While cloud gaming appears to be slowly becoming a thing, today it's experienced a minor setback.
Google's cloud-based service Stadia has officially closed its internal studios and will no longer be developing in-house games moving forward. In fact, it never even got a game out the door.
Kotaku was the first to report on the news and this was followed by an official announcement from Google.
While the tech "has been proven and works at scale" the reasoning behind the decision is due to costs and the company's decision to instead focus on supporting its partners over the long term:
"Creating best-in-class games from the ground up takes many years and significant investment, and the cost is going up exponentially. Given our focus on building on the proven technology of Stadia as well as deepening our business partnerships, we’ve decided that we will not be investing further in bringing exclusive content from our internal development team SG&E, beyond any near-term planned games."
"We see an important opportunity to work with partners seeking a gaming solution all built on Stadia’s advanced technical infrastructure and platform tools. We believe this is the best path to building Stadia into a long-term, sustainable business that helps grow the industry."
Industry veteran Jade Raymond, who signed on with Google for game creation, will be moving on to pursue other opportunities, while Google says it will find the rest of its talented team positions within the company.
Cloud gaming not long ago made its way to the Nintendo Switch in the west, with the release of Control. This was followed more recently by the release of Hitman 3.
At the end of its statement, Google says it remains "committed" to the future of cloud gaming, and will continue to do its part to drive this industry forward.
"Our goal remains focused on creating the best possible platform for gamers and technology for our partners, bringing these experiences to life for people everywhere."
Are you at all surprised by this news? Let us know in the comments below.
[source blog.google, via kotaku.com, purexbox.com]
Comments 124
Did anyone even like or care about Google stadia I never heard any good things about it, but that may just be me.
It is what it is.
Like Ive said before, Google will kill Stadia before the end of this year. It got close to zero growth.
Time to add yet another victim:
That took longer than expected.
I didn't know they had internal studios.
Did they even release a single game?
Stadia isn't gonna last. I have no faith in the service continuing into the future, so why would I spend money on games on the service?
Every game I have bought physical or digital I still have on that device. And even if the servers go down, I have that game until either the physical media decays or the device does.
But what happens when a streaming service shuts down? Where do your games and save data go? They are gone. And Google or whomever, laughs at your tears.
Modern companies don't want us to love our games and hardware forever. They want us to abandon them for newer and "better" ones. Because that's how they make money.
It's not some evil plan, it's just industry trends and consumerism. It's also tied to how companies often don't like to make products easily repairable either. It's more profitable if you have to buy a new one.
Where is gets dirty are things like this and cases where companies design their products to deliberately fail after a certain amount of time(usually shortly after warranty expiration) and when online devices are deliberately throttled and slowed down all to push people to upgrade even when they otherwise wouldn't have needed or wanted to.
The lady they'd hired to run the games division was called Shannon Studstill.
Genuinely true. Lol they jinxed with a surname.
Well, offering Cloud Gaming with a Fee and charging full price for Titles, where you lose every right to the licences you buy, is just a really stupid Idea.
Microsoft and Nvidia are doing it right.
Google is such a weird company....
(And Jade Raymond is such a beautiful woman to look at)
"Cloud gaming" might as well be called "lag gaming".
Stadia and any service like it is doomed to being nothing but a tertiary option for gaming until countries, especially the U.S., overhauls their internet infrastructure to support them, alongside considerable technological advancements in streaming.
Before it launched, I thought Stadia might become a major force. But when it face planted straight out of the gate and didn't seem to have any serious plan to move forward, I just thought, "Microsoft and Sony are going to murder Stadia when they get streaming worked into their networks." And I don't understand what Google was thinking. Launching a gaming platform is a "Go big or go home" scenario. You have to spend a huge amount of money to get into the market (and Google certainly could afford it). But if you go in halfway and hedge your bets, it's a guaranteed failure. Sony and Microsoft both threw tons of money into their launches. Stadia had a good idea that wasn't ready for market, didn't spend money on exclusives, then crossed their fingers and hoped developers would jump on board. It kind of reminds me of the 3DO were something that had promise was crippled by not having a workable business model and lack of sufficient budget.
@Snatcher People who wanted to play Cyberpunk 2077 on a console cared.
@John_Koshiro How expeiare you with cloud ging personally? I ask because most people I talk to who use it say they like it with only a few saying they were in areas that weren't well supported so they lagged.
Everyone else just dunks on cloud gaming on principle.
I hope Apple Arcade makes it. There’s some cool stuff on it.
Cannot imagine what is the reaction of one user here that really get into Stadia when read this article.
I can predict Stadia will be history by the end of year 2021.
I don't even care or like Stadia.
We will see another dying products like Ouya, PSP GO, etc.
It outlasted the virtual boy and the gizmodo, pack it in google you can't be last place.
In short, developing video games is too hard for Google.
Perhaps people can remember this next time they imply that Nintendo is simply lazy or unwilling to release games.
Well not surprised but I am somewhat disappointed.
@RasandeRose Stop with the lies.
Stadia had a huge increase in november-december last year, and were also praised for having the best working Cyberpunk 2077 version.
That's weird they did this over costs. I have heard YouTube has a massive annual deficit but they keep that running. They might have turned a profit with these studios which they can't seem to do with YouTube.
Wait, Stadia's still alive? For now
But real talk, it's a shame to see these developers lose their jobs just because the geniuses at Google don't know what they're doing.
Just because of Google, we lost Typhoon Studios, the developers of the wonderful Journey to the Savage Planet.
And to add on, they don't even focus on gamers. Notice how they only really mention "partners" for all but the last paragraph.
All I really want to say is this.
"Huge" increase for Stadia means it goes from zero growth to slightly more than zero growth. Now Google is officially killing the hope for future investments in the service by killing the idea of 1st party studios. Its finished, just accept that fact.
lol, you really think the service will live for having slightly less glitches in trainwreck-cyberpunk? hilarious, no one is even interested in that game anymore now that the overhype gone dead
Who cares, just shut down GS altogether.
Oh no!
Stadia was dead on arrival. Not available in many countries, no way of actually owning games, barely any games in general and barely any exclusives.
@dojmin Indeed services like Geforce Now or Shadow.tech are better because with those services you buy the games on the original platforms (Steam, etc) and stream them from a remote machine.
Google just let it R.I.P. Ok? We don't need it, we don't want it.
There is a small dedicated fan base for the stadia. The ability to play cutting edge games on a phone and tablet is a great selling point but it's not for me. I like to own my games. The industry wants to go down this route due to piracy and in ten years time it might be the only way to play games. We might not have a choice people.
Well that's disappointing. I've been using Stadia since launch casually. I've beaten Celeste and Superhot on it and have put alot of hours into Super Bomberman R Online and Risk of Rain 2 through it. Also in the middle of playing Little Nightmares using Stadia. It very likely means, we won't get Cloud-Oriented games on the platform, which if Flight Simulator is any evidence, seems like a huge loss.
But I still don't think this is by any means an "end" for Stadia. I still think we'll get more timed exclusives and major releases on the platform. I am wondering though what this means for Dylan Cuthbert's project which I believe is meant to be a Stadia exclusive.
Stadia Pro is such a good deal at this point, for the amount of games you are able to claim, I'd love to see Google get more competitive with Stadia Pro, especially since at this point, I've spent more on Stadia Pro than individual games on the service.
It's not like I want to play devil's advocate, but I am using Stadia and there are some reasons why I really like it and hope it's not going to shut down. The streaming quality is very good (I have a FTTH connection) and I can play some very demanding games (RDR2, Cyberpunk, Jedi Fallen Order) without owning a powerful PC or Console. The Stadia controller is also very comfortable (i really don't get why people complain about it).
So why all this hate with Google? I like that formula (buy a game and play it as long as the service exist) much better than a Monthly subscription. That is also what Nintendo is doing with more demanding games. I don't spend much time at home because of my work, and I'm not sure I have the time to play within a month and I only risk to get anxious because that specific game is going to be pulled off the service in a few days...
I also bought the games I have with a good discount.
So I don't get all the blind hate Google gets for doing something that works very well. I also hope it gets improved and there's really room for it, in my opinion.
Just put it out if it’s misery google...
Google stadia? Is that something i can order at the McDonalds?
Uhmm can i have a Google stadia menu with extra fries.
Lol but serious, never been interested in stadia.
Lol, didn’t see this coming.
I had honestly forgotten about Stadia... surprised that it's still a thing
Stadia: good idea, really bad execution
To me this is like vr. One day years from now it will possibly take off. . . But not today xxx I’m old so even streaming a tv show feels weird xx hey ho 10 more days TIL Mario xxx
@RasandeRose This is all wrong. Where do you get these news?
Stadia got a few millions more subs last year.
Everyone who bought Cyberpunk 2077 got Chromecast Ultra 4K and Stadia Gamepad for free, with free worldwide express 24 hour delivery delivered on your door.
On top of that Google sold Borderlands 3 Ultiumate Edition including both season passes and all DLC at 99% off.
Same for Zombie Army 4 etc.
You read right. 99% off on Stadia.
@Ricube people are trotting out the same old criticisms that have nothing to do with Google not developing their own games. The reason to get stadia is to play console / pc games without needing the console / pc. I’ve got a stadia pro, and think it’s pretty good. But at the moment I’d rather use my switch and Xbox one s. I hope it sticks around. I don’t think this news is evidence one way or the other.
@Ricube @Kyloctopus I also use Stadia sometimes and it's by far the best most solid game streaming today and is also superior to Xbox stream (Still in beta).
Let's not forget Cyberpunk 2077 were best on Stadia on release.
Switch owners should get Hitman 3 on Stadia instead as the quality and frame rate is terrible on Switch. I tried Hitman 3 demo on Switch and damn it's bad.
Something is wrong with Switch, because NVIDIA Shield TV from year 2015 streams properly in 4K/60 on same GPU as Switch....Switch can't even handle 1080p stream on same GPU.
I woke up this morning and could still play all my Stadia games. Is that how a dead platform works???
@blockfight Some here knows, but the majority have no clue about Stadia at all. They are pulling their info from their own **ses.
Meanwhile some bought Hitman 3 on Switch instead of of the superior version on Stadia. LOL
Just start Bomberman Online any time of day.
Always 64 players in same levels at any time of day and night.
64 player version is Stadia exclusive and is 100% free for everyone.
Bomberman with 64 players is clearly inspired by Tetris 99.
@Ventilator I always hoped Nintendo would make a deal with Nvidia about Geforce Now (another very good service I used, but it also lacks support to a lot of games I would be interested in), but it didn't happened. So for me Geforce Now and Stadia are, in my lifestyle, the best integration as a Nintendo gamer
lol, you talk about lying and then you make a completely false claim about "a few million new users".
Sorry mister, they gained a few thousand new users, they are probably on the whole year-basis on a negative growth, more players leaves their service than new players comes in. Google are now starting to do a quite shut down of Stadia, starting with killing the in-house game studios. And no, it won't grow due to free Bomberman lol
Im simple just not interested in getting Stadia for Hitman 3, the service will be down within the year anyways, so such a purchase would be a bad deal.
Hitman 3 on Switch works OK. Im not hyping it or anything, Im not going to start buying cloud games on a regular basis, not on Switch, not on any system. The performance is due to the cloud service, which hardware its rendered on in the first place. Nothing wrong with Switch^^
Yep, pretty much. Its dead but still walks the earth. You can still buy games on Wii U eshop too, but Id say that system is pretty much dead.
I hope it sticks around. More options. More choices for gamers
@RasandeRose yep you can still buy games on Wii U. When was the last time it had a new release though? Stadia is getting new games all the time. They released over 100 games last year on the platform with plans to release more than that this year. Which is unusual for a dead platform.
@Ventilator people are set in their ways. If Stadia doesn't interest someone, that's fine. It's all the people who have never tried it or still think it's a subscription service but post stuff like "input lag blah blah blah" or "Stadia just doesnt work".
Just because it doesn't work well for one person, doesn't mean another person won't have a great experience with it.
@1UP_MARIO this.
Honestly they should have supported the hardware with a powerful box that can run games natively. Much like Microsoft is doing with the Xbox brand (series S in particular)
They could even have blurred the edges, made it all digital and had games run on the console itself only if the connection was good enough (or if it was a game built around that). They could still have sold a “cloud only” option (or just run from Chromecast) but reviewers would probably play on and cover the “console”.
To be successful they had to pull gamers away from the other consoles. Their heart wasn’t really in the game though. To be in it you need to cultivate a lot more than just a relationship with Ubisoft.
After my personal experience with Hangouts, Inbox and Music apps I've learnt my lesson: never subscribe for another Google product again.
@Anti-Matter The PSP-GO was ahead of it's time. Nowadays it makes a brilliant emulator, and it is truly pocket-sized. It fits comfortably in my pocket unlike my 3ds, Vita, DS or Switch lite.
I will not even thinking to put my handhelds NDS Lite, 3DS XL and Switch into my pants pocket.
That's too risky for harming my handhelds by sweat and bumps.
I always put them in my shoulder bag.
@Snatcher I use it, it works okay. I bought a 2nd hand stadia controller and now it's my main hub to play the games that can't be played on the switch. Destiny 2 is one of the games I play on there and it works rather good. I haven't bought a game on there yet but that wil come eventualy.
@Ventilator I think it's the poor wifi antenna in the switch that the problem. The Switch wifi is terrible
Have no problems with my Stadia, though i got a 500/500Mbit fiber so 😋. No drops or lag, works like a normal console. Really hope it doesnt go away, streaming is the future if u ask me
I would rather play a normal non-streaming platform anyday other than experimenting with this. I have a free strong wi-fi connection coming out of my neighbor's house and they could get pissed & shut me off if I suck it all up.
I bet most of the people criticising Stadia have never even used it. It is a very good gaming system and most people that have actually bothered to try it have faced no issues.
Thats right, Google never were the right company for the gaming industry. They lack the stamina and patience for going into this business.
Bye. No one cared.
The problem with Stadia is that they don't know who is the public they should be marketing it towards. People who plays casually on their mobile? Those games aren't for them. I mean, they don't really though the candy crush player base would like to play red dead redemption 2, right?
On the other hand, the people who would like to play red dead redemption 2 already have a dedicated machine (xbox, ps or pc) so they don't care about stadia.
People who likes to play on the go? They probably already own a switch. I mean, come on. There's nearly 80 millions switches already on the market and still growing. Did they thought they could compete against Nintendo's portable consoles business?
Do you see the problem? Google did everything wrong. There's nothing to appeal to any of the markets. They don't do anything new besides needing constantly internet.
I never use WIFI for any online gaming ever including Switch.
When i tried Hitman 3 on Switch it were with LAN cable to a 520/520 Fiber line with only 3 ms delay. Even then picture were fuzzy and framerate were less than 30 fps.
For comparison i get nearly 60 fps on Stadia with sharp picture.
@blockfight I mainly play online games on PC, but i still think Stadia is usable for most people.
I even played Destiny 2 for a few hours on Stadia just to check how reliable it is, and it worked surprisingly well considering it were streaming with no lag at all ever.
It's of course not as good as streaming PC games to NVIDIA Shield TV on local Gigabit LAN.
@Ricube The problem is that Nintendo don't want PC games in any way on Switch if it can't be sold on eShop.
Rainway streaming were supposed to come to Switch 2 years ago or something, but Nintendo didn't allow it.
Nintendo didn't allow Xbox streaming on Switch either.
If you hack Switch, you can even use Stadia, Game Pass XCloud etc. on it if you want.
@Ventilator of course Nintendo wouldn't allow it. Do you think Sony would allow game pass on PS5? Why would you throw away that 30% cut you get from third parties for the games that are on gamepass. No business would do this! But hey forget business as it's video games and gamers should get what they want.
Now on to Stadia. Some people are in serious denial. Yes the service works and Google's infrastructure etc etc is superb but the writing is on the wall. The thing is slowly dying and you have to accept that. Reminds me of people who couldn't accept the Wii U was on its deathbed.
@RasandeRose ...Ignoring our gibberish.
Amazon failed hard with all internal studios too, and they tried for more years than Google.
The only way is to keep buying famous developers like Microsoft does. Microsoft will soon reveal even more purchased studios, but already own 30 studios.
It costs too much too gamble with unknown studios today with no track record. Even Microsoft's only new studio is playing it safe. Making a brand new Perfect Dark.
I wouldn't buy any full price game on any streaming system either especially not from Nintendo. Nintendo is known to close servers when it suits them.
When a streaming service is gone, you lost the game forever.
As for digital download games, you don't own them either and you can't re-download them after server is gone.
Switch uses a downgraded Tegra X1 GPU from year 2014 btw.
It should have had all features like Shield TV does.
I only purchased 2 games on Stadia, but in reality i got both for free. Here is why.
1$ for Borderlands 3 Ultimate on Stadia is as good as free.
Also. I bought Cyberpunk 2077 on release on Stadia, but in reality a free game.
The thing is. I were planning to buy Chromecast Ultra anyway and it costs 70-80 bucks.
I paid 58 bucks for Cyberpunk 2077 including Chromecast Ultra
and the 60 bucks Gamepad.
Buying Cyberpunk on release actually saved me money instead. Basically i got money for buying Cyberpunk. LOL
Kinda funny that i in reality got paid for getting the bug fest on release.
If you didn't know, Stadia 1080p/60 is 100% free for everyone.
Only 4K/60 HDR requires paid sub.
So it begins....the Google graveyard awaits...
it already has a spot reserved in the over crowded google graveyard
@kobashi100 I know Sony denied Game Pass too as it's superior to PS Now on top of it.
I bought Wii U on launch in 2012, and got value for money on it so i didn't care that it died later. I got all the best games on it anyway, and there is lots of them.
Wii U were obviously dying in 2015 when Nintendo started to ignore it till Switch came in 2017.
Let's see how Amazon Luna streaming does.
100% of their own studios failed hard for years.
@Ventilator Sony passed on gamepass because they are not going to give away the 30% cut from third parties. It's simple business 101. Ignoring that and instead claiming because it is a superior service is just total fan boy cringe.
This type of gaming will be the norm and portable gaming will be via mobiles that fold.
Home consoles and physical games will be a thing of the past, and there will be much more competition.
Nintendo should be updating its consoles every couple of years and it should never have retired the 3ds. The Switch Lite is not as portable or pocketable.
Beginning of the end. I was an early adopter and the lack of enthusiasm google show for their OWN product is gobsmacking. I’ll never trust them again.
@iulis84 Don't see how. Stadia just isn't making their own games. They're still releasing games, new games at that. TV's are starting to come with Stadia built in this year. Hardly seems like a smart thing to do if the platform is no more.
People seem to think a studio shutting down equals a platform shutting down. They're very different things.
Ok, but if you think about it, how many games on the Playstation was created by Sony? Not many and look how well they are doing.
Cloud games on the Nintendo E-shop could very well be powered by Stadia tech in the future.
That is what this news are about. Makings the Stadia tech available to publishers.
Have zero interest in cloud gaming. The only "always online" gaming I will willingly play are MMO's. Also I already actively try to avoid using as many google products when possible, no way would I ever touch a gaming service by them.
We should feel lucky with a tech giant like Google willing to make the investments to try out what the possibilities of cloud gaming. It's not trivial to get a check on the challenges of such large scale networking. It's also a gamble what actual customer demands are when you try out something new. Perhaps cloud gaming is not the future, but we should be happy with those companies doing the R&D for new possibilities.
If "Cyberpunk 2077 is such a disaster on consoles that players are forced to choose another platform to play the game" is the biggest system-seller of a gaming platform, then there is something seriously wrong with that gaming platform.
I saw much a better chance if Stadia was a console. Even though it's super competitive, it's still better than cloud gaming.
They also had some terrible marketing. Where the Wii U ads had cringey kids, the Stadia ads had an overall cringey vibe to it, not to mention their narcissistic approach and no clear information other than high specs that became outdated within almost 2 years.
Everytime a game studio closes its a bad thing. Amazon may close its own studios. Who knows if in few years they could make something special? We're all gamers, not only fanbois
Yeah, it figures. Google are desperate with Stadia being stagnated, so now they give stuff away. They are on their last leg with the service, but it was pretty much dead on arrival anyway.
Streaming games is nota big deal on any system, so I couldn't care less if Shield TV streams stuff better than Switch. I can't see it will ever be a big business. And btw, Google is known for quitting, Nintendo is known for keeping their support och service up and running looong time, even with systems like Wii U. Nintendo has their good reputation they put great care too, Google on the other hand got a pretty bad track record.
Your comment is pretty much the opposite of how it is in the real world.
I really wish companies would just figure out already that cloud gaming will never be mainstream until they put serious investment into the infrastructure first!
Fast enough and reliable enough internet for this purpose just isn't available for whatever audience it is they're trying to target. Plus the requirement of many powerful servers to host all this on, and then when it doesn't work out they'll just pull the plug and all those games go away.
It strikes me that it's not very well thought out in general.
Home console and handhelds will keep going. We will going dinosaur to keep them alive.
Also, being portable it doesn't mean it should be small enough in clothing pocket.
@RasandeRose I wouldn't say Nintendo is much better than Google. Nintendo already closed Wii U servers in a few countries.
MK TV in Mario Kart 8 were already shutted down years ago.
Mario Maker servers going offline next month. Then they will shut down Wii U servers in more countries.
Xbox 360 were launched in 2005, 7 years before Wii U and everything is still online. Just shows which companies who care and who don't.
Sony shutted down online servers on many of their own games only 2-3 years after release on PS4, so in a way they are worse than Nintendo. Killzone, DriveClub etc. were gone years ago.
@kobashi100 Game Pass have option to download 100% of the games to be played natively, and PC versions is included.
All first party games and a bunch of third party games costs nothing on release.
Most on PSNow is streaming only, and all PS4 games there is old games. No PC versions included at all. No 1st party games on release there.
Fanboy'ism is when you ignore facts and claim PS Now is superior.
Even Sony fanboys begs Sony to get a thing like Game Pass on their official EU site. Why would they if PS Now were better?
@Ventilator @RasandeRose It wouldn't surprise me if Stadia got hundreds of thousands of new USERS last year. They were offering GREAT deals like Cyberpunk + a Chromecast Ultra + a Stadia controller + a month of Stadia Pro for LESS than the price of a Chromecast Ultra. They also did this for other games. These were always very highly upvoted on Reddit, HotUKDeals etc. suggesting a lot of purchases.
MANY, myself included, jumped on these deals (I wanted a Chromecast for the back room anyway.)
The trouble is that this sort of loss leader doesn't work if those new USERS don't become new SUBSCRIBERS. I suspect they lost a LOT of money financing these offers with not enough people jumping into the ecosystem. They will have the metrics for all this and see it all heading in one direction.
To be clear Stadia and streaming in general is fine. This isn't why it's failing, instead it is:
Streaming has a big future, particularly for the masses not us enthusiasts, but not like this.
@Snatcher “Did anyone even like or care about Google stadia”
Personally I care, as I think opening up gaming to a broader audience without people having to spend $500+ on a modern console or even more on a PC is a great thing. Also I use a MacBook, so having access to a wider range of games without needing to dual boot would be a massive boon. It’d also be terrific when travelling. One day people will be able to play games with nothing but a TV and controller, with no need for any box. I think this is a good thing.
I think XCloud, Stadia etc hold a lot of promise and even for Nintendo’s console it’s allowing titles that otherwise wouldn’t run in the native hardware to be published to the system. Sure, infrastructure isn’t there globally, but it’s an area of great promise still.
That said, I don’t care about Googles first party development of games overly and I doubt many people do given they have no proven track record. I don’t think that’s a huge loss and if there was any surprise, it’s that Google started out with aspirations to develop games initially anyway rather than not just using the money to pay more third parties to adopt the platform. I hope they continue to expand and improve the platform, as well as MS and others with their own.
Water is wet. The sky is blue. Google is shutting down another venture.
@Ventilator WTF are you going on about? Good grief, I have told you why sony and Nintendo won't ever allow gamepass on there platforms because as a business they don't want to throw away the 30% fee they get from third parties and you simply ignore that little detail and start telling us how good gamepass is. The quality of gamepass is not the debate.
Also when did I say PSnow was superior. I said the fact you said that sony won't allow gamepass on its platforms because it's superior is ridiculous. You keep ignoring the 30% fees Sony gain from third party sales like its some small thing. No business will just throw away a big revenue stream like that.
I honestly have no idea why you wrote all that.
@themightyant Who knows how many new subs they got, because 1080p is 100% free.
Picture quality is actually quite better on the paid sub even without 4K TV. It's like 1080p were bottlenecked on purpose.
I had a free trial of Pro sub last year, so i know the difference.,
There is also monthly AAA and Indies games included in the Stadia price, but not as many monthly as on Game Pass.
If Google provided Steam, Epic keys etc. too, a lot more people would jump on.
Google don't earn money on YouTube and they have still not shutted down the site after all these years. Info like this is on business sites and not gaming sites. YouTube is a hard sell because of the money drain and the insane servers required for it, and now it's worse because of the huge amount of 8K and 4K videos. To make costs even worse, every Google Data center in the world is mirroring it.
@kobashi100 I told you that several posts ago, but you wouldn't let it go.
Microsoft said in 2020 that both refused it so it's old news. I don't know why you even mentioned it when it were in media worldwide last year.
@iulis84 Sorry. Didn't mean to go after you. Just making a point. Apologies again.
@Snatcher I have it because I can't afford a pc and it's great. I play high end games running perfectly on my phone over data, on my chromebook, it really has come a long way since launch. It's free as well so I mean it may be a very specific target audience but it has been great way for me to play all the games I missed like the new tomb raiders, jedi fallen order, red dead redemption 2, cyberpunk which runs as good as pc on stadia (although I've heard a lot of bad stuff about it not buying it yet haha). Yeah and the way it works is that it is always up to date with the current gen hardware so its more powerful then all the consoles at the moment. It's just a really convenient way for me to play games I couldn't afford before.
HAHAHAHAHAHA funniest thing I’ve read all day. Now I’m just waiting for them to shut down the service completely.
@zool this is hilariously wrong I love it
I would never purchase a machine with only 3rd party games (X-box I am looking at you also).
1st party Exclusives are normally always the best. This is the end for Stadia.
I wouldn’t touch it , it was doomed to fail when it launched . History lesson anything google touches f***s up 🤪🤪
This is not a surprise and I predict more will be closed down as Google struggles to force technology to move faster than circumstances allow for.
Mass market cloud gaming MAY be viable when ultra, ultra, ULTRA high speed internet is ubiquitous everywhere. We're probably a decade (or more) away from that.
lol, "already". Its a 2012-system with ~13M sold units. I think its a big show of Nintendos commitment that they kept their services for the system up for so many years. Stadia launched 2019, and its already up in discussion about shutting it down.
Xbox 360 sold 84M units, so its pretty much ridiculous comparing it to Nintendo's services towards Wii U...compare it to Microsoft's Zune HD instead, they skipped all the support for the unit within one year on the market...lol!
As Google already have shut down all their marketing for Stadia, its a good thing there's still a handfull of desperate fans out here trying to uplift it. No one else cares about Stadia, not even Google.
@RasandeRose Hmmm. Did you actually read my post? I wasn't uplifting Stadia, quite the opposite in fact, I gave the reasons why it's failing.
What I did say is STREAMING has a future, but not the way Stadia currently does it.
I feel bad for the developers.
Meh I knew in times Stadia will slowly dwindle as I don't see Google wanting to do anything with gaming all that much as the only person who like gaming already left Google. Not a big deal though as Microsoft xCloud and Amazon Luna will continue to carry cloud gaming forward.
Although this is indeed interesting news, this certainly isn't Nintendo news. Stay in your league NL, otherwise you may as well start writing articles about Microsoft news. @_@
@Snatcher I love Google Stadia.
You can play many PS4 games on Ipad, laptop or even phone. Internet speed is not a problem either since you only need 20mbps for Full HD. I’m not a nitpicker who wants 120fps 8K. I just like to enjoy the games and don’t want to pay a €300-600 Playstation.
They have a lot of discounts too! ☺️
Is this the beginning of the end for Stadia? Didn't a lot of people predict this would happen?
I don't get all the blind hate Google gets for doing something that works very well. I also hope it gets improved and there's really room for it, in my opinion.
@Ricube Do you actually want an answer to your question? I'm not angry, just wondering - if you are.
@RasandeRose now yes, but the future is bright 😃
@Anti-Matter of course it should fit in your pocket to be portable. We don't all carry backpacks or cases.🤔
Well im a bit surprised that the reason was the cost of the develop of games. I tought that google has so much wealth that can throw the dinero with no sweat.
Let's see....
Laptop, tape, chair, bag, bottle, etc.
They are portable items despite they are not pocket size.
It is also potential Nintendo news.
Google is talking about open Stadia tech to partners here.
And currently the taiwanese company who brings cloud gaming to Switch, is using Nvidia GeForce Now servers to do so.
Now it seems, that Google would like to be an option to that, so that publishers can use their Stadia tech and servers to bring cloud games to other platforms, like the Switch.
I think Google will shut down the service within a year now. And then the games you purchased on it will be lost forever.
I think it would be a smart move from Google to shut down their own Stadia-service and instead provide servers to Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and others that might be interested in cloud services, maybe Steam too? MB they can make a deal with Steam, letting all the users who bought their games on Stadia to get access to them on Steam instead. But I doubt it, Google is not a smart company these days.
I do not think that Google will shut down Stadia, like forever. Witch is good, because options for consumers is a good thing.
Stadia is not like other "free" google services. With Stadia, people have invested money for content on their platform. And Google does not just shut services down like that, were this is the case.
But Google is now trying to find other ways to get money back from their investment in cloud gaming tech.
Microsoft does have their own cloud gaming platform and tech. And Sony has a partnership with MS about cloud gaming. So they are not an option.
Likewise with Steam and Epic games. They have a partnership with Nvidia and GeForce Now. Google would not really offer them anything new.
I think, that Google is looking for a partnership with Nintendo, and publishers who wants to bring their big games to Switch. And also want to bring their games directly to Apple app store and Google Play Store.
These are the obvious partnerships that are available to Google.
@Anti-Matter your argument is comical but not practical.
Yes, anything you can lift and carry could be classed as portable, in your world. But in this instance portable is pocketable, like a mobile phone is. The 3ds was ideal. And a new version could have had larger screens, be lighter, thinner and pocketable. Much like the new foldable phones.
Once again, i will not even harming my gaming handhelds by putting inside my clothing pocket. That's very dangerous, not to mention the risk from my sweat and bumps outside. Even NDS Lite was fit enough for my pants pocket, i will not put NDS Lite inside my pants pocket. I will bring my shoulder bag and put them inside with some towel to protect from bumps. Safety is a must for me.
Who does what now?
@Anti-Matter if you go to that extent to protect a simple ds with its own folding screen as protection, the mind boggles how you protect your mobile phone.
@COVIDberry I'm not sure about what you mean. I wasn't trying to make anyone angry. I'm also no native english speaker so it happens that I don't use the right words. Maybe "blind hate" was not the right expression, i just meant that a lot of comments seemed to wish the service to shut down without a motivation and I wanted to say that for me and for the way I play games, a good streaming service is something I really appreciate.
What did I say stadia was dead on arrival.
@Snatcher i use Stadia and it actually works pretty well. people are quick to knock it, but haven't even tried it. seems to be the way to world works now a days. it's a shame not enough people gave it a chance cause it's great. only time will tell whether it lasts or not :/
I read all 126 comments, and yours was, easily, the most informative...
The funny part was that Stadia was created 14 months ago and this happens. These teams were barely there for a year. All jokes aside, Gylt was a fairly unique title that I hope gets a chance to come to Playstation, Xbox, and Switch. It looked like Tim Burton meets Alan Wake. It seemed like a far more interesting launch title than either Sony or Microsoft has put out for Ps4/One or Ps5/Series.
@miitomobenji. I was willing to give it a chance even with Google behind the scenes and they are known to quickly abandon ideas that aren't working quickly enough. Then the launch happened and it was a train wreck. 2 weeks after launch, they were already giving $60 launch titles away as free games with Stadia Pro. They did this like 2 weeks later and both times received backlash from Stadia users. A few months later, they were begging people to try Stadia by making Stadia Pro free for countless weeks or months. I knew the writing was on the wall by then. Microsoft with Xcloud are doing far better and it is a perk with Gamepass and so that means the program and the hub welcome each other. Their business strategy makes far more sense. Hence why Xcloud isn't on its last legs compared to Stadia
@Deadsea1993 i will agree with you that their business model wasn't ideal for what they were doing. Stadia is a streaming service, no matter how you spin it. So to offer access to a single title for full price is kind of absurd, especially when most people, including myself, were expecting Stadia to originally do something more like Gamepass/Xcloud: a monthly fee for access to games
which is definitely more ideal. That being said, I too was on the "no Stadia" train until a few months ago, I got three months of Stadia pro for free. And I was hooked. I personally haven't experienced many issues with it. There are some occasional hiccups, but overall, it works well. I've purchased games that were on sale and I have Ubisoft Plus and I am happy with the service.
But I also agree that Microsoft is on to something, that is essentially, offering Xcloud as a supplemental service alongside Xbox, not as a replacement. Stadia seeks to replace the home console, and the more I think about it, the more I realize this may ultimately turn people off from Stadia. And because of this, Stadia is subjected to the most criticism out of any gaming platform.
Anyways, just my thoughts on the subject.
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