Luigi's Mansion 3

After a week full of disappointed Pokémon shoppers and a whole lot of Reggie-based news, we're suddenly sensing the light at the end of the tunnel and a chance to actually sit down with a game or two. It must be the weekend!

As always, members of team Nintendo Life have gathered together to discuss their weekend gaming plans and we'd love for you to join us via our poll and comment sections below. Enjoy!

Liam Doolan, news reporter

My main gaming focus this weekend will be Luigi’s Mansion 3. I’ll admit, I wasn’t particularly fond of the second outing on the 3DS, but I absolutely loved the GameCube original – it was such an appropriate title for the system’s comfortable controller. I even played this game multiple times over, as short as it was. The spooky vibes I’m getting from the third game so far seem a lot more promising than the dedicated handheld sequel, so I’m going to go ahead and say right now that Luigi’s new ghostbusting affair could end up becoming my favourite entry in the series.

If I get any extra time, I might boot up Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD and drive myself bananas. As rough around the edges as it is, it’s been good fun revisiting a Wii game through an HD lens.

Zion Grassl, video producer

This month has been pretty wild with its Switch releases, giving me too many games to play. After many hours of fun and frustration, I finally rolled credits on Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD, which feels good to put behind me because I feel that I start so many games these days but never finish them.

So I’ll probably try to dive into my backlog a bit this weekend to finish a few games that I’m at the tail end of, like Astral Chain or Hotline Miami Collection. I’d also try to fit Ring Fit Adventure into my schedule, but I’m travelling out of town this weekend and I think it’s best advised I don’t try playing it in the car.

Austin Voigt, contributing writer

This weekend, I will absolutely, positively not be playing Luigi’s Mansion 3. It doesn’t look like any fun, it isn’t festive or seasonal in any way, and I hate being able to pet cute Polterpups. I ESPECIALLY cannot stand hearing Charles Martinet as Mario saying “doggy!” That time I met him at E3 while he was promoting the game, and he did a Luigi impression for me? Made me even less excited for this game. Gooigi? Gross, green jello is the very worst of the flavors. Haunted hotel? It’s not even that scary, guys. 1/10, more like Lame-igi...

So yeah, I’ll be playing Luigi’s Mansion 3 all weekend long - and forcing all of my friends to play it, too.

Ryan Craddock, staff writer

Against my better judgement, I've actually managed to hold off from buying Luigi's Mansion 3 at launch. I'm incredibly eager to get stuck into it, but I'm still working my way through Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair and I've set aside an entire week after Pokémon Sword and Shield launch to play my chosen version all day long every day.

The goal, therefore, is to play through more of Yooka-Laylee over the weekend in an attempt to complete it - I've nearly played through all of the levels so will soon be taking on the final boss - and then maybe start dipping in and out of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD until Pokémon arrives. Don't worry though, Luigi, you'll likely be my Christmas period entertainment!

Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer

A rare three-day weekend for me would mean further smooth The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt progress but the arrival of parcels from the Far East means that Super Robot Wars V (in English!) is also part of my weekend. I urge any fan of Space Battleship Yamato to seek it out. Do you think it will be this weekend I complete DAEMON X MACHINA and Astral Chain? Probably not, but most certainly not for the lack of trying.

My game of the week is obviously the magnificent, spooktastic Luigi’s Mansion 3. Congratulations to Next Level Games for fully realizing the franchise’s potential. This year I even broke off the SNES marathon tradition just to have more free time to further play this new vacuum cleaner chronicle.

Gavin Lane, staff writer

This weekend I’m in need of something restorative following a mid-week bout of the dreaded lurgy. It can be hard to find a game that strikes the right balance if you're not firing on all cylinders – something you don’t have to think too hard about but still feels rewarding. Mega Drive Sonic games are my usual go-to, but I think a little trip to Hyrule in Breath of the Wild would be just the ticket this weekend. I’ve got a several dozen more Korok seeds to find, but just burning around the hills on my Master Cycle Zero is fun enough to pass a few hours as the ol’ batteries recharge. Lovely.

Which games are you playing this weekend? (402 votes)

  1. Luigi's Mansion 3%
  2. Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD%
  3. Astral Chain%
  4. Hotline Miami Collection  0.3%
  5. Ring Fit Adventure%
  6. Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair%
  7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition%
  8. Daemon X Machina%
  9. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild%
  10. Something else (comment below)%

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As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...