One of the many highlights of the recent Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct broadcast was the reveal of the 'Happy Home Paradise' DLC.
It's essentially a follow-up to Happy Home Designer on the 3DS and will be made available as a standalone paid expansion for the "one-time fee" of $24.99USD / 24,99 Euros / £22.49, or can be accessed as part of Nintendo Switch Online's 'Expansion Pack' upgrade.
So, what happens if you play the 'Happy Home Paradise' DLC with your NSO membership and your subscription expires? Here's what a Nintendo representative had to say to our friends over at Eurogamer:

“Players can still continue to access certain things they have unlocked in Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise on their main island, including adding counters, partition walls, as well as adding ambient lighting and soundscapes, even if their access to Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise is suspended. However, it will not be possible to visit the archipelago if players lose access to the DLC. To be able to visit the archipelago and take on requests of designing vacation homes again, you will need to purchase the DLC separately or renew the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership."
Got all that? You'll still be able to access the new building features and anything you unlocked in Happy Home Paradise on your island, you just won't be able to visit this special location once your 'Expansion Pack' membership has expired. Again though, if you don't want to worry about things like subscriptions - you can always purchase the New Horizons DLC.
Will you be signing up to NSO's 'Expansion Pack' to play this new Animal Crossing DLC, or will you be paying for the standalone version? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 137
This service gets worse and worse by the minute. Why not just let us keep it?
@ItsOKToBeOK It's like a rental DLC I suppose.
Ouch. That’s a little harder to take. I was ok with it if you essentially got the DLC bundled in as a purchase but not as a rental. Decisions Decisions.
Edit: I take that back. If you watch the video they say you can access the dlc at no additional cost. Meaning the price hike is for the games service. The dlc access is the perk. Less annoying then.
That being said it would be neat if they did a DLC rental program for all nso subs. Bundle all first party dlc and remove it if you un sub. Plenty would still buy dlc normally, but it would perhaps get people to try the base game if they got dlc for a game they didn’t own and it would increase word of mouth. This may even be a test for future DLC. After all AC is a nice evergreen. Ah well.
Can I subscribe N64 games without this DLC?
If it weren't for Smash, I'd be cancelling my subscription
Definitely seems a lot more worth it to just buy the DLC outright than to subscribe to this and pay a rental fee for it.
Ridiculous decision. Elsewhere you get full games to keep for free for a similar service, Nintendo can't even be bothered to let us keep the DLC. (Edit: I've been under this impression anyway but seems that it's only the case for old Xbox games. Still a stupid practice though imho.)
But whatever. I've already shared my thoughts about Nintendo's current greed plenty of times already, I'm getting tired of it.
So i was thinking like this.
After i paid $25 for DLC and have subscribed Normal NSO $20, i can fly to HHP island via Dodo Airlines.
When my normal NSO get expired, i still keep the paid DLC in my Nintendo Switch but i will unable to fly to HHP island when i talk to Orville so i must renew my Normal NSO by $20 and i can fly to HHP island again.
@GregZPL81 I don't think so, and no doubt they added the price of this DLC into the subscription price, and I think getting the licenses from SEGA to use their games and system also boosted the price.
That's literally how it works for games on PS+ that you can get - if you're not longer subscribed you lose access to them. I fail to see how this is any different
Tis confusion.
@Willo567 they are likely referring to xbox even though MS does a half and half. You keep old games from the OG and 360 but lose xbox one games if you unsub. And the 360 selections are not the best ever usually. Grass is greener on the other side syndrome.
Edit: NVM they didn’t know how the services worked in the first place.
That does remind me that I need to clean up my Ps3 for games I no longer can access.
@Anti-Matter Happy Home Paradise doesn't require Nintendo Switch Online to play, it's just an addition to the expansion pack for Nintendo Switch Online, you'll either have to buy the Nintendo expansion pack or buy the DLC on the eShop to do Happy Home Paradise.
@Willo567 Oh, I always thought you got to keep them, I was never under the impression that access to them was lost when unsubscribe. I only have a Nintendo subscription. Thanks for the correction!
Reality for me: yes, I will still get and think it's fine.
1) I'll probably have more reasons to stick with the NSO EP after a year (I mean, NSO launched with just 20 NES games, so there's bound to be more coming for EP)
2) I have a full fam account, many will use it and save money
3) even if I back out of EP, odds are I will have gotten everything I wanted from the DLC a year from then
@Yosher the only one that lets you keep them is XBox only for 360 and XBox classic games. But all Xbox One/Series X|S games get lost if you unsubscribe.
As has been explained, PlayStation removes access to every game if you unsubscribe.
@Willo567 i think the difference lies in the value. NSO is basically almost the same price of PS+ now. Wherein the PS+ offers better discounts, newer free games, and better online infrastructure and functionality.
As long as I can keep the DLC if I pay for it then I’m fine. I think Nintendo really bungled this one boils & ghouls. The savings only benefits a small pool of customers and the message was about as confusing as it could be.
Goodbye NSO expansion pass.
What a horribly thought out subscription. Not everyone has animal crossing. And doesn't want to pay for something they won't use....
Damage control 😄
I have a lot of thinking to do on this. N64 and Genesis are not worth the price they are asking for the family membership which I use.
The DLC is probably worth $25, but I want to own that. I don’t want to rent it. This should not have been added in.
I’d pay an extra $10 or even $15 for N64 and Genesis, but that’s it.
@Yosher where else do they let you keep the DLC or anything extra with the membership after it expires? Not Microsoft, not Sony. Steam?
A really really rough start for sure with this new expansion. This is gonna be an interesting few months. Are they bundling multiple game DLC passes? Giving better discounts? If they came out with this and added Say Hyrule Warriors, 3 houses, Smashes fighter passes, maybe botw or Mario party ( if they get DLC) paid DLC for no cost, he’ll even just ALL first party titles, this could be a banger. But just one game? Don’t get me wrong it works for my personal use 😂😂 but for a single person Especially someone who doesn’t play AC, this isn’t worth it
I tried to read again carefully.
Let's say i have purchased DLC for $25 and subscribed Normal NSO for $20.
When Normal NSO get expired, do i have to buy $25 for accesing HHP island again or the DLC purchase is only one time purchase to be played forever even when my Normal NSO get expired ?
I'll simply buy the DLC. There's no point in paying considerably more for some N64 and Genesis games for me, specially when I would just be renting a $25 DLC instead of actually owning it.
@Anti-Matter the way it reads, you can visit HHP whenever you want, but to use the online function(sharing, downloading) you need NSO. Kindve like the current system at the Able sisters. Atleast how I read it
There is only one thing we can do to make Nintendo improve their subscription. Do not pay for the expansion pass, please. It will benefit us all in the end.
@Anti-Matter The DLC is a one time purchase Anti. As long as you buy it you don't lose it and you don't need to buy it again regardless of the online subscription expiring.
You would just lose access to the archipelago if you pay the expansion pass and it expires and you didn't buy the DLC.
@roy130390 @FightMikes
So that means the HHP island is an Offline content that i can play like HHD 3DS after I purchased for $25.
And the Normal NSO is just only the license to visit HHP island / visiting other player island ?
And when my Normal NSO get expired, I just only renew the subscription by $20 and I can fly to HHP island again ?
@Anti-Matter You can always access HHP island as far as I know, NSO it's only for visiting other player islands or any other thing that requires online. If you are gonna pay the DLC, the only reason for you to buy the NSO expansion is if you want to play the N64 and Genesis games.
It makes zero sense to tie this to the Nintendo Online Expansion Pack. I would have bought $30 (or $10 additional if you already have the base online subscription) for the full Nintendo Online and the $24.99 price for this. Throwing it in but you're only renting the DLC makes me think I am overpaying for the online expansion, and very reluctant to pay for both.
Are they tryin to be nice here or....
Something we dont see everyday from nintendo..
I get what they're trying to do here but it's very confusing for the consumers. As you can see by all the comments above.
@Ryu_Niiyama Except that just makes it worst, a 150% price increase for two twenty-five year old emulators, with a track record of resorting to shovelware updates
So I still baffled to digest with "one time purchase" of HHP DLC for $25 when I already subscribed Normal NSO for $20.
On next year, when my Normal NSO get expired, will it make my HHP suddenly inaccessible (cannot fly to the HHP island and checking the villagers over there) even played ACNH Offline and I have to pay another $25 to able to fly to HHP island by Offline ?
This is a mess, Nintendo. Don’t know what kind of weird stuff you’ve been smoking.
If you want to do this weird service so badly, why not just offer various services instead?
The only ways I can see this service succeed is if you drop earlier DLC such as Breath of the Wild DLC or Splatoon 2 DLC in there, or come up with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC or something.
I really don’t care about AC, so why should I pay 40 euros for bloatware? I only want the N64 games and, maybe, the Mega Drive games.
I really hope they go back to the drawing board and think of a cheaper package WITHOUT the AC DLC!
I really was excited about the N64 games, until the price dropped…
If I had a slight disdain for AC’s popularity before, now I absolutely have a motivated hatred for it!
I wonder if they removed the monthly option for the expansion pass purely because of this weird AC DLC issue...
They wouldn't want someone to get half of the DLC after just one month of payment. This also precludes the possibility of ever having a short free trial of the expansion pack.
@Kieroni 30 (pricing increase for the expansion pack I’m not including base NSO as I am assuming anyone looking at this is already a member) bucks a year for unlimited access to several games in two console libraries that is already leading with fan favorites. And with according to the advert, higher resolution and features like save states and rewind. The age of the games isn’t relevant unless they somehow become worse games because they are no longer brand new (they don’t). I mean if you don’t want to play those games then it’s not worth it, but that would have been the case if these games had been released in some other form. However, that doesn’t make it “worse”. But the good thing is it is optional: they aren’t locking online play behind this. People asked for more consoles…they are getting more consoles. Licensing and porting costs money.
Yeah, that's just a little weird. I know they are trying to sweeten the deal on the NSO expansion but it seems to me like they should have left the DLC out of it.
@Ryu_Niiyama It's two small console catalogs. The age of the game is definitely something relevant, as people would be definitely more on board if they give 3-4 year old games like other services do, even if it's just a couple each month.
Sure, the price can be divided among more people so that makes it much better, but since that's not an option for everyone I can see why many don't consider it a good deal.
Also, yeah, people asked for more games. As in, including more games in the subscription that they were already playing. Not more price for more games that many already have in other consoles.
Will people please stop paying for this crap?
Nintendo - Hey if you want to just pay for the DLC, that's cool, no worries. But if you happen to be interested in the upgraded online service, which I should point out is 1/2 the price of the other two systems (or up to 1/16th the price depending on your family), you can have the DLC for free while you're subscribed. Just giving you the option of not having to pay for it with no negative seeing it's not like it costs MORE to buy it later if that's what you want to do and it's just a VALUE ADD to the online service.
Nintendo fans - DIE IN A FIRE FOR GIVING US THE CHOSE OF NOT PAYING. You are literally worse then 1000 Hitlers. I WANT TO OWN MY GAMES!!!
Nintendo - Ok ... well buy it then. You can do that. Also you don't need to upgrade your online sub if you don't want. This is just a bonus.
Nintendo fans - SHUT UP WITH YOUR LOGIC MEGA HITLER!! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!! I hate you for not adding all of the games I personally like to the online service I already pay for!
Nintendo - Then don't pay for it? It's just like your gym membership or your membership to an online dating site. When you very quickly realized it wasn't going to have any value for you, you cancelled it. That's a thing you can do.
Nintendo - You know PS+ is $70 a year right? And ours is $24? Or $44 for 8 people? Hell there is literally no restrictions to the family plan! We let you add people in different countries for god's sake! If you really want to save money, just get a family share with your fri ... oh. Yeah I guess I see the problem there. But still!
Forget the online subscription for a second. If you purchase the DLC like you would in Smash or Sword and Shield, then it is yours to keep forever. Like all other games like normal. Just do your usual stuff on the Eshop and your good to go.
The online subscription (the basic one) gives you online gaming on all nintendo switch games and you get the usual games like Tetris, Pacman and SNES, NES games. (like has always been.)
The new expansion pack gives you SEGA and N64 games, with more to be added and the "loaning" of the DLC at no additional charge of ACNH happy Island thing. Once the year is up (or month however you go with it) my understanding is all prizes you got and put on your home island you keep. All the jobs and decorating you have done on the happy island stays BUT you will not have access to that until you either get the expansion pack again and keep the Happy Island until it expires OR you pay the normal regular DLC and get to keep it forever.
So for me I plan on getting the expansion when more N64 games are on the service to maximise my money. Once that happens I will have the DLC for ACNH for a year which for my gaming is more than enough and then I lose the happy island but I can't see myself playing longer than that. So this situation works well for me .
For others not so much, so you just have to decide whats best for you and whether its worth it or not.
@Willo567 I suppose it is different to psplus because with Sony's service the games are only a year or two old, modern games with large file sizes that you end up deleting to fit more games as they come each month. NSO games are very old, so old that you can play them on your phone for free. Also you could google, find and download the entire NSO collection quicker than the time it takes to subscribe to NSO. The entire collection would probably fit on a USB flash drive from 5 years ago.
Calm down
You have six choices.
1. Animal Crossing DLC
2. Nintendo Switch Online w/o expansion pass and w/o AC DLC
3. Nintendo Switch Online w/o expansion pass but with AC DLC
4. Nintendo Switch Online with expansion pass and w/o AC dlc purchase (but does gives you access to the dlc)
5. Nintendo Switch Online with expansion pass and with AC dlc purchase
6. nothing.
The price of the expansion pass doesn't change if you have the DLC or not, since access to the DLC is included in the pass, not the purchase of the DLC.
And of course buying the DLC also gives you access to it.
I didn't think NSO was of any value for $20 a year. Imagine all the expansion pass was added to NSO with no price increase. I still wouldn't pay $20, it still wouldn't be worth it for me. Now imagine all this content was free... maybe but to be honest, there isn't much there that interests me, I would probably skip.
This his been a disastrous news rollout all around for Nintendo. Do they focus group? At all? The subscription price hike is just insane. Even if parts of the world weren't still struggling from pandemic-related financial issues across certain industries, this is tone deaf pricing
@AntiMatter, if you buy the DLC you don't need any Nintendo Switch Online subscription. It's a one-time deal. Obviously to visit other people's islands you need it, but the standard online deal would be fine for that.
If you upgrade your subscription to the Expansion Pack, you get the DLC as rental for that year. You would lose the DLC if you unsubscribe or downgrade, so would then have to buy the DLC properly to carry on using.
Any items unlocked through the DLC in the base game will remain unlocked from that point on.
Does that help clarify things?
@HeadPirate You - let me construct a fictional narrative that strawmans criticism of Nintendo's NSO model.
Hmm...DLC that you can borrow. I actually think that's a first...I'm not sure I've heard of that before. Way to continue to innovate in the wrong ways Nintendo.
@HeadPirate I dunno about you but I get a year of PS+ for like $40 a year. I never see Nintendo's online service subscription go on sale. It also come with features and services that one might expect of an online subscription apart from "play game online". When the price nears what the competition is offering, one starts to scrutinize more and more just what Nintendo brings to the table...if one is not blinded by loyalty to a company, of course.
@sleepinglion I think they know they can get away with it at this point. They know that those of us complaining on the internet, hitting up Twitter and the like are just the vocal minority. The masses just throw money at anything nowadays. Unfortunately for us Nintendo is never proven wrong when these things happen. I guarantee that the expansion pass will just be another huge success for them because people just don't care what they're throwing money at anymore.
@ItsOKToBeOK buy the dlc if you want to pay once.
I just assumed the bundle gave you permanent access to the DLC along with a year of the service as a thank you — but I suppose I was expecting too much from Nintendo.
Not paying any more for their garbage service.
Still confused why you have to pay for an extra subscribtion, to get 25/30 year old games!?
If it where a huge collection of games i would understand (like on xbox)
But we are talking about a handfull of games, and you have to wait like 3 years to have a decent collection.
@HeadPirate Oh s***, you sure told me and others who don't like this. You are clearly right. Because Nintendo is seemingly the best of a bad bunch, they are the good guys.
If the sub makes perfect sense to you, then good for you! But don't say that everyone who doesn't like this and criticises it is entitled.
Nintendo is getting worse and worse every year… I was going to pay for the expansion anyway, mostly for the N64 games on the go, so I guess I’ll play ACNH DLC through it at first, then if it looks like something I’m interested in keeping I’ll probably buy it later. But I’m very disappointed about what kind of company Nintendo is becoming. I hope at least it will not be the only DLC you get access to for « free » with that new NSO service…. That would make it more tolerable.
@HeadPirate I feel like you missed the whole price increase thing if you're still talking about this being $22 a year in your rant. You get sooo much more on the other consoles, and it's very easy to find sales for their service. I've never paid $70.
@sanderev you writing those options down must have given you a headache, right?
DLC of one game is just such a weird addition to the expansion pack…
Such a narrow audience.
@Anti-Matter HHP has nothing to do with normal NSO, you don't need NSO to play it when you buy it for $25. If you want to use online features like in every Nintendo game you need the $20 base NSO. You can always visit the archipelago offline without NSO.
@Friendly Like I also said before, it's a bonus of the service. Like Tertis 99, Mario 35, Pac-Man 99, Full Game Trials, Game vouchers.. It's an additional feature to get you to buy the subscription. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I get more a headache from people not understanding it.
@sanderev This makes it so convoluted that I got tired of thinking what I want and I just gave up on the expansion pack and the DLC. I've tried to explain it to my girlfriend how the pricing works, it wasn't that easy to understand for which price you get what.
What I would want is to own the AC:NH DLC and play N64 games, but that costs a lot and feels like I'm paying double.
Still want the NSO basic plan because of online play for Splatoon and Mario Kart
What I want is to own the AC:NH DLC at some point and play N64 games on switch. But then it feels I have to pay 25 + 40 = 65 euro. And I seem to pay double for the AC:NH DLC. That's not worth it to me.
I'm not that big of an AC player and like to drop in and out now and then. But those times can be a half a year apart. It would keep me from enjoying popping in if I have to pay again to acces a part of the game.
@Friendly DLC which you don't own, but you do own the upgrades from the DLC on the main game. Which makes it even more convoluted
@sanderev I understand what it is. And of course it’s worked into the price some how.
I just want the legacy games or at least ‘complete’ games. I do not want to also pay (a little) for stuff I do not want, especially if it’s something weird such as only dlc.
@stroopwafel exactly
@Stroopwafel That's why I don't believe the DLC has any bearing on the price of the Expansion Pack. Maybe I'm giving Nintendo too much credit here. But the way it works brings up the implication that Nintendo could be asking you to potentially pay for the DLC twice if the price of the expansion pack includes (in some manner) the DLC. Nintendo may have a specific philosophy of evaluating the value of it's product in comparison to some of their audience. But I'm not ready to believe they're that arrogant
Whatever the case may be, it's once again Nintendo muddling up it's messaging when it needs not to.
No f* cloud gaming for me. Thank you.
Thanks for settling my decision Nintendo. DLC purchase it will be.
I guess given you can have like 8 people on a family pass the upgraded NSO sub is cheaper than buying the DLC 8 individual times. But I assume the catch is if you’re offline you won’t be able to access it.
I’ll be buying the DLC outright though.
@UmbreonsPapa I totally agree with you. I think they didn't think it trough well enough or they might have thought it trough too well. It indeed seems that they still have a problem in communicating with their audience if they bring such a complicated service to the market.
A slightly unrelated question: if I have not played Animal Crossing since launch and want to get into it now or in near future, is there any content which I can no longer access because those were only available during timed events?
@HeadPirate Holy strawman argument, Batman.
wait, you have to keep buying the DLC every year???
What if you dont even play Animal Crossing??? This "perk" means nothing to me.
I thought this was a permanent "extra"... how stupid.
@Anti-Matter The way I'm reading it, if you buy the DLC it's yours forever, no strings attached. If you only "rent" the DLC through the Expansion Pack, you will lose it when your subscription expires or when the online service is retired.
I'm just buying the DLC for my wife and I. If she was more into the N64, we'd probably upgrade and buy the DLC.
@ATaco I think you're right. The silver lining for me is I want the bluetooth controllers to play the exact same retro titles across an arsenal of devices. Hoping an 8BitDo retro receiver is made for the N64, that kind of thing. More power to the folks who hurl money at things, but I can't justify this new price point, particularly when I care nothing about Animal Crossing. For those folks, however, it's a decent deal.
@GregZPL81 can I subscribe to NSO for 64 games without the SEGA games and without the rental DLC?
@TimGibsonPBS you can’t rent the expansion pass month to month. Stop being cheap and give Nintendo your money.
@sleepinglion The controllers are actually pretty great yeah, maybe a bit overpriced for what they actually are but I did buy myself an SNES one to play games on the old emu that aren't available on the SNES collection.
@sixrings I was hoping the same, and the answer is no. They probably suspect that people like us will eventually cave and pay the package price.
@ATaco Agreed. I only ordered one N64 pad. 50 bucks. Plus tax. Plus shipping. $61.25. Yowch
It’s.. $4 a month when you break it down.. that’s beyond reasonable. I paid more for Comedy Bang Bang World.
@ItsOKToBeOK When has Playstation or Xbox let us keep the free games with PS Plus and Gold
@Tourtus Anything bought digitally is basically only rental not matter how much you pay.
Digital means you have no ownership. If you buy a 60$ game digitally, it's nothing more than a license that works until server is gone.
@Fighting_Game_Loser ps plus and Xbox gold have never offered DLC you can rent before. We're kind of in uncharted waters here.
The mental gymnastics being performed by the fanboys to justify this bs is staggering. Had they said that they were going to improve the infrastructure and make online multiplayer better I would definitely cough up the money. Packing in old a** games which you can play almost anywhere and a bunch of people already bought a few times already is not a good deal.
@Ventilator When it comes to buying digital games that have DRM yeah, they're just licenses. If you buy games from GOG or Humble Bundle however, you can create backups of the game files or download them to multiple computers so even if they're servers shutdown one day, as long as I created and kept my backups, I'll forever have those games.
I pretty much buy physical every chance I get though when it comes to games, only buying digital when it's the only format a game I want is sold in.
i seriously think sony and microsoft should be blamed for starting this trend in the first place.
The HHP archipelago is a large amount of completely OFFLINE content that they're saying you'll lose access to if you lapse or even downgrade back to the original subscription level. This is really indefensible. There is zero reason why this offline game mode should require any online subscription at all. I regret ever giving Nintendo the benefit of the doubt on this.
Yes you can just buy the DLC... but for anyone in the huge market of people who might have passing interest in playing Majora's Mask or some other N64 games on their Switch, this bundle seems like a good deal if they're already breaking out their wallet anyway. Plenty of people might plan to cancel after a year or go back to the base subscription... only to find Nintendo holding arbitrary non-NSO content hostage.
If I were just paying for a single membership and the only new content were the N64 and Genesis games, there's no way I would pay $50.
But all six members of my family including myself own a Switch and play Animal Crossing.
For all six of us to purchase the HHP DLC, it would cost around $125.
The fact that access to this DLC is included with the NSO Expansion Pack makes it well worth $80, and the N64 games on top of that really seal the deal for me.
I can even add two more friends to bring the total number of members up to eight, and $8 per person is a pretty sweet deal.
I'll wait for a sale on eShop cards around Black Friday like I did last year, and this will be a phenomenal deal when all is said and done.
Hmmm???... I was hoping for the expansion to be at 30 to 40 bucks at the least, don't think the library is big enough for that price, the Animal crossing DLC does makes this a little better to digest. Really on fence for this one, probably just gonna buy the DLC and wait till the library for the expansion to get bigger, which I know it will. Or we can all voice or complains, make enough noice, and Nintendo will listen. But as of now I guess I'll stick to my previous plan and hope Nintendo sweetens the deal more . =:3
@InvisiBulbasaur Gotta give Nintendo some credit, is pretty smart tactic, that's pretty much the argument I keep hearing, damn evil geniuses. Lol =XD
If this was a buyable dlc only no one would be complaining right now because that’s how dlc as we know it works, but because you can access it for free while belonging to the new subscription tier people are complaining that they won’t get to keep it when it expires. Isn’t that like being upset that you can’t play the NES and SNES Games if you aren’t subscribed?
taking back the DLC is just so low and bizarre I don't even know where to start.....................
being able to download upcoming DLC for free feels like a BRILLIANT selling point for the Expansion Pack tier but taking a digital good back after one year is just shallow and sad.
@Ventilator they're never going to un-download whatever you bought.
@Friendly LMAO 35% of switch owners is a “narrow audience”
@GannonBanned people that want that DLC AND have switch Online AND want N64 and/or genesis is a very narrow audience indeed.
This is weird...I think they are doing this so that family members don't get free access to the DLC when the subscription ends. I do think the DLC should remain accessible on whoever is moderating the family account, though
@HeadPirate Do you have full conversations with yourself often? One of your personalities forgot to mention that many people don't want the DLC and don't want to pay for it even though they want the N64 games.
@ATaco Hmm...DLC that you can borrow. I actually think that's a first...I'm not sure I've heard of that before. Way to continue to innovate in the wrong ways Nintendo.
I thought it was bad when they asked people to pre-order unknown DLC (season passes) and people actually did it.
@FernandoMachado but taking a digital good back after one year is just shallow and sad.
It's the way PS Plus has always worked, it's the way Game Pass works. You can't play games that you only had access to via these services once your subscription expires.
This is not a hard concept and not unheard of either. The fact that it's DLC really changes nothing. It seems that they have taken steps to ensure that your save file will still work even after you lose access to the DLC.
This is a terrible deal for those of us who don't care about this DLC but the way this works is not hard to all.
That's bad. Definitely a nope
It's a fantastic deal for families who all play Animal Crossing.
It's a terrible deal for individuals who just want to play N64 games.
I think Nintendo should offer nonsubscribers the option to buy individual games, like, say, Super Mario Bros. 3, Donkey Kong Country, and Banjo-Kazooie.
They'd still make plenty of money that way. Perhaps even more since some people only want a few of these games and will never pay for NSO.
You can buy Tetris 99. Why can't you buy Super Mario Bros?
I'm happy with what I'm getting right off the bat, and I'm hoping they'll continue to add games and DLC to the service.
But I completely understand why some people are very unhappy with the pricing.
This is exactly what I expected. I'm more suprised at so many people thought you would keep the DLC.
Some people here thought that you could keep your PS+/XBL games even after your subscription to those services lapsed, so I'm not surprised that people don't seem to know how these things work.
@ItsOKToBeOK well, you can keep it, buy it for 20 bucks
i just do not understand who´s idea was to merge NSO+EP and the DLC for AC ...I mean....why? ...Why put these things together? It just made NSO+EP more expensive and AC players confused...
So when online support for the switch is eventually discontinued, that part of the game will be dead. That's such a cheap decision.
That’s better than the previous DLC provided by NSO for Animal Crossing. The free rug you’re entitled to simply vanishes if you’re playing on a console with no subscription. So they’re not doing that this time at least.
@BlackenedHalo I feel people are jumping to conclusions, and that if anything this is a preview of other ‘expansions’ coming to the service once games such as Splatoon 3 and Breath of the Wild 2 are with us.
@Nymos By then the cost of the DLC as a standalone will be far cheaper to buy outright, and then visiting your creations (which will always be a physical local file anyway) will continue to work.
@FernandoMachado So you’ve never subbed to Spotify, Netflix or Game Pass then no? Where literally all of them revoke your access when you leave…
@Tharsman If an Xbox one game or downloadable game is part of games for gold then you do keep
Them regardless if your not a member anymore. Call of Cthulhu is one of last ones I got.
@sleepinglion It isn't a price hike.
I think it says something about how manufactured the outrage is that it requires you to pretend not to understand the expansion is to justify your anger.
@Bentendo1609 but there is no reason for that, Nintendo should just release expansions the classic way, no reason to "invent" new ideas...
@Dr_Lugae Paying 30 dollars more per year so I can have two more drip feed classic console channels and DLC for a game I don't own isn't manufactured outrage. Sometimes you look at a price, look at what you get, and say no. I won't make assumptions about you
@Tourtus Yes, but that's on PC. Even purchased Steam DRM games can be backed up there. Just get a DRM free exe every time you buy anything if you want.
@SpaceboyScreams No, but flash storage don't last forever.
@sleepinglion How much do you want to bet that the AC DLC was tacked onto the service last moment because they realized that the price hike was going to be outrageous?
IMO, the AC DLC is fantastic, but I will not be getting it via subscription, I will be paying once to have it forever.
@Ventilator Well I was speaking more generally when it comes to digital games, not just on Switch.
Nah, DRM games from Steam can stop working, Nier Automata had a problem with the Mac version where it required an online check with a server, the company that hosted that server shutdown and as a result Nier Automata for Mac became unplayable. I don't know if the problem was ever fixed though...
I liked the Happy Home 3ds, so I’ll probably get this, but I’d rather just buy the dlc outright than pay for the expansion. I’d prefer to own it so I can play it whenever I want instead of just rent it, Yknow?
@sleepinglion Calling it a hike when it doesn't impact the base rate is the manufactured Outrage.
Say it like it is. It's petty to try and twist it to make it seem like something it's not.
Ill just buy the DLC and pass on NSO+
@Dr_Lugae You replied in the 1st place, critical of my comment. We'd both be wiser to just let it go and move on
@Pete41608 they angy
@BlackenedHalo they're available in both formats. That's like complaining that Game Pass has games you lose access to when you stop subbing. They're available full price separately as well. Exact same principle.
@Tourtus On PC you can get DRM exe files on any Steam game etc., so it's not a problem. And besides. Most devs removes DRM after 1-2 years after release.
As for Switch and 3DS. You can just dump SD cards to a PC to backup all games.
@Ventilator 3DS games only work with the system they were downloaded on or transferred to (Via system transfer in the settings, not by copying content on a PC). I can't copy my games to my old 3DS, they won't show up on the home menu so the backups are useless if I don't have the original system. I have no idea about the Switch though.
@Tourtus I still backup just in case a SD Card breaks.
Switch is as locked as 3DS.
Xbox consoles is the only ones not locking games to hardware.
They are tied to your account only and nothing else.
Insert Xbox HDD/SSD in any other consoles with no problem.
@Ventilator Oh yeah I do the same, I back up my 3DS SD card whenever I beat a game or if I make a good deal of progress in one just in case the SD card fails one day.
I do wish Nintendo wasn't so strict with digital ownership of games. I think things got better with the Switch though since games are tied to your account and you can put your account on multiple Switches. Doing what you said with the Xbox would be better since it would save time not having to download a lost game again.
@Tourtus Yeah. It's pointless to be strict on a Nintendo console. Nintendo consoles is always hacked right after launch anyway to make them DRM free. Happened all the time since SNES.
Those who get punished is the ones who uses consoles legally which is unfair.
@Ventilator Yup, that's DRM and Anti-piracy in a nutshell. Nintendo is improving though, Switch isn't region locked like previous consoles. You can also update games if your friends have the newer version of game which will be useful in the future when/if the Switch eShop closes down and you want the bug fixes or newer features a physical game might lack.
Hopefully one day Nintendo and other companies will do away with strict DRM and Anti-piracy.
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