Recently, we shared a video in which we booted up several Wii U titles to see if people were still playing them online. The results were pretty surprising, with plenty of games still remaining active despite the system's age and relatively low install base.
So, what about the 3DS? Just like before, Nintendo Life YouTube star Jon has tested a nice variety of games available on the platform to see how easy – or hard – it is to find online matches. Big Nintendo titles like Mario Kart 7 and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS still have plenty of active users, but what about games like Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, or the infamous Metroid Prime: Federation Force?

Make sure to give the video a watch to see how our tests went – again, we were mostly pleasantly surprised by the number of active players.
Do you still regularly play 3DS games online? Tell us below.
Comments 46
3DS is still around and that should be no surprise that gamers still game on them.
Oh how I miss you, Smash Run!
Occasionally every few months still play 3DS online, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Mario Kart 7. If the Mario Party series was online on 3DS, would be playing them more as well.
Upon seeing this video on the YouTube, I busted out the the 3ds for some MK7 online.<33 Love that game and it's 3D goodness. Played it last summer, too.
Mk7 & mk8 are a tie in my heart.
I've been working on my 3ds collection of physical games the last few months, but I do still play Animal crossing online here and there. New Horizons didn't scratch the itch enough for me for some reason. I just really love island tours. lol
@RickD Free online on Wii U too.
I was already surprised to find online players for RE Mercenaries back in 2013, and it's still alive and kicking in 2021?
Amazing, I should say.
Bro they just top making the 3ds, dosn't mean people are Dead and done with it.
Every couple of months I’ll still boot up kid icarus uprising.
Man would I like that or a sequel on switch.
There are people playing online on Wii.
Did I miss the "Nintendo Download" articles this week, I guess?
@Sonicvic RE Mercenaries was pretty dope honestly, I fully completed the game and it was great even for how relatively little content there was. For most probably not really worth the money but it was for me.
Well of course people are still online
I bet monster hunter generation numbers are up now.
@Silvercube Same
as someone with a switch as well, i gotta tell ya i still love and frequently play my 3ds. definitely a great system for nintendo fans as almost every franchise there has representation, in good games too.
@Kalmaro Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is up too.
Yep many people are still online in all of my online games l have for 3ds. I did play MK7 not too long ago online.
@Yosher I can relate. I bought it for 5€ during an eShop sales and it was worth the price. Even if it was clearly a cashgrab that reused assets, it was still pretty fun.
And we eventually got a true RE on the 3DS, so no hard feelings.
@deadmaker And the GameCube.
@Sonicvic Honestly I got it for the Revelations demo that came with it, and I got the game for full price at the time, but even though it did drop in price so much before long, I still don't regret it because I still got lots of playtime out of it! Not as much as I'd eventually get out of Revelations but still got my money's worth out of it. Heck, even my sister who usually doesn't play Resident Evil, or any kind of zombie-ish game, enjoyed this one, we played it in co-op a heck of a lot.
I forget that Kid Icarus has on line! does anyone still have the stand that comes with the game? I do and I continue to use it in various ways (Wii U game pad, Switch holder).
anyhow, I recently started playing again on my 3DS after a couple of years of abandonment and have only tried out MK7 on line. I’ll have to try out SF4 now that I know it’s still active.
Does anyone know if Guxt is still available on 3DS? Weirdly enough that would have some influence on whether or not I pick up a 3DS.
Mon Hun 4U and Gen are still running, right? Such great games, I'd hate to see them get lost when the servers are pulled. RE: Revelations was another one I spent a surprising amount of time playing online.
Wish tha Street pass was a thing still!
I tried Metroid Federation Force last week and was unable to find any games
I play pokemon with online trading and battling
Let me just say this: the day the server for Mario kart 7 goes down better be far away...very far away. That is my forever Mario kart. Don’t mess with it, Nintendo!
@stuntz0rZ I know that feeling. One day I waited forever in Triforce Heroes. Came so close to getting a run in when a third player showed up, but then...poof, gone. And that was that
On getting Federation Force online games:
-You may know this, (so FYI for others then) but if no games are listed: Host
-If you haven’t completed many missions (maybe below 10):
Host or complete more missions
This bc: Sometimes only the last ~3 missions are available as advanced players are trying to 100% on hard mode (but) like me, many like helping new peeps if we know you are online.
-as for blast ball; ???
Went back to play Tri Force Heroes some days ago. Maybe I'm one of few who legitimately enjoyed it. It was hard to fill a room though.
@Dr_G_Lemaitre I have alot more to go yet. Wasn't even aware hard mode even existed until last week! as for Blast Ball... I have everything unlocked. Won't be returning to that anytime soon. It wasn't easy!
I've been playing the Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon ScareScraper the past few nights. It takes a few minutes to get full squad together, but I've done it several times.
OG ScareScraper is a dozen times better than the LM3 version.
Guxt- not in your region, BUT, it is available as freeware on pc. Search for a Pixel fan site.
@ryancraddock @joncomms thank you for the vid/write up! This inspires me to (someday) run some data analysis on implied online gaming activity as it depends on time of day.
Steel Diver Sub Wars
Sonic All Stars Racing RARELY but if anyone wants to play hit me up.
@deadmaker no they're not, online for Wii was shut down in 2014
@Marka23 Yes they are, myself included. Through Wiimmfi.
@daichi42 I bought it about 6 months ago. It took forever to find rooms back when I got it but it was still possible.
@Averagewriter Very much agreed. I have been playing my Nintendo DS Lite lately!
@Dpullam Online. I was just playing some Mario Kart online on my DS Lite
@diegoarthur Nice! Is there still a solid amount of people playing online?
@Dpullam Mainly on Metroid, Mario Kart and Pokémon. You can check on Wiimmfi how many players are online. I usually talk to some friends to play specific games.
@diegoarthur Awesome. I didn't know about Wiimmfi! That might be useful!
Actually just bought one to play the Fire Emblem and Bravely Default back catalogue. Hadn't realised online was an option!
As much as I love my 3DS and still play it often, I've never once played it online.
I still play the online mode of Uprising often. I usually prefer Light vs Dark.
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