Alongside the excellent news that Metroid Dread is blasting onto Nintendo Switch this October, yesterday's Nintendo Direct also revealed the existence of two brand new Metroid amiibo – a new Samus figure and the terrifying E.M.M.I.
The presentation stopped short of telling us how these figures can be used in-game, but their functionality has now been revealed thanks to the official Nintendo website.
First up, the new Samus figure can be scanned in to give you an extra energy tank to increase your health by 100. After that, you can continue to scan her in once a day to receive health. The E.M.M.I figure works similarly, granting you a Missile+ tank on its first scan, increasing Samus' missile capacity by 10. From there, you can scan it once per day to replenish your missiles.
The figures are launching in a double-pack alongside the game on 8th October – you'll find pre-order options below. Pre-orders for the game itself can also be found here.
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Will you be picking up the amiibo to complement your game time? Or have you run out of room for more of these delightful-yet-painfully-numerous collectables? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks to James and @Nontendo_4DS!
Comments 77
I'm glad they don't lock any major content it seems, but I kind of still want them. They're really cool figurines.
wish they did something more but I do need a Samus amiibo
This is what amiibo functionality should be.
Not bad functionality but I probably won't use it, unless the game allows you to add one energy tank and missile tank alongside what the game itself will grant you. In which case I won't use it until I 100% the game probably.
They are STILL not up for preorder yet.
Still unavailable everywhere I check. Glad the content doesn’t seem to be too major, but they do look cool.
But the real question is, will any other Metroid amiibo work in the game and provide the same functionality as the Dread amiibo?
I wonder if my Smash Bros Samus and Zero Suit Samus amiibos will work in this game.
Would have liked a Samus only pack but regardless I will probably still pick this up.
@nessisonett idk man, it feels like cheating. I think the best thing to do is to give the player a special costume (for cosmetic purposes of course) that doesn't count toward 100% completion. All other uses feel cheap.
@theiRiS It’s not like you have to scan it though. They should always be little things like material drops or health restores.
@NinjaWaddleDee they already went up for most retailers 😞
(US at least)
Just glad they didn't lock hard mode behind an amiibo like they did in Samus Returns. Still want these amiibos though, they look good.
I like Samus' new suit design. It's very reminiscent of the phazon suit from Prime 3.
@cartunecartune I hope so
Regardless of what they do, that pair needs to be on my shelf next to my other Metroid series amiibo.
I'm fine with this. The completionist in me is always triggered when they lock cool stuff behind it
I'm glad there are no cosmetic DLC or extra modes locked to them. That's how amiibo functionality should: a convenience for less experienced players. Punishing the regular customer for not getting the figure is never okay.
Back in the day, I had to patch a save file to my copy of Samus Returns to have all modes and extras unlocked given how expensive the amiibo set became...
@OldManHermit Yeah, I like it too. For me it's the Dread Suit until an official name is revealed.
Want to buy them purely as cool figures, but glad it doesn’t unlock anything like skins or content. I don’t mind when they do that if there is a way to unlock them through gameplay and the amiibo is a short cut; but other than Star Fox Zero I can’t recall them ever doing that.
Yep sold out already, just like the Loftwing amiibo.
Small bonus items is fine by me, it's not like you can't get 100% completion without them.
EZ mode unlocked!
E.M.M.I and the Jets 😁
$30 for the pair is fair considering how amiibo seemingly go up in price each year since they've launched.
Functionality seems fine. I'd prefer a Samus suit skin and they let you play as E.M.M.I - after you've beaten the game for you purists - but ammo is fine. 98% of these will never be used in game, not even once. OK maybe 20% once.
amiibo live.
@HammerGalladeBro Perfect name for it. They should just go with that.
@rjejr Oh god, I hate that song. They used to play it multiple times a day when I worked at the Beer Store.
@FX102A I think Mario Odyssey let you unlock costumes via amiibo that are available eventually. Mario Maker 1 definitely did.
And in Smash Ultimate, you can get certain spirits early through amiibo, so long as they’re not fighters - e.g. Timmy & Tommy, Alm and Celica
I have a Smash Samus and a Zero Suit Samus amiibo, are they compatible with Dread?
@RupeeClock Do we know that? They might count and you can only get 98% without them. Or get 102% with them (and 100% by skipping two placed items). You never know with Big N and their haphazard ideas for amiibo.
The fine line between making an Amiibo worthwhile as far as what it unlocks and it essentially being a paywall….
@OldManHermit Sorry. Hope it gets out of your head in a day or 2. 😊
It was revealed in the Nintendo Power podcast, not on a GameStop listing.
ill add these to my fine collection in grevious voice.
I'm going to buy this beautiful set, but I prefer to play the game straight-up.
See? 2 amiibos for 30. Not 1 amiibo for 25.
Reminds me a lot of Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (or as you 'mericans call it, the rainbow curse) where you could only use the amiibo once a day
I don't really like that. I like to get every single item in my Metroid game. And it kind of ruins it by adding one extra E-tank and missile pack behind a pay wall but honestly it's not a big deal.
Overall I really don't like these Amiibo features. If they're really useful it's a shame to hide them behind a pay wall, but if they're not useful then if you happen to own the Amiibo, then you're disappointed.
It's always disappointing in the end. It's kind of like all these DLC that aren't really meaty, but even worst in a way.
That said, the figurines are really cool looking. I might buy them since I love both that new Samus and EMMI character design.
I really want these. Unfortunately as of this writing, they're either not available yet or already sold out. T_T
Is there truly no way to watch for this stuff besides refreshing pages and hoping you'll get lucky? These tend to go up during my work hours, so I often miss out....Limited indeed. /GrumpGrump
@Nontendo_4DS Thanks for the heads up, I've added that in!
Have the pre-orders opened yet or are they just gone?
@IceClimbersMain Mostly gone at this point in the US but I think amazon Japan is still taking orders and Playasia is.
That does mean that you can't get a 100% file without the figures?
@Double-L Eh, not a bad functionality, but not absolutely worth having.
Heh. The flipside of that is, if it did more, people would be outraged for Ninty locking it behind a physical payroll. They are very nice looking.
@Ryu_Niiyama Damn, I really wanted that Samus for my Smash collection. Looks so much cooler than the original. Thanks
I really hope Nintendo doesn't make the Tank count for 100%. That'd be a really crap move on their part. 102% would be totally fine.
This better not prevent a 100% play through if you don't have the amiibo.
@Giygas_95 Indeed. Look Cool, arent' locking content, will buy
@YoshiAngemon I also want to know!
They look cool, but amiibo as tiny dlc is how I've always viewed them, and these perks just aren't good enough for me.
I have few amiibo (I think like 4). But this set I will be picking up.
The function is crap, but either way, I want them!!! And I hope I'll get my hands on them and the Special Edition.
Had to pass out already with Samus Returns, since the Special Edition was nowhere available
I really hope the other Metroid amiibo are compatible.
My wishful thinking on what they would do (of course these could be unlocked without the need of the amiibos)
Smash Samus would give you the Other M Varia Suit and increased defense.
Zero Suit Samus would unlock a "Justin Bailey mode" immediately for those like me who cannot complete the games fast enough to get the best endings. Kind of like a quick access like in the original Metroid.
Samus Returns Samus would give you the same defense boost from the Other M armor and the appearance of the Samus Returns Varia Suit.
Metroid would activate a Metroid hologram to assist Samus in finding hidden collectibles and maybe in battles or to defeat small creatures.
Ridley could unlock a Boss Rush or secret fights against the different incarnations of him. (I don't really have any ideas for Ridley outside of this, any suggestions?)
Dark Samus would grant you a suit or coloration that looks similar to her and greatly enhanced offensive abilities, but at the risk of it being timed or the possibility of losing it if you receive enough damage.
I'm lucky to have all of these, hopefully I can add "Dread Suit" Samus and E.M.M.I. to my collection.
I wonder what the other Metroid amiibo do. Considering only 1% of the fanbase is actually gonna be able to get these.
Hopefully my other Samus amiibos do the same thing...
Personally I want both the special edition and the Amiibo set but unless Nintendo does another run I’m just getting the game.
@InkIdols If we CAN buy them that is.
I've grown really tired of Nintendo's half-hearted approach to Amiibo.
Are they done or not? Are they willing to do something with them, or not?
I want them to be functional in games, but I agree that they things they do should be also obtainable without the figures. BOTW handled that really well. Everything from Amiibo you could also get in game normally too.
But then we have things like FE3H where the game had some Amiibo support but they didn't really do anything, and I'm still salty we didn't get female Byleth or the 3 lords. (Really I just want Edelgard. But my profile pic probably tells you that)
I'm still saltly we never had Pokemon Amiibo cards too. Like we have Animal Crossing Amiibo cards.
Nintendo, either drop the support, or actually do something with Amiibo please!
I wonder if previous Samus & Metroid amiibos do anything
These honestly look great! I think the designs transferred over to figurines really well! I'd buy these if I could afford it!
MTX hidden behind a cheaply made expensive figure what Nintendo fans will happily defend even if EA done the same it would cause an uproar from them.
@Heavyarms55 In BOTW all the classic Link outfits from past games and the Wolf thing from TP were locked exclusively to the Amiibo's. Want OoT Link? Well better spend a tone of money to get the Amiibo what grants it, funny Avengers has $14 skins what rightfully gets torn apart on but with Nintendo its fine? Glad i had a mate make me a bunch of Amiibo cards for free what got me everything.
I had to go with the JPN CE & Amiibo cause NA market is poorly relapsed managed.
Everyone here has legend of zelda amiibo P.T.S.D LOL.
Worse Complete Nintendo PSTD.
Thank goodness they didn't put any major features behind them. Amiibos should just be bonus, not entire modes or costumes locked behind exclusive functionality.
@WallyWest Here's the difference between that Avenger's DLC and Amiibo: With Amiibo you get the figure! Amiibo are very very high quality collectibles. Especially at the price point they sell at. And those are just cosmetic items. They aren't even useful ones. I'd prefer they be unlockable in game somehow, but I don't mind that at all.
I do agree that the Skyward Sword Amiibo is a poor choice. It's locking an actual feature behind a DLC paywall at launch. That I don't like.
Feels like cheating to use either, but I'll probably get them just cause they look neat.
While needing these Amiibo to 100% the game would suck, I doubt Nintendo would lock that behind them when they sell out this fast and are virtually impossible to find anymore, unless they release new batches in the future.
@MS7000 Hey man, I know we’ve had some rough interactions in the past. But I just want to say, it seems you’ve greatly changed since then. It’s really inspiring and I just wanna say I’ve definitely noticed. Good job man. 👍🏻
Sorry for being rough on you in the past.
I've got a squishy Metroid Amiibo here. What about that?
@Donkey-Kong-Fan Thanks I think? I mean, I don't think I've really changed. My opinions certainly haven't.
@MS7000 You’ve become more positive now. That’s great progress.
Impossible, even NL can't get a few affiliate p from this as they are pre-order sold out worldwide. The scalpers seemed to have gotten a large number of them.
minutes after the links went live they were gone. Some even quicker than that. There's even rumours that some of the scalpers used bots to hit the links before they went live to nab them.
The difference is DLC can not sell out or be scalped by bots . . . amiibo can and are scalped.
I won't be picking them up. I don't want to buy an easy mode combo pack. I would rather the challenge of finding power ups in game and not taking taking the edge off the difficulty.
@Giygas_95 lets hope so
I wonder if that variation of the Samus amiibo could also work for Super Smash Bros. Probably yes because it's still Samus and that won't make sense if a "SAMUS" amiibo does not work with Smash Bros.
I'm not even a Metroid fan, nor am I an Amiibo fan, and I want those.
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