Fancy playing a car racing game on your Switch but don't want to fork out the money for GRID Autosport when it arrives later this week? Then it might be worth waiting for the release of Gameloft's free-to-download title, Asphalt 9: Legends.
It's been confirmed the game will launch worldwide next month on 8th October. Pre-orders for the "Asphalt 9: Legends Starting Racer Pack" are now also available. This pack will give players wanting a headstart incredible supercars and resources to boost their progress and challenge both friends and family in split-screen multiplayer right away.
The Switch version of the game also features a blue and red decal for the BMW Z4 LCI E89 (see above), that all players can unlock. You can find out more about the Switch version of Asphalt 9: Legends in our previous post.
Will you be racing to download this next month? Comment below.
Comments 48
More like "Don't feel like paying money at once buy over a period of time?"
Don't get me wrong, they hit to make money somehow, I'd just rather be charged upfront.
Well since it’s free, i’ll give it a go.
Can't wait for this, once I get a new 400gb microsd card then I'll see if I would download Devil May Cry 2, GRiD, the Resident Evil games, and The Last Remnant. All games that had file size which are too large for my current microSD card to handle and are digital only.
"Pre-ordering" a "free-to-download" game. What an age we live in...
I’ve been interested since it’s announcement because it’s both a racer and free and that’s in my budget. It looks good and any fun I can get out of it makes it worth the price right?
All right, I was waiting for the release date, and it will be soon, finally a game like NFS on the Switch! ^.^
The price is right. No harm in giving it a shot.
@SakuraHaruka The only thing this game has resembling NFS is cars. If you’ve never played one of these Gameloft mobile turds, you’re in for disappointment. They play like you’re nearly on rails and the timers make it so you’ll have to fork out some serious money to keep playing for longer sessions. Don’t expect any sort of fulfilling career mode either, it instantly becomes obvious that the races are tuned around quick play sessions to suit mobile gaming play style.
@Racthet916 It's automatic, but the fun part of it is the use of extreme shortcuts and aerial tricks to gain boost and the burnout like takedown system. Really one of the best f2p racing games out there.
This is not a driving game, you don't drive at all. It's a racing game, yes but why is NL comparing this game to GRID?
Both are smartphone ports. On iOS, if you have the latest iPhone or iPad, they run @60fps in max graphic setting.
On Switch, GRID is competent enough but still needs optimising, some tracks drop below 30fps (Chicago) with high quality mode. You need to download extra HD textures but they don't really make any difference.
@Racthet916 The one on Vita, was actually a decent racing game, in the same vein as nfs. Had a decent career, good handling, and nice car selection. 3D was decent too. The mobile ones arent the best, but the console ones (so far) have been decent. Mildly hopeful for this one.
I’ll give it a go. If it stinks, the only thing I wasted, was my time.
I'll wait for a sale.
I refuse to support this model of game on Switch. I regret that I supported Fallout Shelter and that blocky Pokemon game at all.
Give me a complete product I can buy upfront. Additional DLC later on is fine, but I want a full game that I can straight buy. If I want to play microtransaction laden poison, I have my smartphone.
@YANDMAN You are dreaming if you want them to pay you for playing.
@Heavyarms55 Users who support pokemon go and fortnite would disagree with you.
Downloaded the game already. Now to see just what I'm getting into...
Downloaded the game, now to see what I'm getting into...
I’ll be picking up GRID - I’m desperate for an F1 game on switch, this looks as close as I can get for now. For some reason, every console I get doesn’t get F1 games (or they release 1 mediocre one)
@PhilKenSebben Agreed, the older Asphalts, including the Vita one, were more like proper racers. Asphalt: Injection was the fifth game if I remember rightly. From about 6 onwards they started to change things up and make them less about racing in the old fashioned sense and more about the spectacle and stunts, gradually taking away some control.
The current one on mobile initially takes away pretty much all control bar a swipe left and right for turns and tricks (a sort of tinder of the racing world?!) but after the first track you can actually change the settings to choose manual drive and make it more like a proper racer, I think a lot of people don't realise this.
Nintendo, don't let this F2P cancer in. Otherwise people can play their shi*ty F2P games on Android and don't need a Nintendo console. Even now the eShop is full of garbage, it's like 1 of 10 games is worth paying and playing.
Belch - preordering premium "coins" for a digital only free to play game. The dumbest thing I could ever do and won't!
I’ll give it a try since it’s free.
I can see some people are upset and want to pay money for a free game.
Unrealistic car performance/behavior mechanics meets fictional race tracks with a accidentally emptied salt shaker’s worth of microtransactions on the whole thing. God I wish a Forza would make its way over here. I’m happy to see Grid enroute but I already own it on my ipad and pc so getting me to spend a third time will be a challenge
@Dakotastomp Pokemon Go is fine, it's a mobile game. Fortnite I greatly dislike. I can't stand so-called free to play games on consoles.
@KRoman47 @Heavyarms55 so only the best full games with 60fps and no in-game purchases are allowed? Why do we constantly gatekeep what is and isn't worthy on a "hybrid portable" system? If the game looks much better than anticipated and has actual replay value, and there's great demand for it to come to consoles, I say they should go for it. I'm not saying every f2p game should come, but not everybody wants to play Asphalt on a tiny IPhone screen.
@gamer89 I play Pokemon Go, and no, there is nothing you have to spend money on. There is literally not a single thing in Pokemon go that is locked behind a paywall. But my issue with Fortnite and others like it on a console is that it brings to mobile game design to console. f2p warps game design. Things aren't unlockables anymore. They are purchases. And game designers are incentivized to put as many things as purchases as possible. It's how they make their money and has the potential to be very profitable. I don't want that type of game design to become the norm on consoles or PC. I like unlocking things. I like story progression. I like buying a complete game and being able to unlock all the content in that game without having to do any micro transactions.
And just in case you were gonna mention it, the only thing I think is worse game design that f2p is having f2p style micro-transactions in a paid 60 AAA game. (EA, Activision, I am talking about you!)
Just give up. There is NOTHING you can say, no argument you can make, to change my mind. I want F2P kept on mobile, I do not want it on consoles.
Pokemon Go is the only mobile game I play, and I wouldn't likely have gotten into it if I didn't already do a lot of walking. I like Pokemon, but Pokemon Masters lost my attention in a couple days. I LOVE Fire Emblem, but FE Heroes lost me in a couple weeks.
@Dakotastomp That's fine, rework the game to be a proper paid release with all the F2P content unlockable in a traditional manner.
Every game doesn't need to be a AAA 60FPS perfect game. And there can be some in-game purchases. Those purchases should be additions to the game. Not unlocks of things already in the game.
The Switch is a hybrid console, not a silly mobile game device.
@nintendolie Not everyone has the latest model of a phone to play this. Glad Switch is here to be able to play this game.
Well I just wanna see if they change the controls for the switch version & allow us to control the cars with our analog stick that would be cool & worth it. If it's not to hard to control
@Heavyarms55 Thank you for your words, friend, I completely agree with you!
It is not simply the money (which is bad) but the actual design of the mechanics and progression of the game which suffers because of f2p and microtransactions.
The cars are not the only thing that resembles NFS, the tracks of all kinds (tracks in mountains, beaches, deserts, cities, etc., etc., etc.) and not only so that they look like closed circuits of legal races, I am referring to tracks / circuits where civil traffic really circulates and there are obstacles that hinder the race; And just talking about the latter, the races of those games include those obstacles: driving with civil traffic clogged along the way and / or Police generating Hot Pursuits that prevent finishing the race.
No other racing game has that, or which one?
In addition Asphalt is not a bad game / franchise, until 7, adding those of Vita and 3DS, have been good games, yes, some detail and annoying bugs, but good games after all; since 8 that gameloft turned Asphalt into another Free to play - Gatcha game, even though 8 still maintains a decent game, but it really is more "take our money" than game.
And remembering the trailer of this Asphalt 9 for the switch, it is seen that it maintains some of that type of game, in addition to that it includes local multiplayer, what racing game exists today that includes local multiplayer (in addition to Mario Kart)?
Stop worrying about micro transaction mobile games. Apple Arcade launched today. Free for a month then $5/mth.
This is the biggest threat to Switch, more than Xbox1/PS4. There are over a hundred games at launch, all exclusive to this service. It's like Netflix for games. Big names like Konami and Capcom are making exclusives for Apple Arcade, it should be treated as a console. The games run on iPhone, iPad, Mac and AppleTV: similar to Switch, play on the go or on computer/TV at home.
I think Nintendo executives are in their boardroom biting their nails right now.
@Heavyarms55 I understand your views, and largely agree with them, but there's one shining exception and one that has also won me over, namely Warframe:
As you'll be able to read for yourself, the developers themselves explain how literally EVERYTHING in the game is achievable, so there isn't anything in there that's exclusive to people that do choose to take shortcuts and buy gear and weapons.
You can find that in the paragraph with the header "How to ask for money with style".
@gamer89 No, every item in the game can be either gotten randomly, or bought with coins earned at gyms by simply playing the game. Spending money in it only gets you coins faster. There isn't so much as a single trainer outfit locked behind a real world paywall.
Pokeballs are especially common. I've literally tossed thousands of them because I get so many more than I can use and they way inventory space.
Ohhh & it'll be cool if we could link our other accounts lol. But I doubt that
Hopefully one of the free Need for Speed games will come to Switch also. Seeing as the Switch is said to have an Android emulator, it could be only time till Need for Speed is on the Switch.
Already got this preloaded, albeit the free download version of the game. My friend and I have been waiting for this one, so we're looking forward to playing this.
@nintendolie how do you know the hd textures don't make any difference my understanding is its a separate download pack that is not available to download until launch day so you wouldn't know if it makes any difference or not at this point
@nintendolie I'm a professional gamer, that's actually what happens to me.
@steve39 This is correct. Nobody knows what it will or won't do as it isn't available until launch day.
@steve39 There are comparison videos of HD textures for PC and iOS over 5 years ago on Youtube. See for yourself, in a racing game where everything move so fast, you won't see the difference. Especially for Switch without 4K support.
It's a good mobile racer, but......it's a good mobile racer.
@pblive that's awful. Thanks for letting me know.
I would love to see any Dirt game ported!!! 😃
I learned long ago not to trust anything that's "free."
Does anybody know if this ill require an always-on internet connection on the Switch like the mobile version?
this is automatically going to be the most played racer on switch!
I'll try, as Gameloft at one time did make decent bargain bin games in the 360 era. If anything, it will kill an afternoon.
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