It seems like DOOM 64 really is making a comeback in some way or form. During the weekend of QuakeCon, a PEGI rating for the game surfaced online and now – roughly a month later – one has popped up on the Australian Classification Board.
As Vooks.net points out, the 'multiplatform' listing isn't actually indicative of what platforms the game will be released on. Given the fact it was originally made available on the Nintendo 64 in 1997, the most fitting platform would obviously be Nintendo's modern hybrid system. The recent release of DOOM, DOOM II and DOOM 3 on the platform also heighten the chances of this game coming to the Switch.
For now, though, take a look at the M-rated classification:

In somewhat related news, the DOOM Twitter account revealed a patch to improve the lighting and audio in the first two re-releases was on the way:
We’re working on a new game update for DOOM and DOOM II re-releases, which improves in-game lighting and audio to match the originals. The update also brings game performance improvements. Stay tuned for more details.
Would you like to play DOOM 64 on your Switch? Are you still busy with the other three games? Leave a comment down below.
[source vooks.net]
Comments 74
Nintendo has been Doomed since 97, what else is new?
My body is ready!
Glad to hear they're working on fixing the lighting issues and sound issues with Doom 1/2 as well
N64 on Nintendo Online confirmed.
Definitely scooping this up ... been thoroughly enjoying 1, 2 and especially 3. The gameplay on the first two is just plain addictive.
So glad to read they are fixing the slowed down music in Doom 1 and 2.
@theberrage I'll take that bet! N64 Classic!
It’s on it’s way. I never got a chance to play it on the 64 back in the day, even though it looked great.
I still have the Turok games, Hexen, and Goldeneye carts. I can’t explain why me nor any of my friends had Doom 64. Maybe it was just poorly marketed at the time.
Yes let it happen. I need my Doom 64 on the go.
I will probably end up getting it, and I'm glad they are improving the other releases while they are at it...
And I'm sure people will continue to deny this is coming because of what happened to Midway, but I'm still expecting it.
@NotTelevision you dont have perfect dark?
thats best FPS on the n64 for me
Great! I wish Nintendo would follow suit! It’s about time the N64 got a portable library!!
Can anyone tell me what is different with Doom 64 as compared to the other Doom releases? Is it a totally different game from the other Dooms? I always thought this was basically Doom 1 running on the 64.
I really wish we would be able to purchase, download, and keep the ones we want rather then have them leased and locked behind a temporary online service.
It kind of sucks that the moment a handheld was able to handle the N64 library, they decided to go the rental route..
@FLEEBS : Entirely new game with completely different art style (the DOOM games on other consoles back in the day were ports, however).
This will be the first time that DOOM 64 will be officially available beyond the N64.
I'm a little baffled as to why they bothered with the expense of getting the game reclassified when it already had a peer-reviewed rating (which would still be valid).
But the good news is that the game has had its original rating reduced from MA15+ to M, likely in response to the fact that the impact of the violence is relatively lower when compared to modern games.
Aw s***, here we go again.
The fact that it is a peer-reviewed rating also suggests that a physical release may be in the works, perhaps to coincide with the release of DOOM Eternal?
DOOM 64 and TUROK both released in March of 1997, I had money for one. It was tough, but I went with Turok. $80.00 USD. But I made the right choice. I was a huge Doom fan, but never picked up 64. Maybe now will be the time.
Oh joy! Please no “accidental” DRM, this time!
Considering how badly they screwed up the previous ports, I can't say I'm excited. I'll stick to emulation.
@Mr_Muscle : The "accidental" DRM is still intact, unfortunately. Because my save data contains the log-in information, it still tries to lock in and checks to see whether I'm online on a regular basis. I'm tempted to wipe my save data but I have just completed the first DOOM in Ultra Violence for the first time and I don't want to lose my save data (I haven't braved the "expansion" episode IV yet, which is obscenely difficult.
When I do play DOOM on Switch, I always play in flight mode as it takes about 30+ seconds to log in to absolutely no benefit to the user whatsoever.
@Silly_G Damn!! That’s terrible.
@Zebetite Zdoom forever man
@WhiteTrashGuy Wow. Yeah I remember as well paying 80 bucks for Turok at that time. Later in the 64’s lifespan, the games went on ridiculous discounts though. Blockbuster had a crate of used 64 carts that were going for something like 5.99. You don’t see stores getting rid of their stock like that anymore. At least not from what I’ve seen.
@Doktor-Mandrake Yeah I have that one too. It was probably a better game than Goldeneye, for the single player. I think I preferred the multiplayer of Goldeneye a bit more though because of the slightly smoother frame rate, and the goofy characters you can choose.
Added: Hated the Klobb in the multiplayer of Goldeneye. That thing fired everywhere and never seemed to kill anybody. One the most useless FPS weapons for sure.
I really hope they can work some emulation magic and get it at least locked to 30fps
I’m playing through doom 64 right now on my 64. Switch version would be cool. It’s such a good game
Maybe after I finish Doom 3 and Doom Eternal this year
give us halflife and halflife 2 please.
@NotTelevision oh the memories!
My brother and I fashioned a cardboard TV screen divider to keep other players seeing your location during multiplayer in GoldenEye
Great !
Let Quake (II) be next now !
@NotTelevision God, HEXEN! I had completely forgotten about that game. That takes me back. Does it still hold up?
I never played Doom 64, in fact I've never played a Doom game and I have Doom 2016 in my cart slot ready to play for the first time today. Exciting!
I seem to remember Doom 64 getting so-so reviews at the time, which makes me wonder now if the franchise had got a bit unfashionable by 1997.
Now it seems everyone is happy to acknowledge how great they were - so I'm looking forward to playing through them all on Switch!
I need more Doom 😁
@FLEEBS DOOM 64 is a brand new game. Its much more of a horror game than it is action. Still plays like classic DOOM, but the music is atmospheric and visuals are spooky. It also does a lot with lighting effects. The art for the enemies are also different. Very good game. One of the gems of the N64.
I still have to play the first one, but the more Doom games there are, the better.
Yeah. I remember KB Toys liquidating a bunch of brand new Sega CD games. Probably had 15 to 20 copies of SNATCHER for $15.00. I snagged one. Which I had grabbed a couple more!
@WhiteTrashGuy Bummer.
Hindsight stings sometimes. You were looking at a pile of gold and said “nah I’ll just take one brick” 😅.
@skulltulips Hexen is alright. The weapons aren’t as cool as say Doom or Rise of the Triad, but it’s a fun enough game for the genre. Pretty murky graphics though, even for the time it was released.
Nice to see some love for the N64 from a publisher. Wish Nintendo would show a bit of tlc too.
Now this I might get!
I'd love to see Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior and most of all BLOOD on the switch, all with updated controls and modern multiplayer!
@skulltulips Hexen is o.k, i played it again recently. Doom 64 is far better in my opinion.
Australia and it's ridiculous nanny state mentality is an embarrassment to the world.
@NotTelevision I remember buying both: Killer Instinct Gold and Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey for $80 each, (from Fred Meyers’). I really, really regretted the latter purchase later
On a side note, I also recall how much worse HeXen looked on the 64: it was so blurry and dark
@Scollurio Blood is an amazing game, and I only discovered it recently.
But I think Heretic needs to be on Switch too
@NotTelevision Have you played its prequel, Heretic? It has awesome level design, music and a more colorful fantasy world. HeXen’s levels were too big and confusing. Still a good game though
@NotTelevision I think there was a bit of a doom fatigue at the time. Same thing I don't know anybody who picked this up at the time. I've played it a bit recently and I think it has aged much better than Turok. Can't wait to play it on the Switch. I've been loving replaying Doom 1 and 2.
@CooperFrank If this comes out on Switch, the system will have all official Doom games in its library (if you don’t count expansions like Final Doom, or spinoffs like VFR and that phone game). That’s so cool
@Mr_Muscle GZDoom
This is looking more and more likely.... Great news, day one for me. Looking forward to hearing that amazing eerie soundtrack the game has once again.
Aubrey Hodges. The man that made Doom scary
@Antraxx777 Wayne Gretsky had a really shallow single player mode. It also had that really annoying and cheap “rubber banding” problem, similar to NBA Jam. You could be creaming the other team, then all of sudden everything goes wrong for you and it’s a tied game again.
I did come to appreciate the multiplayer mode though. Me and my friends would get some beers and play really heated matches. After 3 or 4 beers, I started losing though.
Good multiplayer but probably not 80 dollars good.
@Antraxx777 yeah I did enjoy Heretic a lot when I played it on PC. I think that’s why I picked up Hexen, although you’re right it was really confusing, especially for a 10 year old.
@WaitroseDad64 Just curious, did you beat the final level of Doom II, The Icon of Sin? I just completed it again on the Switch for the first time without cheats, and man what an ordeal... 😂
No I haven't gone that far yet. I'll give you a shout if I ever get there...
Don't you tease me, Nintendo Life! I'd buy Doom 64 immediately.
I wish the doom and doom 2 releases had online multiplayer. Not that couch co-op or dm is bad but none of my friends are better thsn me and I like a challenge.
Awesome I love Doom 64!👍🏼
@Antraxx777 Ooooh yes that one and if you really facny crazypants oldschool games bring RISE OF THE TRIAD too!
Funny, everything new is mostly crap anyways, I wouldn't mind reliving my early teens on the switch!
Doom 64 is one of my favorite games. I really want it on switch. The controls would be awesome.
It would be really great if we get ports of the Quake games next. Or perhaps ID and Bethesda will resurrect the series like they did with Doom.
Doom 64 was my favourite version. I will be scooping this up. Hopefully we get Final Doom too.
I was too young to understand what makes a gun good or bad so I loved the Klobb, mainly due to its name. I used to stay up all night klobbin' people.
the N64 was the pinnacle of high game prices, especially compared to today. In Australia you could pay $120 for a game like Shadows of the Empire in 1997. Back then when we bought a game, we played it exclusively for at least 4 months and we loved every minute of it consarn it!
C'mon Doom 64 is a hard and very dated game to play with today standards. Its ok for nostalgia reasons but thats it.
Perhaps I'm in the minority in this opinion, but my memories of Doom 64 aren't all that fond. To me, it felt so dark, empty, and repetitive. Not at all like the Doom I grew up with elsewhere. And like others have pointed out (or failed to point out) this is a standalone entry, not just Doom on 64, but its own thing. Some might dig what they were going for here, but to me it's just too different in all the worst ways. Maybe I'm not remembering it correctly so definitely let me know if I should revisit it. After all, I still own the cartridge and could plug her in at a moment's notice.
@bwellington Honestly, I just played it again today for a bit (original cartridge) and it's really hampered by the terrible controls. Feels so sluggish, even on the maximum sensitivity. If they do a port, which would be amazing, I hope they update the controls to feel better! My take: this is an awesome game in need of a few updates.
@OorWullie Quake and Quake 2 ports as a physical release would be perfect.... Ideally having both the PC version of Quake 2 and the N64 version as they were different games... (so 3 games in total) I'm probably being abit unrealistic here
@BANJO Yep, it sure would. I've only played Quake 64 before but at the time I didn't like it for some reason. I never gave it much of a chance to be fair. I know for sure I'd enjoy it now though. Hexen 1 and 2 would also be very welcome,as would Duke Nukem 3D.
@Mr_Muscle yes. The controls are great if tweaked to strafe with L and R. ( however I realize some people don't have big enough hands to use the L and R and stick at same time. ) it is most comfortable with the brawler 64 gamepad, it makes the Nintendo 64 feel so good...
@Danrenfroe2016 I’m definitely getting one of those, had my eye on one for a while.
Don't flame, but why would I want to get Doom 64 over the classic Doom that was just released?
Day one purchase...
Doom 93 and Doom 64 are my favourites
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