With a brand new Mario game, new titles to check out on Switch's NES and SNES apps, and a whole lot of scalper sneakiness going on at McDonald's, it's been another hectic week in the world of Nintendo. Thankfully, it's now time to relax and chat about our weekend gaming plans.
Members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Hello. This weekend I’ll be digging back into The Outer Worlds to try out the first of its two DLC expansions, Perils on Gorgon. I’m a massive fan of Obsidian’s hilarious action RPG and am looking forward to jumping back in for fresh adventures with the old crew as well as catching up on how things have improved with the game’s Switch port since November’s big 1.0.3 patch.
Elsewhere, I’ll be diving into Super Mario 3D World with my kids for some multiplayer hijinks, having a first look at Bowser’s Fury and, if time allows, getting stuck into the fantastic Paratopic, the deluxe edition of which is currently reduced on the eShop. Have a good weekend whatever you’re playing and stay safe out there.
Liam Doolan, news reporter
Earlier this week, I returned to Dead or Alive: Dimensions on the Nintendo 3DS. I was playing DOA3 the other week (on another platform), in case you're wondering what spurred me on. I forgot how great this one is! It feels like the full-blown experience in the palm of your hands and there is a stack of content to unlock for each fighter within the game. The fighting itself is also top-notch.
When I'm not playing that this weekend, I'll be jumping into Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Meow! At the time of writing, I've nearly completed the Bowser's Fury add-on content, so I assume I'll be revisiting Super Mario 3D World over the next few days. Happy gaming, everyone!
Kate Gray, staff writer
It's been a lot of Haven this week for me. It's taken a while for me to really warm up to it, given that games about pre-existing relationships are usually either sickly-sweet or entirely unconvincing, but after a while, it starts going somewhere a little better.
I've also been watching my partner play through Ace Attorney for the first time! He's on the last case of the first game - the special one that was made just for the DS - and it's been a treat to watch him figure out the idiosyncrasies of Phoenix Wright in real-time. "Almost Christmas means it wasn't Christmas!"
Ryan Craddock, news editor
I've finally been playing through SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech over the past couple of weeks. I've been in a real trading card mood recently, so the idea of a card-based RPG sounded like the perfect thing to get stuck into. I feel like I'm nearing the end, so all going well I'll have that wrapped up over the weekend.
Elsewhere, I'll be replaying Super Mario 3D World thanks to the new launch on Switch. The Wii U original was one of the few Mario games that I completed to 100% – I'd say it's one of Mario's best – and I hope lots of new players get the chance to enjoy it now that it's on a more popular system. While I usually prefer to play Mario games in single-player, this time around I'll be playing in co-op with my partner to experience it in a new way. Wish us luck!
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
Hey folks! Hope everyone's doing well. This weekend, I'll mainly be spending some quality time with the other half. We don't normally bother with Valentine's Day too much, but since it'll be the final one before we become a married couple, we thought we'd make a bit of an effort! This also means I'll be subjected to a couple of hours of Just Dance 2020…
Time permitting, I'll be putting a few hours into Breath of the Wild here and there. I decided to start from scratch, and the game somehow still feels fresh and exciting! I might pick up Super Mario 3D World, but honestly, it's one that I think can wait until another time; I'm not in a massive rush to throw down £50 considering it's a game I've already played to death (apart from Bowser's Fury, obviously).
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
Still running around like a fool in Shadow Moses on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. The game really takes a turn once you get the stealth camo. Latest Fortnite news has made me go back to Tron: Evolution Battle Grids on the Wii. Another nice Switch weekend thanks to two fantastic eShop gems: Speed Limit is the definitive arcade experience and UnderMine can easily make you lose track of time. On the subject of time, it’s January 2024 and I’ve been working in the Wrestling Empire industry for 149 weeks with a 71% win ratio. Nice!
My game of the week is Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury! I’m confident I’m the only one among my colleagues to pick this one, I do strive to be the rebel of the bunch. Plessie Ride’s water effects never fail to impress me.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 128
My physical copy of Gal*Gun Returns arrived from the UK in time for the weekend so I’ve been playing a fair bit of that. Also bought UnderMine just before so starting to check that out as well. Still pretty addicted to Touhou Spell Bubble so been playing a bit of that here and there too.
Almost finished with shadow of the tomb raider on ps5 and I’ll start final fantasy 13 right after on ps3.
Also been playing pokemon gold on my gba and I started playing pokemon black 2 on my 3ds.
Hydro Thunder on my N64, Age of Calamity, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Wreckfest and Control.
Probably some Resident 6, if any. Might just read instead.
Bowsers furry
Cat Quest. I've had a stressful couple of weeks, time to chill with a simple game.
Gal gun returns.
Undermine and Mario 3D world for me
I'm catching up with Persona 5 before Strikers releases, and I also hope to play some 3D All Stars this weekend!
Resident Evil 0 and some Legrand legacy since i want 100%
I played these games on Saturday: 😀

1. Fling Smash Wii
2. Wii Sports Resort
3. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3 Gamecube
Fling Smash was a completely new experience for me as that game didn't even in my radar long time ago until i got information that Fling Smash published by Nintendo.
I played Archery, Kendo and Bicycling from Wii Sports Resort and i thought i was quite good enough at aiming the target board from Archery. Kendo was getting harder as i continued to next opponents.
I felt disappointed to see washed performance of Ty Tasmanian Tiger 3 Gamecube as i played the game, the conversations was too rushed and the graphic on my Wii looks like old movie in 20 - 30 fps 480i. I thought it will be at least Ratchet & Clank PS2 quality.
I think i will play ACNH after dinnertime and probably will try to get motivated by Yokai Watch 3DS games as i have owned 2 Yokai Watch games but still haven't finished yet for Yokai Watch Blaster White Dog Squad. 😅
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is the most obvious, however the free weekend with Overcooked 2 will be tried out with the other half as we enjoyed the first outing and have yet to delve into the sequel.
Apart from that I'm also introducing her to LEGO Dimensions, a game that sadly ended prematurely and deserved to get it's cancelled third year made.
Super Mario 3D World (first time playing!) and I brought a super cheap game called Kuukiyomi: Consider It! about living in Japan or something that I saw a friend playing that looked intriguing/unusual.
Maybe some Sonic Mania as I'm playing through it for a second time.
Trying to 100% DQXI: S, and depending on how I get on with that, might play Destroy All Humans as I have only ever seen a trailer many years ago and curious what it is like.
Hopefully I'm able to put finishing touches on Astral Chain this weekend so I can move onto something else, game has sort of worn out its welcome for me honestly... But I'm fairly certain there isn't much game left.
What the next game is though I don't really know, maybe I'll finally give Starfox Assault a try, I bough that game for myself for christmas and I still haven't even touched it, for all I know the disc could be broken or something. The new Bravely Default thing is only a few weeks away so I don't think I really should be starting anything too lenghty at least.
Just out of curiosity is Zelda worth playing since i did tried it and the game looks meh to me Story wise maybe? Don't know...
Ahh yes playing also Fear Effect Sigma i do like the game since i liked the first 2 And hate the reviews.
I have a few more achievements to mop up in Donut County, I will then carry on with Gears 5 and maybe a little Splatoon with my niece.
I finished the first Ryza a few days ago and now i'm not sure what to play next so some Deemo for me I think.
Since I’m lucky enough to be engaged to a fellow gamer, our Valentine’s Day traditions include a whole lot of snuggling on the sofa while playing games together, so there’ll be plenty of Overcooked 2, Snipperclips, Trine and Mario Kart 8 for me this weekend - as well as a few bouts of Mario 3D World, since my other half has never owned a WiiU, and therefore never tried out what I think is one of the finest Mario games to date.
On top of that, I might dip into a bit of Bowser’s Fury, play through the very last portion of the story in Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin (honestly, that game is INCREDIBLE, give it a shot if you haven’t yet!), and finish decorating my town for Festivale in New Horizons. I’ve also been meaning to dip back into Dragon Quest XI S to grind my party up to a decent level and play through the remainder of Act 3 (I keep getting obliterated by one of the quest bosses no matter how hard I try), but that might have to wait for next weekend.
Happy gaming, everyone!
Sampling a couple new items (Pine and Last Encounter), but otherwise much of the familiar stuff - God Eater, Saints Row, some Skyforge and Warframe, some Dust: An Elysian Tail (a metroidvania of MASSIVE charm and beauty), possibly some Etrian Odyssey and Shadows of Valentia. Maybe more progress in Bloodroots, Evoland or Stick It to the Man, too.
I’m about to wrap things up and finish Immortals Fenyx Rising but I’ve been hearing that the last vault is a real pain..
I’ve got quite a bit of spare time this weekend. So once the valentine shenanigans are over I will be straight onto Age of Calamity. Forty hours in and I can feel the build up to the ending.
Super Mario 3D World +
Animal Crossing
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Xenoblade chronicles 2 ❤️❤️ one of the best jrpg i have ever played in my life.
Me & jin are now on the same team(not entirely), making our way to elysium, why searching for the rest of the team.
Edit some of best moments to laugh from early playthrough in the game😁😁
Zeke: fight me and we'll see who's the idiot!
If Zeke never cracked you up in this game then i am not sure anything else would.
Stardew Valley! I’m currently exploring the main new area. I have no idea what’s going on or really what I’m doing but for a game I’ve sunk almost 400 hours into it’s great to be experiencing something new.
I just picked up undermine and I love its art style! Started a new playthrough of Ori: The will of the wisps on hard, beautiful game. Continuing my farm on Stardew Valley too, and it helps the new 1.5 update is out!
BotW Still, 113 Shrines down and divine beasts done. Started doin the champions ballad DLC and have Naboris and Medoh complete, so those abilities are quicker charging now, yay!
Otherwise playing some SDV since patch 1.5 finally dropped, been following that since Eric announced submitting it for certification on Jan 22nd!
Also picking up Undermine and playing that on and off as well, having fun with it so far!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Various Wii U ports on the Switch (3D World. MK8, etc.). The massive resurgence of Wii U ports (if Zelda 35th anniversary contains the Zelda HD remasters we'd be seeing a whole 6 Wii U ports since January 2020) made me feel like returning back to some of the older Wii U ports in addition to the newest one (3D World).
Super Mario 3D World and Sackboy (PS5) for me, along with some God of War when the little one isn't around .
Vexx on the ps2 and freedom wars on the vita when traveling to work.
Romance of the three kingdoms 14, my new addiction 😂
Well Skyrim and Dead Cells still, but I got a great deckbuilder (real, not video game) called Aeon's End for my birthday which plays well solo, so probably that more than the Switch.
@Glitchling78 same here. I did play the game yesterday. I am not a good player when it comes to this sorts of game, however, i am enjoying it, It's fun. If i am through playing Xenoblade chronicles 2, maybe i will get back playing it.
A lot of Super Mario 3D World!!!
And a little Cyber Shadow, which I haven't finished yet. The difficulty is high, so I play a little session a time, progress a little, then stop
@Ewaldus some of the vaults are a real pain in the A S S (the jumping, dodging and all that). But that's the thing i like about games like this. It frustrates you so much that you want to quit and play other things to calm yourself down.
Against my better judgement, I started a new farm in Stardew Valley as soon as the update finished downloading. So much for my plans.
Still going strong in Atelier Ryza. Every time I think I'm nearing the end of the game it manages to surprise me.
Playing some Catherine Full Body here and there, Slay the Spire and Steredenn in between other things.
Super Mario 3D World – first time playing and it's effin brilliant!
Other than that: Radiant Historia, Persona Q2, Star Ocean: First Departure.
I've been playing Donkey Kong Land series for the past couple of weeks. I'll probably finish Land 3 tomorrow. These games deserve more attention.
Donkey Kong Land is (too) clunky but interesting, Land 2 is very similar to Country 2 all around with slightly different level design and Land 3 is bit inconsistent when it comes to world themes and extremely easy but otherwise really good. It's so interesting how well they adapted to GB limitations.
Dead cells Final fantasy 7 okami Trying to 100% crash 1 just alot of stuff.
I'll be playing Super Mario 3D World on Switch and Nioh 2 on PC.
This week I will be mostly playing
Bowser’s Fury
New Horizons
Already been at Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Both excellent. The faster speed of cat Mario in SM3DW threw out my muscle memory from the Wii U version a bit at first though. PS3 is hooked up as my kids have been getting into Ratchet and Clank so I've been joining in with them on the multiplayer All 4 One which I never finished.
3D world and some fire emblem 3H
I’m about 10 hours into Horace. Was really enjoying its heartfelt and genuinely funny story as well as the neat gravity mechanic. I thought it was a brilliant gem of a game until it decided to go full Metroidvania about 8/9 hours in. I love that genre a lot but found the transition to be pretty jarring here and the map it gives you to explore really isn’t all that fun to backtrack through. The mechanics work great for dynamic platforming but it feels really quite slow and clunky now it’s a lot more exploration/backtrack focused. A bit of a shame but I’d probably still recommend it and I have enjoyed my time with it so far
Still chugging through Dragon Quest XI S - very early in Act 2 now. Fabulous game, and the perfect pick me up on for a cold February.
Other than that, I’ve also started Yakuza 0, which is incredible. Sega needs to bring this series to Switch - it’s everywhere else, and there’s no question the hardware could handle the earlier entries.
@MajorasLapdog I agree with you. I put about 5 to 7 hours into the game. I get the hype, and it is definitely not a bad game. However, even the interesting story was not good enough to engage me with the slow game play.
3D World! I cannot wait as I never had a Wii U.
My annoyance at myself is that I started Will o the Wisps about a week ago. I am 15 hours into the game and still have much more game play. I don't usually play two platformers at once, but I think I may make an exception for 3D World.
Happy gaming, everyone!
Total warhammer 2
I'm playing:
1. 3D World
2. Bowser's Fury.
3. Super Mario Maker 2
4. Super Mario Odyssey
5. Super Mario Galaxy
I'm having a Mario-themed gaming weekend
I just finished up Xenoblade Chronicles Future Connected last night, which was a really great epilogue. The new area just may be my favourite location in the game. It took me 12 hours to play as well (I did pretty much everything).
As for this weekend, I'll be starting 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim on PS4 and Streets of Rage 4 on Switch, which I just got for my birthday. I'm really looking forward to them both.
Also, pretty soon, I'll be off the gaming grid. By that, I've made the conscious choice to not go on gaming media sites, and to try and only ask for some console games as Christmas and birthday gifts. After amassing over 1000 games over my life, I'm starting to grow tired of trying to keep up with everything that's being released. I'm trying to save up for a single home, which is incredibly expensive where I live, and I've realized that constantly spending on games (even when they're on sale), is really addictive and holds me back financially. I'm super happy with the collection I do have, and after taking almost 12 years to finish up 99% of my backlog, this is a good stopping point for me. I'm looking forward to just playing what I already have and enjoying myself. Not sure if this new change is gonna stick, but I'm going to try to see if I can just be content with what I have. This might be one of, if not my last post here. All I can say is that it's been fun taking part in this weekly feature, and I wish everyone the best in their future gaming days.
Super Meow-rio 3D World during the day with the kids, and Persona 5 after bedtime. I’m trying to get through that story before playing P5 Strikers later this month.
I'm playing SM3DW this weekend, but just a few levels a day because I'm working. On a break as I write. I love the game, as I did on the Wii U. I do find the upped running speed hard to get used to. I'm hoping for an update where you can toggle it on or off in the options menu.
@MajorasLapdog I had the same experience with Horace. The bit I started going off it was the stealthy bit where you had to get into a jail. If it gets even more frustrating and difficult to know where you're going that's worrying! And it's just very overwhelming with 22 chapters too.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Been a long time since I played 3D World but it's as great as I remember.
Found a site with hundreds of modded Pokemon roms. I feel like testing some of them... Aside from that, still playing Sora no Kiseki.
@iaLgan Which one? I think you can never go wrong with the 2D Zeldas. A Link to the Past. Links Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Minish Cap... Breath of the Wild doesn't really feel like a Zelda to me. Hyrule Warriors and Age of Calamity are Musou. I like that genre, but I'm sceptical if it really works with Zelda. Well, only one way to find out...
I started Gris last night and almost finished it in one sitting. I’ll be beating that today and moving on to something else. Maybe The Walking Dead: Season Two or I may give Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town a little more time before I stop playing.
Degrees of Separation, which reminds me a lot of Texas weather. . .😆
Will also play some ACNH!
I’m playing 3D World, 3D World and maybe some 3D World. I’m in love!
I'll be playing Super Mario 3D World. Played a bit on Wii U, but never finished. Really enjoying it so far.
I'll also be playing Summer Catchers. Played the demo, and bought it because it was fun and cute.
And somewhere in between those new releases, Wilmot's Warehouse. That game is an odd combination of stressful and relaxing.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hopefully my copy of Super Mario 3D World comes in today. I’ll be playing that if it does.
My copy of 3D world has now arrived, been really looking forward to this one!
I'm still addicted to Darkest Dungeon: I finally beat the Crimson Court DLC earlier this week, so I can focus more on the Colour of Madness DLC soon.
Will also need to make more progress in Cyber Shadow soon before I suddenly lose interest and forget about it.
@iaLgan you mean Zelda as in 2017 Game of the Year? Yes, no Switch is complete without it. The whole premise of the story is that you can't remember what happened. It's a lack of story that you slowly uncover exploring the world around you. People three years on still haven't found everything or discovered all the ways you interact. People only just worked out you can feed squirrels and deer, and that when dressed as a Bokoblin you can hang out with them and share food. It's an experience unlike anything else.
WarionWare Gold, Marvel Ultimate Alliance...
3D World and Bowser's Fury with my daughter. I want ahead and got as many lives as I could on stage 2 of 3D World last night so we don't have to worry about her dying a lot (she's 4). I'm honestly struggling with the faster speed in the Switch version and being precise. Not that it's bad, but it's a hard adjustment after playing the original so much. We are both excited!
Modded Terraria, wait, thats all, huh.
I want to 100% 3D World on Switch so I'm going through it with each character in increasing order of favorites. So I'm starting with Peach and then will go Rosalina, Toad, Mario, and then my main man Luigi!
@Juga Is it your first time playing Mario RPG by any chance? I remember my brother and I having a really tough time with them way back when.
Little Nightmares 2!!
Fire Emblem Three Houses and Bravely Default for me this weekend looking forward to Bravely Default 2 !!
After getting the platinum trophy on Control Complete Edition and finishing up Tomb Raider Definitive Edition on PS5 last night, I'll be starting up Dying Light 5th Anniversary Edition today. On Switch I'm playing Mario 3D World online with a friend and I'll play Bowser's Fury solo.
I've been playing MGS Twin Snakes on my GameCube and Super Mario 3D World on Switch. I have 3D World on Wii U, but it's so nice to have this gem on the go. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Just Bought Mario 3D World Digitally, Now I wait for my bad internet to load XD
Really want to try and play Sonic Riders this weekend, as the game has been on my mind for the past few days. Also, maybe a couple of other games, but I'm not sure which ones yet.
Super mario 3d wrold on wii u since I never finished it originally and paper mario sticker star
Thank you for sharing and good luck with saving up and moving on! We’ve probably all been through stages of life where it was best to tone down on games. I really should follow your example and slow down the purchases to better appreciate what I’ve already got, too.
When I think about it, just the NSO releases alone would exceed what kid me ever would have gotten to play over a few years!
We are so spoiled for media nowadays...
Gonna fenyx it up, a bit, on the switcheroo
Maybe some p5
Finish it off with some rdr2 on the good ol xbo
@John_Deacon yep cyber shadow is tough. I may shelve it honestly. Stage 8 is just insane
Pure Pool. Played it last night online against my mate who was playing on PC, many laughs were had. Had a couple of network drops though but we have each other's DNA now so we can play each other offline.
Working my way through Overcooked 2, which is on free trial for Switch Online owners. It's both way better looking and easier than the first part which makes this some quality time. This makes me miss the couch sessions with the original from before the pandemic.
On the other hand, there's carnival on ACNH and I want to finish the first Ace Attorney game.
Almost forgot about the Stardew Valley update. Waited for testing split screen with my eldest son.
I'll be playing Mario 3d world + Bowser's fury, some Fortnite, and final fantasy VII on switch.
Very cold weekend here. The temps are dropping from below freezing down into what I call NOPE territory. Perfect for indoor activities!
I FINALLY reached the end credits in Breath of the Wild yesterday. What a ride! An excellent, excellent game, definitely a GOAT contender. I'll probably dive in and out of the game for the next few days taking care of some loose ends and hunting down another Korok or two before taking a break. I still need to grab the DLC at some point.
Elsewhere, I plan to start my first ever Final Fantasy, specifically Final Fantasy VI/III on the SNES Classic. I intentionally don't know much (besides the fact that it's often towards the top of many favorite lists) and will be diving in as blindly as possible. Wish me luck!
I may also dive into Star Fox 64 3D this weekend. If one game convinces me the Star Fox series is for me, it'll be this one.
Have a great weekend! Stay safe, warm, and happy gaming!
It will be more Animal Crossing New Horizons and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories for me! My girlfriend also got me Paper Mario The Oragami King for Valentine's Day so we might dig into that together later possibly!
Immortals Fenyx Rising. So far so good. Comparisons to BoTW are a bit unfair.
I would say "Super Mario 3D world + Bowsers fury but it's icy here so I couldn't go pick up my copy. I'll probably just play Cities Skylines on my pc
Animal Crossing, Mario 3D World and possibly some Stardew Valley
I finished Metro 2033 redux today (recommended). And continued in Luigi's Mainson 3. (Which I was stuck in. But not anymore) I'm now in the pyramid rooms. When Luigi's Mainson is finished. I start with Outlast or Resident Evil 4 (both already bought)
@NintendoByNature I'm playing level 6 now. I don't plan to shelve it yet but when I get to level 8 I'll remember your comment for sure
What makes me keep playing is controls are excellent and level design has been top notch so far! But that's a hard one
Stardew Valley (Series X) — Checking out Splitscreen co-op this weekend with my son. We both have been waiting for this for a long time.
Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection (Switch) — Finally got my copy from LRG yesterday. Playing this has brought back so many memories from hanging out in the Arcades in the mid 90s.
Madden 20 (Series X) — Looking to sneak in a few games this weekend will be starting year 2 of Face of the Franchise.
CoD Black Ops: Cold War (Series X) — Double Weapon XP weekend!!
@John_Deacon I mean the controls are great but it does have some old school flaws like enemy placement that should have been left in the past. The first 4 stages started out as an amazing game and since then my feelings have shifted. Still worthy of anyone who likes old school platforming but it's not nearly in the same league as shovel knight messenger and guacamelee unfortunately.
Still hitting Rocket League for 5-10 matches a day, mostly 3v3 or dropshot. I've started running into more people speed flipping kickoffs, and they get a major advantage doing it. I need to work on speed flips.... and flicks.
Play a few races of Crash Team Racing here and there. And I've revisited Trials Rising. I know, all of these are action games. I guess I'm scratching the itch radical biking and skiing normally filled. Really miss riding indoor ramp in the winter.
I'll probably play Super Mario 3D World when it arrives today. I didn't have a Wii U, so it's a new game for me.
I finished bioshock 2 and decided to take a bioshock break before I started infinite. Now I am on chapter 4 of horace.
I'm also playing xenogears and feel like I have barely made a dent in that game.
Finished up DKC 2 on NSO. Such a great game.
Playing Ori 2, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit and Spiritfarer.
So many games out right now!
Still working on Mario 64, also a little DK and Yoshi on the DS's with my son & daughter, blessings
Cyber Shadow and a bit of Dead Cells here!
Xenoblade Definitive edition and Borderlands 2 on Switch, and maybe continue with Mario Odyssey
BOWSER'S FURY with the kids and maybe some more TAKE OVER and COJ: GUNSLINGER as I picked them up on sale.
SNK Titles on my TV Fire Stick. It works perfectly with two 8BitDo Sticks.
Paper Mario: origami king for me.
Is much better than I was expecting so is a nice surprise! (Still not up there with TTYD though)
Kinda hard to play anything to be honest. I am refreshing the Mario Pin set every 5 minutes!
Halo: Spartan Assault (Windows Phone) - Stuck on the final mission on Hard difficulty.
Angry Birds Stella (Windows Phone) - I usually get burned out on Angry Birds games, but I'm enjoying this slightly better then the main games.
Orbital (Windows Phone) - Finally finished this late last night.
Resident evil weekend for me. Completed 1 hd, for me game would be better with more backpack space, I swear I have gone in each room 2 or 3 times and gets repetitive. Played 6, an average game. Think I might start 2 remake again, and then watch a resi film. Mario will jus have to wait at the mo! Xxx
I recently finished Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse. Out of the three games I've finished from the anniversary collection I think this one may be tied with the original as my favorite Castlevania game. I'm also slowly working through Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon whenever I feel like doing it. I think I'm on the fourth chapter so I've still got a long way to go. Also, I'm about 10 hours into Final Fantasy XII so far. I know this one is often said to be one of the average ones but truthfully I'm really enjoying it thus far!
On a different topic, I'm completely forcing myself to not buy any more games until I finish up my backlog lmao. Looks like blue fire will have to wait a little longer lol.
So far I played zelda link's awakening, just got the corona and about to move on in the qussting. I played to world 2 in sm3dw last night. Will do some more soon today.
picked up 2 copies of 3d world physical + steelbox for myself and a digital for my youngest sister so we can play together, also grabbed the amiibo double pack.
just beat bowsers fury and it was great.
i'm still trying to process that i spent £130 on 3d world, help me.
Super Mario Odyssey, MegaMan Zero/ZX Legacy Collection digital on sale - a Valentine's gift to myself, NES, & SNES apps (Super Mario All-Stars, Pilotwings, Diddy's Kong Quest), and yesterday was Super Mario Bros. 3's birthday. Happy Valentine's day, and gaming everyone, God bless!
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury (some of each mode). Enjoying it so far. I really liked 3D Land and 3D World is great so far. I think the video feature on 3D Land on here from last week hit the nail on the head when they said that it is the variety that makes these games great.
May play a bit of A Link to the Past if I want something else. I am on the final dungeon now. (Started it a couple years ago and returned to it for the last couple dungeons after finishing A Link Between Worlds last weekend).
Just got Mario Party 2 on VC and some controllers to play it, so I'll definitely be playing some of that with my siblings. Might also continue my progress in Mario Sunshine or Starfy 4.
Okami HD
Kid Icarus Uprising
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Hi everyone,
Now that football season is over, time to do some gaming. I’ll be playing:
Super Mario 3D World
BotW- Lynels and shrines
Age of Calamity
Mario Galaxy 3D All Stars
Maybe some Pikmin 3 Deluxe and Tropical Freeze if I’m not too burned out.
I've had Super Mario 3D World:Deluxe digitally preordered and installed since last week. I tried at 12 am to launch it and was met with an error. At 12:04 am, it launched. I've been having a blast and Bowser's Fury is amazing and intense. Bowser feels like Jason Voorhees from Friday The 13th here and he is intimidating and no joke. I love it.
I never got to complete 3D World on Wii U cause I had a lot going on then and I didn't get far in it. I did complete Super Mario 3D Land on 2DS in the past. So far the experience has been great. The only negative I can say is that a small amount of levels could have been made a bit better. Like the level where you are on a water slide and have to get 8 red coins and the controlling is off. It took me like 15 retries to get all 8 coins in a row. The other problem I had was in World 3 where you pay to remove the Bowser statue. There is a section where you have to cross clouds and fences. I died like 10 times or more in a row there cause the camera couldn't be altered and I kept running off the cloud by accident.
Still playing Sakuna and Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Finally beat Shinichi Shinohaara in judo.
I am, like many others, playing Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury. And even though I beat the original to 100% on Wii U, I find myself drawn to it again as opposed to Bowser’s Fury. Aside from that, I’ve got the final boss in the original Paper Mario on N64 to finish off this weekend.
@MajorasLapdog I feel exactly the same about Horace. I REALLY like it in places... but I REALLY hate it too at times. I’ve persevered though and I think I’m almost finished.
I'm in the final part of Cosmic Star Heroine so I'm happy about that. I've been feeling like some Gradius type shmup action strangely, so I'm playing the Konami Arcade Collection currently. I'm also going to pop in on the latest NES and SNES apps to dabble in the latest as well as the existing ones.
@Vortexeo I recently completed it as well on the anniversary collection. I have to say, while I love the original OG Castlevania, I enjoy Dracula's Curse much more. I think for staters, it doesn't have the "cheapness" that the original had in unfair placement of enemies, respawning of enemies and other things that were present in a lot of older NES titles. Also, it controls more sluggishly and stiff compared to later entries. Dracula's Curse is challenging, but not unfair, with the right amount of variety. It's a very fun game.
I'll most likely have 3D World completed (with all stars/stamps) by tonight, if not in the next couple of hours (the main story, that is). I'm not sure if I'll have the Expert levels completed as they gave me quite a beating on Wii U (I never did end up completing them).
Bowser's Fury doesn't particularly interest me, but I'll most likely dive in to that tomorrow. Or I'll jump back in to Breath of the Wild and pursue those remaining 15 or so shrines and/or the Hard stages of the Master Sword trial.
Mario 3D World
Just got on chapter 5 of the first Trails of Cold Steel. I hope the game will start picking up some pace soon because it really starts to feel like a chore.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps on the other hand is a blast to play through.
Finally got around to playing Super Mario 64 on 3D All Stars. It's my first ever playthrough and I'm quite enjoying it despite some frustration with the occasionally janky 3D platforming and camera of a 25 year old game. I put it aside though the moment my copy of 3D World arrived though. I'm happy to be playing through it a second time.
Not exactly nintendo, but I'll be playing cyber punk and if I finish that I'll play saints row 3 remastered.
Working my way through the plat on Shadow of the colossus on ps4 and finally decided to get Mario odyssey as i could never get in to the bite size worlds in 3d word on the wiiU.
As contradicting as it may sound tho, im really not feeling odyssey. The first world with the T-rex was amazing but the sand world.... meh. It seems like there is more emphasis on collection in this game as opposed to world content.
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island
Lots of Atelier Ryza 2, and Yakuza 0!
@MajorasLapdog Wow, there are like 5 people in here all struggling to get through Horace. I'm 15 hours in, and I both love it and can't wait to be done with it.
In other news, a friend loaned me some actual factual cartridges (something my Switch has never known) nearly a year ago and now his kids want them back, so I guess I'm going to be trying some extended demos this weekend.
@kurtasbestos haha yeah that’s sort of where I’m at right now. I look forward to playing it while I’m at work but almost as soon as I get home and put it on I want to do something else.
To clarify, I was really loving it essentially up until the mansion opens up. Ever since then I’ve been really struggling to make progress because I’m finding it all so cumbersome and irritating. Not necessarily all that hard, just tiresome. I love the character though and the writing has raised a few chuckles from me and even nearly a tear. If it was a bit of a shorter experience that leant more into its initially very generous array of mechanics I think I would have fallen head over heels for it
I need to wait until pay day before I can get 3D World so in the meantime I've been playing the awesome Streets of Rage 4 on Switch plus some time with Final Fantasy 7 remake on my PS4.
Bowser's Fury for Me.
@MajorasLapdog Yup. The story is great and the main character is lovable, but the platforming is just way too long and tedious. Obviously it could have been a lot worse, but so many of those rooms could stand to be half the size. I tend to make dumb mistakes and get frustrated and make more dumb mistakes, while the whole time I'm thinking "just hurry up and get me back to the story". But I'm determined to see it through!
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