With rumours doing the rounds that CDProjekt's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt might be Switch-bound, the internet is whipping itself into a frenzy of tinfoil hats and speculation. In order to assess if a potential port would even be viable on Nintendo's handheld hybrid, our friends over at Digital Foundry have taken a look at the sort of cutbacks and compromises it would require.
Using a PC with specifications closely mirroring the performance of your favourite Nintendo console, Rich Leadbetter has been running the game to see if 'Switcher 3' could be more than just wishful thinking. Check out his analysis below:

As you can see, things start out looking pretty grim, but with some tweaking to the resolution and other variables, Rich manages to get the game running at a level approaching 'acceptable'. Of course, that's not good enough for most of us, but as pointed out in the video, this is PC code and any potential port would need to be optimised to take advantage of every last drop of juice the Switch has to offer. CD Projekt also has a track record with impressive console ports in the form of the previous Witcher game on Xbox 360, so while The Witcher 3 on Switch would be a huge undertaking, it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
We've seen miracles before, of course, and the guys at Digital Foundry have already found Mortal Kombat 11 to be making use of the 'boost mode' opened up for developers in a recent firmware update, so perhaps this could be used to further improve performance. Again, this is all fanciful speculation until we hear something concrete from CD Projekt or Nintendo. Eurogamer's Tom Phillips has got gamers salivating even more with the wording of this tweet introducing the video:
Does Tom know something we don't? Are we all just clutching desperately at straws here? It's tough to know with E3 fever making gamers the world over a little giddy. For now, Witcher 3 on Switch doesn't exist... does it?
Are there any other 'impossible' ports you'd like to see grace Nintendo's hybrid console? Crysis, perhaps? Let us know your thoughts on these rumours with a comment.
Comments 54
As someone who bought it on PS4 a couple years back I would love to re experience this masterpiece of a game on the go. As long as it’s not too compromised I’m all for jumping into that world a second time. Here’s hoping🤞🏻
It's very UnPC and mean to make us tin foil hat wearers sound like crazy conspiracy nuts! We're just trying to keep the government, psychics , and aliens from reading our mind?
No time to watch the full thing right now (going to see The Rocketman and keeping my fingers crossed that my country's cinema biz didn't parrot Russia for once - at least the listed runtime gives some hope), but here's the game "adapted" to run on GPD Win 1, a weaker and definitely less optimized platform than Switch. Take it for what you will: https://youtu.be/QZ0_uZ9XeTs
@BitBoink not only graphicwise but also music. if it's compressed you will lose an other quality. And it's already above 60gb big this game. How do they want to fit in I'm wondering
Tom also knew about a Star Fox game and a Pokemon game.
So no, probably not.
I can't see this happening, just on resources alone.
I could see a port of this as a Switch Pro exclusive, but on the base hardware? I don't see it being a good experience.
Between the compromises on a technical level and the probably elevated price on a 5 year old game, I am not sure it's worth all the hassle.
And to be perfectly honest, I wasn't exactly satisfied by its performance on PS4, I can't imagine how the Switch would fare.
Here's hoping for the best tough.
@BacklogBlues the government don't need to read your mind, they can know you better than you do through data collection haha
I understand that a lot of people don't have the luxury to own multiple gaming platforms but the Switch really wouldn't do justice to a game of this scope. Too many concessions would have to be made. And that's when docked. In handheld mode it would be even worse. We've seen some amazing ports on the Switch, but The Witcher 3 would be just too much for the current Switch to handle.
Thanks for the heads up @Jayofmaya. Now i have to unplug all my electronics and give them a good run through the microwave then unplug the microwave.
the switch just isn't good enough for something like this.
i really want N to iterate faster but I guess since they're super conservative and have to wait for Nvidia to do things I guess that won't happen.
Oh well. PC works for these things. the switch can be for N titles like the rest of N's systems always seem to be. /shrug.
Probably gonna get bombarded with a lot of hate for this outlandish suggestion, but WHAT IF the graphical style was overhauled to the cel shading a la Wind Waker/BOTW/Tales of Vesperia ...(to a worser extent FFXV: Pocket Edition)... to reduce the texture detail load, for it to run smoothly?
Could look nice on the portable screen if stylised well & kinda set it apart from the original release.
Granted, based on Digital Foundry's video (and possible insider info) it'd be more in line with the original graphical style as there was no mention of a theoretical change up there.
Agree with you @Alucard83 regarding the audio though. A few Switch titles have had their audio heavily compressed (Dark Souls, ACIII) and would be a shame to happen to Witcher 3 too if real.
well it could happen if this game went on the switch
but imo the game already looks good on the ps4, so who knows it might not look so good on the switch. Also would the switch even can handle to load that many graphics?
Welp all l can say is that this game will be big
My understanding is that Nvidia has had a successor chip available for some time now, and actually is fabricating the current Switch chip (Tegra 1?) only for Nintendo, as it is based on tech that has been superseded.
From N’s perspective, I think they (as usual) need to balance the desire to maintain current market momentum vs. additional titles/capabilities that upgraded tech would bring. IOW, i think it is a (tricky) question of when and how they migrate to the next chip.
That man has some serious technical chops!
I’d love to play Witcher 3 so I have my fingers crossed!
I found time to watch the Champions League final on a big screen in full glory. I can also do it to play an amazing game like TW3 at full spec.
Some things are just not worth having the experience butchered.
Now, if they do Cross-Save (like CIV6) so I do not sacrifice my home experience... and we at maybe.
I'd rather they port Witcher 1.
There was no console port, it was PC only.
And it would actually fit on a Switch cartridge...
So I initially thought that Chinese leak about Witcher 3 was BS...
...But recent rumblings have made me rethink that.
I've played every Witcher game, and every one of them I've given up around 10/15 hours in. Great world, story, characters, absolutely pathetic combat. Potentially the worst I've ever experienced in an RPG. That said, if there was a switch release I'd be tempted to double dip and play on story mode.
@BacklogBlues Haha but if you ever do care enough grab a tor browser and you'll be off grid. Bit of an annoyance, though.
I ruled this out as not possible but seems t may actually be happening.
I really hope they’ve pulled it off, just on a technical level because it would be an amazing achievement. If they have, I think we’ve reached the peak of what Switch can do.
"Huge, but possible."
"Using a PC with specifications closely mirroring the performance of your favourite Nintendo console..."
Well of course Witcher 3 isn't going to run on a SNES!
I'm so confused about this game. I have never played it but most PS4 owners swear by it. Most tell me that the PS4 could barely run it, so the Switch has no chance. So...how on Earth does a game that can barely run get such a high review score and mores to the point, why is it so regarded technically lol.
Looking forward to playing it. I'm sure there will be a cavalcade of videos and articles highlighting 'scarifices' and 'compromises' which I will be totally oblivious to. All I can say is, if the game is good, it will stand up. If all the game is is graphics, then I'm not interested anyway.
So it seems like it's actually going to happen.
As much as I would like to see something like this on the system...I really don't like huge compromises. The demanding games as of right are as low as I'll go...maybe
Considering how cheap you can find it on other platforms, I'm not entirely sure what the point is.
They will have to do some serious downgrading and then likely charge way too much for it.
Like most switch ports. It will be a worse version of the game, 5 years after the fact, for top dollar.
Then when anyone complains.....the army of fanbots will be there to remind you:
"BuT iTs PoRtAbLe"
Yeah but will it run in the rumoured Switch “Pro”....?
Ugh... I HATE that Pro naming convention that’s all the buzz these says. Stop it.
No I don’t have a better name to use in its place. I just feel like they can make a better one. And no don’t use the New naming again. Or the U naming again. Ugh....
Well anyway, I hope this comes out because it’ll be awesome. I bought this game on PS4 with my wife because we like to play games together sometimes. You know, ones with a story we could enjoy together. Well she NEVER plays video games and she ended up taking over completely and delving into its world. The game is that good. It sounds like a movie if you’re not actually watching and are perhaps listening from around the corner.
If this comes out I’ll be buying it just so that I’ll be able to play the game finally.
@Itzdmo because it well sell. Publisher's want to make money. Witcher 3 will sell on switch even at full price. People will moan about the price but guess what you are not forced to buy it.
Don't understand why people who have no desire to buy downgraded ports of old games constantly moan about it. If you are not buying it then it shouldn't bother you one bit if it is released on switch at full price.
Nvidia already has the X2. Nintendo is just waiting for the production costs to go down.
A list of games people said Switch couldn't handle that are on the platform
*Wolfenstein 2
*Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice
*God Eater 3
Games people said that Switch can't handle, that aren't on switch yet, but companies said they could make it work/considering a port to Switch
*Monster Hunter World
[Iron Galaxy company said they are confident they could make this game run good on Switch, and actually requested Capcom to hire them. Capcom has ignored them though.]
*Code Vein
Bandai themselves mentioned they were originally planning on making a switch version, but they had to decide between Code Vein or Dark Souls Remastered. They went with DS. However, now that development for the other consoles is almost done, they once again said, they are considering a Switch version, after they finish the other console versions.
This is to show people, don't assume you know what can and can't run on Switch. You aren't a developer. You don't work for the game companies. The only ones who can say it cant run, is the ones who are making the games. Technically most games COULD have the potential to come to Switch, with the right team, compression, and money backed up behind it. We have seen it time and time again this statement being proven by Iron Galaxy, Panic Button, and even the actual developers themselves.
You want to know an impossible port? Final Fantasy 15 on Switch. Not because of the graphics or gameplay, but because of the engine. Luminous engine is a horrible engine that Square even admitted was difficult working with the PS4 and Xbox One versions. They said the engine on Switch just couldn't work, and their attempts at getting it to work failed. That's why they even dropped the Luminous engine, and are making a new one. Because it is a garbage engine, and gave them problems, no matter what console 15 was on.
@graysoncharles I'll be buying it, not because 'it's on Switch' , nor because its portable since I mostly play docked but for the simple reason, I only own a Switch and I've always wanted to play this game. Most people only own 1 console so it's annoying to read comments like 'what's the point when it can be had for cheap elsewhere' from folk who assume everyone has multiple consoles.
@OorWullie That's not really true though. Most people who are into video games generally own more than one console if one of those consoles is a Nintendo.
Consoles are cheap, software isn't (well old Xbox/PS games are generally $10-30).
Lol at the mention of Crysis Gavin.
Honestly ports of games that barely run hurt the Switch more than help it. Nintendo isn't competing with Xbox or PlayStation. All these do is show the glaring weakness of the hardware.
@Morrow Right ON. I been saying this all along we got lots of TROLLs talking they are developers but have nothing to stand on. As you mentioned they always talk not enough GPU but your list clearly shows with the effort it can be done-granted for some unless there is a "Engine" change will make it work better. But will they be saying the say thing if a Switch Pro comes out? Most likely they will say the same thing over and over. And to them saying that over and over will make it Fact.
People are getting themselves whipped up into a frenzy and I really think they are going to be let down. Unless they remade the whole game from the ground up, tailor made for the Switch's hardware, I don't see this being possible. It would need to be scaled down to a degree that wouldn't make anyone happy.
@SwitchForce Agreed. The people that are saying this are just 'frames per second' addicts, or Nintendo haters. As long as the game has a stable frame rate that doesn't interrupt the gameplay (Rime is an example of a game you can say is bad, because of the frame rate ruining the gameplay), it's fine. It can be 30 fps and still be enjoyable. I played Ys 8 on PS4 and beat it on Switch. The game didn't drop a beat with the frames, and was always able to keep up with the fast paced gameplay. That game had 30fps and yet it felt more smooth to play than games that have much higher, but less stable frames. I played Doom on Switch as well, and after all the updates, it as well became enjoyable to play. I wish people would pay more attention to story and gameplay, rather than be frame crazy. Yes, frames can effect gameplay, but most of the time it doesn't. Even when people say a game has low frame rates, (usually referring to anything under 40 fps) the gameplay doesn't get interrupted. The only time frames are going to bother me, is when it affects my physical actions in the game, such as failing to dodge on time, messing up a jump, exc.
@Indominus_B @GrailUK the thing is for W3 the atmosphere and the environment contributes largely to the tone and story of the game. So if you downgrade it to much then you compromise the game itself. So graphics plays a large part in its story telling.
Watched the video and this is a pointless comparison. Because it won't be the PC version - they can change the core code, change the way loading works, change the underlying rendering engine, change the assets and so on.
Based on what I saw this is totally achievable. Witcher is about the story and the game over the graphics. And it might still lead into the higher spec'd switch hardware.
I'm saving my life for Dragons Dogma. I haven't enough life for two epic open worlds. but I played this on ps4 n wasn't impressed
I never did finish first Witcher on PC. I no longer own a PC, no real need for one, but I’d love a port of the original Witcher on Switch.
@Morrow The only issue with Ys 8 was how the enemies had 2 fps if they were in the distance. To me at least. Didn't play it on PS4 though so idk if it had that too.
@Trajan It was only on the Switch version. Yeah, I could understand being bothered by it. I just thought it was funny though. They sped up when you got closer, so it didn't bother me. If the enemies would have been that sleep when fighting them? Then I would have been mad about it.
@Cathousemaster by your argument, then the PS4 and Xbox versions should have run better if they can do what all you just said
I thought that the Switch was only supposed to be about 20 - 25% weaker than the original Xbox One. If that is the case then I don't see why it couldn't run a lot of games with reduced resolution, frame rate or objects (like Doom, Wolfenstein 2, Dragonball Fighterz, Mortal Kombat, Hellblade etc).
I haven't played Witcher 3 as most western RPGs tend to spam spiders as an enemy type, but from what I've seen the size of the game (around 50GB on Xbox/PS4) seems more of an issue than any of the technical shortcomings.
Loved this back on PS4, but if Switch has to sacrifice a lot, then it’s not worth it
I’m all for it. It’s gonna be a big downgrade
I don’t know if it’s possible or not, mainly because it’s too big not because it’s too demanding.
Anyway, I do hope that the rumors are true because unlike most people here believe, not everyone owns multiple consoles, and I want to play it.
@Perryg92 I like that idea, especially if they could boost it to 60 fps. The Witcher 3 is a great game and it'd be cool to play it in Wind Waker/Jet Set Radio graphics.
I played Witcher 3 on my friend's PS4 this evening and thought it looked bad. I've played it before on a smart TV that boosted it to look like it's running at 60 fps and liked it then, but without the dejudder/motion interpolation it just looks trashy to me. If the Switch port is real and it runs at a locked 30 fps I may play it in docked mode. One thing I know is that if they make this game I'll enjoy the Digital Foundry video about it.
@Morrow That's interesting about Ys VIII. I sold my copy of it for Switch because it looked to choppy to me. My smart TV couldn't seem to dejudder it. Like with Breath of the Wild my TV makes it look perfectly smooth, same with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess on Wii U on my smart TV.
Also, I agree that gameplay is King, but it's easier to push for and ask for 60 fps than it is to ask for good gameplay. I don't know what good gameplay is until I play it. Like I didn't know Bad North is super fun until I played it. I do know that I love 60 fps smoothness, and Bad North has it in spades. To return to my point about gameplay is King, I like Kingdom New Lands and Kingdom Two Crowns almost more than any other games. They both drop frames often and look janky and jerky quite a bit. I still love them. I dearly wish there was a way I could turn down the resolution or adjust the options to make it run at a perfect 60 fps though.
@60frames-please You are the most rational and logical frames lover I have ever seen, and I have much respect to you for that. Your entire statement makes complete sense. Yeah, I agree that it would be nice if all games could be a stable 60 fps, but I'm not going to pass up an amazing game if it's not.
About Ys 8-----It might be because of your smart tv that Ys 8 looked worse. I just had a normal HD flat screen, not smart or 4k---and it played beautifully. The enemies in the distance were choppy, but when you got closer (about 20 feet away i'd say), they ran perfectly. I think my biggest complaint about Ys 8 on Switch is that the foliage looked terrible, while everything else looked nice. I never had a single frame drop the entire playthrough of Ys 8 on Switch, and I beat it on Nightmare difficulty, and I played it as fast as the game could make it play. My movements were always super quick, and I never really slowed down once in gameplay. If a game can handle fast paced, I'm not going to take it slow, lol. Ys 8 has the ability to be more fast paced than even Ninja Gaiden, if you can react quick enough.
@Morrow Thanks for the acknowledgement! I try to keep cool while requesting high frame rates!
That's interesting. I wonder if my Samsung TV has an easier time with Nintendo's no frills output, but a harder time boosting and dejuddering if there is motion blur or certain types of anti-aliasing? There could be many factors. I once tried an expensive Sony 4K TV but sold it because it couldn't display Breath of the Wild as perfectly smoothly as my much cheaper Samsung HD TV. That Sony TV was supposed to be able to do 120 frame per second or something, but I could never tell if the source video I had was outputting something that high or not. I'd love to see 120 frame per second someday.
@Alucard83 it's only 39gb on my Xbox one X so I'm sure they can work some magic
It's going to be a massive fail and I can't wait 😂
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