Another busy week in the world of Nintendo has flown by. We've seen the return of a famed arcade racing series, a price 'adjustment' for Switch in Europe, the 20th anniversary of a treasured console, and a surprise Switch firmware update that included a much-requested feature: Bluetooth audio support.
After all that it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Tom Whitehead, deputy editor
I crumbled and picked up Eastward, like a lot of people it seems, so that'll be my long Switch game to tackle while I wait for Metroid Dread to finally arrive. My backlog quest also continues, as I aim to finish a playthough of Oxenfree and actually see Shinsekai: Into The Depths through to the end (I recommend both of them, especially with headphones).
Elsewhere I've been playing The Artful Escape, which is very simplistic in terms of gameplay but a lot of fun to experience; it's colourful, psychedelic and sounds amazing. I'll probably finish that by the end of the weekend.
PJ O'Reilly, reviewer
Hello. This weekend I’m going to revving my engines review style with RiMS Racing, smashing some cars into some trees in Rush Rally 3 and making some time to finally get stuck into Eastward. I picked up Rush Rally 3 for just a couple of quid last week in the eShop sale and I’ve been mightily impressed with its fast and fun arcade handling, not as punishing as more sim-minded efforts, it still pushes your skills when you attack the tracks hard enough.
And as far as Eastward goes, well, everyone’s been going on about it incessantly, so I feel I need to get stuck in and see what I’m missing. FOMO innit. Have a good weekend whatever you’re up to or playing!
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
Hey folks! This weekend I'll be jumping into Eastward, which looks absolutely delightful. I'm a real sucker for pixel graphics and the visuals here look phenomenal, so hopefully the gameplay holds up too!
I've got nothing else planned for the Switch this week, but will be spending a bit of time with Yakuza: Like A Dragon and Superliminal over on the Series X. I absolutely loved Superliminal on the Switch, so I'll take any opportunity to play through it again; highly recommended, indeed!
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
Wow, it has been a hot minute since I wrote one of these. My renewed love for the Game Boy Advance means I am starving for some more Metroidvania action after revisiting to completion both Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion during my extended break… might revisit Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow next. I am currently replaying Front Mission on the SNES, a masterpiece which should take me several more weekends to clear. So all that’s left is my extensive, ever-growing and legendary Switch backlog and this last week's releases. To be honest I am unsure what to pick up next because No More Heroes III was such an incredible ride it will be hard to find a proper replacement.
Game of the week is unsurprisingly Cruis’n Blast. I can not believe the absolute lack of arcade racers on the market this generation so when a good one comes along it is always a priority. Time to go unlock some more crazy vehicles.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!
Comments 102
Started playing Eastward last night. Having a good time with it so far.
Also playing a little Slay the Spire on the side now. Beat A20 with each character now so doing some more relaxed runs.
Im replaying "Kingdom of Amalur: Re-Reckoning" for the 4 time (haha!)
first on xbox360, then on ps4 and finally on Series X.
but now on Switch in portable mode.
I love this game 🙂
Thought I'd finished Mario's Super Picross last weekend. Found out about a bunch of hidden levels, so now I've got the 100% on my save file. Very satisfying! Done the Wario theme on Tetris 99 last night. May go back to Skyward Sword HD, as I didn't get far into that before I got distracted by summer hols and then Black Panther dlc brought me back to Avengers for a while.
Currently replaying Super Metroid on NSO in anticipation of Dread. Also be continuing Borderlands Pre-Sequel and some Jedi Outcast too.
Metro Exodus on my PS5 and later on when I’m in my bed and the wife is asleep Door Kickers Action Squad on my Switch 👾
I’m still inching my way through Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. I’m about two thirds of the way through, I’m not sure if it’s how I’m playing but it’s taking me a couple of hours to beat each map/chapter. So I’m managing around one a day.
Coming from the more recent entries I’m still blown away by the art style and animations. I’m enjoying re classing characters just so I can see how this changes.
Yesterday I finally managed to finish my Chrono Cross playthrough which I started roughly half a year ago, it was a flawed game for sure but it had some really great qualities to it as well and it's very obvious that a ton of effort and love was put into this one, even if some of the design choices were somewhat questionable. That soundtrack though, geez, amazing stuff.
I finally get to start my summer vacation next week so I'd like to start another longer game because I don't have as much time to play those as I used to, I'm thinking of stuff like Saga Frontier, Stranger of Sword City or Stella Deus on the PS2... So many choices...
Mole Mania for the GAMEBOY
Bongos day
Donkey konga and jungle beat
Outside the possibility of more Spirit of Justice, I expect the weekend to be mostly Switch-themed. Some stuff to do in Warframe and Tetris 99, some progress to make in NFS Hot Pursuit, Portia and Skyrim, plus many other mood-dependent sessions like Blossom Tales, Spiritfarer, Caveblazers or A Little Lily Princess. Might find myself waltzing over a wider range of even more installed titles... or glued to one or two of them for the whole period.
Eastward! Eastward! EASTWARD! what a game! John & sam all the way!.
This week I will be mostly playing
Star Fox Guard
Just downloaded Toem from the eshop and looking forward to some peaceful photo expeditions over the weekend; peppered by blasting through more stages of Crusin' Blast!
Chrono Trigger for the first Time.
Started it countless Times but i never was in the Mood or something broke the Flow.
Even now i had to replay three Hours because i forgott to enable the Autosave on the Mister ...
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - This is my most played daily game nowadays. Playing the daily challenges and also chipping away at the puzzle packs as well.
Equalicious (Windows Phone) - I haven't played since last weekend and need to make time for it this weekend.
Rayman Fiesta Run (Windows Phone) - Still a blast to play in bursts.
Switching (no pun intended!!) between Quake and Cruisn' Blast
Tetris 99 WarioWare theme event! I love this theme, it's giving me Dr Mario vibes.
Still chipping away at Donkey Kong Country Returns on 3DS, and still blown away by how pretty it is. Do a couple of levels every other day or so, although the temple stages can slow me down.
Also fired up another former Wii title on 3DS the other day: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. Just want to see what it was like but now I’m looking forward to another 100 hours of that!
Hi, just to know how is on swtich (i mean broken quests and glitch)
I’ve actually just been playing some solo Towerfall on the Vita. I’m making next to no progress in single player stuff, and with Metroid and SMTV on the horizon I should really be cracking on.
No doubt I’ll end up playing more Slay the Spire and Rocket League instead 😂
Off to London to watch the Final Fantasy VII Remake concert this weekend! 😁
So, that means 10hrs total on the train 😒
But, it's not all bad, gives me loads of time to play some Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 🥰
I'll be plugging away at Shadowverse: Champion's Battle and Kitaria Fables and working on a granny square blanket in between games.
I'm waiting for Metroid Dread, so i'm not starting anything new, bit going back through games I staryed but didn't finished. I completed Bowsers Fury and the Mario + Rabbids Donkey Kong DLC in the week, now i'm going back to finish Golf Story!
Cruis'n Blast, not played such a fun arcade racer in years. Having only recently bought a Switch Lite I'm also enjoying New Super Mario Bros.U Delux and portable Doom 3.
Maybe after 70+ hours I'll finally get to the end of the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles...
Working my way through NEO: TWEWY still… about two thirds in. Kinda bored but ploughing through since I know if I put it down I won’t pick it up again.
Tetris 99 for the WarioWare theme Maximus Cup, some Cruis'n Blast and if I can fit it in there, Super Metroid
A focus on Switch this time probably some combination of Cruis'n Blast, MH Rise and Bravely Default II. Even though October - December is already looking very packed, I really hope there's a Direct announcement soon.
I played these games: 🤓

1. The Sims 4 PS4
2. My Universe: Fashion Boutique PS4
3. Para Para Paradise PS2
I have updated my The Sims 4 PS4 and I found some addition into Base game. I continued to build the unfinished house at Willow Creek neighborhood.
I played My Universe: Fashion Boutique for straight 3 hours and have attended the Fashion Week at Moscow. Honestly, the fashion show over there was really terrible.
No audiences, no fancy catwalk, only your models walking on the catwalk and the outfits that can be made so far looked really
dreck-a-tude (vocabulary from Andre Leon Talley) 😂
I played Para Para Paradise again every Saturday evening before taking a bath to have some musical exercise as I gained some weight during pandemic. Started by set the difficulty on Hard level for 25 minutes then changed into Expert level after that.
@aresius Hi, Im enjoying the game so far; sorry Im not much technical. The game has some framerate drops but Im have much fun, and that what counts for me. Maybe you should read some reviews for a better opinion.
Bye and have a nice weekend.
@Ristar24 Super Mario Bros U Deluxe gets a bad rap but I really enjoyed it! Yes, there are better 2D mario games, bit this one isn't a bad game.
After beating Spiritfarer last week (a really good cozy management game where you ferry lost souls to their final destination), I decided to start up Axiom Verge 2, so I'll be playing that. I'm digging it quite a bit so far. My only real complaint is that its visually very muted and pale in comparison to the last game. It's just weird to play a sequel that doesnt look as good. Aside from that, I've been craving a good metroidvania, so I'm still hooked. So far the map has been quite enjoyable to explore.
I also wish I was playing Cruisin' Blast, but I decided to save that as a future Christmas idea.
Mass effect 2 nearly all missions done. Lair of shadow broker and suicide mission to go. Masterpiece! Xxx
Finally bought Hades. Not really a roguelike fan but I did enjoy Dead cells for a few hours but damn.. Hades. Makes me want to go back. It's just so satisfying. 5 hours in and I'm against the bull boss? Lol. I'm not that good at the game but hell its fun. Also, looking forward to Eastward. Happy Weekend everyone!
Too many games, too little time as always. Picked up Eastward and Flynn this week, both good! Focusing on Eastward for now. Also doin the post game grind on MHST2, did my first SR local den tonight and got a rainbow Gammoth and Rainbow Velkhana outta the deal, so happy there!
Next week, and for the foreseeable future, I’ll be playing the crap out of Diablo 2:R. Seriously can’t wait for that! Played it on PC back when I was 19, and played it for a solid 5 years before moving on. One of my all time favorites.
Super Mario 64 on n64. Have a great weekend folks!
Not sure yet. Waiting for my mood to dictate a nice game to play, but I won’t force it.
i'll probably continue deathloop since i think i might already be getting close to the end there, but i also want to finish up the first great ace attorney game and continue trying to 100% mario odyssey
Smash with friends and some Super Animal Royale in between
Neck deep in Littlewood.
Loving it!
I'm playing it safe.
After some diggin, I may be able to get wine on my chromebook, so i'm going to be playing deltarune, after that, time for the wind waker i think
Yeah, Kingdoms Of Amalur has a ton of replay value! One of the very best action RPGs ever made!
Xbox: Psychonauts 2,fortnite and fifa 21
Switch: Maybe pokemon let's go pikachu
Probarbly a bit of Tales on the ps4 and i want to dig back in to Pokemon snap and Sakuna. This means i will probarbly go home and play nothing 🤣
Switch - Starting Skyward Sword HD!
PS5 - We Happy Few second playthrough!
PC - Might try out Morrowind. Also Gmod with friends!
Have a good weekend everyone!
I'm going Cruisn...and you should too!
I was going to try out Colours Live but unfortunately the physical release has been delayed in the UK it should have been released on Friday 17th.
I'm surprised Nintendo Life haven't reported on this.
Pumpkin Jack, tis the season and Ni no Kuni 2. 😊
Still working on Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Pretty sure I’m almost done with case 2 in the second game…
Picked up New Pokémon Snap the other day. I’d love to check it out, but I don’t want to take my focus away from GAA.
Man, that Cruisin Blast game looks great. I really want to get it/check it out. But now is not the time…
I am playing some Cruis'n Blast myself, the game is pretty challenging, it is going to take awhile to unlock everything.
A bit of Mario Golf Super Rush and Street’s of Rage 4.
Switch - No More Heroes III
PS5 - The Medium
About to beat botw after completing every shrine and the dlc, just got to get dragon parts and acorns for the wild armor upgrades and clear a few quests, then I'm off to hyrule castle, also does anyone know a good way to get acorns in botw? I predict I'll need like 360 and Idk where to find em
Took some time beating all the Kirby x SNES games the past two weeks. A change was in order & decided to tackle some backlog before Metroid Dread takes over my life. The lucky winner ?Paper Mario The Origami King! I’m currently on the third streamer & everything about this game screams 10/10. Writing is laugh out loud funny and brilliant! How did I not start this sooner?
spent about 5 hours playing deltarune chapter 2 and what a ride, it was great seeing everyone again
I'm still working through Moon: Remix RPG... It's good and has some beautiful moments! But it sort of meanders and I don't think I could have made nearly any progress at all if it weren't for using a guide.
If/when I finish I want to pop in Carto!
Original Assassin’s Creed and Hexic HD on Xbox 360 (the latter is probably one of the most shockingly addictive games I’ve ever played; had never even bothered to try it for years and now I can’t put it down).
Planning on jumping back on Mario Golf World Tour and Donkey Kong (Game Boy) on 3DS.
On Switch will probably knock out the DK DLC in Mario + Rabbids (having just 100%ed mainline game) and then return to Yoku’s Island Express and Horace (which I have neglected while I was hooked on Mario + Rabbids).
Cruis'n Blast and Warioware Get ir Together!
Monster Train, currently trying to beat Covenant 19.
Also obtained the Warioware: Get it Together! theme from Tetris 99 last night, and played a bit more Slime Rancher earlier today.
Didn't manage to game much last weekend while on my short trip, but I did play/start Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime for about an hour and hope to dive deeper into it this weekend. It's a fun, charming little DS action game so far that thrives on the puns the series is known for. XD
On the Switch front, I'm still jumping in and out of the WarioWare: Get It Together demo and also plan to reboot my existing Breath of the Wild file to try out the DLC I (finally) picked up. It'd probably be better to start a new file, but I'm not QUITE ready for a new game investment yet....
As Oshawott Community Day is this weekend in Pokemon Go, I'll participate in a little of that too. Hard to argue against easy shinies!
Happy gaming!
Eastward, Monster Train, and the perennial Splatoon 2. I re-clicked with the Jet Squelcher and am playing my best Splatoon possibly ever.
Hades and WarioWare for me....
Cmon get cruuuuuisin’~~🎵😎
Just unlocked the unicorn so I get to showcase it w the kiddos today ☺️
Next I want that school bus - it should be bonkers tricked out with a dragster engine and neon and popping wheelies when you hit the nitro! 😄
This game is a treat for an old arcade brat like me! I’ll happily keep unlocking cars and upgrades this weekend, in between Super Robot Wars X missions.
I've started Eastward last night. Already completly hooked ! Getting a 2D Zelda x Earthbound vibe bringing me back to lazy childhood saturdays...
Eastward… for now…. Really liking it so far, but I know the game’ll go in the background with all the other releases coming up that’ll take precedence. For instance, I know I’ll likely start up Kena and plow through that before I get anywhere substantial in Eastward. Then to Death Stranding’s Director Cut, and to Metroid, and then for Halloween Alan Wake… it may be a while before Eastward completes…
I want to play Eastward, Artful Escape, and Black Book on Switch, but I don't know when I'll buy them because I'm so busy with my Xbox series X that arrived 3 days ago. I bought a number of pretty cheap physical xbox games because I wanted to be stocked up with 120fps games right when it arrived, but then found all of them are free to play with gamepass. Gamepass was part of the deal to get XSX with the two year monthly payment thing. It's amazing people can easily order such an awesome and powerful console with 80plus games that run at 120fps (most of them on gamepass) as long as they pass a credit check and pay like $35 a month! It's going to save me money since I won't buy as many physical games. And holy crap does Rocket League look amazing on XSX, and I'm only using a 1080p monitor I've had for 5 years! I feel like some ahole billionaire (Gates) has turned me into a human bot advertising for xbox, so I'll stop now. But, seriously, Super Lucky's Tale at 30fps or 120fps?!
Ok, I'll play Tetris 99 to unlock the Warioware theme this weekend. I'll probably play some Cruisn Blast cuz it's amazing. I also still want to finish Pikmin 3. (that just gets me dreaming of Pikmin at 120fps... Nintendo, please make a huge awesome deal with xbox and let me play your games at 120fps! or release a Super Nintendo Series S! Even Series S has like 40 games that run at 120fps!)
I'm also playing Esplaguda 2 this weekend, and probably some Mario Golf Super Rush. Oh, and more of Warioware Get It Together!
I picked up Yoshi's Crafted World over the week and I am loving it. It is so charming and clever.
Mostly bravely default 2 but I might actually try to actually to play deltarune chapter 1 since I barely played it before
Booting up Nexomon sometime later today. Snagged it at the pre order price of $8. That's worth trying to see if they can do what Nintendon't.
Probably also continuing to climb that Monster Train. I'm currently at covenant 7. Might try to make it to 10 before the weekend is over.
May also do another chapter of Bug Fables. Just finished Chapter 2 and those hard mode bosses are no joke.
Crusin Blast (which is a blast), lost in random, fenyx rising and psychonauts for me.
Just downloaded the demo of Lightbringer to try. Randomly bought Moonshades on sale so I may play that also. Continuing to get slaughtered in Rogue Legacy. I booted up ACNH for the first time in 6 months and was amazed to see my island hadn't been smothered in weeds.
Oh, Also Tetris 99 for the Wario event.
All about Eastward this weekend. Was thinking about maybe going back to Bug Fables, but I really don’t like it that much tbh
I may be getting old, but the low investment, "play ten minutes and forget it" play of both Warioware and Sonic Colors have been pulling me in more than many more substantial titles.
I doubt I'll probably play a whole lot this weekend. Maybe some games that won't ask for a lot of commitment IE Mario Golf: Super Rush and Pac-Man 99. Oh also, Pokemon Go, for the Oshawott community day event.
Honestly, this weekend is all about banging off some music albums, that I've been meaning to give a listen too.
I finished up West of loathing earlier this week and it was a great experience! It's such a hilarious game lol. As of lately I've had this massive craving to play Xenoblade Chronicles X because that's the only Xenoblade I haven't played yet. After watching the trailers over and over, along with the recent Xenoblade 3 rumors I got really impatient and just bought it lol. I wanted to replay Xenoblade 1 and 2 but I figured I'd wait until Xenoblade 3 is actually confirmed.
I started Xenoblade X only a couple days ago and I've gotta say I am completely hooked! I already put 10 hours into the game and I'm currently on chapter 4. Exploring the world in this game is sooooo much fun. I enjoyed exploring a lot in Xenoblade 1 and 2 but this one wins when it comes to exploration. There are times when I want to skip cutscenes just so I could get back to exploring lol. I've never felt that way about any game before because I usually play for the story.
The gameplay is also fantastic as well. I saw this YouTube video a while back that has a build for the party which allows them to do 100,000,000 damage! I've always enjoyed doing such high damage in the Xenoblade games. In Xenoblade DE the most amount of damage I've done in a chain attack was 1.2 million and in Xenoblade 2 I managed to reach 7 million (although I heard without Xenoblade 2s damage cap you can do something insane like 2 billion damage in a chain attack). I'm really looking forward to seeing how I can optimally build my party but as of right now I'm really hooked on finding all the secrets this world has 😂.
I'm very happy I chose to buy the game instead of waiting for a potential switch port. Now if monolith does end up porting this game I've got no problem double dipping for this one! This game should definitely hold me over until monolith soft announces whatever they've been working on.
This weekend I’ll be playing Eastward - the game I’ve been looking forward to for nearly two years now. I’ve played a couple of hours of it so far and it’s absolutely fantastic, albeit a slow burn (which I like).
I will also be continuing my journey through Tales of Arise. I just beat the second lord, found the hidden chamber in Cyslodia, mopped up a few side quests, and now making my way to the third region. I’m really loving this game.
I'm continuing my venture through Mario + Rabbids' main quest mostly. I'm not sure I'm giving anything else my time as I really wanna get this game beaten lol.
I can't stop playing EARTHBORN, I need to beat the demon king and unlock the new game +
Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls. And since I got one month of Apple Arcade for free, I didn't even have to pay for it. 👍
Curse of the moon 2, pretty cool so far.
Also want to start Spiritfarer
Flynn: Son of Crimson.
bayonetta and some donkey kong
Cruis n’ Blast
WarioWare Get it Together
WCW/NWO Revenge
I somehow missed Portal back when it came out, so I'll be probably be playing it 'til Metroid Dread comes out.
FLYNN: SON OF CRIMSON looked too good to pass up as I usually wait for sales on such titles. So far it is perfect gaming comfort food; a shepherds pie of 16-bit goodness! Also finishing up my 6th (7th?) playthrough of MARVEL'S SPIDER-MAN. This time doing a Ultimate New Game + run on the remastered PS5 edition.
I kicked off another save on Stardew, forest this time. I’ve gotten further than my first effort, just into the second year
I have been playing No Ni Kuni and Skyward sword the last few weeks. Skyward sword has been a bit of a slog. I don't mind it, but it is probably my least favourite Zelda game. I had never played it previously on Wii so a first time for me. No Ni Kuni has been great and is a beautiful game. And then I mucked up and started a new Witcher 3 game so I am lost in that now. I am terrible at finishing games.
Continuing to play through the entire DMC Series on my PS5 (PS4 Versions) my copy of the Trilogy on PS3 and my PS2 copy of DMC 1 (still my favourite) arrived on Friday, already ran through the PS2 Version on Friday and will probably do DMC 1 again on PS3 today if I've got time after finishing off DMC 3 on PS5 👍 (up to Mission 16 out of 20 I believe) I'll continue to play more DMC 1/3 to and from Work during the week since I downloaded them on Switch as well cause why the hell not 😂 plus they at least run comparably to the other Systems which is nice for once (should considering they're PS2 games though 🤷♂️)
Nerding it out reading the Silmarillion and playing the underrated and obscure Dungeon Explorer and Orcs an Elves on DS.
I am playing assassins creed 4 on the switch and Aragami 2 on the series x
im playing hide the sausage, this is the most difficult single player game ive ever played.
Xbox One- Skatebird (Game Pass)
Switch- Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
Wii U- Metroid Zero Mission (VC)
3DS- Wario Land 2 (VC)
@ogo79 practice makes perfect. I once hid it so well, I had to call the fire dept.
Picked up Katamari Damacy REROLL in the eShop for 75% and am loving it. So quirky and fun.
Picked up the physical copy of Kitaria fables , loving it so addictive 😉
Metroid 2 with colourization patch on a Gameboy Color - first time ever playing this version and getting in the mood for Dread's release next month
I had it in my head that the next game I was going to buy would be Metroid Dread. Then Eastward and Cruis'n Blast both came out and reviewed really well. I've spent the weekend trying to resist the temptation to buy either one or both of them.
Breath of the Wild, Tetris 99 and I really should download the Pacman online game! Got the Wario stage in Tetris, hope they do a Metroid Dread one.
Crystalis on the NES and WarioWare on the Switch.
@SeaFishelle I saw it, you are now involved.
i since competition...
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