In December last year, Sabotage revealed its hit 2D side-scroller The Messenger would be receiving an entirely free tropical DLC pack titled 'Picnic Panic' in 2019. Now, many months later at Devolver Digital's over-the-top E3 parody conference, it's been confirmed this new content will be released on the Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC next month, on 11th July. Here's what you can expect:
On your trip to Voodkin Island, you’ll rekindle with the beloved cast of characters from the original game, explore three completely new levels each culminating in unique and inventive boss fights. And of course, Rainbowdragoneyes is back with 18 original tracks for this new tropical adventure.

Have you completed the main game yet? Are you ready for this DLC expansion? Tell us in the comments.
Comments 20
That's the only info i wanted out of devolver digitals e3 showcase which Is why i watched it live. So pumped!
I should really get back to The Messenger at some point. Maybe this will serve as motivation.
Alright, time to die a lot! Again...
@BenAV it’s an amazing game, I highly recommend it! The characters are great, story is corky, and gameplay is just incredibly fun. It goes on sale a lot so I’d keep an eye out!
So excited for this! Loved the messenger
Can't wait for this, can't go wrong with some free contents.
It took me a long time to pick this one up. But I'm very happy I eventually did.
Looking forward to having more of it.
@Zoda_Fett I think you might have misread my post. I said "get back to" as in I already have it and have started it. It certainly seemed pretty fun from what I played so I'll try to find time to finish it eventually. Didn't make it too far the first time just because I got distracted by other things (namely the resistible urge to play through Celeste again).
I still need to finish the base game haha. I’ve enjoyed it so far
Funny, i was about to post the exact same thing — that i need to get back to playing this. I've actually made it pretty far through the game, but just when i thought the game was reaching the end ... well, no spoilers. Suffice it to say that i reached the second time in the game where it seems like the end is near, only to have it pull a 180.
It really is an amazing game; i'll probably try and get back to it once i finally finish up Yooka-Laylee (another game that i just recently got back to after only playing a bit quite some time ago), especially with the DLC coming out so soon.
Sweet! I can't wait to do the thing.
Devolver Digital's E3 was SUCH A BREATH OF FRESH AIR after the pretentious bungholery of Microsoft's conference, for example.
Phil Spencer's speeches were the WORST:
"Hurr durr vidya games are bringing the WORLD togetherrrrr!!"
I didn't bother watching Bethesda's conference since I knew Doom Eternal would be the only worthwhile thing shown, and I didn't need to partake in the yearly ritual of Todd Howard lying to my face.
I'm sure their little soliloquies were pretty cringe too.
This was such a good game, can’t wait to finally get the DLC. It’s a shame they didn’t mention any upcoming Katana Zero content though.
I loved this game,, until the second half:/ got bored an quit— maybe I’ll give it another chance tho- this picnic panic looks fun!
@BensonUii Why wouldn't it be? The physical has still not been released
I loved this game, so I'll gladly come back to it!
Finally! My body is ready
@BensonUii I think it will. as I know so far like some other games. free dlc will come with an update.
@BensonUii I honestly feel that people who only get physical media are terrified of writing any amount of data on their local storage. Maybe there's a phobia for that.
It's a very small indie game the patch won't take more than 50 MB.
I get the argument about always having everything physically for future proofing but c'mon, it's a bit too much.
i am so bad at this game but its great, i cant imagine i will ever beat it. dlc look like a great laugh
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