Even if you've never had any involvement with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or so much as watched a trailer, you've probably seen the image of Geralt's iconic bathtub scene. If you haven't, congratulations - you've almost definitely managed to stay clear of social media much better than we ever could.
No doubt pleasing all fans of the series, it has been confirmed that a bathtub scene will also make its way into the upcoming Netflix show. We say a bathtub scene because it's not actually clear whether or not it will be the scene featuring Geralt in the game. The news comes from io9, who asked showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich all about the iconic moment.

“There is a bathtub this season... I won’t tell you who’s in the bathtub, but there is a bathtub.”
As was previously revealed, the Netflix show is actually based on the books rather than the video games. As such, characters from the show, specific scenes, and even plotlines might not be told in the same way fans of the games might expect - who knows who's going to end up in that bathtub?
Are you looking forward to the show? Will you make sure to give it a watch when it launches later this year? Let us know in the comments.
[source io9.gizmodo.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 25
Slow news day??
@Spoony_Tech nope, we've posted like 12 things today so far.
Old news day this has been on kotaku all weekend
Maybe Deadpool will make another unexpected cameo.
Good to know there are people asking the important questions out there.
Wow,so excited to hear this!I've decided I'll watch the show after all..
Well, if they really want to go that route, then they'd really have to up their game and add a hell of a lot more than just a bath tub scene.
Otherwise, this show is going to seem fairly tame, compared to all the gratuitous imagery we've already seen in Game of Thrones...
You guys know the series isn't based on the games, right? So... this doesn't connect to the game on the Switch or Nintendo at all.
kind of an unusual post, must be tough times, thats understandable
@antdickens I've got to say I had never seen this image, as I don't even scroll facebook, I scroll NintendoLife news feed. My first thought of a response to this article was "...", however. -shrugs-
I mean.....I won't like away if that's what your asking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5/10 too much water
The bathtub Geralt is the most iconic piece from Witcher history!
(That's been a running gag on the PC Gamer page)
@Xaessya Well since I've never played the series and this is predominantly a Nintendo site I'm sure I'm not alone. That will all change soon but this seems like a stretch for a news article.
Stop with the Witcher TV show articles. It’s based off the books. Not the games. After all the MCU news at SDCC you guys haven’t been writing articles about it because Nintendo has a Marvel game. So why this?
Thank god you guys post the important news
@PBandSmelly @KnightWolf Nah, there’s bewbies. 4/10
That is an uncomfortable looking bathtub.
Too bad Cavill is so cute and boyish looking that it'll be like seeing Legolas in the bathtub instead of the manly and grizzled Geralt of Rivia from the video games.
If Geralt isn't in the bathtub then we riot!
Rubber ducky, cuz he/she’s the one, and makes bathtime lots of fun!
It's Netflix. Every Netflix original I have watched has had a sex scene in almost every episode! Only Stranger Things avoids it (THANK GOD) because most of the cast are children.
Oh and I guess Castlevania managed too avoid it too.
But anyway, a bathtub scene really is pretty minor for Netflix.
@Belatarr they might be a joke but they ran the same story 2 days before it was on here
Spoilers from someone who read the books:
Geralt takes a bath on the first day he meets Yennefer as she complains about his smell. Then Yen makes herself invisible and takes a bath herself.
@Belatarr ok cool I didn’t read it so I wouldn’t know I’ll take you word for it
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