Following its initial delay, the Little Town Hero Big Idea Edition has today launched for Nintendo Switch in North America. Those in Europe will have to wait just a little longer until 26th June.
The Big Idea Edition is a physical version of Pokémon developer Game Freak's small-scale RPG, coming with an artbook, poster, soundtrack and more that looks perfect for collectors. You can check it out in the image below, and it's also been featured in a new trailer released today (see above).

If you're wanting to learn more about the game, make sure to check out our full review. We wouldn't call it a must-play experience, but it certainly does away with some of the RPG genre's more frustrating elements and would be ideal for anyone looking for something a little more bite-sized. Here's a snippet of what we had to say:
"...With a battle system that trades XP levelling for a purer sense of tactical planning and experimentation (albeit with an unpredictable spike difficulty), Game Freak proves that a ‘casual’ game can still have plenty of imagination, even on a smaller scale. It's far from essential, but if you love CCG-style combat and can't stomach another 100-hour RPG, there's much to like in Little Town Hero."
Think you might pick this one up? Have you already played the game on Switch? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 26
I'm sure they will sell tens of these.
June 26th for Europe huh?
That means 365 Games shipped my order a week early, I had it delivered on June 19th.
The listing on their site has the June 26th date as well.
The Big Ideas edition touts that it has a brand new easy mode, in addition to a challenging hard mode, so if the original gameplay was either too frustrating or too mundane, it sounds like they've taken that on board.
Okay I’m getting this.
Was this game any good?
It's a good game for kids to help them learn critical thinking. It's simplistic, but the level of efficiency required to do well in the game portions are rather solid. Also, the music is good, so again, a fun memorable game for a younger audience.
Here’s a big idea: Make better mainline Pokémon games.
@Franz Or ... Allow another studio to develop the next main line
@EchoNemesis I second that! Like maybe bandai namco new pokemon snap looks amazing!
Do you guys never give up?, we seriously get it that you do not like the new Pokemon games, but do you have to moan on every single Pokemon and Gamefreak related article.
I don't think anyone asked for this.
No one talked about this game even after release...
@johnvboy You never seem to give up replying to every negative comment relating to pokemon either. Instead of moaning about other people moaning why not just ignore them? It'll save everyone a headache.
It just makes me want Fantasy Life for Switch even more.
I would not need to reply is these disgruntled fans stopped complaining on even unrelated Pokemon articles, this is a comment section on a totally unrelated game, no headache for me.
They have a better collectors edition then Pokemon, that’s how you know it’s a joke.
@johnvboy Doesn't sound like it given from all the replies you post in response to the negative comments, if anything that just gives me the opposite impression.
A for relevancy Little Town Hero is also developed by GameFreak which made pokemon, its not shocking to see some pokemon comments here from people just expressing their disappointment in something, which they have to right to since its a public comment section.
Again, just ignore them. If I had to reply to every comment on the internet I didn't like I would be on my computer 24/7.
You could always ignore my replies to the negative comments, but no need to worry about me, I love responding to the complainers on here, it's just so much fun.
It's a decent game. I imported a standard edition from Japan (didn't want extra goodies) and beat it a couple of days ago. It plays more like a card game than an RPG, but the music is amazing.
I have repeated it before and I will say it again; There is no problem that negatives come and go in "EVERY" Pokemon topic or that does not have to do with Pokemon, and that they get to the point of angering others with their points that we know very well, too well; Because, yes, "freedom of expression" allows it, it's ok.
But seriously, it is necessary to repeat the negativity to exhaustion, even in topics that do not have to do with Pokemon and worse, see yourself as Party poopers?
oh well ...
That awkward moment when you grab a game digitally and the physical version comes out later. I forgot this was delayed, and being reminded bums me out because the art book looked pretty cool.
@Incarna That legitimately made me laugh out loud.
@EchoNemesis I’ll be down for that. New blood can be a good thing.
I need to see more. This game has me confused..
The game that not even Toby Fox could save.
My local GameStop: one day late...
I came here to read comments, so far I am not disappointed pog.
I got mine today, via UPS. It's a really substantial package and makes a nice addition to my collectibles shelf. The included CD soundtrack is pretty solid, too — Toby Fox of Undertale composed most of it. I'm listening to it right now and it definitely has the Toby signature.
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