Another week of that Nintendo life has passed, and there were certainly some highlights. There were all sorts of gems in the Indie World showcase, a blabbing comedian may have given up a Mario movie character, while on the rumour front we have the likes of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Grand Theft Auto Trilogy Remastered supposedly on the way. Oh, and there's a Pokémon Presents on the way. Phew!
After a busy week it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Gavin Lane, editor
Following an interview I conducted earlier this week (which music fans will definitely want to keep an eye out for soon!), I got an irresistible urge to go back to Hades. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it back at launch, but shamefully I never actually escaped. With the game finally launching on other consoles, now seems like the perfect time to get back in the blood with Zagreus and co.
And beyond that, I’ve finally resorted to using an app to locate and tick off the remaining 100-ish Korok’s hiding around Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I still wish Nintendo had released a Korok ‘suit’ that would help me zero in on the seeds better than using the mask alone, but it’s tough to complain too much at this stage. Not sure if you've heard, but that game is per-ritty good. Definitely worth picking up on sale.
Thomas Whitehead, deputy editor
I'm planning to dive into Necrobarista: Final Pour, as its Indie World announcement intrigued me and I still miss regular visits to coffee shops. Elsewhere on Switch I'm still making slow progress through The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, so it seems that I'll be doing a lot of reading. I'm also working through Last Stop one episode at a time, which is enjoyable; maybe the fact I'm playing games that are more reading and watching betrays my march towards middle age.
Outside of Switch gaming I'm very much enjoying Death's Door, which is marvellous, and will likely dive into Assassin's Creed Valhalla to do some of the Ireland DLC, because I have fallen an entire expansion behind.
Kate Gray, staff writer
I've been playing a new game! Garden Story was one of the surprise releases from the Nintendo Indie World showcase, and I was on it like a car bonnet. So far, it's living up to its "wholesome" promise, but it's a little slow in the first few hours, so I'm excited to find out what comes next.
Also, now that my massive reviews are finally done, I can get back to Fata Morgana!!
Jon Cartwright
I just wrapped up a playthrough of The Frog for Whom the Bells Tolls on Game Boy, we did a video on it over on the channel so I won't waste too much time, it's really good though! Many of its components set the foundation for Link's Awakening and I'd love to see more people give it some love.
As for new releases the latest Indie World has put a ton on my radar and Axiom Verge 2 released out of nowhere. However I haven't actually finished the first game...I adored what I played but other parts of life got in the way at the time. Maybe it's time to go back before picking up the sequel.
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
Like many, I'm sure, I'll be playing through Axiom Verge 2 this weekend. I absolutely loved the original, and I honestly have to commend Thomas Happ for taking such a risk with its sequel. It feels so different, and I've no doubt it will prove to be quite divisive. So far, though, it's pretty great!
I'm also currently playing a bit of Mario Golf: Super Rush. I quickly tried out the New Donk City course the other day and found it to be a bit uninspired, but I'll play it a bit more over the weekend and see if it changes my mind. Have a good one, folks!
Austin Voigt, contributor
Lately, I've admittedly really been getting back into collecting 3DS games - so my weekend plans will include playing Bravely Default, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D / A Link Between Worlds / Majora's Mask 3D, and a random Japanese Tamagotchi game I found on Ebay ("Ouichi Mainichi", or "Everyday House"?). Always looking for new old games to try, so if anyone has any suggestions, leave 'em in the comments!
Of course, I can't go a weekend without picking up my Switch for a bit - and I'm very intrigued by Zion, Alex & Jon's Ring Fit Adventure(s)... It's been a while since I've played my copy of the game, and I have yet to sample this delicious-sounding Zelda Rhythm mode, so I may hit that up over the weekend as well!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 101
I finally made it to the fifth and final island in the Deadlands expansion of Kingdom: Two Crowns. I defeated each of the Greed lairs in the previous four islands and with any luck, will be finished within two days.
I shall be continuing the joyous roller coaster of fun and japery that is The House at Fata Morgana.
In these uncertain times we need a little emotionally undemanding, cosy escapism.
Mother 3. I'm on chapter 7 now, for the life of me I can't understand why Nintendo won't release this masterpiece outside of Japan. Do what I did, pick up a repro GBA cart with a fan translation. When I finish that I'll start on Axiom Verge 2.
I'm done and dusted with Spider-Man Remastered so I'm debating whether or not to begin playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon whilst continuing with 3D World on switch
Just finished Ghost of Tsushima which I loved.
Started The Order 1886 which is a nice short game as a break after that huge game
Love the setting, great world they have created, enjoying it especially as I got it free in a deal.
Also playing Mario Golf on my Switch and playing San Francisco RUSH 2049 on my N64.
Only just started XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 2 recently so will be chatting up Pyra this weekend.
Also continuing my daily chapter of LAST STOP on Xbox.
Some Dragon Quest Heroes, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light and probably some The Survivalists on the Switch - got the last one yesterday on sale and might start it up today.
Playing a lot of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online
Also been playing Game Builder Garage, Miitopia and Smash Ultimate
Though I’m progressing smoothly with Skyward Sword HD I think I’ll be playing some online matches tonight like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and Smash Bros Ultimate.
For weeks I've been saying to myself, 'tackle the backlog' and for weeks I've been buying new games, lots of them.
Along with Rocket League,I'll be playing this week's purchases.
Diablo 3 - I'm hooked and already a fair way through the story mode. I'm looking forward to starting Adventure mode with a new character once I'm done.
Wolfenstein 2 - I'm not too far into it but I'm enjoying it so far. Although it doesn't seem to be as polished as Doom. I've ran into a couple of issues already. One section I got stuck under a walkway and couldn't get out. Fell into it 3 times and had to reload each time. That General Engel could be the craziest video game baddie I've ever seen and I've only met her once.
Game Tengoku Cruisnmix Special - It's a colourful and bizarre 90's shmup and I love it.
I thought I was almost done with Neo: The World Ends With You last week... The postgame's a lot more extensive than I expected! I've really enjoyed the game overall, but after 80 hours, I'm starting to feel a bit burnt out, so I might just try to tackle the last couple of major challenges and save the last bit of grinding for later.
Other than NTWEWY, since I'm wanting to move on to some other games now, I'll probably get back to Final Fantasy I on Steam soon. On the Switch side of things, I've been thinking about returning to Resident Evil Revelations 2 and the Cadence of Hyrule DLC to have something shorter to focus on after this massive JRPG. I also picked up Islanders and Dreamscaper recently, so I might try those out too. On PS5... maybe I'll get back to Valkyria Chronicles Remastered? Depends on how I feel after NTWEWY I guess.
Skyward Sword HD for me, the HD graphics look lovely. Also Super Princess Peach on DS and Ring Fit Adventure post game stuff, still really enjoying it.
Also thinking of putting in a pre-order for Sonic Colours HD.
I am playing botw! Finally completed all shrines (non dlc) and now trying to complete all side quests! Really loving this game and I’m excited for the sequel. Apart from that playing age of empires 2 DE on laptop
I'm playing a hunch.
Final Fantasy XIV.
I'll try to finish Axiom Verge 2 and play some more Lost Vikings Co-op
Just finished Dragon Quest XI S on Switch. Now I'm playing 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim on PS4, which I've had since it released last year but kept forgetting about.
I beat Castlevania Symphony Of The Night and I absolutely loved it. A deserved classic, I liked how you could explore but not get too lost, the classic combat and the levelling system. It was perfection.
I’m in a more action frame of mind so I’ve risked downloading The Messenger, and I’m really glad I did so far. It’s like ninja Castlevania! I’m also playing a bit of Bloodstained Curse Of The Moon in between.
When I finish that I might give Hades another go, I was more in a jrpg and VN place when it came out.
I have two weeks off work and plenty to play.
This week I will be mostly playing
Skyward Sword
Mega Man 1, 2, 4
Darksiders 2
Just killed Lady Dimitrescu in RE8 and looking forward to see what comes next. Loving Shantae Half Genie Hero on Switch. Really miss this sort of game. I am hanging on to Pirates Curse on 3DS because the value is creeping up.
Very close to wrapping up Final Fantasy VI, I think. It might be my favourite 16-bit RPG - although I’ll have to give Phantasy Star IV a try at some point.
Haven’t picked up my Switch in a while, so I want to get back to it. Paper Mario, Divinity: Original Sin 2, MH Rise and Skyward Sword are all wondering where I’ve gone...
I played these games. 🤓

1. Go Vacation Nintendo Switch
2. Skylanders Swap Force PS3
Streets of Rage 4
Finished Super Mario World. Time for one last play (allegedly) with Splatoon 2 before Splatoon 3.
AXIOM VERGE 2 so far this game is good.
Yesterday I happened to pick up Axiom Verge 2 and The Last Campfire (the latter of which is on a hefty sale), but I'm still playing Persona 5 Strikers, and I suppose I'll be at it for awhile before giving them a go. It is getting more enjoyable with time though, and I think I'm starting to prefer this Koei Tecmo game over Age of Calamity (which was still a good game, nonetheless).
I got Huntdown on sale last week, I've been playing that a fair bit, great fun.
And I just got Jump King and I absolutely love that. Every death is just hilarious to me. Let's see how long that lasts 🤔😅
Currently Playing:
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Super Smash Bros Melee (JP)
Mario Kart: Double Dash (JP)
Hades, I've had the Switch version for ages but never got around to playing it as I'm not a fan of roguelike games but will finally give it a shot as it looks gorgeous in 4k.
I can put my unopened Cart on ebay now - its currently selling for a lot more than I paid for it, which is one good thing with Switch games
I'm completed Arcade Mode in BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition as Konoe Ayatsuki Mercury and Lambda-11. Finished Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R as Sol Badguy, on Path B(Bad Ending, I think). Tomorrow, I will try to beat the game on Path A. And, I'm completed 2th and 3th Episodes in Resident Evil: Revelations.
Donkey Kong country want to beat it legitimately at the snow levels so far. Great game. Also playing tropical freeze on switch. I feel a run of super Metroid coming as well on my SNES mini. I can’t stress enough how awesome the SNES pad is for these games rather than switch or 3ds controls xxx happy gaming xx
More Skyward Sword HD, I'd guess I'm near the end so if I do finish it before this weekend is over I'll also play some MH Rise. It has been very refreshing having an actual 3D Zelda game on the Switch.
A little Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, a dash of Sky Force, some Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and some Darkest Dungeon.
Picked up Alba: A Wildlife Adventure on sale and it's turned out to be exactly what I hoped: a chill, pleasant, colorful, light-hearted excursion perfect for just before bed or after a stressful day at work.
Happy weekend one and all and happy gaming!
Pokemon go. Time to boost my eevee candies
@Dragonslacker1 You're so right. I've been using my 8Bitdo SN30 Pro to play Super Metroid through my Switch Online account. Perfection.
Streets of Rage 4 and Super Mario Golf Super Rush
Forty hours into Skyward Sword HD. A good game, still enjoying myself but I can begin to feel the fatigue of the game.
I will complete it however.
I'm going to continue killing half the underworld in Hades. I've escaped with all weapons, and the bow with 1 heat. Need to get that heat on all the weapons.
Other than that, I might start Hollow Knight for the first time. The artwork and the combat look sensational, so, I can't wait!
I haven't really been engaged with my Switch lately other than Hades and Smash. Truth be told, there just hasn't been much on the platform that has spoken to me since Monster Hunter back in March. I really hope the upcoming Warioware and Pokémon games are awesome. And of course I hope Xenoblade 3 is real.
Final Fantasy XIV (PC). Never played an MMORPG before this. Never saw myself being someone who would, but here I am. xD
Mario Golf , Maybe some fishing and check mail in Animal Crossing..
Continuing my Switch play through of Breath of the Wild. Venturing into the heart of Gerudo Desert this weekend and doing a little cross-dressing.
I randomly started a second playthrough of Bowser's Fury and that game is pure joy. I thought I would play for just 5 minutes, and next thing I knew I had 42 cat shines.
Super Robot Wars X but also some split screen Minecraft on my daughter’s Switch.
All these years I’ve never tried the game, but it’s the only one she’s willing to multiplayer lately so trying it out! It’s funny how bossy she gets.😁
Shuffling between Monster Hunter Rise (200 hours in) scroll chasing & continuing my play-through of Monster Hunter World on Xbox Series X. It’s beautiful ! Also had some fun playing Clubhouse Games with sis earlier in the week & hopped on a twitch stream to play some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ! A good week & weekend ahead to say the least! Happy gaming everyone
Immortals Fenyx Rising picked it up for 20 quid on Amazon. Also Animal crossing
Dolphin emulator on my Samsung tsb s7 with switch pro controller- Mario Strikers Charged is my joy today.
I'd love a new version or even port on Switch
Last weekend I beat the nes metroid! It was way better than I expected! Really has ages ok! This weekend is other M... its OK once you get use to the stupid control and accept Adam is just a bit of a (blank).
Bit of Apex on switch and Pokémon Unite I’ve also just got South Park stick of truth for the switch and am loving it so far great game.
The few parts of my weekend that aren't getting sucked up by IRL and Eevee Community Day in Pokemon Go will be spent playing more Ys VIII. I took a short gaming break earlier this week, so not much progress there. I also - shamefully - still need to actually boot up Drill Dozer on my Wii U. I'm fairly certain that's about all I'll manage.
Happy gaming!
So I played hades some more and idk what happened but I just really started struggling to enjoy it. I'm a little disappointed because it clearly is a good game but it just isn't as addicting to me as it is for others. Last night I was trying to push myself to do more runs and after I got halfway into one run I got tired lol. I'm assuming I just got burnt out so I'll return to it later.
I started The World Ends With You on my DS earlier this week. I'm only on day 5 but I am REALLY enjoying this one! The combat is pretty complex but I like it so far! I also started West of Loathing which is pretty hilarious (or maybe I just have a dumb sense of humor). I'm gonna be playing more Mario Golf: Super Rush this weekend as well! Last weekend my brother managed to get a hole in one and we popped off so hard 😂
Fire emblem forth path
MHR Hr 7 quests
I am playing axiom verge 2. Really good game altough I still prefer the first one
P.s: also most likely I will get a wii-u later on today as I am tired of waiting for XCX port... (Already bought the game last week)
I caved and bought Skyward Sword. Really wanted a new and actually good 3d Zelda again since it's been a long while since Twilight Princess came out
And aside from the obnoxious controls and ugly noses and mouths everyone got from this "HD" relift, it's been so much fun to play through. What I'd give to have another proper Zelda again built for the switch, instead we're getting empty open world game #89
@Dragonslacker1 I like to use the 8bitdo controllers when playing the NSO games and they have the feel of the SNES controllers. The snow levels of Donkey Kong Country are so hard. Good luck. Have fun.
I'm trying to wrap up the end game in Hades. I feel like I should be close, but I'm not sure. Also, playing the demo of Shadowverse which seems like a pretty cool game. Definitely has strong Hearthstone vibes.
Not sure if I'm going to get the full version of Shadowverse immediately after finishing the demo as I've been waiting for King's Bounty 2 for awhile and that's right around the corner. But Shadowverse is definitely good enough for me to get eventually.
I got Breath of the Wild last week and am still going to be playing it for a long time. Besides that, I’ve been playing a LOT of Smash Ultimate Spirit Boards over the last month or so.
After finishing 3 paths on FE Three Houses it might took a while for me to play on 4th route (Silver Snow), and now currently focus on playing Fire Emblem Warriors.
Im playing with my boyfriend.
Angry Birds Star Wars (Windows Phone) - Still having a blast with this one. Probably my favourite AB game after Seasons.
Equalicious (Windows Phone) - Still playing around with this.
Bug Village (Windows Phone) - Normally not into village management games, but this is kinda cute.
Blasphemous and Bioshock.
I finished all four devine beasts in botw and am tackling side quests. Thunder helm, building the town. My backlog is huge might jump back on 3D world and Mario kart when needing a break.
I bought like 5 new games and I’m probably just going to replay hollow knight again
Playing Ys VIII on Switch and Pokemon Omega Ruby on 3DS
I couldn't play skyward sword in the week because of work
So i'll be playing skyward sword, mario kart 8 and ratchet and clank
Also i'm thinking about buying myself a WiiU so i could finally play Twilight princess and windwaker again, but idk i'll give Nintendo till december to port them
Can’t get enough of puyo puyo Tetris 2 lately. I’m finally getting the hang of puyo puyo and I love it!
It will be Castlevania on Saturn for me. Finally got the English patch and now enjoying new zones items and story without getting lost. It's been more than 20 years since my last playthrough so needed English to help with those solid memories
The struggle is real! Been trying to clear up my backlog and here I am just adding more games to it! Haven’t got around to Wolfenstein II (or Subnautica for that matter!) just yet but looking forward to it. I did manage to finish INSIDE…such a creepy and great gaming experience, that ending! I’m nearing the end of Metro 2033, been enjoying it as well! I’ll dabble in whatever the heck I want this weekend , no real plans which is nice!
I’ve actually been for a good schmup to add to the good ol’ backlog. I currently own zero schmups so it’s a genre I’m lacking in! Any recommendations are welcome in that regard!
In the middle of another heat wave so weather will be nice here, wish everyone a safe and joyous weekend!
I still enjoy Hades, such an amazing game. It really is a must play title. Pretty surprising how long it was Switch exclusive amongst the consoles, smart play by Nintendo recognizing its potential. You have wonder if and when that game receives DLC, there’s so much they could offer!
Switch: Going to the lanayru desert in skywrad sword hd.
Xbox: Playing some mathes of fifa 21 with my brother.
Have a great gaming weekend
Randomly started UnderMine which I got on sale awhile back. Super fun so far. Also came back to Super Mario Maker 2 again, because apparently 275 hours is just not enough of that game.
Boyfriend dungeon of course ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’ll be lost in Ori and the Blind Forest this weekend. I’ve also been trying to check off the nine challenges I have left in Smash Ultimate. Time to get git gud!
i am on a trip without the switch ...so only some mario kart tour...which is not that great
Just started <b> A Hat in Time </b>
At first… I thought it was okay. (Mafiatown)
However once I got to the haunted forest, wow!
I'll probably go to WarioWare: Twisted!, which I got this week but haven't been able to play it.
Other than that, I'll probably get the recent SEGA Picross and play a few puzzles.
I recently purchased Undermine on sale as well. Glad to hear you’ve been enjoying it. Bought it on a whim so was a bit skeptical!
I work some of this weekend so I'll get in what I can. I got earlier in the month Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order and I'm liking it more and more as I play it. I like my team of Wolverine, Gambit, Ghost Rider and Cyclops! I've also got in some Rise but been going back to MHGU for some challenge and lobby camaraderie. I miss that after a lot of Rise play. I feel spoiled being able to have 2 completely different monster hunter experiences for whatever style I'm in the mood for
Gonna give MONSTER HUNTER GENERATIONS ULTIMATE another go since it was on sale. Other than that, probably some FOX AND FOREST and DBFZ.
That video on "For the Frog the Bell Tolls" made me stop watching the video and get the game on my RG351m. But so far I've been playing Mechstermination Force, almost done but REALLY not enjoying the current boss fight (the ball of snakes in the vulcano). Did all the others available up to this point, and have all the upgrades available, so I think I'm just going to decide I'm done with it. Some truly great boss fights as well though.
I'll mainly be continuing Monster Hunter Stories 2 this week. The game is absolutely amazing. When I'm playing with friends I'll probably play some Dead by Daylight, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Super Mario Party.
Dived into Undermine as it was on my backlog, really enjoying it as well, bouncing between that and Children of Zodiarcs which also has been sitting dormant in my backlog for awhile. Trying to not purchase any new games from a sale until I get my backlog down a bit. Will allow myself to pay for a new game if its something I want at regular price it makes you think a little before you buy lol.
Finally found an unused copy of Xenoblade 2 so I’m jumping into that world. Forza 4 may make an appearance as well.
I lost my temper and bought a PS5. It would be pretty funny in a sitcom or comedy sketch. I was trying to buy it from Gamestop, and you had to have a Pro membership (which I had purchased). Then as the website opened to PS5 purchases I realized I should be on my PC, not my phone. So I had Matt Swider's live stream playing and couldn't get logged in to my Gamestop account. Right as the livestream was announcing all these successful purchases I got locked out of my Gamestop account! So angry! So I went straight to the dirty scalpers and paid $200 extra and got my damn PS5.
I've been pleasantly surprised by it. Astro's Playroom shocked me because it feels like Nintendo polish/quality. The only actual PS5 game I've bought so far is Returnal, which really feels like an awesome evolution of Metroid. I love both those games. I also love the controller. The triggers are bigger and better shaped (for me), so I'm not at risk of getting blisters when I play Rocket League for hours. The rumble is great too. I love feeling the rain in Returnal.
I've also been playing Mario Golf Super Rush, Neo Geo Pocket Collection vol 1, Terra Lander (I really like the decent Terra trilogy cartridge), Skydrift Infinity, Dreamscaper, and Axiom Verge 2.
playing Bravely Default 2 and Fire Emblem - Three Houses
@Luigisghost669 can't wait until Forza Horizon 5 drops... saw some 4k game play a couple days ago
Finally getting round to playing Metroid 2 on 3DS recently (Riding that Dread hype train ). Also getting back into my Link to the Past Randomizer Speedrunning.
U.N. Squadron and Mario Kart 8
New Pokémon Snap and ACNH. Restarted my island again. And I want to try and finish Snap. Hopefully I can get back into it. Might also try Monster Hunter Stories 2 if I can get it away from my oldest son.
Only a few story missions away from finishing AC Black flag. Not sure if I want to 100% it, but I’m not far away so I might as well go for it. After the Indie presentation I also want to start Axiom Verge from my backlog.
Mario+Rabbids for the most part, but I'm also making headway in Boot Hill Heroes-- The game gives me a Earthbound x Wild West vibes, so I'm diggin' it. I miiiiight start In the Rays of Light... I just can't seem to stay away from walking sims it seems.
Curious Expedition 2. Really enjoying it so far.
Absolutely hooked on Paper Mario Origami King, so will continue to play that every chance I get
Hades on Xbox Game Pass. And Skyward Sword HD on switch
Continuing work through Octopath and NEO: TWEWY. Finally finished Ace Attorney Trilogy this past week, but I’m taking a break before I start the Great Chronicles.
I played Risk of Rain 2 all weekend myself! It is a pretty tough game unless you get the right buffs, and I still haven't completely finished a single game. One of these days I will.
Working my way through CrisTales. Wonderful little RPG and beautiful art style and soundtrack!!
@Rainz I meant to get back to you sooner, sorry.
I made a list of all my shmups the other day and gave each one a score.
If I'm to recommend just 3, I'd say go for
Rolling Gunner
3 very different styles, all beginner friendly (but still tough) and all superb.
I started Metro 2033 the other week but went onto something else. I really enjoyed what I played, need to go back to it. I just finished the main story on Wolfenstein 2,loved it. Playing Quake now.
The ending of Inside was nuts, eh!
It seems we have similar tastes haha
Much appreciate the reply! I’m definitely going to check out your read up on Schmups, super cool how you’ve rated them all! Again thanks for the link!
Metro 2033 didn’t quite grab me at 1st, after giving it a proper go…the atmosphere the game creates is extremely immersive. Doesn’t feel too far fetched to think this could one day become reality…at the pace we and this planet are moving! Atleast we’ll be ready! Lol
INSIDE is a game that will stay with me forever. I’d love to see it as a fleshed out animated silent film or something!
I have heard so many great things about the story in Wolfenstein II, can’t wait to start playing it. No idea why I’ve waited this long tbh. Bit of a shame we might not see anymore Bethesda titles on Nintendo consoles.
I never played Quake. I know!…for shame! I remember how impactful it was at the time but never got around to playing it. I have no excuses now.
Indeed…we have great taste in games. I’ll hit you up in your schmups post with my friend code. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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