Mega Drive games without paying for Animal Crossing stuff, unless I get to keep the DLC, then maybe. I liked what I saw but it's not enough to get me back to AC.
I'm not paying extra 30$ to get a DLC for a game I don't even play. N64 and Genesis aren't worth that much.
BTW Nintendo UK just posted an overview trailer for NSO + Expansion and it's £35 per year.
Nice to see Banjo footage on a Switch
So what does this mean? Nso will be $50 a year? They are being weird about this. I don’t know if I wanna play ocarina of time that bad lol
So the only option for the NSO expansion pack is to also rent the animal crossing dlc, even if you don’t want it?! Hiking to the price to over double what it was a year…seriously?!
50 a year! Hahaha over double the standard membership!
Hard pass from me. I’ll come back when they have 20+ n64 games added.
If they add wave race, 1080, diddy Kong racing and F zero. Maybe we can talk. If not….. nintendo are jokers.
Honestly, I'm not mad about this DLC. It's effectively an entirely new game, and looks pretty nice.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's $49.99 total, right? For online, (the majority of actually good) NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, and free AC content, that feel pretty solid. I'd rather it be free, but since I was about to drop $20 on Wii U N64 games, this is already a win.
NSO has far more value to me now. I don't care about NES/SNES/Genesis stuff. But this and N64 content makes it a bit better
@VoidofLight In my opinion they probably should have just put this out as an e-shop game for 25 bucks. Would be much less controversial
@Stocksy F-Zero is already confirmed
I don't like the idea of the Expansion Pak, especially considering my N64 still works fine, and I also own a Genesis Mini (you know, the actually-good Sega-made one), but the DLC itself looks amazing, and is more than worth the $25 tbh. Apparently Nintendo thinks so too, so...
$50 is a lot for N64 games. I thought it would be a maximum of $40.
Hopefully they will add free DLC for other games or maybe do 2 game vouchers for $95 instead of $100 with this higher tier.
As it stands, with no interest in animal crossing and already owning Mario 3D All Stars and the Sega Genesis Classics collection I don't see any value in this.
@steely_pete Yeah, it would be better, but then it wouldn't connect. I'm just happy knowing it's a new game effectively, and not just adding fan requested features back as paid DLC.
Please update article, because prices for Europe is wrong still.
@serouj2000 yeah sorry I knew that but that needs to be added. I included it because I feel so strongly it should be there day one…. Not coming soon….
@Stocksy You don't know that, for all you know once you download the update it's yours forever even if you cancel at the end of year. Also if this sets a precedent for future DLC for other games to be included on the service then it could prove to be great value. Let's wait until we actually know everything that is included.
@Yorumi how dare you insert logic. Who do you think we are? Some 2005 consumers? This is 2021!
In seriousness, the dlc is worth the price either way to look at it
i get the concept of "$80 for 8 people shakes out to 10 a person" but the amount of people on my plan who cant pay (i.e.: children or those out of work) kind of throws a spanner in that
@Ooccoo_Jr you don’t know it either. So don’t try and make it sound a good deal.
For context…. I paid £10 more for a year for both GPU and PSnow TOGETHER than this Switch online now cost for one year. No one can say this is good value. Whatever the dlc AC works out at.
@Perryg92 £35 is actually cheaper than I thought it’d be and with this new expansion that may actually tempt me back to Animal Crossing. Happy Friday!
@steely_pete @Ooccoo_Jr
It says on the NSO+ video uploaded by Nintendo UK;
"Active NSO + Expansion Pack membership required to access DLC at no additional cost"
So you need an active subscription to access the DLC. You don't keep it after your subscription ends.
Wow people are suckers for AC dlc. Well played Nintendo. Yall tripping in my eyes. 50 a year hahaha
Surely a price point without the animal crossing dlc would have made sense. Although I will end up paying for it for my wife and daughter, i wouldn't have considered it dor 60 quid otherwise
@Luneth it was never ever gonna be any other way. These people will still claim it’s great value. I want whatever they are smoking.
This is content that should have been in the fairly lackluster base game to help step up the series from New Leaf rather than taking a step back.
I don't even see how it has only come out now. Surely Happy Home Designer on the 3DS was a tech demo for this exact thing...Though I suppose they couldn't charge for it if it was in the base game.
I've already gotten my money's worth out of AC. This is priced reasonably, imo, and is worth it. Others may disagree and not buy it.
That's the way it works.
Probably going to repost this later:
On its own, the current expansion pack isn't worthwhile, and don't have a reason to get it, even if I didn't have alternate ways of grabbing it.
Beyond in increasing the number of games/consoles, adding free DLC options will make this deal better. For a solo account, that's a $30 expansion that'll give $25 worth of DLC along with Genesis/N64 games. While I don't think I'd like that direction, if they pushed more DLC through the service, it would be more worthwhile for people for a one time purchase. I don't know how feasible that is, and I don't think I'll be supporting this since I'm okay with the current plan. I still think the whole thing needs an overhaul that focuses just on game features since everything else is pretty negligible.
Welp time for another round of internet wars regarding Nintendo and their questionable practices that make people question why they even like Nintendo in the first place.
IMO they should've made a third tier for "DLC expansions" where you get all the N64/Genesis perks plus access to DLC expansions like HHP, Octo Expansion, etc. for $50 and a lower tier if you just wanted the N64/Genesis stuff for $30
For $50 though, I hope they add more consoles to that expansion. Adding GameCube, Dreamcast, and the Game Boy family would definitely make it more worth it to me, even if it's just a rental service. Also hoping that when the next console comes out and it becomes the focus for Nintendo that they release the collections on the Eshop so we can actually own them but I don't see that happening any time soon
@Stocksy I'm not sure how you got this confused. If you buy the Online Expansion, you get this DLC downloaded for free. Once it's downloaded, it's yours. You can stop paying for the Online Expansion next year and still keep any DLC you downloaded for this game and any other game they announce free DLC for with the plan, they will not un-download a chunk of your software and the new stuff all over your island will not just suddenly disappear. Alternatively you can just pay $25 once for this DLC. It's very simple.
One way these NSO prices would make more sense is if DLC/Expansions for future games are included, which I think is the case. I’m still going to subscribe regardless for the retro games.
@Stocksy Prices now confirmed and it is only 35 quid for the whole year. 35 quid for NES, SNES, N64 and Mega Drive games, new games like Tetris 99 and Bomberman and a huge Animal Crossing DLC worth £22.50. That is less than £3 a month. How is that expensive?
@Luneth How can that work though when you unlock items in the DLC that decorate your own island? Surely they can all disappear as they will hardwired into your game at that point?
Anyway the whole service is just 35 quid so I'm happy to keep paying that.
I’ve got myself, my brother, my wife, my two kids and the grandparents all on the family plan rocking their own animal crossing. Instead of paying 24.99 each- easy, we just get it through NSO. Good deal for families.
@SpaceboyScreams no it’s not. Read the small print. You need an active membership. Same as the dlc for Tetris. You don’t get to keep it. You get access to it. Already been clarified by someone else further up.
@Ooccoo_Jr double the price. More than I pay for GPU…… how is this hard to understand. It’s poor value.
This is actually a fair price for what is basically a new game. Definitely buying this, but not upgrading my NSO sub.
Game Pass Ultimate is £11 a month so is almost four times more expensive than this. If you are counting a special offer then you are not comparing apples with apples. Less than £3 a month is fine.
This looks like a really great chunk of expanded content. Basically a full-blown sequel to Happy Home Designer in the form of $25 DLC.
@Luneth "Access" there means "download." Once you have "accessed" the DLC, it's yours. You have one year from the start point of the membership to also redeem the Animal Crossing DLC, basically. This is how every DLC download on Switch works.
The content gets integrated into your island and home in AC, the game is not going to go and excise every piece of furniture from the DLC like "sorry your membership expired, your house can't have this divider wall anymore"
I loved HHD. This nearly made me cry, and the new decorating objects and abilities with it. This is what I wanted NH to be.
Way to go Nintendo!
@Ooccoo_Jr I hope this is the case…$20 for the most basic, $50 to include future content, including possible Game Cube in the next few years
I suspect once they get all the AC players they would add other DLC. I would have done flips if smash’s DLC had been included.
Can anyone answer this, so
#1 if I buy the expansion pass for switch online, can all users on the switch play the Animal Crossing DLC?
#2 If not, and I buy the switch online expansion pass is there a discount for the Animal Crossing DLC?
This DLC is just perfection. A treat for those of us who enjoyed Happy Home Designer and perfectly easy to ignore for those who didn't. I wish all DLC was as well thought out as this.
@CelS i'm torn myself and it definitely seem so but I think that like the initial NES collection it perhaps focus a bit too much on one thing: current rather than future offerings.
Because more than anything what Animal Crossing means is that it sets a precedent for future DLCs of other games also benefitting from this.
The area where this might become a MASSIVE deal.... is that there's a family plan option for that NSO expansion.
Considering that said family plan can not cover two or even four but a whopping eight different people, this could have HUGE ramifications for multiplayer games in the future(and Animal Crossing is definitely a multiplayer game).
To put it that way: for the price of a subje foll priced game per year, you're giving access to games DLCs for up to 8 people that otherwise would have had to purchase it individually.
With just that Animal Crossing DLC we're talking about 80$ vs roughly 225$ if everyone in a 8 users family plan h had all individually purchased the DLC.
In a way, thinking about it that's likely why full game will never be coming to the service(-because then that would be too many sales lost) but DLCs expansion of multiplayer games very well may
so, what will be the difference between the paid DLC and the NSO version of the expansion pack?
if we purchase the DLC will we get a discount on the NSO subscription? is the DLC included in the NSO subscription or does the NSO subscription add a service of some type to the paid DLC? or whatever the case may be.
unfortunately for me (and Nintendo), i'm only interested in the Nintendo 64 games and not anything else from the expansion pack.
How players will use the content offered will be the factor that decides if the price will be worth it.
This is looking interesting to me, maybe full of infinite possibilities.
Looks amazing, can't wait to throw my money at it. Can't believe some people actually expect huge additions like this to always be free of charge.. Even back in the day we had expansion packs you had to pay for, so what's so different about this?
I’ll have to think about this. On the one hand I play online games (MHRise, Smash Bros, AC), and sometimes I play some snes games. But I already have some games to buy (metroid, river city girls) and some in my backlog, so maybe I’ll just keep my regular NSO.
Really good addition to ACNH. Cannot wait
Stop lying to people. The DLC is a one-time purchase of $24.99, OR you can get it included with the NSO expansion. You do not have to pay for the expansion to access the DLC. Clearly states this in the article.
@Longondo The dlc is like the happy home designer game on 3ds which was a full price game.
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