Analogue has just revealed that its FPGA-based handheld system, the Analogue Pocket, has been delayed until October this year. It was scheduled to begin shipping next month, a release window that had already been pushed back once due to the effects of COVID-19 (it was originally expected to arrive at the end of 2020).
The Analogue Pocket costs $199.99 and allows access to the entire Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance library, and can play the games of other systems using special adapters.
Analogue – which has produced systems like the Super Nt and Mega Sg – has issued the following statement:
The current global state of affairs continues to create supply chain challenges outside of our control. There have been sudden and severe electrical component shortages as well as logistical issues leading to a domino effect of challenges for nearly everyone in the industry. We’re working hard to get Pocket out as fast as possible and we appreciate your understanding and patience.
Pre-orders for the machine sold out quickly back in August 2020, and Analogue later stated that it was taking action to prevent scalpers from sucking up all of the available stock.
The company is also working on an FPGA-based TG-16 / PC Engine system, which is due out later this year – assuming, of course, that the same issues which have impacted the Pocket don't also have an effect.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 41
I really, REALLY want one!
I thought the product was an April Fools at first!
This is going to be April fools i guarantee.
They’re also partitioning some blame on the Suez Canal incident but I’m not sure how a 6 day delay equates to a 6 month delay. Piss poor company!
I really want one of these but missed the pre orders by a minute. I'm happy to wait though, am interested to see what the final product looks like.
Just buy a real GameBoy or GBC with an IPS screen. It’s cheaper and a more authentic experience.
I'm interested in both this and the Duo, but I'm trying to get my head around what all the trade/tax disputes between UK and US will mean for fees on top of the original price and shipping costs. Assuming I ever actually get the opportunity to buy either of course!
@BulkSlash To be fair, this one will also play Game Gear, PC Engine and NEOGEO Pocket games with the use of adapters.
I just need them to open preorders back up...
Rather they wait than ship a subpar product.
@CactusMan obviously not, but you can’t attribute a 6 month delay to that. It’s nonsense, look at the timeline when it should’ve shipped, they’re obviously not being transparent with what’s really going on.
@BulkSlash exactly - the game boy is 100% accurate
@BulkSlash But how to play GBA games with that screen?
@BulkSlash Yeah this. I just got an original GBA modded with an IPS screen delivered this morning, it’s amazing
Depending on the Processes behind it can.
Without knowing them it is pure Speculation.
If the Manufractor gives a specific Time Frame to bring the Parts in and if not they begin manufracting the next Order, such delays can happen.
In the Car Industry Trucks get an Time Frame of an half hour to get there, every hour delay costs unbelieveble Sums because it is all made for just in Time Processes.
@CactusMan it’s just incredible disappointing when they’re holding onto peoples money for so long
The pocket won't be a limited release like the NT mini. Every Analogue product I've purchased, I've been able to buy within 6 months of it's release date. This will be no exception. If you want to give them your money for over a year that's on you and your FOMO.
You might be able to attribute a 6 month delay if you are a small company to this. Manufucturers may have shut down because they don't have the storage for their inventory and they don't have the boats to put their inventory on. If they shut down they could have lost at least a week of production this year.
If you are a manufacturer, you are likely to prioritize your larger more consistent partners and potentially cancel small manufacturing runs and tell them they have to reschedule at the first available window instead of moving the whole production schedule a week back. That first available window to get signed up for Analogue very well could be 6 months down the road.
@cleveland124 well written, but this text of yours is more speculative than fact based. I consider it a good fictional text based on a real life even, just like Analogue excuses.
Nobody on here has any first hand knowledge of the contracts Analogue has. That said there are many articles on the electronic shortages and many articles on how the Suez Canal blockage will amplify those issues. If you want to ignore those and claim Analogue shouldn't be affected than that's cool. Analogue has released several great products and as far as I know they never delayed a product until last year with the pandemic when many companies starting delaying things. This isn't a Polymega that has never shipped a product. So they have enough cred that they get a pass from me. I don't feel like I'm owed an Analogue pocket by a certain date. I'm just happy that there are companies creating these great products to help preserve gaming history. FPGA gaming is great and I'll grab a pocket when I get a chance. I missed the first round of pre-orders but I'm not concerned about getting one.
@cleveland124 if you don’t work PR for Analogue I’m amazed
They're worth the wait
I don't. I'm just a fan of FPGA. I just bought my first Mister so I'm excited to see how that compares to the Analogue products. I bought it at Analogue's expense as I was going to buy the Analogue Duo this year but now expect to pass on it because Mister has Turbo cores on it.
I just think alot of this slinging towards Analogue is unfair. The Nintendo Switch still goes OOS after 4 years and Analogue is a company of 12 employees. There are legitimate reasons to criticize Analogue with high price and the lack of customizable cores as the two primary reasons. I just don't think supply issues should be one of them.
I have a Super NT from Analogue and it's great. But I'm just not interested in the Pocket because of the form factor. If it had a horizontal orientation like a GBA and could play games from other systems I'd give it a serious look. As it is I'll stick with my modded GBA with an IPS screen.
It can play games from other systems. It officially supports GBA, Game Gear, Lynx, and Neo Geo Pocket. Much like the other analogue products, I fully expect it to get a jailbreak to play all those systems off of SD card.
It is the first Analogue product that allows open source to an FPGA core allowing for users to create their own cores. It's too early to speculate what cores could be available or their quality. That said, it should have enough power for someone to create an NES core. That'd be a draw for me as I was super excited about the AVP (RetroUSB), but it seems as if that's been cancelled as I can't find any update on that within the last 3 years.
It's nice of them to announce the system is delayed by at least 6 months just a few weeks away from its expected launch....it's not like they didn't know this was happening months ago.
I bet it still comes out before suckers get their Polymegas though! 😂
I am so glad I didn't pre-order one. The shipping price to Australia was a joke as was the initial release date. Now it's been pushed further? Dodged a bullet.
@ECHIDNA Analogue tweeted out the information yesterday, and sent out emails with the details yesterday as well. Only NL's reporting is coming on the 1st.
Only interested if they incorporate their other 8 and 16 bit system cores into it. GBA runs desirably on my 3DS already.
I’ll wait and buy one. That’s for sure. It’s ok during the circumstances.
That said, I was bored last Christmas and started playing with my old game boys. Some have no sound or the buttons weren’t working.
After buying some spare things you-know-where, and a false game boy colour too, the sensation of playing the games on the original hardware (my old DMG game boy with a new speaker) is PRICELESS. It’s not nostalgia, it’s some kind of magic. And I don’t think they can replicate that.
PD: Top Ranking Tennis forever (been playing that lately and love it so much).
There’s a lot of talk in the comments about the Suez Canal situation but Analogue said nothing about that and there’s a massive global chip shortage that’s literally affecting every electronic device’s production this year.
I hope this product is as good as described as I would love a way to make sure I can continue to play all my handheld games.
Of course, with this news, I am sure a certain podcaster will call this "fake" because of the delay.
@contractcooker Wow, that's a lot of bollocks you've got there
Definitely want one someday, slick marketing on this one. But the way they've handled the pre-orders, communications, PR, supply chain and/or manufacturing issues, etc., on this one is pretty disgraceful. Cheering for them to succeed and deliver on the original promise for the Analogue Pocket at scale, but can't say that looks like a smart bet right now.
My game gear and gbc stopped working. I want one so bad.
Yeah, waiting until 4-5 weeks before it was supposed to be in people's hands to announce a 6 month delay (at least), which they knew about months ago, is not the best way to keep customers happy/informed.
I am kinda glad I wasn’t able to justify the purchase of this.
I would love one. I remember when preorders first went live and also when they sold out...very quickly. It's an expensive handheld but looks very quality. While I'd love to get one I think I'll stick with a cheaper smaller horizontal orientation portable emu like the original GBA shape or GBA micro. Wulff Den has some great videos on portables. Aside from that my Switch and Switch Lite keep me plenty busy. I have over 250 games.
I was considering one of these but I got a MiSTer instead and I am not disappointed, extremely happy with my choice.
@BulkSlash GBA is where the main draw is for this product though.
@exzisd the only downside about emulation is there is input lag added and I really notice it now going from the MiSTer to other sources which use emulator backends for their games, I used to think it was just because I was getting older that it was harder to play these games but it's the emulators 100% that cause input lag which actually makes the games less enjoyable for people who use to play them on the original hardware and we're good at them. New emulators do counter input lag with an AI type system called run ahead that reduces input lag a lot but it's not as good as the original thing or fpga.
I still believe you shouldn't pay for anything that doesn't exist. There is no single demonstration of the real thing, even though it's only weeks before it's originaly scheduled launch. Concept arts are not enough for me to justify such expensive product.
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