Developer Game Freak is currently hiring for new staff who will work on future Pokémon projects, with a whopping 23 job positions being advertised online.
The company is hoping to recruit new graphic designers, planners, technical artists, programmers and more as it looks to strengthen its core team. On social media today, Game Freak announced that additional interviews will be conducted due to a large number of applicants.
If you're interested, you can check out Game Freak's recruitment portal right here. Applicants have until 26th June to send in any necessary forms, with interviews expected to take place soon afterwards.
It's a particularly busy time for Game Freak at the moment, with a live stream set to take place in around two hours' time as we write this, as well as the launch of Pokémon Sword and Shield's first DLC, The Isle of Armor.
We wonder what Game Freak will be working on next. Generation 9? Sinnoh remakes? Something else entirely? We'll have to wait and see.
[source creativevillage.ne.jp, via resetera.com, mynintendonews.com]
Comments 17
Does this mean something is coming...?
It's about time, with a brand as big as Pokemon they can really invest in more staff
Pokemon Pearl / Diamond / Platinum Remake??
Dear, Game Freak...
Please consider Indonesia as the 9th region of Pokemon. 😁
I suggest the name of region is Nusa / Nesiah
Yes! Between Gamefreak moving closer to the main Nintendo Office, letting go of Creatures Inc on their list of partners, and hiring more staff, it seems like they're taking the dissent about the last game seriously.
It is nice that they are looking for "Artists, programmers and more".
They lacked exactly those in their last project
Well I hope these new jobs will help restore the series to its former glory!
I want a Generation 9 of Pokemon.
-Unlimited Pokemon
-National Dex return
-New Types
-New Eeveelutions
-Mega Evolution, Z-Moves and Dynamax return.
-Type Gems return with a Gem Capsule that can access Super and Hyper forms
-Titles: Pokemon Super and Pokemon Hyper
-A female gender change for Charizard (A pink bow on its head and eyelashes)
Hope the best for them and whoever they found to join the team.
@scottdevine48 you forgot the moves they cut
@scottdevine48 Personally I want so see obligatory pink bows on the heads of all Pokemon in the next generation regardless of gender. And the series to be renamed, ‘Bow-kémon’.
I feel this is important to drive the series forward.
@ancientlii all of the moves would appear in this.
@Maxz Keep the Pokemon name. A female Charizard will wear a pink bow on its head. It will be the first time that the Pokemon would wear bows, just like in the anime.
About time they expanded. Maybe Pokemon won't be so stale down the road. Or we'll see a lot more free-to-start mobile games.
@NoxAeturnus That is the worst possibility to me, why would they miss out on hardware sales as well?
@okimoki Because F2P on mobile is a cash cow. Pokemon Go has made obscene amounts of money and they're going to keep chasing that high. I think it's more likely that Game Freak continues to spread themselves thin developing more mobile apps than that they put more into main series games, which are selling very well despite being mediocre. (Edit: I agree with you, it's also my worst case scenario. It's just what I expect them to do.)
@scottdevine48 Asking a lot from Game Freak.
Idk whats going on with that last one btw, kinda odd.
I'm hoping they're taking on board the issues of long time fans and making the next main line Pokémon game better but who knows.
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