After a week full of disappointed Pokémon shoppers and a whole lot of Reggie-based news, we're suddenly sensing the light at the end of the tunnel and a chance to actually sit down with a game or two. It must be the weekend!
As always, members of team Nintendo Life have gathered together to discuss their weekend gaming plans and we'd love for you to join us via our poll and comment sections below. Enjoy!
Liam Doolan, news reporter
My main gaming focus this weekend will be Luigi’s Mansion 3. I’ll admit, I wasn’t particularly fond of the second outing on the 3DS, but I absolutely loved the GameCube original – it was such an appropriate title for the system’s comfortable controller. I even played this game multiple times over, as short as it was. The spooky vibes I’m getting from the third game so far seem a lot more promising than the dedicated handheld sequel, so I’m going to go ahead and say right now that Luigi’s new ghostbusting affair could end up becoming my favourite entry in the series.
If I get any extra time, I might boot up Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD and drive myself bananas. As rough around the edges as it is, it’s been good fun revisiting a Wii game through an HD lens.
Zion Grassl, video producer
This month has been pretty wild with its Switch releases, giving me too many games to play. After many hours of fun and frustration, I finally rolled credits on Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD, which feels good to put behind me because I feel that I start so many games these days but never finish them.
So I’ll probably try to dive into my backlog a bit this weekend to finish a few games that I’m at the tail end of, like Astral Chain or Hotline Miami Collection. I’d also try to fit Ring Fit Adventure into my schedule, but I’m travelling out of town this weekend and I think it’s best advised I don’t try playing it in the car.
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
This weekend, I will absolutely, positively not be playing Luigi’s Mansion 3. It doesn’t look like any fun, it isn’t festive or seasonal in any way, and I hate being able to pet cute Polterpups. I ESPECIALLY cannot stand hearing Charles Martinet as Mario saying “doggy!” That time I met him at E3 while he was promoting the game, and he did a Luigi impression for me? Made me even less excited for this game. Gooigi? Gross, green jello is the very worst of the flavors. Haunted hotel? It’s not even that scary, guys. 1/10, more like Lame-igi...
So yeah, I’ll be playing Luigi’s Mansion 3 all weekend long - and forcing all of my friends to play it, too.
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
Against my better judgement, I've actually managed to hold off from buying Luigi's Mansion 3 at launch. I'm incredibly eager to get stuck into it, but I'm still working my way through Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair and I've set aside an entire week after Pokémon Sword and Shield launch to play my chosen version all day long every day.
The goal, therefore, is to play through more of Yooka-Laylee over the weekend in an attempt to complete it - I've nearly played through all of the levels so will soon be taking on the final boss - and then maybe start dipping in and out of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD until Pokémon arrives. Don't worry though, Luigi, you'll likely be my Christmas period entertainment!
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
A rare three-day weekend for me would mean further smooth The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt progress but the arrival of parcels from the Far East means that Super Robot Wars V (in English!) is also part of my weekend. I urge any fan of Space Battleship Yamato to seek it out. Do you think it will be this weekend I complete DAEMON X MACHINA and Astral Chain? Probably not, but most certainly not for the lack of trying.
My game of the week is obviously the magnificent, spooktastic Luigi’s Mansion 3. Congratulations to Next Level Games for fully realizing the franchise’s potential. This year I even broke off the SNES marathon tradition just to have more free time to further play this new vacuum cleaner chronicle.
Gavin Lane, staff writer
This weekend I’m in need of something restorative following a mid-week bout of the dreaded lurgy. It can be hard to find a game that strikes the right balance if you're not firing on all cylinders – something you don’t have to think too hard about but still feels rewarding. Mega Drive Sonic games are my usual go-to, but I think a little trip to Hyrule in Breath of the Wild would be just the ticket this weekend. I’ve got a several dozen more Korok seeds to find, but just burning around the hills on my Master Cycle Zero is fun enough to pass a few hours as the ol’ batteries recharge. Lovely.
Which games are you playing this weekend? (402 votes)
- Luigi's Mansion 3
- Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD
- Astral Chain
- Hotline Miami Collection0.3%
- Ring Fit Adventure
- Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
- Daemon X Machina
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 128
Finished Luigi’s Mansion 3 earlier today and now I’ve started Dead or School.
Kind of want to buy Luigi's Mansion 3, but at the same time I want to clear backlog. Will definitely play some Mario Maker 2, Dragon Age Origins, and Resistance 2 this weekend.
1. Witcher 3 on the Switch.
2. Some Diablo 3.
More Dragon Quest XI for me. I’m also dipping into Grid Autosport when I need a break.
I’ll play some Witcher 3 and hopefully finish my Undertale playthrough.
It's back to Hollow Knight and Dragon Quest XI again.
My copy of Luigi's mansion hasn't arrived yet so probably a bit of links awakening for me.
I've just about to start the third act of Dragon Quest V (DS).
I have a rare few hours to myself today so I'm hoping to make some more progress.
Feeling slightly at a loss, after finally finishing Fire Emblem Three Houses last night. Feel I could quite happily play a new game+ as another house. However, it might also be time to go back to Celeste, as I try to clear up my backlog, or do I finally start up Astral Chain?
Oh, and I’m really near the end of Dragon Quest IV, I think, so it would be nice to knock that one off too.
Luigi's Mansion 3 (of course), Celeste, Witcher 3, Ni No Kuni, Baldur's Gate, but will probably not have time for all of them.
Fire Emblem: TH and Yooka Laylee 2. Perfect combo! I absolutely reccommend both, great games.
Also God of War on PS4, for when I can play on the TV lol
Getting restless, looking to download something today.
Luigi's Mansion 3. I'm just over 13 hours in and battling the B2 boss.
And right now I'm fooling around with some catgirls in Nekopara Vol. 1 while watching the Rugby World Cup final.
I don't think I'll get to anything else until I finish LM3.
Luigis Mansion 3 with some Astral Chain sprinkled in.
Picking up Luigis mansion today but I’m really tempted by Grid autosport just wish it was available physically if I have time I will get some more done on The Witcher. What a time to be a switch owner 😀
I was playing the Witcher 3 and Luigis Mansion 3 but took a break and started playing Monsterboy and the Cursed Kingdom again and now I can't stop because it's such an awesome game.
This week I will be mostly playing
Resident Evil Zero
Breath of the Wild (274 seeds to go)
I’ve been having so much fun with Darksiders II, which I plan to continue this weekend. I may also launch myself back into Hyperlight Drifter, which I drifted away from after my initial hype because I couldn’t defeat a boss.
Happy weekend one and all and happy gaming!
Ring Fit Adventure, Super Monkey Ball BB HD, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Fitness Boxing, and Tetris 99.
Had a taste of Observer in mind but didn't spend enough time on home WiFi to get its 18 Gb on board. That's quite a contribution to finding entire memory cards filled up in general - if you have limited opportunities to download big games (as in, without an added cost of boosting the day's mobile data cap), you lean towards keeping these files downloaded even when shifting your backlog focus to something else.😅
But I digress. Warframe (which, as I was told the other day, actually has occasional patch installation and "corrupted data" redownloads even on PC!) has opted for hotfixes and incremental updates for the time being, so I'm managing to visit it with some consistency again. The World Next Door is slowly but surely dragging me in as well. Other possibilities for the weekend? Most likely Bloodstained - this year's main nominee for the "I liked it before it was cool" category on Switch, - Professor Layton, visits to Hyrule and Skyrim (if mostly for inventory maintenance this time), a bit more herb hunt and drowner dodging around White Orchard... maybe trying a bit more of Cosmic Star Heroine, too - I don't plan to add yet ANOTHER title to my massive "currently playing... sorta" JRPG backlog, but the first impressions are certainly positive.
I'll be trying to get my characters up to level 99 on Dragon Quest XI for the final push...and obviously some Luigi's Mansion 3. The animations in that game...
I started a new save file on zelda botw so i will be playing that over the weekend. I will also play fortnitemares aswell
Mostly more Link's Awakening and Ultra Sun for me.
On top of that, the mood took me last night and I downloaded Doom 2. That was probably the first game I ever got on release day. Slightly surprised how many of the levels I've forgotten (especially compared to the first game).
Daemon X Machina, Astral Chain and Paladins for me this weekend. Still need to finish my playthrough of Daemon and want to do another run on a higher difficulty level for Astral Chain.
The amount of games on my switch backlog is insane: 1. Astral Chain 2. FE Three Houses 3.Diablo 4. Luigi’s Mansion 3
Still playing Dragon Quest, and I dont see myself finishing it in the next couple of weeks
Luigi's Mansion, Shin Megami Tensei IV and Xenoblade Chronicles. Yeah I'm on 3ds since I am in Tokyo right now and don't want any misunderstanding as to what I bought where (the only good point about region lock...)
I'll be playing Luigi's Mansion 3 a few floors as I don't want to finish it too quickly , as in within the launch weekend. I'll probably also continue Dragon Quest XI S. And when I'm in the need for something else I'll play some Transistor or Witcher III on PS4. Oh, I also need to finish my Star Wars marathon on Disney+ before it goes live in the rest of the world (sorry!). Only 6 more movies to go
Dead Space
Resident Evil 2 original and remake
Dirt 2
Grim fandango
and Mario Kart 8
..what ?
Where are you now then ?
And in what order are you watching ?
or chronological ?
Still Overwatch. I just can't stop...
As for the previous month (and at least the whole next one), Dragon Quest XI.
Finally started Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 here.
Last of Us Remastered is free this month on Plus, so used that as an excuse to finally make a start on that (I've had it on disc as part of my backlog for ages). Hoping to go a bit further in it this weekend. Enjoyed what I've played so far. Also, a bit of Super Mario Party with the family, and might dip into Super Mario Odyssey. Still trying to gradually farm gold coins to get those last few outfits, as I've otherwise done everything else in that superb game.
Today is 6th Anniversary of my 3DS XL Pink Rose + White. I have bought it since 2 November 2013. 😀

So, to celebrate the moment i played LEGO CITY UNDERCOVER : The Chase Begins & The Sims 3 Pets 3DS this morning. 😁
They were my starter 3DS games when i have bought the machine.
Oh, just now i got Secret of Mana PS4 & Yonder the Cloud Catcher Chronicles PS4.

I will play both of them this night. 😊
Still mainly playing Borderlands 3 (in coop with my wife) and Indivisible on PS4. Boy, Indivisible is SO good, that I may have to double dip on it for the Switch someday if it doesn't release with performance issues. It's a great mix between a metroidvania, platformer and RPG.
Aside from that, I started Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair last weekend. I haven't played any of it since then so I think I may give it more of a go this weekend. It was quite a joy to play, and that music is phenomenal. I also picked up Horizon Chase Turbo on sale, and played a few races, and really dug it. I may pick at it a little too.
@KitsuneNight I'm watching it in release order, with the exceptions that I did watch Rogue One first and will watch Episode VI after III and Solo. Really enjoying it so far! I even enjoyed episode I and don't know where all the hate came from
Well you know how people are
I'm not a huge fan of 1-3.
1 is inconsequential, ( it's not referenced once ) and 2 bores me.
But 3 is pretty decent.
Rogue One is pretty damn good though.
I like how bleak it is.
If wondering, the machete order runs : 4 5 2 3 6
It kicks out 1 and treats 2 and 3 as an extended flashback, to underline that Vader is telling the truth, with 6 sewing it up.
...Not sure how the rest fit in that order.
But Rogue is a pretty seamless fit with 4.
1.Luigis mansion 3
2. Luigis mansion 3
3. Luigis mansion 3
4. Vampyr
5. Happy weekend gaming all.
As strange as it is, I’m really fancying Luigi’s Mansion 3 over the Christmas period. It seems like a Christmas time game for me - like a Pixar film you can settle into over Christmas
Fire Emblem Three Houses, Skullgirls, and maybe some Smash Bros on Switch.
Currently planning to play Yakuza 0 on PC, and try to squeeze in some Team Sonic Racing races on Switch. May play something else too, but not sure of which game yet, these two I do want to get around to.
I finished off my playthrough of Bloodstained COTM by beating it on the "maximum douchebag Zangetsu" route.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much it made the game feel more like the tense type of experience that Classicvanias usually are compared to the excessive versatility of a full team. It really puts the title's impressive dynamic difficulty system into perspective. Good stuff!
I also beat Symphony of The Night for the first time. I've played it on and off for decades, but the inverted castle tended to be where my enthusiasm fell short. Still, I'm older and way more stubborn, so it really didn't put a damper on things this time around. I'm excited to replay Aria of Sorrow again now that I have experienced the entirety of its inspiration to see if I still prefer it today.
Moving away from the spooky titles, I also finally sat down and began playing Azure Striker Gunvolt. The super score-focused gimmick of tagging as many enemies as possible without getting hit before destroying 'em all at once feels kind of counter-intuitive to the ruthlessly efficient gameplan of Mega Man Zero, so it'll take some getting used to.
Still into The Outer Worlds. Keeping myself from playing Luigi's Mansion 3 until I'm done.
The Walking Dead (Windows Store) - Moved onto Episode 4 and feeling some major stuff is going to happen here.
Zoo Tycoon Friends (Windows Store) - I will try one last time to get the workaround running...
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team (Windows Phone) - Still more and more quick games.
I've just graduated uni and have so much free time for the next few weeks. So I'm playing 5 different games that I either have put off playing or just came out.
I'm obviously playing Luigis Mansion. I just finished the main story of Oninaki. I'm also about 5hrs into Ai Somnium Files. I want to get back into Astral Chain as I played like 1hr and havent gone back but it looked amazing so far. I'm also playing Digimon Cyber Story (though on Ps4 as I brought it thinking it wouldn't be ported like 3 weeks before the announcement and dont want to buy again).
And then theres Pokemon Sword next week! Phew.
Ohmigosh! The game I am playing this weekend is actually on this list! I am enjoying Yooka Laylee And The Impossible Lair this time!
I've been on a Dead Cells kick recently and will probably put a few more hours into that. Then I'm thinking about starting up a new game of Civ or going back to FE3H.
I'm also thinking of getting a new game today, but I'm torn between Ring Fit Adventure, Luigi, DQXI and the Witcher.
Luigis mansion 3. Really enjoying it so far.
I’m going to try to finish Astral Chain this week and get Persona 5 squared away over the next two weeks. I don’t want to have a backlog when some of the big releases drop in November.
Luigi's Mansion 3
Lion King (s version) as I already beat Aladdin. For Yooka Laylee and the IL, I might try to chip away for another beetallion or 2(currently at 36) but I'm not sure where else in the overworld to go. I attempted the impossible lair and can only get 50% thru. I honestly might not be able to finish the game which really bothers me😯. My main this weekend is LM3, and the impulse buy of the week was re4 on sale. So I'll dabble in that too.
Already played Luigi's Mansion with my 7 year old earlier. It's an absolutely gorgeous game - just what I want when I buy a Nintendo product.
Kinda bored of skyrim now no idea what is going on in the story 😴 mixed feelings about Skyrim. so started resident evil. Went on Mario odyssey last night that was a nice change.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions on WiiU and Conception 2 demo on 3ds. Maybe some SMT IV if I have the time.
I got Tokyo Mirage Sessions a couple weeks ago and love it so far.
@Bobarino Nice to see someone else enjoying Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I've been enjoying the game on Wii U since last Christmas, and really happy for the upcoming Switch version. One of my favorite games.
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition!!!! AND IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!!
FFX HD. Gradually making my way to 100%... it’s kind of overwhelming how much stuff (and busywork) there is to this game.
Snagged Bloodstained Ritual of the Night yesterday. That's my weekend pick. I'm also preparing my team in Crystal for Victory Road.
A little bit of Smash. Am enjoying Star Fox 64 3D but it does make my hands ache after a while because playing on 3DS. It's a great game though and the 3D has been done really well, want to get all the medals.
Also going to start Ratchet and Clank 2 (remastered HD version) as I decided to get out my old PS3 to play some of my backlog. Looking forward to it.
Happy gaming everyone.
@GregamanX Hadn't heard of indivisible until you mentioned it. Have added it to my wishlist now, it looks really good and unique too.
Yet another busy weekend for me. Between playing catch-up after being out of state half the week, events I have going on, and squeezing in some work this weekend, I'm not gonna have much gaming time. Hoping to play some of:
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Still early in the game; at Carver's Camp)
Metroid: Samus Returns (Area 3; didn't take it with me on my trip so haven't done much with it)
Pokemon Go (Regi weekend, so I'll be participating in some raiding)
Happy gaming!
Luigis mansion 3 till the day I die
Still replaying Breath of the Wild, but will also find time to play some games I bought on sale: Night in the Woods, Coffee Crisis, and Preventative Strike. Also got the demo for Friends of Ringo Ikashawa (I'm sure that's wrong, but don't have Switch on right now). Also have some Pokemon Go to do. Wife acquired an EX Raid pass and I'm her +1.
Breath of the Wild for most of today, then some CTR before the Grand Prix ends. Sunday I'll be picking up The Outer Worlds, so the old Switch can take a break.
Salt and Sanctuary and Divinity 2, with some Zelda, Dork Soles and Darquest Dunjéon on the side.
I beat Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a couple days ago, so today, I'm gonna start Torna: The Golden Country. I might also play more Donkey Kong 64.
I've been waiting for A Hat In Time for a long time and now that it's on Switch I will finally check it out! I love 3D platformers and they seem so rare - lovely to see one that doesn't have Mario in the name.
Switcher 3 and Luigi's Mansion 3
1. Waiting for Luigi mansion 2 to show up 🙄
2. F12019 (US GP weekend 🏎)
2. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III.
if you love old school turn base jRPG do whatever you need to play the Cold Steel series. It is a Gem!!!
Been playing a lot of dark souls 3 on Xbox, but I need to play LM3 before I get into Death stranding next week. Or maybe with how reviews of Death Stranding are going, I might give up on it before too long lol
I was so excited for Luigi’s Mansion.
But this weekend it looks like I’ll be playing Dragon Quest 11 still and Darksiders 2. But I’ve almost finished Darksiders!
Ori on switch and wreckfest on PS4 for me...
Going back to BLOODSTAINED. Might pick up HARD WEST for $2.
Undecided, maybe play through Astral Chain on Pt. Standard difficulty as I finished the post game earlier this week or maybe start one of the games I've had for months but haven't started yet like Octopath.
Switcher for me!
Fire Emblem Three Houses,
Asphalt 9.
Dragon Quest Builders 2,
Trails Of Cold Steel.
But all I really wanna do is start Atelia Ryza which came yesterday.
Ill be continuing with my Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 do-over on the Switch and burning some calories in Thrill of the Fight on the Quest.
I think I'll continue playing FE Awakening. It seems I need to level up a few of my units because I could only feel safe by using Chrome (great lord), Frederick and Stahl (Paladin) during Chapter 12. I'm leveling in The Northroad (previously Chapter 2) using those Reeking Boxes, though I get tired of doing that and unfortunately I can't buy DLC because I'm tight on money right now.
I may also play Zelda OoT 3D Master Quest as I like playing those changed dungeons.
I will be picking up Witcher as soon as my check goes through. Pretty excited about that. Am I the only one that really has no interest in Luigi's Mansion. I really didn't like the first two so I doubt I will like this one. Also I am pretty sure I am the only person on the planet playing and enjoying Agony. Other than that some Castle Crashers(I just got to the Alien Homonid part) Tons of fun. And as per usual I am doing PvP in Dark Souls.
Luigi's Mansion 3, sit in that room with the radio that plays different versions of the old theme song. It needed more of it and Luigi to hum it for us, ha ha.
You. @BenAV beat Luigi's Mansion 3. Do you mean Liars Mansion 3? Just messing with you : ) So, how many hours was the story campaign for you?
I just started yesterday, played for a couple hours. I was really impressed once the game turned nighttime. Love it so far.
NG+ Second play through of Three Houses as Blue Lions, Dragon Quest II, Dragon Quest XI, and maybe some Smash
Im done with Lets Go Pikachu for now. Heard so much about Bastion when it first came out, so picked it up for $1 on my switch, Im so excited to try it finally!
For me it’ll mostly be Luigi’s Mansion 3 this weekend, perhaps with some Dragon Quest 11S sprinkled in between bouts of ghost-catching (I’m on Act 3 of the game, which is technically post-game, and oh boy, this is the gift that keeps on giving! This may just be my favourite JRPG of all time, I can’t recommend it enough!).
Been playing Luigi's Mansion 3 and loving it. Took me a little while to get used to the controls, but I'm an older gamer... everything takes me a little longer. 😄 Also playing Link's Awakening with a little Tetris 99 mixed in between.
@gaga64 Nice one on the Korok seed count. I myself just found my 51st.
Taking a break from Final Fantasy 4 (DS). Got to the part where you fight the 4 elemental bosses back to back, and just got destroyed.
So, I started Nostalgia, also on the DS. Seems like a really cool RPG so far. Love the alternate 19th century setting.
I finally played A Hat In Time on Switch for twenty minutes or so. I like the upbeat vibe and it seems right up my alley, but MAN this game has performance issues. The framerate is all over the place. It honestly doesn't look great either, with a lot of weird, wooden animations and simple textures and geometry. Compared to something like Mario Odyssey, which has beautiful, complicated worlds AND a solid framerate, this is pretty disappointing. I realize this is an indie game, but I wish they had spent more time on optimization. Not sure if I will continue - maybe should wait for a patch?
Edit: I should mention that the music is fully orchestrated and sounds great!
Luigi's Mansion 3 & Agony.
I downloaded Luigi's Mansion 3 but honestly I'm more interested in replaying FE6 right now. Even after playing Three Houses for over 220 hours and completing every route, I still want more Fire Emblem, but I want to wait for the rest of the DLC waves to release before replaying.
Would be playing Luigi’s Mansion 3 but my wife decided to make me wait until our anniversary but it gives me time to finish up Link’s Awakening and make a start on Kirby Star Allies or Hyrule Warriors
Luigi, Zelda Awakening, DQXI demo
LA Noire. Awsome game so far
Divinity Original Sin 2 has been my nonstop since it came out.
Luigis Mansion 3 has been my game this weekend with my son.
Dragon Quest 2 is probably gonna be my focus. I'm playing all of the ones available for Switch and I've already finished 11 and 1. So just 2 and 3 left. But I'm also playing some online games like Crash Team Racing and Smash still.
Luigi's Mansion, Boooooom
Bought and tried Luigi’s Mansion 3, but keep going back to the Witcher 3. Never played Witcher 3 on any other platforms so this is my first time thru. Such an excellent game. Can see why its won like 250+ GOTY awards
Dove back into Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu again, trying to catch a shiny Gastly for Halloween vibes. Managed to get a shiny Growlith last week.
Luigi's Mansion 3
On switch just been playing Splatoon 2, and might jump into some crash team racing in a bit and then some spyro trilogy.
@Raccoonius cheers. And I literally started on launch day... on Wii U though. Would’ve probably be all done years ago if I’d just bought a switch at launch...
@datamonkey Ori is such a good game, I hope you enjoy it!
I just finished Ori yesterday. 20+ hours, I decided to go back and find more things. It is so fun to simply play. Then, I find two areas that I had not even seen in my first play through. The game is amazing!
Since it is Saturday night, I think I will listen to some K.K. Slider.
@wollywoo I hear what you are saying, friend. When I first saw the game trailers a month or two ago, I wanted the game. But reviews said the same thing you said. Framerate problems drive me crazy. I waited on Rime until they patched it. It was still a little choppy at places, but much better than the first reviews. IMO I would wait a while for a patch, if you have other games to play. Hopefully a patch will come soon.
@Woomy_NNYes It took me 12 hours. Took my time exploring as I went but didn't bother doing any backtracking for collectibles after clearing an area as I have too much of a backlog for that, haha.
@BenAV how long did lm3 take you?
Edit: nevermind I just looked at the comment above mine lol
Loving Luigi's Mansion 3 so much. Will play more of this for sure. But also need to go to my mom, so Animal Crossing New Leaf and Julie Finds a Way will get some playtime.
Still AC: Odyssey. 60 Hours in and loving it!
I’ll be noshing on leftover Halloween candy and playing Luigi’s Mansion 3.
As well as two trips to the movie theatre for Parasite and Motherless Brooklyn, firing up the Xbox for Modern Warfare, Gears of War 4, and maybe some Forza Horizon 4.
Also, American football all day Sunday
Even thought I shouldn't have because I couldn't really afford it. I bit the bullet and bought Luigi's Mansion 3. Got it for £40 and waiting for it to download now
Witcher 3 and some picross type game on iPad
Switcher 3 has taken over the bulk of my gaming, but I've been getting in some Disgaea 5 here and there after reading an article about which one is the best in the series.
I’ll be playing Luigi’s Mansion 3 like everyone else it seems. I may also play some Piczle Lines DX because I started it back up this week waiting for LM3 and saw that I still have some puzzles left.. Such good value!
The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker hd
Luigi's Mansion 3 and Zelda: Link's Awakening for me on my new Switch Lite, which I LOVE.
I went back to Dragons Dogma. Really a great game, would feel ashamed if I didn't complete it.
Still playing a lot of MTG Arena on PC. Great fun for a great price (free). 😁
Mario Kart Tour, Wii, and 7 all the way!
Luigi's Mansion 3
This weekend I'll be playing Wow classic and diablo 3 😉
@dugan yeah am loving it so far however I’m a bit concerned the difficulty is ramping up a bit too much!
I’m currently stuck on the part where you have to climb the tree with the water chasing you. Is driving me a bit bananas! I hope it doesn’t get too much harder than this further on as I feel like I’m only about a third of the way through so far...
I got the outer worlds on gamepass, and so far so good.
Sadly not Luigi's Mansion 3, as I am currently traveling.
Racing weekend for me Grid Autosport & really got back into the excellent V Rally 4.
Looking forward and keeping my fingers crossed for WRC 8.
@datamonkey Yes, that is a difficult section! I died many many times there. I thought of it as a speed run section, and I am not too good at speed runs. Like you, I thought, if the game continues like this, I will never finish it. But, please persevere through this section: the game does not continue this level of difficulty and
MILD SPOILER: Actually, if anything it gets a little easier as you gain skills and abilities.
Let me know when you finish that section, I am rooting for you!
Link's Awakening and Dragon Quest XI S!
Xenoblade X and Daemon X Machina. I want for updates in DxM
@dugan ah glad to hear the difficulty doesn’t continue to increase after that point. I will definitely persevere with it, especially after you said that, thank you... For a minute I thought it might end up being as hard as hollow knight! 😮
Haven’t got round to trying to get past it yet though as I’m having too much fun with wreckfest!
Loving Luigi's mansion 3. My kids love it. Even my wife is having fun and does not even like gaming in general.
Luigi's mansion 3 and cat quest 2 with my girlfriend.
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