Though the upcoming Switch Pokémon games had most of the focus in today's showcase stream for the franchise, mobile releases like Pokémon GO also featured. The real-world AR game is going to have some more new Pocket Monsters from the Galar Region popping up between 20th and 31st August.
This tie-in with Pokémon Sword & Shield will bring Wooloo, Skwovet and Falinks out into the wild. Meanwhile in five star raids you'll find Zacian between 20th and 26th August, and Zamazenta between 26th August and 1st September. These are part of some broader storytelling and lore currently taking place in the game through events, so eager players will no doubt be eager to keep up.

In recent weeks Niantic has been trying to roll back some changes it made during the challenging times of the past 12-18 months, but setup a 'task force' when some of the player base rebelled, so there's clearly a lot of thinking going on behind the scenes, too.
Are you still playing Pokemon GO, and if so will you be jumping into this event? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 7
No comments on the current online discussion about the game's rules being altered. I personally feel it's all a little over the top anyway, given the original premise of the game when released and people didn't mind at the time. Yes, of course they should be more open-minded when it comes to accessibility for those who struggle to play... but Niantic could have profile settings under the hood for people who contact them with disability requirements for example to solve that. The idea that people want to sit on their couch and play Pokemon Go, and are complaining that they want you to go and walk outdoors again... is madness to me.
@Bentendo1609 Couldn't have said it better myself.
@Bentendo1609 It’s more they don’t feel safe going out. Nothing wrong with giving players choice. Maybe give them more rewards from Pokestops for being further away?
On topic: what the heck Niantic? Where is all the Alolan Pokémon?!?
@RadioHedgeFund I’d love to think that’s the real reason. But I genuinely think even once people feel safer long term, the aspect of effort will be too much still.
Still many missing Gen 4, 5, 6 Pokemon plus all of Gen 7. And especially Kecleon!!
@RadioHedgeFund More rewards for being farther away? I think you have it backwards. Let them still spin from the extended distance and give them minimal rewards.
@Axecon Patience young grasshopper, all will be released in due time. Just cause there are a couple spurts of Gen 8 (cause it's arguably most relevant) other generations/Pokemon won't just be skipped/ignored.
Would be cool to add Dynamax Raids and Gigantamax forms like they did with megas tho.
(Unpopular opinion I know, but Dynamax really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, I personally still prefer mega evolution though.)
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