Despite Pokémon Legends: Arceus arguably being one of the most intriguing releases the Pokémon series has received in some time, we haven't heard all that much about it since its initial reveal back in February. A release date was given a little later in May, but we haven't heard a peep since then.
Thankfully, for anyone cautiously optimistic that the game could be a truly special step forward for the series given the time and creativity it deserves, it seems that we won't have to wait too much longer to learn more. GamesBeat recently sat down for a chat with JC Smith, The Pokémon Company International's senior director of consumer marketing, and the topic of Arceus' impending release was briefly mentioned:
GamesBeat: We also have Pokémon Legends: Arceus coming out next year. When do you think we’ll hear more about that?
Smith: That one, we have a robust rollout, but not a lot that I can share at this time. But the team has a lot of great things to share, and you’ll be hearing from us soon.
"Soon" sounds good to us, and with Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl also only 100 days away from launch as of today, it wouldn't be all that surprising to see a Pokémon Presents show discussing all of these games in the near future. We'll have to wait and see on that one.
Are you looking forward to seeing more of Pokémon Legends: Arceus? Do you think you'll be picking it up in January? Tell us below.
[source venturebeat.com, via nintendosoup.com]
Comments 79
"Are you looking forward to seeing more of Pokémon Legends: Arceus?"
Ofc, i want to see if the performance has improved and also I want to know what this game is about except filling the Pokedex (which is part of every pokemon game)
They've been surprisingly quiet about the Diamond and Pearl remakes as well. I really thought we'd have seen a bit more footage by now considering we're not that far from release.
I am a little nervous since its coming out shortly after Diamond&Pearl. I hope its a good game.
@Justaguest BDSP is made by ILCA while PLA is made by GameFreak but yeah it's weird that TPC releases two main games only two months apart from each other (especially since PLA could most likely benefit from more developing time)
I'm interested to see what the final build of the game looks like. The foundation that we were shown looked good, but it looked like it needed a lot more work.
We already know that it will run and look like a widescreen Nintendo 64 installment of Pokemon that we never got or wished for
Very intrigued by the game after seeing Cyndaquil return (was my starter in Gold on GBC, so very fond memories)
It's it bad of me though to say I hope that maybe Bandai Namco pop in to help Game Freak with it!?
Granted New Pokemon Snap is linear and has the occasional slow down, framerate hiccup. But to me the game looks so much better than Sw/Sh!
We need that chimchar we saw in the trailer to be running higher than 5fps! xD
From what I've heard, trailers from when a game is 6+ months out of release are garbage. Meaning the game should look better than its initial reveal. Although, I thought it looked fine so I'm sure it will look double fine to me when I see updated footage.
the Pokémon Company should have delayed Pokémon Legend Arceus to summer/ fall 2022, we Pokémon fans deserve the best game of the franchise, not a half- baked game
A robust marketing campaign sounds like "gradually telling us most of the game's experience up until launch".
Although they've avoided doing that since the 3DS games, so we'll see.
I’d gladly take a delay on this one. I want to be optimistic about this but I think it will be disappointing. My hopes are it’s successor will nail it from the mistakes made in this one
It doesn't matter what they tell us or what this game is. I can promise you that the community won't be happy. They never are.
Me, I just want to know what the point is to the game and if it retains traditional battle mechanics and Multi-player.
I really do not want real-time battles or any trainer involvement. I'd much rather have them actually make a fun and just modestly challenging single player experience that leads into Multi-player post game content.
Pokemon's battle mechanics are excellent. But I would forgive single player only fans for disagreement because the vanilla Pokemon games make little use of those mechanics in-game. You don't even need to know the type chart to beat most vanilla Pokemon games. That's not because the mechanics are bad but because they do design the games to be beatable by 5 year Olds who can't read...
Most people know what to expect from BDSP, so I'm not too surprised The Pokemon Company has been a little quiet. Especially with all the complaining from "too much info" in regards to Sun/Moon. We'll probably see more on this before long.
I'm cautiously optimistic in seeing more on Pokemon Legends: Arceus. It has been several months since we saw any footage there. Handled right, it could be a brilliant direction for the series.
The radio silence on both games has made me nervous, especially with that 'less then 100 days to go' on BDSP. Hope we get a Presents or something else substantial soon on both of them. Get a better look at those graphical & technical improvements and more news on some of the features.
Pokemon go event incoming!
Get ready for the delay news
Nobody hates Pokémon quite like Pokémon fans
@mariomaster96 Yea.. and a lot of people will not be in mood to play another Pokemon game so soon. I cant even look at Monster Hunter Stories. Its a completly different game from Rise, but still.. I have had enough of MH games for a year. Im afraid Ill feel that way about Pokemon too.
@mariomaster96 it's such an odd month to release in as well, January has always been nintendos quieter months
Oh man, can't wait to play at 2 FPS ...joking aside, I really do hope they work out that issue. The first trailer looked ROUGH. The gameplay elements, art, and setting all look fantastic they just need to nail down the graphics and performance. If they can make it like how BotW runs, I will be happy
Plenty of time till it releases! Looking forward to what gameplay mechanics this will have, story and challenges/achievements it will implement.
@F_T_Wolf Really? They keep showing DP on twitter. Nothing new though. Always the same stuff so I understand your concerns..
@mariomaster96 every game can benefit from more developing time
@Flashlink99 Go back and look at an N64 game and then look at the trailer. Asinine comment.
@Heavyarms55 You need to try a nuzlocke or some challenging romhacks. Check out Blaze Black/Volt White.
This is a Day-One pre-order for me. In fact.... I may have already
I really reeeeeeealllly hope they have been cooking this one for a long time, No rush job needed. It is important to be finished upon release.
This Legends series could be a whole new side game -for each region, if done right.
Looking forward to actual information, but so far, very excited for this.
Man, you'd think the reveal trailer ran at 10fps, judging by the comments here. The internet really has a talent for making mountains out of molehills.
@mariomaster96 if only it was just ILCA, then there would be more hope for it...

I’m more interested in the remakes (I think I’m the only one lol), but Legends looks really cool as well.
Hopefully we get some news sooner rather than later.
@Shadowmoon522 Game Freak's involvement doesn't automatically mean it will be bad.
Cautiously optimistic that Legends will be a decent game and finally a significant step of progress for the Pokemon games.
However, there is an inevitability here that the game is surely, like many others before it, going to suffer from the post-BotW syndrome.
Is this game really going to offer anywhere near that level of freedom BotW gave us? And if not, is that going to make the game disappointing and less enjoyable for everyone that has played BotW.
Perhaps it's unfair to add this, but the fact its releasing so close to another major Pokemon release also fills me with skepticism it will meet the high expectations.
Lots of unknowns still... we will see when they finally show us more!
Okay, sorry Nlife, but the ads on your site are getting obnoxious. I normally forgive it because I want to support the site, but I’m gonna have to resort to an ad blocker. Having a video that I can’t close take up half the screen is just annoying.
@BloodNinja hey, it would be more useful if you could simply send us a screenshot (you have my email address) so we can get the bad-ad reported and blocked from the system.
@antdickens Ah, I didn’t know you guys were that user friendly. Thanks for the tip.
Looking forward to seeing this info. I am going to try to pick this game up day-one. I really do like open-world games, and I just realized this... if everything goes according to Nintendo's current plan we'll get Legends Arceus in January 2022, and then Breath of the Wild 2 in late 2022... Two major open-world games in 2022 on the Nintendo Switch.
Gameplay will surely be shown in late August or early September
People need to keep expectations in check for this. If you go in expecting Breath of the Wild you will certainly be let down. BOTW took 6 years to develop. This has been done in 2, presumably by a smaller team (could be wrong there). I think it will be much smaller in scope than it seems.
Looking forward to seeing what they can do but I remain skeptical...
@Jey887 This! I always try to keep my expectations low, because I never want to be disappointed, and because of that I have enjoyed games that most people have hated... I don't like Sticker Star, but I did enjoy Colour Splash and Origami King to a moderate extent, and I also am still loving Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Anyway, on topic: is this gonna be like a classic Pokémon game, but with battles against multiple, simultaneous opponents?(like literally every other JRPG)
If so, that might be enough for me to try it. If it’s the same, “middle schooler gets starter Pokémon and fights gym leaders,” then they can keep their game!
"You’ll be brought to the Sinnoh region, the setting for the Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl games. But this story unfolds in a long-gone era, before ideas such as being a Pokémon Trainer or having a Pokémon League even existed.
All around, you’ll find Pokémon living wild in harsh environments that make for a Sinnoh unlike the region you may remember from the days of the Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl games."
Let's hope it will end up as an okay game. I really want to have an open world Pokémon, but after the last couple of games I have my doubts that GameFreak will deliver a good product. They do not have to try anymore, since fans will buy it regardless of the quality.
Hoping it'll be good but I'm expecting a disaster
@RareFan Because there are fans that aren't as bothered by the games' flaws as much as others.
@BloodNinja It's tradition.
@nocdaes I personally thought Sword/Shield were decent. They may have had their share of flaws, but I still thought they were good games.
@Heavyarms55 "Five year olds who can't read". I don't think that's very fair.
Which is a bad thing, because then the fans will never really see the full potential of Pokémon.
@RareFan That's not very fair to say.
It's not a bad thing. There are people who like the games and people who don't. You can like the games and "really see the potential of Pokemon" at the same time. I liked Sword/Shield, and will always be a Pokemon fan, and I still see the franchise's full potential.
@Kirby_EU I see, is there any info on the gameplay, yet?
I want to really like Arceus.. please Pokemon company don't launch a POS. I hope they release a game in the future aimed more towards adults that played these games as kids. The franchise is big enough to allow space for something a little more mature and difficult.
While I don't see myself getting it day one. I want to see what people think about the game first before I get it but my main concern about the game is the performance. As always I am a 60fps snob but I know what to expect from the switch and I just hope that gamefreak can get the game to run at a stable 30fps at release (I don't mind a hiccup here or there in performance since this is going to be an open world game).
I really hope that they delay the game (to improve the performance and to not release so close to BDSP) so they don't fall face first at the starting line. Since this is going into a new direction for them and I do hope it works out for them.
More information about the game can be found at https://legends.pokemon.com/en-us/
I imagine we'll get information after Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl finally drop.
Pokemon Legends is a spin-off not a mainline game. Tying in directly with the remakes launching later this year.
It´s perfectly explained on the product page of Pokemon Legends with direct reference to the remakes at the bottom of the page.
The remakes take place in Sinnoh region present day time, while Pokemon Legends takes place far into the past in the same region.
Pokemon Legends will also be strictly single player experience and since its setting is far into the past when trainers and leagues did not exist, it´s safe to say that there will be no trainer battles and thus no multiplayer.
So the core audience will mainly play the remakes launching later this year, while Pokemon Legends will more likely attract a more niche audience like Pokemon Snap.
The Serebii page lists Pokemon Legends: Arceus as the mainline game
What about Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? I would expect to see information first for these remakes
Anwyay I hope to see truly interesting and exciting information about this game. I want this game to truly be something special, even if it's releasing "too soon" (while that could be prone to a delay, this game could instead see free DLC and updates over time to increase content).
It deserves its own presentation for that.
I am honestly more interested in Pokemon Legends Arceus than I have been in a Pokemon game in a very long time. The remakes don't interest me even though I have never played the older versions, and I simply have never gotten behind the battle system of Pokemon games. It just bores me. New Pokemon Snap was and still is fantastic though, so I have decent hopes that this spinoff will be fun too. I enjoy Pokemon in different ways.
Pokemon Legends is singleplayer-only.
@Kirby_EU Main line games always come in two editions with trainer battles, gyms/leagues and multiplayer as core components.
Always have and always will. See the latest Sword & Shield.
Even Lets go Eevee and Lets go Pikachu were seen as spin-offs and not mainline games.
Just because Seribii puts it up as mainline game, doesn´t make it so.
They might believe it, because it´s made by Gamefreak.
In a way you can maybe see it as a third "tie-in" game to the remakes launching later this year, since it takes place in the same Sinnoh region.
@westman98 Ehh, you might want to check again.
Pokemon Legends is currently advertised as Single player only. Nothing so far indicates anything on it having Multiplayer.
@westman98 Doesn´t mean they can't suddenly add multiplayer in the coming Pokemon direct. Who knows.
But so far what Nintendo describes themselves on the Pokemon Legends website indicates it will be a Single player game.
The setting being far into the past. So there are no Pokemon trainers, no gyms, no leagues, etc.
You will basically be one of those old time Pokemon Rangers with core gameplay being researching and catching pokemon and completing Sinnoh pokedex.
So without trainer battles and Leagues, the only multiplayer component left would be online trading.
But what point is there in that, since Pokemon Legends is just one game that will contain all Sinnoh pokemon unlike the current main games that always release in two editions, with each edition having unique pokemon. To promote trading.
Half baked game based on what evidence?
The game will look fine for the vast majority of Pokemon fans, looking forward this new game.
@johnvboy the frame rate in that Chingling and the Pokémon don't react when you caught someone next to them.
@johnvboy oh, yeah. Most people won't think the game looks bad. It's just funny to see people make such declarative statements about it when I've also heard that trailers for a game that's 6 months or more out from release are not representative of how the final product will look. Based on my own experience, that does seem to be true, fwiw.
So true, even with Sword and shield there were improvements over the initial reveal trailer, however some YouTube users were still showing the reveal footage as proof GameFreak had done nothing to change things.
O.k, but surely things can change, and we do not know what stage the game was at when the trailer was put together, or even when the footage was captured etc, will wait for some more concrete info or proper game play before passing judgement.
Let's all be honest with ourselves here.... This will just be a more "open world" SW/SH and that's literally it. Pokemon games are designed for children and while also enjoyed by a lot of adults like us, they are under no obligation to change this formula or greatly expand on it to cater to us either. They'll sell loads of copies as they usually do, and that's how they'll always handle these titles. And we'll all still buy them (why entirely is a different story for another time).
I don't have high hopes for this one, honestly. A game idea of this magnitude has not been done by them before.. and unless it's been baking for a long time or they have some serious talent on the roster this won't be nearly as expansive as BOTW.
Accept defeat on this one. And preorder it anyways because we all know we will for god knows what reason.
Honestly my expectations for pokemon are very low right now I dont think I will buy a new pokemon game. Unless it get the same quality and treatment as mario and zelda games. Even METROID seems to be getting a good game. That series has just been collecting dust.
@westman98 Well that's stupid as hell.
@mr-duster It's an accurate description of the difficulty level of vanilla Pokemon single player.
@Bret lol, you say that like I haven't. I have played a ton of them. But I think they tend to push things too far for the average player. I like them personally but I wouldn't want the vanilla games to be that tough. Then younger players would struggle a lot. I want the games to be accessible but to still require the player to understand the basic mechanics beyond just over leveling and winning.
@Heavyarms55 No, it isn't. It's just hurtful and unnecessary. If you don't like the games for being too easy for your liking, that's fine. Just please don't compare it to "five year olds who can't read".
@mr-duster Sorry that you find it hurtful, but it's not inaccurate. :/
I mean, I know these games might be a bit too easy for your liking, but I don't think by THAT much.
@mr-duster given how masuda has been since gen 6 started, we can already most likely count the platinum improvements as being non-existent.
no battle frontier, no distortion world, cynthia being made easier and everyone else being made easier, early exp share or something else that makes leveling far to easy before the end game, no player own villia, the story being dumbed down, ect
hell, wouldn't be surprised if areas like new moon island and flower paradise end up being non-existent.
guess we'll find out in 4 days if ueda managed to stop masuda from making the same mistakes again or not
Though we don't know for sure if the Platinum editions will be removed or not. We could be pleasantly surprised.
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