One of the more exciting announcements during the August Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase was Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, a sequel to puzzle mash-up Puyo Puyo Tetris that looks like a fun addition to the Switch library.
The showcase mentioned that there's "a lot more to reveal" about the game, but looking closely at its newly-listed eShop page, it would appear that one new feature has already been given away. Full details on how it will work are yet to be shared, but the page reveals that Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 will feature new co-op boss raids. Exciting stuff.
Here's how it appears on the eShop page:
- Brand-new Skill Battle introduces character-based skills that can quickly turn the tables on a match, plus item cards to power up your team
- Vibrant characters and an all-new story adventure add dimension to addictive arcade puzzle play
- Improved Online mode offers competition in game-specific leagues and Free Play for up to 4, spectating, and new co-op boss raids
- Challenge modes including endless Tetris and Puyo Puyo add still more variety to solo and online play
The page also offers up an official description, which we'll leave for you here:
Japan’s beloved puzzle game series Puyo Puyo and the world-renowned Tetris game franchise have teamed up again to deliver even more Puyo-popping and Tetrimino-clearing fun in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. Playing is easy: match 4 or more same-colored Puyos or complete a line of blocks to clear them from your board and dump Garbage into your opponent’s game. But keep an eye on what’s coming your way too.
Play traditional Puyo Puyo and Tetris…or mix them together to level up your game. Offline or online, you’ll have loads of modes that let you play the way you want from single-player Adventure to couch-competition Versus to ranked Online matches, and more.
The original game was great fun when it launched back in 2017, so we're definitely up for a new and improved version. Are you liking the sound of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2? Tell us below.
Thanks to @_A_Gamer_Girl_ for the tip!
Comments 32
it's the same game man.
It should 100% be a DLC or a season pass for the 1st game, instead of a brand new title that is basically the same as old one.
I'm just wondering what the price will be in USD? Like If it's 60 bucks, I think I will just buy the original.
The first game already had DLC, at least, it included the DLC that was available for the original 3DS version.
This game will have a brand new campaign, new characters, new mechanics, etc. It's a bit more substantial than just "the same game but more content", the core program is developed further.
How many more Tetris and/or Puyo Puyo games do we actually need? I have the original as well as Tetris 99, this game seems pointless, DLC would have sufficed.
Never played this game. Although I could consider it if the single player mode is any good.
Switch Puyo Puyo number 6
Edit: or is it 7 ?
This is a cool addition. Tbh, I didn't expect a sequel to one of my favorite puzzle games on Switch. That alone made me hyped, everything else is gravy.
Same game and people talk about not liking dlc's microtransactions( I dont also)... But well this is the same modus operandi just releasing it in stores and giving it a diferent skin and some gimmicks.
@nmanifold lol a complete Tetris overdose...it's just insane...
@RupeeClock U really "reaching" on that DLC, the Switch version imo is just 1 standalone game...whatever happened on another console is irrelevant...
I have to agree with everyone here. PPT is an awesome game that we still play pretty regularly, but I'm not convinced about this sequel. I don't play online at all, so the old game will do for us.
I used to play this game online. It swayed very heavily toward puyo players in versus matches. Had some control issues as well that Tetris 99 fixed. I can't see the appeal.
loved the first one, but wanna see way more differences before I'll go again tbh.
I bought and got rid of Puyo Puyo Tetris 1... I only bought it for local 4 players party mode and it was lacking 2 basic things from its bare bones predecessor on Wii "Tetris Party"; there is no practice mode when you are eliminated and wait for other players to battle it out (which makes 3 player or more matches super boring for at least one player) and no option for special items (those were super useful in levelling the ground Mario Kart style).
This will be the one to buy if you didn’t already own the first one.
Since I have the first one digitally, I don’t have a good upgrade path. It would be nice to see a digital discount if you own the first one.
Like others, I will stick with the first one (until the price drops significantly).
I'm with others on this, when I first saw it shown off, I didn't understand why it was a separate game from the first, and I still don't. Just make it a DLC expansion to the first game and call it a day. I get that it'd be a bit late to add such DLC, but making it a separate full price release is clearly just a cash grab all the same.
I'm surprised by the negativity on this, clearly this is a sequel with everything from the first going to next gen, they were kind enough to also bring it to the switch so no one complains "ugh why does ps5 and series x get those new modes and (chracters/music?) and we don't?" I'm personally hyped, I played the crap out of the first one, I hope this boss raid plays similar to the old school mean bean machine style, and if so make Robotnik playable SEGA!
@WachiAlphi You make a good point. People would complain if they skipped the Switch. However, it really is more of a deluxe package than a true sequel. Great for fans that are buying the new consoles or that want the latest game.
I have the digital version on Switch, so I can’t sell my copy nor give it to a friend. I am not complaining, though. I purposefully chose digital for the convenience of always having it as a go to game (also, it was cheaper at the time).
How much more can you get out of Tetris after all? I mean I heard that Puyo Puyo is pretty good but the core mechanic is still Tetris, isn‘t it?
Not gonna lie, I'm probably going to get this just for the raid mode. My family and I loved the first game, and playing co-op sounds great!
I got the first one as a hold-over until we got Tetris 99, and now that I got Tetris 99 with the single player DLC my need for this is pretty much gone, in fact I have no desire to play it anymore. Puyo Puyo just isn't nearly as good of a solo puzzle game as Tetris and I have never been a fan of competitive vs puzzle games but the 99 concept makes it a lot more interesting than the 1 on 1.
If its not $60 im buying it, $40 would be good since the additions alone are standalone to me. I play these games entirely for the Puyo aspect than Tetris, offline and online, and I love the goofy comedic story modes of each Puyo game so ill definitely be getting this sequel. Good thing its SEGA too because this for sure wouldnt go on sale if it was Nintendo published, SEGA drops price constantly.
Edit: Its $40 apparently so im buying.
PPT has a decently meaty campaign that's quite fun and replayable thanks to its format if you're looking to 3-Star everything. The sequel having another one of these is reason alone to make the suggestion that they should just pump everything into DLC seem unreasonable, let alone premature.
The first game's modes were really enjoyable to me and the variety they bring easily overshadows Tetris 99 as a package when you pick up the single-player DLC. PPT also isn't plagued with the occasional eaten inputs and lag spikes that come up in Tetris 99 in my experience. If the Adventure for the new game is of a similar length to the first one and there are even modes to play around with to top it off, then count me in for sure.
I think i'm a part of the minority but This needed to be dlc.
Sounds pretty cool, but I have my eyes set on the Skill Battle mode. Either way, this game is an instabuy for me. Puyo Puyo Tetris was amazing (enjoyed it much more than Tetris 99 on Switch) and this upcoming sequel is looking to be even better, in my opinion.
@fadedcolors It is the "same game", sure, and you know what? I'm perfectly fine with it. Any game that continues to build upon everything that made the predecessor amazing is good enough for me.
Looking fwd to this as I love the first game. Curious to see if this truly is merely like DLC as some ppl are saying. Still love it, so....
@LEGEND_MARIOID I think many people are relying too much on the book's cover than the pages themselves.
@LatsaSpege Considering the original was a $30 game for the deluxe physical copy, I doubt it'll be $60.
@JasmineDragon For me, it's a no brainer. My fiancée and I play with two friends we don't see much since the pandemic and who don't own the game themselves, but do have Switches. We're all just going to get the sequel. It's a definitively better game because it has all the modes from the first but more. Honestly, not seeing the benefit of the sequel is like not understanding why new sports games or fighting games get made.
It doesn't have to replace the old game for all the playerbase, but it can be a great upgrade for some fans and it's a superior jump on point for anyone who doesn't own it. So far, for me, this has some things I'm definitely excited for. Co-op raids could be very cool, new characters are desirable, a new story campaign could be a lot of fun, the unique stats/skills for characters in certain special modes sounds fun, some new visual flair isn't a bad thing and then all the other modes they're mentioning plus reworked online play. And finally, this might not matter to you or everyone, but I've played most of these games in Japanese and I really hate playing my English copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris. I miss all the fun Japanese audio cues. Having dual audio for the sequel is exciting.
@duffmmann I don't really see how you can make that assessment. When a game that's years old pushes out DLC after a long absence, it just doesn't sell well most of the time. Packaging it as anything other than a sequel would be a great way not to make any money. And the idea that it should only be DLC doesn't really make sense anyway. Why? Any other game series can make a sequel, particularly session based competitive games. Anything from sports to fighting games. Why not Puyo Puyo Tetris? They're adding tons of modes, a full new campaign, overhauled online, new characters, co-op raid battles, character specific abilities/powers as well as apparently a bunch of stuff they haven't revealed yet and some other small but welcome inclusions like dual audio.
What exactly would it need to do to constitute being worthy of existing? Many other games do far less. That and it likely won't be more than $30.
@WachiAlphi I agree. If anything, they've gone above and beyond with making tons of new modes, new online rework, new characters, new music, co-op, new story campaign and other changes like adding dual audio. It feels way more than just DLC to me, but it's also the definitive Puyo Puyo Tetris experience going forward, particularly for those who don't already own it on their console of choice.
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