Footage of Bayonetta 3 is finally out in the wild, and we've got the screenshots to prove it.
Yes, as you'll probably already know, the first trailer for Bayonetta 3 was finally unveiled during last week's Nintendo Direct. Featuring just about as many terrifying monsters and sassy witches as you'd expect, the clip showed off what promises to be an ambitious new title for the series, and one that fans will no doubt be looking forward to all the more having finally seen their first glimpse.
Coupling the footage, PlatinumGames has also shared a collection of screenshots from the game on its official site. We thought we'd share those with you here, because too much Bayonetta just isn't a thing, right?
Here we see one good boy, and one very not good boy:
Chaos everywhere:
And there's plenty more where that came from...
Are you looking forward to checking out Bayonetta 3 when it launches exclusively on Switch next year? Remember, Hideki Kamiya has said that it'll exceed all of your expectations – so no pressure, then!
[source platinumgames.com]
Comments 49
Hairier than ever, I see!
I really hope she (we) can actually free roam with her demons. Maybe ride Gamorrah.
it looks like a two generations old game ...
opportunity to use all the summons in just 1 verse? those are subsections of levels right?
ah ic the summons are her super meter and depletes extra if they get hit
@Zag_Man yea 2 is better, easier too
@BlackenedHalo I don’t completely disagree, but I just rewatched the old Bayonetta 2 trailer the other day and the difference is actually pretty crazy. We’re actually blessed by better graphics to a degree 😅
@BlackenedHalo yes it might look outdated because it is still in development
@Zag_Man Bayonetta 2 is the bomb man.
I know how to press the pause button too.
@Zag_Man Think of Bayonetta 1 as a decent appetizer, and Bayonetta 2 as a really good dinner.
Is it just me or this one has more cel shading than 2
@Zag_Man easiest way to play the first i find (as i started it yesterday) is to just learn a couple of combos. I literally only use a few and im getting through the game. Also dont be afraid to knock the difficulty down as there are a few difficult and quick enemy later on. Checkpoints are very generous and you dont travel back far upon dying so dont be afraid to. Ive literally created no potions for health regeneration etc. First thing i would do is get the air dodge but apart from that ive spent no halos on new moves etc. A good ground combo i find is P, P, P, P, P, K hits multiple enemies and deals good damage.
@Dethmunk Just wanted to say that I noticed your avatar was edited to remove the head shake. Not sure it was you who did it, but I like it.
I always love the color contrasts of this series. They are so mindful of character design, environment and color palette.
(One of the reasons I love clover/p* games so much)
I just hope i dont get to fight the same mini-bosses over and over again.Only thing i didn't like about previous games.Looking at you,Grace and Glory.
Makes me want to play the game even more.
@Zag_Man If technical fighters isn't your jam, you can probably spend your precious game time on another game. But if you are willing to learn, my tips are to learn one or two "bread and butter" combos first and use them most of the time until you get the hang of it. And evade often, take a couple of fights where you only evade, just to nail the timing. Anyway, if you are like me, you would probably want to play the first game first to understand and appreciate the improvements in gameplay of the second game. It's not that long of a game anyway.
Very pumped for this new one. However, at this point, Nintendo should heavily consider buying Bayonetta. They can still hire Platinum Games to develop it, but then the rights will rest with them fully and gets it away from Sega.
However, I'd work a deal to keep the first one on multiple platforms since the work has already been done.
@BlackenedHalo Please engage your brain. The Switch is 2015 era mobile hardware meaning its visuals are supercharged and refined Xbox 360 calibre. So of course it wont be in keeping with the latest generation of mains supplied/desktop hardware. Why is this news to you? lol. When judging its graphics you do so bearing in mind the capability of the hardware. The graphics on display here look nice with improved image quality over the prequels and demonstrate good utilization of the Switch's hardware. Nothing to critique here except the logic centres of your brain.
looks great but graphically showing Switch's shortcomings for a 2022 title. Nintendo needs some better hardware stat.
I gotta break out the first two again and get some practice! I hope there's a new song about the moon in this one. You know fly me to the moon, Moon river and now whatever it could be.
I've never been great at these action hack n slash games but I do love me some Bayonetta! The style, the character, the music and the sexy and bad ass Bayonetta herself!
Can't believe people are really complaining about the graphics. You know the switch isn't exactly a spring chicken anymore right? It looks good enough especially for this type of game. Gonna have to wait for the next Nintendo machine if you want better visuals. If looks are your thing get a PS5. If you can find one that is.
Let's all be honest here. As much as im excited for this i would be far more excited if it was on any other system other than the Switch.
Bayonetta is such a fast paced high octane game and being on another system in 60FPS an 4k would really bring this game to life. Not saying it will be bad on Switch im just saying we know the Switch wont do it justice.
@Ultrasmiles I think 3 might be using the Astral Chain engine or some variation of it
I'm still trying to figure out what all the hype about Blu ray or HD is and you people are all 4K this and 60 FPS that! It's like you won't be happy unless your eyeballs explode from extreme graphics! I bet you're already going, PS5 is so ugly. Wake me up when we have PS7's and 16K TVs!
Looks great! Next year we'll be getting great games for the Switch!
@Zag_Man Bayo 2 is superior in every conceivable way. Lots more color in the art style, no BS quicktime events, combat system feels a little deeper. You still gotta put in the time to 'git gud' and learn how to do things like dodge offset, but I found it to be much better than the first, and I already liked that one a lot.
I'm not really feeling Bayonetta's more "conservative" costume design. Project Eve might just eat Bayonetta's lunch. We'll see.
@progx I’d love for more companies to get things away from SEGA…
@earthinheritor couldn't agree more. its looking good but it feels like what they're going for would be able to spread its wings further with better hardware.
@WhiteUmbrella Project Eve feels more like a SMT than Bayonetta. Also, that's a Sony exclusive too... so I think Devil May Cry has already this battle for anyone in this category if you want to go down that rabbit hole.
@Zeldafan79 When it comes to action games like Bayonetta, 60fps is much better than 30. Which is why the Bayonetta games on Wii U and Switch run at 60fps, of course.
@Zag_Man 2 is much easier for those who aren't skilled, 1 gets boring while 2 is much more fun, even as the story goes
@progx Project Eve was originally announced for PC and Series X. It's now being marketed for PS5, but I can't find a definitive answer as to exclusivity anywhere. Sometimes timed exclusivity deals specify not mentioning the duration of exclusivity, which is probably why I can't find out. Hm
@progx also, how do you know how Project Eve feels? Is there a playable demo?
@WhiteUmbrella I stand corrected on the exclusivity.
The vibes I've gotten from watching it makes me feel SMT.
I do get the hype. I understand people are waiting for this. But I think this is the most "not for me" game I can name off the top of my head.
@Carck tall enough to not have too many camera issues.
Never played it.. but Whatever happened to her being in the nodder all the time?
@Thelastjedi2007 dude, the game is almost finished
@Zeldafan79 Ha! Yeah! People are already complaining about how the PS5 sucks at ray tracing and has to drop to 30fps to hit 4k for most big releases. And I'm just sitting there asking myself if anyone actually plays games, like, for fun anymore?
@BlackenedHalo how you expect it to look if it runs on hardware that's performance is on par with two generations old consoles?
I think Bayonetta 3 looks fine. People apparently need to be reminded the Switch's graphics processor is a custom mobile chipset that's almost a decade old now.
I'm not defending Nintendo. I think they should be criticized for that, actually, but it's important to keep the Switch's very concrete limitations in mind when talking graphics ... especially with the contrasting PS5 and X-whatever out now.
Looking forward to it
@SwitchVogel I'd say 1 has a better climax.
Am I crazy for thinking this doesn’t look as good as Bayonetta 2? B3 seems to have some weird grey haze over everything and maybe it’s just the environment but everything just seems very grey as well. The lighting also doesn’t look the same as the first two games, strangely. Bayonetta’s design used to have these streaks of reflected light, similar to black latex, which gave some contrast to the black outfit. Here it’s not nearly as prominent and she doesn’t pop out of the environment as much anymore. Same goes for her face, it’s more muted in colour and the lighting doesn’t compliment it as much as B2. Maybe it’s just that I heavily prefer the shiny aesthetic and world design cultivated by the first two games which the team seem to be moving away from in favour of the more muted pallet of DMCV but on inferior hardware.
It looked like an average trailer for any one of a dozen movies. With a different actor playing Bayonetta 3, what was wrong with the old one?
"Feast your eyes" with dizzyingly high 660x370 resolution images! ;p
Its graphical baseline is looking intense, maybe they could at least add some GPU-accelerated effects and post-processing, even if it comes at the cost of performance (I doubt they're getting a stable 60fps anyway, anyone that wants stability should request a 30fps cap)
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