Gamescom is now well underway and director Takahisa Taura of PlatinumGames has been busy showing off some new exciting gameplay in the upcoming action game Astral Chain, which is headed to the Switch on 30th August.
The video shows the previously unseen File 06, with Mr Taura demonstrating some high-level play against the boss of this chapter. It's quite an experience to see this in action, and we're sure you'll agree.
We recently got hands-on with Astral Chain ourselves, and we had a riot. It's something of a mix of Bayonetta, Wonderful 101 and Metal Gear Rising. If that doesn't get you hot under the collar, then you might not have a pulse.
Let us know if you are pumped for Astral Chain with a comment below.
Comments 15
I want to see what buttons he is pressing to do these moves and things, man I need a demo.
The controls will make or break this game for me, it just looks too over complicated
This game looks awesome! Its on my "most wanted list"
@Bunkerneath agreed!
What kind of RPG elements does it have, if any? And is it a free roam kind of game or a linear, level by level thing? When it comes to DMC type games, I tend to find them too intimidating and intense, like I feel I'm always doing badly, so I barely play them as a result and therefore never "git gud". By contrast, if they're more RPGish, like Bloodborne, I find them more playable and I do actually end up good at them (e.g. I platinumed Bloodborne yet I've never finished a DMC, Bayonetta etc).
I'm honestly so excited for this. I've said this before, but I truly hope that the story delivers, as that would be the icing on this already delicious looking cake
This just got a 37/40 (9/9/9/10) in Famitsu, that’s a darn good score for that magazine.
@Bunkerneath agree and would love a demo
@commentlife For a new IP, that score certainly is amazing. But Famitsu will give a high score to anything that is relatively popular, hence why Kingdom Hearts 3 and the recent Final Fantasy games have been given near perfect scores when they didn’t really deserve them.
I agree. Looks neat but if it's a mess of inputs then I'll pass.
This still looks quite fun, but I have a feeling it'll take me some time to pull off some of those moves. XD
I won't watch any more gameplay, want to go into this game as fresh as possible. A little more than a week left!
@personauser93 I don’t understand the beef people have with KH3 .... it was great, fun and completed the story pretty well. It was an 8.5-9 for me.
@aqryllic People often accuse Nintendo of never making any new IPs, and it's really not true. They do publish a fair amount, the problem is they get tiny marketing budgets.
@judaspete They don't even market stuff like the Legend Of Zelda like they need to which of course hurts sales.
They also gave good scores to dynasty warriors 9, wouldn't trust there reviews as far as I could throw an elephant
But I do think the game will be good
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