Capcom has revealed that Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is headed to a Switch near you, with a digital release planned for Nintendo's hybrid machine. You won't have too long to wait before you can get your hands on it either, as it's set to launch on 20th February 2020.
If you're unfamiliar with this one, Devil May Cry 3 is actually a prequel set years before the original Devil May Cry with a younger version of Dante serving as the protagonist. The origin story explores the journey leading up to and culminating in Dante’s face-off against his twin brother, Vergil, who is set on unlocking a gate to the demonic realm. Here's a little more from the press release:
Dante must use his trademark sword Rebellion and dual pistols Ebony and Ivory to stop Vergil and prevent the world from becoming infested by demons. Along the way, players will gain insight into many aspects of the series from the first encounter with fan-favourite Lady as well as the beginnings of Dante’s shop and origins of the series name.
Devil May Cry 3 continued the series’ trademark for intense, non-stop action with flair, while introducing the new "style" based combat system with six selectable options including Swordmaster and Gunslinger that change up the gameplay. Each style has its own range of features, and players can power up their favorite style for increased special attack abilities, bringing an extra level of strategy to the action. Devil May Cry 3 also introduced the ability to switch between currently equipped weapons on the fly for additional combat freedom.
This Special Edition release offers the addition of Vergil as a playable character and the 9,999 floors of the 'Bloody Palace' survival mode. It'll launch for $19.99, just like the original Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 2's current prices on the Switch eShop.
Excited for this one? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 39
So they said that there'd have to be a devil may cry game on switch for dante to even be possible to join smash...and now we have three dmc games on switch...hmmm
Well I may have to check it out then, never got to play the originals.
So Devil May Cry 4, 5, and the reboot coming for Switch next year then. Capcom really is desperate to have Dante for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate huh.
Dante Vs Bayonetta would be utterly amazing in Smash!
This is the best one from the original trilogy.
Off topic comment but why didn't NintendoLife ever write up a switch review for earthfall: alien horde or Strike Force? Disappointed about that...Cover what few fps's are out there for switch...😔
Best DMC in my opinion. I am excited for this.
Sooo I guess they won’t do any of them as physical releases then. 😞
Mmmm, Dante for smash?
Fits right with Bayonetta.
Cool now maybe I can give the first one a go if it hits a sale
Unless I can get all 3 for $20 like every other console, it's not happening.
We've seen some crazy things happen. Maybe he's the final DLC character or one of the ones for the second round
Just spent the weekend trying out DMC 5 on the GO for FREE with Project xCloud.
Not excited about DMC3 (3X the price compared to every other console) months from now 🙄
Capcom will put their new stuff on a toaster oven before Switch
Probably not DLC Fighter 5 but Dante sure seems feasible for the next wave of Smash fighters.
Only DMC game anyone needs imo!
Emo Dante is on Sony Allstars, real Dante is in MvC3. I dunno, he'd be a good add, great choice for a final character, we'll see.
Furukawa: "Kamiya-san, how can we best promote the upcoming Bayonetta 3?"
Kamiya: "...Operation Cuhrazy."
Furukawa: "You...you can't be serious!"
~office door bursts open and falls flat from its hinges, Sakurai walks through~
Sakurai: "Dead serious."
Dante: "You'll be able to afford more than a new door — jackpot!"
@Agramonte for some reason I can't get xcloud to boot any games :/ my internet is pretty solid too, but that's beta testing for you I suppose
@XBontendo They're really breaking our balls
Yeah, so this one I’ll be buying. But I’m gonna be real mad if a physical release comes out with all three on the card at some point in the future. I am holding off on 1 for this reason.
February 20-something, eh? Well I better hope I get this played and beat before March when Animal Crossing takes over my life (again.)
Capcom sure knows how to target their core.
Can we get Bandai Namco to do that? Where's my We Love Katamari Rerolled? Maybe some Xenosaga? Baten Kaitos remake?
..that devil may cry 3 is coming on the switch!
@Audiobrainiac They'll probably have the first game available on cartridge with the other 2 as downloads.
This was my favorite spectacle fighter before Bayonetta burst in and started poll dancing circles around it.
This should have been the trilogy right off the bat instead of this trickle at 20 bucks each, I'm pretty sure after all 3 are in the e-shop for a little bit they'll do the trilogy on physical i bet, but then still charge 60 bucks for it when it's cheaper on the other consoles.
@XBontendo really? did you try uninstalling?... I gotten "servers not available" a few times. But that is about it. But yeah, we BETA testing
I find it to be a good pair to my Switch. One has games that the other does not. And Forza/Madden are cross save with PC.
Hopefully works over Thanksgiving 3 day stay at my Aunts house 🤞 (but packing my Switch also 😊)
That's cool, I still need to get the first two on the eShop though. It's nice to see that we'll probably end up with most of the series on Switch.
@Agramonte I have, I figure I'll try again in a week or so to see what happens.
I'll still wait until the trilogy gets bundled together for the same price as other consoles.
why can't they just bring it out as a trilogy for 30 or 40 bucks?! 20 bucks for each game and every time solo and only digital... this is a joke
Awesome. Just finished DMC2 last week.
I'll have to get the first two games then to complete the trilogy. I wonder if Capcom has Resident Evil game coming to Switch next year. Maybe Darkside Chronicles, or heaven forbid RE 2/7. I'd love Dino Crisis too.
@retro_player_22 I doubt 5 is ever going to come. It seems the RE Engine is not optimized at all for Switch to begin with
At most you're probably getting the Special Edition of DMC 4 after this but then that's probably it
Capcom doesn't even acknowledge the reboot anymore
no physical version seriously its getting annoying on capcom being lazy not giving us physical copies of these games.
@BlueBlur101 Marvel vs Capcom Infinite says hi.
@retro_player_22 4 and DMC yeah, but I doubt 5 will come. Those 2 are last gen games while 5 is current gen and too beefy for the Switch I'd imagine.
And since Resident Evil is just about done on the last gen ports, I would imagine Dead Rising 1, 2 and Off the Record might come afterwards.
@Captain_Toad @dougphisig Guess what. https://nintendoeverything.com/capcom-to-release-devil-may-cry-triple-pack-in-japan/ First one on the cart, 2 and 3 as downloads. Classic Capcom.
@link_sv I hate it when I'm right. Dang it, Capcom!
I had this on a disk for PC for years, but the controls were busted (basically stick functions were reversed) and I didn’t want to play it with keyboard. I may double dip, as I liked 4. I skipped the first two though.
@Captain_Toad I mean I bet they felt like bullying us that day by also excluding all the X-Men and trying to base the roster and presentation on the MCU in general
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