So, yet another week has been and gone, this time bringing with it a new Nintendo Switch system update, an announcement for new NES and SNES titles on Switch - just days after we moaned about it, no less - and even the addition of Link in Super Mario Maker 2. Phew!
But now it's finally time to sit back and enjoy some game time. The Nintendo Life team have shared their plans below, and we'd love for you to get involved via the comments and poll sections as always. Enjoy!
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
Another weekend, another chance to catch a few of 'em in Pokémon Sword! That's how the saying goes, right?
I'm pretty determined to complete my Pokédex, actually going as far as wanting a full 'living Dex' where you have one of every single Pokémon in your PC, and things are going relatively well. Of course, having a very limited amount of free time is an issue, but with the help of my Nintendo Life news reporting bestie, Liam, things should go a little smoother. Luckily, he's grabbed Pokémon Shield, so we're working towards finding all of the exclusive creatures for each other. Awh.
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
This weekend I’ll be settling down to have a blast on some of the games I picked up during the Black Friday eShop sale. I’ll be blasting into some Super Bomberman R and Broforce as well as testing out my drifting skills in Team Sonic Racing.
Besides that lot I’ll also be continuing to make my way through the unbelievably great port of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag that’s rocked up on the eShop as part of the Rebel Collection, I’ve completed the main campaign but that huge big world map is still bursting full of secrets to set sail for. Avast ye! Binnacle! All hands ahoy…eh…that kind of thing. Arrrr!
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
This is the weekend where I will finally pull myself away from Pokémon Shield and attempt to finish all of the other games I got halfway through and never completed. Luigi’s Mansion 3, Zelda: Link’s Awakening, and Dragon Quest XI S to name a few.
We also have a friend staying over this weekend who has - and I quote - “never played a Switch before”. So there will likely need to be some education on all of the other classic titles like Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey happening as well.
Gavin Lane, staff writer
This weekend I find myself left to my own devices for an entire Saturday. I’m sure many of you experience this level of freedom every weekend – maybe even on Sunday, too – but it’s a rarity for yours truly, and the potential is making me a bit giddy.
Beyond the glorious non-gaming acts in which I shall indulge (like having a massive lie-in followed by a damn fine coffee while listening to some pleasant tunes and leisurely flicking through a gaming mag), I’ll be looking to tick off one or two things from the backlog. Earlier this week I managed to finish the excellent Sayonara Wild Hearts, and I’d like to polish off Gato Roboto this weekend, too. Then there are the inevitable Gym Badges I still need to win, and I also picked up Unravel Two in the Cyber Deals sale – kinda need a co-op partner for that one, though.
There are plenty of other things sitting on my micro SD, but that’s probably more than enough to keep me occupied for 24 hours. Have a great one everybody.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
Tick, tock, tick, tock, the clock is running out of days left this year and my backlog continues to impress despite my best efforts to make it more reasonable and humanly manageable. Large doses of Valfaris, The Touryst, EarthNight, River City Girls, Astral Chain and an old Super Famicom friend with a new lick of paint - Star Ocean: First Departure R - are in order. Add in some mandatory DAEMON X MACHINA because who knew that running around as Geralt or Siri shooting giant mechs would be a thing!
My game of the week is the incredible Switch conversion of Alien: Isolation. I had never played it before because of the scariest reason of them all: it was never previously available on any platform I own. Check those corners, people... and what could possibly go wrong if I crawl inside this very dark, very tight vent?
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 94
I'm still playing Persona 3 portable, a great and very long game. It's November in the game so I'm guessing I'll be finishing it up around next weekend.
I also picked up Pokemon Soul Silver this week as being an 80s kid I've never played a game in the franchise, whereas other SMT fans have often graduated from it from what I hear sometimes.
Pokemon and Arkham City on mac
Stardew Valley because I’m addicted.
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze because it’s probably not healthy to just play Stardew Valley ALL the time.
Playing Shield. I have been taking my time with it rather than ploughing through it. About to go for my eighth badge, if only the Wild Area would stop baiting me every five minutes.
It was my birthday earlier in the week, and I was lucky enough, to get a few Switch games, as presents from family members... so I'll be playing Lego City Undercover, and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD this weekend.
Super Monkey Ball is a game, I was actually planning on buying at some point, so it was pretty cool to get the game as a gift. As for Lego City, I've played a few Lego games before (mostly the Marvel games on PS4), and enjoyed them so I'm hoping this will be fun as well.
DQXIS and some XB1 games. Looking forward to what surprises Nintendo has to offer at the Game Awards next week.
I am gonna be playing randomized emerald mainly
I finished Spirit Hunter: NG last night so now I've moved onto A Hat in Time. Squeezing in a bit of Risk of Rain 2 and Groove Coaster too.
Giving Star Ocean 1 a proper shot, I've tried getting into it through the SNES version fantranslation and the PSP remake before, former feeling way too dated and latter just being a pain in the butt to play because handheld.
I'm roughly 10 hours in and I'm quite enjoying it, the game feels surprisingly tough actually but I feel like I'm not fully tapping into the potential all the item creation stuff allows, seems like they've pretty much lifted that aspect from SO2 and it is probably the best part of the game for me so far. Sadly the soundtrack here is kind of underwhelming though, nothing like SO2 in that regard.
Various Gameboy games and a couple of small puzzlers for Switch. The Art of Balance from Shin'en being one. Seemed like the thing to do after finishing The Touryst.
I played Animal Crossing New Leaf (3DS) this morning just for finding Dragon Jacket from Gracie's sale by Time Travelling.

If someone have Dragon Jacket, please add my 3DS FC so i can go Online and visit to whoever have Dragon Jacket.
Also, i have watched so many Ratchet & Clank PS3 video gameplay from Youtube to understand the gameplay. I still haven't have PS3 machine but i will add some PS3 games on year 2020. I guess i will continue my Pokemon Sword (Switch) tonight after got 8 Gym leader badges and i have to continue my drawing project at 9 pm.
Witcher 3. This game is addiction, gamified.
AI: the Somnium Files. It's really good and the voice acting is top notch. I'm enjoying it a lot.
I took advantage of the recent sale and bought myself Mighty Gunvolt Burst on my Switch. Thus far, I've beaten the game with Gunvolt, Copen and Joule.
Considering how short and simple the original game was, I was quite surprised by the immense customizability of the special weapon creator and I also found myself enjoying the far more challenging and varied level design. The original game was little more than a fun little time-waster, but this sequel certainly feels more like a proper spiritual successor to Mega Man 9 and 10.
@Desa It's probably my favourite new release this year. So good.
@JoeDiddley I played Persona 3 Portable for the first time earlier this year - and it's still the best game I've played all year.
I'm currently getting into Astral Chain. I don't have a clue what's going on, what I'm doing, or what on earth I'm supposed to do during combat, but I'm having a pretty good time anyway!
Bouncing between completing my Pokédex in Sword and strolling down memory lane with the Megaman/Megaman X collections I got during the Black Friday eShop sale. Kirby Superstar is going to dominate my play time next week.
Vita for me. All this games of the decade talk has me wanting to play through Fez again.
I'll play some Spelunky too while I'm at it.
Stil ping ponging between my NX and DS XL
Haven't gotten around to buying Gen 9, but it's a priority. I'll play some Stardew Valley, Splatoon 2 and ALttP via NSO.
@Krull enjoy Astral Chain. I need to get back into it after playing a couple of hours when it came out. It'll be a nice change of pace from the loooong jrpgs.
God of War (first Western AAA game in a while I actually like) and Shenmue 3 (Excuse me, have you seen any thugs around here?).
@Lony85 happy belated birthday. The comedy in Lego city is golden, u should enjoy it
Doing some max raids, but I’ll take a break from Pokemon to continue with Witcher III. Also got Bastion, Transistor and Wargroove on my backlog and still haven’t finished Fractured but whole and ACIII, so maybe start with one of these as well. Choices choices
I'm completing my pokédexes across Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola and making deposits at my Pokémon Bank as i'm collecting and trading away on Pokémon Crystal, Platinum, White, Y, and Moon
Finally finished xenoblade chronicles 2 this week. Really enjoyed it but glad it's done now as it did go on a bit at times. Going to have a bit of time off from big epic games so ive played a little bit of enter the gungeon and splatoon 2 this morning and yesterday - pleased to see that there are still plenty of people online in splatoon 2.
Would like to have a play of civ 6 too as I've only played through the tutorial so far (as a mid xc2 break), but the game breaking bugs have put me off. Unless i just don't update the game i suppose.
@Murbs do you ever play TxK on the vita
Super link Maker
Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Atelier Lulua The Scion of Arland for me
i'm gonna continue on in Lifeless Planet, then gonna keep scratching the retro itch with some FF7, Outrun and The Video Kid 80's edition (the closest thing to having Paperboy on the switch)
I'm doing some battles in the Pokemon S&S Galara Beginnings tournament.
I may also get back into Total War Warhammer 2 as I haven't played that one in a while. I am looking forward to Darksiders Genesis but I want to play it on the Switch so I'll have to wait a bit longer unfortunately.
Dragon Quest VIII on the 3DS. Got it the other day, it's the first time I'm playing it. Glad the "New" 3DS's right stick works in it.
Pokemon sword, got 9 left to get in dex should easy be able to get them, just gotta build some friendship levels, maybe a bit of COD also.
Financial hijinks postponed Pokemon Sword yet again, but at least I managed to stick to the earlier plan of getting Star Ocean at launch, and I'm looking forward to diving into this delicious technofantasy mix for, what, the third time already? The original remains one of the best games I've ever discovered in SNES/SF library, and the PSP remake played even better, but now I finally have a legal copy with all the polish and no need for undubs! I also squeezed Among the Sleep into this fortnight's expenses, and the beginning looks quite promising.
In the more charted lands, I hope to do more Dual Destinies (currently on what seems like the final case), more Fire Emblem Warriors and more Bloodstained, plus a dose of the repeat playthroughs of Bad Dream Coma (tiptoeing around to try and not blow the good ending this time) and The World Next Door (the game's single save file doesn't let explore the last quest's branches more efficiently). The rest is up to mood and Lady Luck.
Chipping away at Yooka Laylee when I can, and playing Unravel 2 with my wife. We've done 5 out of 7 levels so far, and it is leaps and bounds better than Unravel 1. If you can find yourself a partner to play it with, there's a lot to enjoy. I found a lot of puzzle elements of the first game very tedious, but now everything is more clever and bite sized, and heavily focused on working together.
1. Resident Evil 2 Remake - PS4
2. Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 - Xbox One
3. Castlevania Circle of the Moon - GBA
Definitely some Super Smash Bros Ultimate, online and offline stuff. I kinda want to get back into Mario Tennis as well.
I am on the final boss of Luigi’s Mansion3! But I had to put it down last night because it kept making me mad! I am so bad at aiming in that game, and to my knowledge that’s the only part in the game where it is that necessary to be that accurate.
If I do get it done, I am a few hours into Secret of Mana for the the first time ever. The music is great! Though I loath my AI partners
@GregamanX Unravel Two keeps nibbling at me when I consider my game of the year. I was just completely blown away by it - and in fact it is the only game I’ve 100% in years!
You are in for a treat to have the last two levels to go
Risen 2 on PC. Love the game and it gives me summer vibe on the sunny islands. A must RPG for the lovers of RPG. A great game
Arkham City on PS4, Lonely Mountains Downhill on Xbox One, Hyper Sports on Switch.
I just earned my last gym badge. Will be exploring Swynton? And experimenting with supplements. Other than that, pinball fx3 and some Neo Geo Turf Masters.
I finished my first playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and I'm still in the middle of a bunch of other big games, so I... started playing Three Houses again?
Yep. I never replay games right away. But I immediately launched into another playthrough. God help me.
Still working my way through Dragon Quest. Took a little break because I couldn’t let Pokémon sit unplayed any longer. Jumping in & out of Luigi’s Mansion & Friday the 13th as well.
Star Wars Battlefront II has had a fairly major update with a bunch of Rise of Skywalker content planned soon, so been getting back into that. The support for this game since launch has been outstanding, and the underlying gameplay is great. Otherwise, mopping up Lego Harry Potter and maybe a bit of Mario + Rabbids. Finally finished the campaign recently, but planning to go back and do some of the extra stuff.
I bought Valkyria Chronicles 4 on Black Friday, so I'll be puttering around with that.
But I also just started a new Darkest Dungeon campaign and it is sucking me in all over again. I'm such a fan of that game. The art, the narration, the whole design is just dripping with theme, and I especially love the way the "heroes" bicker and snipe at eachother once they start losing their sanity. It's a little Suicide Squad fighting eldritch horrors on my Switch.
I'm also trying to finish some crocheted Christmas presents, so I'll be alternating stitching and gaming all weekend.
@1UP_MARIO Right? For level designing Mario Maker is like brand new, now.
I've noticed the popular stages are mostly just use this skill, then that one, but there are a couple great ones already, where atmosphere and "adventure" are part of the level, not just puzzle mechanics that look like puzzle mechanics.
The mechanics with Link in Mario are fun enough that I'm convinced Nintendo could release an entire side-scrolling 2D Zelda adventure again.
Stuck on the last Touryst level - so taking a break to try and get Mario U down. Nice reminder to play Gato Roboto - really good game -!but yet again m, got stuck. You’d think after all my years of gaming I would suck less lol .
Finished gato roboto earlier this week. I was hesitant to start anything new since the highly anticipated King of Cards and Showdown is closing in on us. I picked up so many cyber deals but I must contain myself. As of right now, I'm playing AC Liberation and tons of the smm2 zelda crossover. I cant get how fun the new update is.
There wasn't an option for New Super Mario deluxe for Switch, I am or was tempted to give that a go. I have wii-motes coming out of my ears but that didn't stop me from ordering a Bowser wii-mote from Nintendo UK store as I really wanted to play Super Paper Mario this weekend, however the controller hasn't arrived. So I can't.
Viva Pinata (Games For Windows) - Just installing it.
3D Brick Breaker Revolution (Windows Phone) - Nearing the end.
Briquid Mini (Windows Phone) - Just starting this weekend as well.
Just bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so I’ll probably spend all my weekend on it
Continuing playing Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii). I got two pieces of hearts and collected 4 or more poe souls while looking for more heart pieces. Also collected all golden bugs to get the Giant Wallet.
This week I will be mostly playing
Pokémon Platinum (& Diamond/Pearl)
Sonic Gems Collection
Animal Crossing New Leaf here! My Switch became a dedicated Youtube player xD
Rebel collections allover again 😀
I've been really digging EarthNight, it's one of those games where I tell myself, "I can do better on my next run!" It's an addictive arcade style/roguelite game. The game is beautiful and the music is very well done too!
Since I finished Ni No Kuni earlier this week, I've decided to try Katamari Damacy Reroll and... it's great! A funny and crazy short game.
Also, since I loved Bloodstained and I usually enjoy metroidvania titles I knew it was time for me to go back and play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Never completed a Castlevania title before so we'll see
Due to it being the one year anniversary, my friend and I will be digging into some Super Smash Ultimate online, but I’m sure I’ll play a bit of Pokémon Sword before then also
I finally got Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 this past week, so I'll be diving into it for the most part as I only made it to The Raft last night. I want to finish building my Eeveelution team in Pokemon Shield, and I might get some more time with Yoshi's Crafted World.
I will be dipping into Monster Hunter Stories on the 3DS later. I played the meaty demo a few months ago and liked it enough to pick up the full game. This'll be my "Pokemon" fix for a little while.
I also started playing through the awesome Super Metroid again on the SNES Classic earlier this week. That fight with Crocomire...definitely well done.
As usual, there will also be a little Pokemon Go. I'll unfortunately be missing the raid event today but will be able to get out after that.
Happy gaming!
@Lony85 Lego City Undercover is pretty fun. Lots of collectables to find.
Also having some fun with Mario and Sonic at 2020 Olympics. Would love to have a full version of the football and rugby sevens maybe even both in one title!!! Great fun.
Playing Let's Go Pikachu, have 4 badges so far, if I binge it this weekend, may beat it. Also plan to check out Link in Mario Maker 2 maps and I downloaded Metal Slug 4 and In the Hunt arcade for Switch, so there's another hour of gaming. Going to be a good weekend.
I'm bouncing between Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, and Horizon Chase Turbo. I may jump back into Pokemon Sword and Luigi's Mansion 3, if I'm feeling it. Too many great games to play. It's a nice problem.
Finally made it to the last “palace”, if you want to call it that, in P5. Good times but tough. I’ve had to restart from the beginning a lot.
Also really liking the sprite work and animations in Samurai Shodown 2, so I’ll continue playing around with the various fighters in that one.
Happy Holidays everyone!
1. Switch: Masquerada, Songs and Shadows
2. Switch: Monster Boy and the cursed kingdom
2. SteamVR: Elite Dangerous
Trying to get over VR motion sickness by keeping it simple at first and making a few cargo runs a day 😵🥴
Busy day ahead, going to plan on playing the PC classic Wing Commander Armada with a friend. On the Nintendo side of things, I might play some Puyo Pop Fever on GameCube, and try to squeeze in some Team Sonic Racing races on Switch.
The feature of my weekend will be Bloodstained: RotN at long last since the patch to improve playability has been released and I finally have been able to get around to it. The other feature, if it hits my mailbox today, will be Horizon Chase Turbo FINALLY. Heard the game is like crack so it's time I find out for myself if the hype is real. Runner ups are Blaster Master Zero 2 I got in the recent sale and Batman: The Enemy Within.
@Quarth I've bought myself a copy of Dragon Quest VIII for Christmas.
How are you enjoying it compared to XI?
Finished Luigi's Mansion 3 earlier this week. My kids loved it but I found it quite dull.
So now I'm playing Alien Isolation. I've already played it a lot on PS4 but it's incredible playing on my Switch Lite with headphones.
This weekend I am playing The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. I had played it back in the day but never finished it. I recently picked up a copy, and I am so glad I did.
What a wonderful, WONDERFUL game.
@JoeDiddley I haven't played that much yet, but gameplay wise, they feel similar. The story hasn't really begun yet, but the premise sounds good. Some people say this is the best DQ game, so I have high hopes. I really loved XI, a 10/10 for me.
Started playing Life is Strange since it’s leaving Gamepass soon and wow! What a story! On the Switch front I’m hoping to make some headway in Witcher or I may continue puzzle packs in Piczle Lines DX
@Zuljaras I love Circle of the Moon, one of my favourite Castlevania games ever. Brilliant soundtrack as well.
The Messenger
Adventure Pals
I'm playing Stardew Valley,Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons this weekend
@shinesprites, first off thanks.
Anyways, as for Super Monkey Ball, I'll be perfectly honest, I've never played a game in the series prior to this one, so I can't compare it to any of the others. Having said that, what little I've managed to play so far (the Monkey Island levels), the game seems alright though admittedly, I probably need to play it a bit more before forming a proper opinion.
Edit: I do like some of the mini games (party games), most notably Space Monkey Attack, Hovercraft Race, and Monkey Snowboard, so there is that as well.
Total Overdose
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Timesplitters Future Perfect
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for its first anniversary. I can vividly remember my first time playing the game and it’s somehow been a year! I’ve loved the game so far and I can’t wait to find out what’s next for this absolute masterpiece.
Just beat Luigis Mansion 3! Wow what a game, continually adding new gameplay elements so it feels fresh.
I’m chipping away at Torchlight 2 and Trover Saves the Universe.
Death Stranding on PS4
Devil May Cry 5 and Outer Wilds on Xbox One
I bought WAY too many games during the Black Friday sale last week so I have begun chipping away at some. I completed Splasher last night (picked up for $5) and really enjoyed it. Next up will either be Puzzle Quest or Pato Box depending on my mood tomorrow when I boot my Switch up.
Happy gaming everyone!
@Gs69 not a lot. I'm not big on shooters and I've lost access since my PS+ expired.
Didn't play anything last week at all so I'm going to try and get some Switch time in this weekend. It's been a couple of hectic weekends! Was in Amsterdam for my work Xmas party Friday so I was burnt out all Saturday. So yeah, hopefully Luigi's Mansion 3 and some Grid tomorrow.
I have been playing Pokemon Sword, addicted even, it being a lighthearted, compensates well the current stressful momentum of essays...
backlog that I intend to finish on christmas vacations, after all subjects's essays are over @_@:
Astral Chain and Fire Emblem Three Houses
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I'm pretty late getting to this game, but I finally picked it up when it was 50% off on Black Friday and have been playing it every day since. Wondrous game! ^_^
Puzzle Quest
TUROK 1 & 2 as I got my cartridge from Limited Run for the first game and downloaded the second. Sega Classics. And a whole lot of OVERWATCH!!!!
@Murbs I was just interested to see what level you had got to if you did I love the game but it gets very difficult vert fast
@shinesprites aw I’m really happy you’re enjoying it so much, I hope it makes you feel better.
I've been playing Pokemon Sword all weekend.
I'll be trying to complete Pokemon Sword and Link's Awakening over the next few days. After those I'll be returning to Luigi's Mansion to beat that... then after that I'll be returning to Fire Emblem Three Houses to beat that lol. Why did all the good games have to come out right when I started my full-time job?
Well I decided to do the humain thing and get Astral Chain. I playing it and it is a great game. I got my bike and started shooting my films one part Baadshah X and one part Dhoom 2050. At other times, I played Turf Wars for a round or two and took my thrills at Blackbelly Skate Park and Wahoo World; boy did those wooden planks at Walleye Warehouse were heavy. I also played Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. I took participation in the Christmas Event and got a green Santa hat for Buttercup and a red one for Bubbles; Blossom had the Pumpkin hat. I took part in the Galar Beginnings tournament in Pokemon Shield. Out of 20 games that I played I beat 3 trainers. It was tough but it was the best feeling I had in any Pokemon ventures I had. And my reward was a G-Max Meowth. When it G-Max's its body gets mutated. What's cool is that this one talks like in the anime. And I have all my friends and family for their support. Yup! Me and V-mon had blastful weekend!
Still on AC: Odyssey. 190 Hours in. Fate of Atlantis DLC, part 1
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