GoldenEye 007 is without a doubt one of the most influential video games of all time. While it certainly wasn't the first FPS title to find mainstream success – we'd already seen DOOM by the time it arrived – it popularised the genre on consoles and added layers of depth, such as unique mission objectives and amazing local multiplayer options. It sold by the bucketload and is widely considered to be one of the best N64 games ever made.
The development of the game has been charted for a new documentary, which speaks to the team at Rare who created it as well as many other industry experts. Golden Era tells the story of "how such a groundbreaking title was made by a tiny, untested team, and unleashed on an unsuspecting public," thanks to numerous interviews with the likes of David Doak, Karl Hilton, Steve Ellis and Grant Kirkhope – all of who worked on the game – as well as journalists such as Simon Parkin, Stuart Ashen, Dan Ryckert, Peer Schneider and erstwhile Nintendo Life contributor Martin Watts.

Directed by Drew Roller – who shares the writing credits with Brok Power – Golden Era is expected to launch later this year. Will it be as funny as Going for GoldenEye? Unlikely, but it's probably going to be much more informative.
Comments 20
So many happy memories x x x
I remember reading that this Game started out as ‘on rails’ shooter, like Virtua Cop. Amazing transition into what the game become
Does anybody currently have the Bond video game license? I think the last game was 007 Legends from Activision in 2012
An absolute classic, many many hours spent playing 4 player death matches.
How does golden eye compare to quake 2 on the n64?
Was playing the single player this morning, determined to beat the levels on the higher difficulty! Still a masterpiece I think this is underrated as a single player gem, the missions are great and tough as hell, you really do feel like a secret agent with the gadgets etc and the music is just outstanding. Hope the remaster gets out of licensing hell.
@Bucky No one has announced anything at the moment, so we don't know. Curve Digital mentioned having interest in having the license, but that was in 2016.
The next 007 movie comes out in April, so I would think we would know by now if there was to be a game. Who knows?
I figure if there is nothing announced at GDC in March, we are out of luck.
@Bucky Activision were the last holders who took over after EA. Neither of which made many good Bond games outside of The World is Not Enough which EA made for the N64/PS1.
The third person shooter Everything or Nothing was probably the best post GoldenEye Bond game though.
How the Bond owners messed up after GoldenEye was so well received and didn't give Rare the license is always painful to look back on.
This has Netflix written all over it. If so, I'll definitely give it a watch. Many, many hours spent on this game that should've been used for homework or studying.
Wish that Nin and MS, Whoever else could work out the deal to release that rumored Goldeneye HD port to both Switch and XBONE.
@JSDude1 That's why I was asking about the license. If nobody currently has the exclusive rights to make 007 games that would remove one (of many) hurdles
Sounds like a real good watch!
Sounds interesting.
I always listen to the soundtrack of this game, specifically, the themes of the Cavern level and Cradle. This game probably has the best OST of any game in history
GoldenEye 007 for switch please. That's all I ask. Old graphic and remake one that the player can change according to her/his preference.
@nmanifold a classic definently. Bit if you go back to it its aged terribly except for the multiplayer
@quinnyboy58 play ot with the mouse and keyboard emulator with 60fps and it's awesome. A true classic if you play it like that. But if you play it on an n64 with no control mods its aged terribly with poor frame rate, resolution and controls
I would kill for a remastered port of GOLDENEYE and Perfect Dark for Switch. They were some of the best games of their era and still play very well to this day. Loved their over the top stories and incredible music. Definitely helped cultivate my passion for synthesizers and electronic music as a whole when I was a wee lad.
@quinnyboy58 I was playing the single player on my N64 the other day as well. It’s still an amazing game to play, the AI still surprises me even to this day. And Control can still have me cursing like a sailor after Natalya has been killed by a guard I was too slow to take out too....
Finished this game on the hardest difficult. Why'd my mom throw out my cart when I went away college.
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