Bandai Namco's action role-playing fighting game Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has announced the next downloadable content character on the way.
It's Caulifa (Super Saiyan 2), who represents Universe 6 in the Dragon Ball Super series. She'll join the game as an addition to "Legendary Pack 2" this fall.
Here's a look at her debut trailer:

Will you be returning to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 when this character arrives? Leave a comment down below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 48
Dragon Ball Xenoblade 2…now there’s a crossover
Dragonball Xenoblade lol.
Dragon ball Xenoblade 2? hypeeee
Better smash that future away, bud
Now I want Dragonball Xenoblade 2 to be a thing. Maybe it is somewhere in another dimension.
Don't get me excited over talks of Xenoblade. Talk about clickbait.
Edit: I had realized there was a typo though some people didn't realize I was being facetious.
Glad my eyes haven't failed me just yet.
I never click on the dragonball posts- but saw this Xenoblade mention and was like- I gotta check this out.
This is one typo I truly appreciate the humor of the situation.
@gokev13 It does
Artist Credit: PhiPhiAuThon
@Cheez I think it's pretty obvious this is just a hilarious typo, not clickbait. The real game's title is Xenoverse 2, but given that this is a Nintendo site, it's understandable someone would mix it up with a similarly-named first-party game.
...I saw Xenoblade, and was like "wtf?"...lol
Xenoblade…one of these things is not like the others…
It's been an hour and twenty minutes and they still haven't bothered to change the title, lol.
Best cross-over game of 2021
In b4 they change the title, Lol
Seriously, though. I'm pretty impressed this game is still going. It's like the Final Fantasy XIV of Dragonball games.
I loved the first dragonball xenoblade game on the gameboy
Just here to pile on poor Liam and the NL crew over Dragon Ball Xenomorph.
Liam either made a mistake or actually invented the newest crossover and I can't decide which one's better.
The writer was sleeping writing this article 😅... xenoblade 2.
I didn't know there was a DBZ Xeno game.
@JJtheTexan Was Xenomorph intentional on your part, or is it another hilarious typo in response to a hilarious typo? Now I'm wondering how deep this can go.
Until now, I never thought unintentional clickbait was possible.😅
@Cheez Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you, party pooper, party pooper 🎶
Hahahahha man love those comments 😂😂
Thanks for the typo, This comment section is fun.
They changed the title. My disappointment is immeasurable.
@PBandSmelly Dragonball Xenoblade IS my medicine, son.
Oops. 😅
Oh my goodness - my apologies everyone, at least we all had a laugh. Dragon Ball Xenoblade is sadly a crossover/fusion we'll probably never get, but it was fun while it lasted.
Real talk tho, this is literally the first time I've ever seen a woman in any Dragonball media. I thought their entire universe was boys only.
She has a lot of fans, so it's good to see her in. :9
The first ten books from the 80s were full of girls, and still in Dragonball Z, Bulma, Videl, and Android 18 are quite big stars.
In the DragonballGT tv series Goku's granddaughter is a main character, and in Dragonball Super, Caulifa is just one of quite a few strong females.
@Pod And Vados (if that’s how you spell her name) she was one of the most powerful characters in the Dragonball Universe only behind Xeno and Goki. Not sure if it’s changed now. Not sure how they could beat Xeno as he can destroy planets with a thought.
@Liam_Doolan 👍
Although better change the one on your FB page as well
Im not a big dbz fan anymore but you gotta respect the amount of content they keep supporting this new games with.
This is the game that never ends/
Yes it goes on and on my friends/
Some people started playing it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue playing it forever just because...
I thank you for showing me this from the bottom of my heart!
@VIIIAxel it was a joke, I know it was a type.
@Pod @YusseiWarrior3000 Yeah, I mean I know next to nothing about DB, I've never read the books or played the games, and I've watched like two episodes of one of the shows. All I'm going by is what I see in pictures on articles like this one.
I'm happy to hear that women exist in the DB universe.
Heh, I'm glad I saw the article title mistake before it was fixed. If only the crossover was real.
When I was a kid I always wanted a girl Super Sayian. But I just can't get back into the series like I enjoyed it as a kid. I suppose my tastes have just changed.
I am still glad it finally did happen though. Even if it was after the point that I lost interest in the show over all.
Please for the love of God make Xenoverse 3 already
@YusseiWarrior3000 PYYYRAAAA!!!! Rex Voice
@gokev13 For sure, I'm glad you and others enjoyed it as much as I did! My first favorite on Deviant Art <3
@VIIIAxel deliberate xD
I like how they didn't even bothered making her base and ssj1 forms.
@JasmineDragon Probably Because a good amount of them play smaller roles, But she is the first Female super SSJ we got.
This game any good? Saw it on sale several times now, provoking me...
I haven't played this game yet, but I love how this game was released in 2016 and is still getting new content despite Dragon Ball Fighterz & Dragon Ball Kakarot both having been released much more recently.
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