The new Nintendo Switch Lite is only just over a month away and we're looking forward to seeing how our favourite games from the system feel on a new piece of hardware. It looks like some may actually feel significantly different, if this little tease from FDG Entertainment is anything to go by.
The Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom developer has teased an upcoming feature for the game that is specific to the Switch Lite. Presumably, then, those playing the game on the original hardware won't have access to the feature, but Switch Lite owners will see the change. Whatever it is, it seems to be coming in a version 1.0.5 patch but don't worry: FDG Entertainment has clarified that it's not essential.
In replies to other Twitter users, the studio has revealed that it's not related to the new D-Pad, that it "only makes sense on Switch Lite", and that it will "change the whole experience". Aside from these little hints, FDG is refusing to budge; it says it'll reveal all when the time is right.
So what is it? And does this mean that developers can utilise different features across the different consoles?
We don't know about you, but we're certainly intrigued to hear more. Let us know what you think it could be in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 59
Maybe it's a pedometer that tracks the steps you take and translates them to steps in game, so you can Work Out while you Play!
Heck, I have no idea just throwing out a random possibility.
Wow that's kinda crap. I hate system specific features like this, as it's a slap in the face to early adopters...
My guess is that its not exclusive to Switch Lite, but just enhances the handheld experience.
Bc if its not the D-pad then the Switch OG can do everything the lite can and more.
It'd make no sense for the feature not to be available on OG systems. In handheld mode it should be functionally same as Lite.
Special colour schemes, depending on the Switch Lite colour
I can't really think of what it could be unless the Switch Lite has features that we don't know about yet. As far as we know, there's not really anything it can do that you can't do with a standard Switch.
A D-Pad always makes sense
What does the Switch lite model do/don't do that a Switch in handheld mode can't/can?
They removed rumble so maybe they have to change something up.
Maybe the Lite version has something that the main Switch does not have and they are not allowed to say until Nintendo announces it.
Seems interesting, but there's not anything to really react to until we know the specifics. Outside of the D-pad, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference between the Light and an OG Switch in handheld mode. At this point it sounds more like something fun and creative the devs have decided to do, instead of an actual Switch Light unique function.
@Max_the_German That actually sounds plausible. The Switch can already tell what colour joy-cons you are using, so it makes sense it can tell what colour Lite you have.
Man I really need to finish playing this game, I started it back in December but have been too busy with other games.
It would be nice if all games with small font get a bigger font option for Switch Lite (Fire Emblem Three Houses) but I know that this is something different because they say it's something fun. Something fun only possible on Lite, huh? This is marketing and advertising, it's going to be something irrelevant, I tell you.
I did think a Streetpass option at first but then that's just me..... 😅
I wonder if it's some sort of Bluetooth interaction that happens when you're out and about similar to Streetpass on 3DS?
Wouldn't really be something that only makes sense on the Lite I guess but would definitely make more sense.
@Roronoa11 Haha damn missed you by 30 seconds
@YessMasster clearly makes sense to the developer but...
"And does this mean that developers can utilise different features across the different consoles?"
This is the real question here. Unless there's some specific feature the Lite has that we don't know about yet, wouldn't they have to lock out whatever this is on the OG? Since as far as we know the OG does everything the Lite does and more. And if this is the case...why would you do this?
It's probably some sort of joke feature, like GameBoy color palette or something.
If you play for more than 5hours without charging you get a bonus? Thats the only thing I can think of that my original Switch can't do.
When you play it on Lite it runs in 3d
On one hand, I'm genuinely curious.
On the other, system exclusive features seem like a bad precedent to set.
I can only guess it has something to do with the battery life. It can't be much more than that if its not to do with the D-pad.
@Roronoa11 not just you...
Is it just the light or is that a light blue version? If so, I want it! It looks much better than the turquoise version!
Possibly something to do with the colour like maybe his hair colour will match the system or the home screen will match, or possibly a small reference to the lack of vibration and removable Joy-Cons
@skrax It's just the light and the... contrast.
Unless it's just some minor interface change regarding the game showing what system you're playing on, there's no reason to start making system-exclusive features for Switch Lite. As many people have said, Switch can do anything the Lite can do. Detecting system color? Detecting Joy-con color. Larger UI option for the small screen? I'm sure some people with a standard model would appreciate it too.
I honestly can't think of anything that would "only make sense on Switch Lite" that isn't some throwaway gag feature, and as someone who will probably pass on the Lite for now, it's a little annoying to think devs would push updates that could run on both models but won't just because.
That's fine and dandy, but how about a new Monster Boy game!
@RupeeClock I had a real issue with the pacing of the game. It's not bad but it takes such a long time to get all of the transformations that it really took away from my experience. This also came out around smash bros time so it got dropped for me.
it is the D-Pad swap in the controls. Pretty obvious.
@MagnaRoader I'd imagine that this will also work on normal Switch. It just makes more sense on fully portable system. Heck, I don't even know if there is a way for them to know whether the game is running on Switch or Switch Lite.
Or it's touch screen related. And it only makes sense on the Lite because that's the one you always play in handheld, thus having access to the touch screen by definition.
Does anyone know if Monster Boy uses HD Rumble in a similar way to the Stone of Agony in Ocarina of Time? OoT 3D changed it from a rumble to a chime to adapt to the 3DS not having rumble. This is probably something similar.
Or does Monster Boy use split/sideways Joy Con for any unique reason? This is how we should be thinking. This must have something to do with a feature the Lite does not have, not one that it does, which doesn't mesh well with the current version of Monster Boy. People shouldn't be freaking out over the Lite having "system specific features." It won't. The OG Switch, however, does.
I really can't imagine what it could be other than something functinally useful for the smaller form factor, something using the D-Pad in a specific way, or as someone said, color detection. From what we know, Switch has less features than standard Switch, and has nothing additional beyond the D-Pad and more battery performance with a new chipset (which the new SKU standard Switch has the latter as well.)
Hate this sort of nonsense
Not a fan of exclusive features on a downgraded version of a console.
It's a non-essential feature in a game I don't have but it's the principle that matters.
@Sam_Loser2 @Stocksy and to everyone else that has mentioned this...nowhere does their tweet say it's a Lite exclusive
It'll be a touch screen thing.
It could be anything, but...I do wish Streetpass would come back in some form.
@Panopticon "We have a fun idea for Monster Boy running on #NintendoSwitchLite"
Doesn't that imply it? If not, the article title stated it explicitly.
@Sam_Loser2 Just because the Lite can run it, doesn't mean the original Switch can't. They don't use the word "exclusive." If anything, it is most likely due to a feature the Lite does not have, like HD Rumble.
@GrailUK sounds plausible to me.
@Jokerwolf You must've skipped the part of the article that says it's not D-Pad related.
probably has something to do with a touch screen
hmm maybe they did this just to earn more money
jk jk there gotta be a reason why
@Paddle1 Maybe it is about in game lighting.
I’m guessing “increase the size of the HUD”
@Azikira That actually makes sense. I am intrigued now.
You unlock an achievement that says "Thank you for playing our game on the Nintendo Switch Lite".
I'll see myself out.
@USWITCH64 As much as I personally adore the 3D,I doubt Nintendo will apply this function again because: A) it took them two go's to properly perfect it (New 3DS) and B) the uproar of parents worldwide on how it 'badly affected their children's eyesight' led to Nintendo scrapping it altogether with the 2DS release and all subsequent software had the 3D capacities removed.
A price increase to annoy the lite users...
A 3D option a la 3DS🤔
If its not about the D-pad it has to be about the colors ... Maybe it changes some colors/backgrounds depending on the switch's color
Maybe it's a screen rotation thing where you gotta flip the Switch lite upside down to play, something they wouldn't implement on the OG Switch, on account of some people playing on TV.
@Zequio , yep, something like that. Wonderboy’s outfit matching switchlite color...
I knew this stupid device was going to create a rift. How can you say it will change the whole experience and also say it's not essential.
Has to be some notification/sleep mode function that let you know something, when you have it on your pocket
Hurrah, a useless update for owners of the original Switch, that uses up memory-space...
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