After another busy week full of Switch Mini suspicions and a Mario Kart Hot Wheels announcement of all things, it's time for us to sit back and talk over our weekend plans. Members of the team have shared their entries below, and we'd love for you to get involved via our comment section and poll, too. Enjoy!
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
I have all sorts of stuff going on at home at the minute meaning my playtime is sadly limited, so I'm still working my way through GoldenEye 007 on N64. The end is in sight, though; I think I only have three or four mission parts to do so I need to be brave and take them head on this weekend.
Annoyingly, with so many amiibo releasing at the minute for the Smash Bros. line, I'm sadly restricted from a budget point of view, too. I'm determined to complete the Smash set (I've come this far!) so I'm having to put off the likes of Cadence of Hyrule, Crash Team Racing and Super Mario Maker 2. Some days I think buying all of these amiibo was foolish. Some days.
Liam Doolan, news reporter
Fortnite was beginning to take up too much space on my Switch, so I’ve decided to swap it out with the free version of Realm Royale, which has just been released.
When I’m not attempting to be the last player standing on the battlefield this weekend, I’ll either be speeding about in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled or dancing to the rhythm of the beat in Cadence of Hyrule. I’m now up to the fourth champion (yes, I’ve taken the game slow), but most of my sessions have been in short bursts so far. I also find myself playing the game in handheld mode quite often, which is a bit of rarity for myself. Hopefully, I can power through the rest of it this weekend so I can focus on Super Mario Maker 2 next week.
Gavin Lane, staff writer
This weekend I’m planning to forfeit video games and catch up on some reading. I’ve been about a third of the way through John Szczepaniak’s The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers for at least six months and I’m determined to make a dent in it. It features interviews with developers, archivists and more, and everything I’ve read so far has been fascinating, even if I wasn’t overly familiar with the game(s) being discussed. So yes, reading on something that isn’t a screen! Well, it’s on a Kindle, but let’s not split hairs. Have a good one everybody.
Stephanie Woor, reviewer
Well, I did it - I launched headlong into Valkyria Chronicles 4, and Squad E are inevitably save-scumming their way deep in imperial territory. Yes, you really should “play your mistakes”, but when smooth progression and unlockable content is basically tied to your performance, you’re going to be endlessly repeating something.
There’s a lot to justifiably criticise in Valkyria Chronicles generally (they really should give the Shiba Inu more screentime) but even for all of its cribbing of real-world history and previous titles, it is still awash with creative ideas while having a feel distinct to other strategy RPGs.
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
This weekend I'll continue to plug away at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In comparison to my first playthrough where I basically binged the entire experience in as little time as possible, I'm really savouring every moment this time. It's amazing what you can come across when you're just exploring the land of Hyrule!
I've not made my mind up yet, but I may well pick up Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, time permitting. I had such fun with the original back in 1999 - CTR had an incredible boost mechanic that made it a joy to play!
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer
This weekend I'm going to be scratching a very particular itch in the form of Blade II - The Return of Evil. Sadly this game doesn't feature Wesley Snipes in any capacity, but it is a Diablo-esque dungeon crawler with (so I'm told) all the usual ingredients present and correct. So lots of monsters and a ton of loot then? Look out for my official verdict next week, right here on Nintendo Life.
I'll also be dipping my toes back into the Wii U Call of Duty community. A seemingly final bastion of COD on Nintendo hardware. They might be small in number, but they're not short on dedication.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
Japanese version updates to Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection, Castlevania Anniversary Collection and Contra Anniversary Collection are a fine excuse to continue my retro gaming binge for another weekend. Elsewhere I somehow found myself terribly addicted to Super Life of Pixel, the highly-stylized death choreography of My Friend Pedro, Mario Kart homage Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled and excessive violent doses of Mortal Kombat 11. Remember when there were game droughts during Summer? Ah, the simpler days...
My game of the week is unsurprisingly Rolling Gunner. The day you release a brand new ex-Cave employee's developed manic shooter on the Switch and I don’t take notice, my time as a gamer has come to an end.
Zion Grassl, video producer
I recently picked up EarthBound on 3DS right before my trip out to LA! I’ve played it before on the Wii U’s Virtual Console, but unfortunately, I ended up putting it down for other things. However this time I won’t make the same mistake. I’ve got about 10 hours in so far, but I promise to stay dedicated!
I also started back up the original Banjo-Kazooie on N64 a few weeks ago. Surprisingly for how big of a Banjo fan I say I am, I’ve never actually finished the game. I occasionally have this problem where I’ll make it to the end of a game, but never finish it! So I’ve made my way once again to Click Clock Wood and will do my best to collect all the notes and Jiggies I can before tackling that green oaf Gruntilda. Wish me luck!
Which games are you playing this weekend? (219 votes)
- GoldenEye 007
- Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda
- Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
- Super Mario Maker 2
- Fortnite0.5%
- Realm Royale
- Valkyria Chronicles 4
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Blade II - The Return Of Evil0.5%
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II0%
- EarthBound0%
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection0.9%
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection
- Contra Anniversary Collection
- Super Life of Pixel0%
- My Friend Pedro
- Mortal Kombat 11
- Rolling Gunner0.5%
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 113
Wel I have My vacation now first time in 2 years whooooo!!!
So lots of gaming for me.
The splendid CTR
Going to finish adventures of final fantasy
Some smash in between, some Pedro.
And tonight finaly going to start my second playthrough on breath of the wild with the wifey.
Have a good weekend all
Ff14 and Sekiro mostly.
Crash and Mario Kart so I can decide which one I love more
Crash has more complex mechanics but the loading times are not good. Mario is pick up and play and so polished. Gut tells me that MK will win out
Comparing CTR with Mario Kart is just crazy talk. It's something you'd only hear from a drunk shouting in the streets or read on a toilet wall.
This week I will be mostly playing
Samus Returns
Wonder Boy (Master System VC)
Now that I am back from vacation I will be playing the following
PS4: Contra Collection
Xbox One:.Elder Scrolls Online
Crash Team Racing, assuming it arrives this weekend. Maybe some My Friend Pedro and Pokemon too.
@Aneira I can understand comparing the original to the Equivalent Mario Kart at the time, but from what I've heard of the remake I'm not expecting it to be able to compete with MK8 deluxe.
I'm focusing on The Sims 4 (PS4) this weekend. 😗

After i bought 6 Adds On from PS store for $50 ($25 each for 3 stuffs), i tried to create new houses, explore new neighbors and venue, studied about running business from retail, etc.
And of course i keep creating more Muscular six pack dudes. 😜
All this Zelda hype recently has made me want to throw Breath of the Wild back on for a burst, I only dabbled in Trial of the Sword, I might see if I can get through that today. Horizon Chase Turbo will no doubt get put on as well, love that game. My mate's ghosts have been appearing in the game, I need to put him in his place.
I've just started up Atelier Lulua so that should keep me fairly busy for a while. Also been playing a fair bit of Muse Dash which is really fun and CTR which is really meh.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Splatoon 2
Daemon x Machine Demo
I’m a new Horizon Chase Turbo gamer - utterly loving it so far, and it’ll dominate my Switch-time
Tetris 99 and Final Fantasy IX. Maybe some Crypt of the Necrodancer (the original one ) too.
@StormtheFrontier it competes but not as a blow-for-blow copy.
CTR always took huge inspiration from MK — most the power ups are variants of MK, and the power slide functionality is there (albeit harder to nail in CTR)
For me the main multiplayer appeal of MK is the races with other people. It’s the same with CTR — both games allow for the same amount of players and both are very similar in concept there (I.e. CTR is a MK clone with slight differences). MK is by far more accessible but CTR is trickier and the races against skilled opponents are always close.
In terms of single player I always thought CTR offered more — it was like Diddy Kong Racing, which from a single player perspective was always bette than MK in my eyes. Time trials and challenges are a great feature of the game, so it has a different appeal than MK.
I’ll probbaly end up splitting my time between them equally, just like I was doing with MK on my 64 and CTR on the PSX
@Anti-Matter How do you keep giving money to EA like that? They are milking you like a cow and laughing at you. The way they have so many add ons for the Sims at this point is an insult to players.
I've been dabbling with Lego City Undercover, which then lead me to Lego World. It's a relaxing open world environment.
I'm away in York this weekend in my motorhome, switch in tow obviously. The super weather in England might make switch play difficult, DAMN YOU SCREEN IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT
About halfway through Fire Emblems Echoes on 2DS. I put off buying it because I didn't like the idea of the 3rd person sections, but actually it's a great game.
Hoping to getting around to playing some Team Sonic Racing on Switch, and going to try continuing through Hyperdimension Netptunia Re;Birth 1 on PC. Not sure if I'm going to play anything else, but hoping to getting around to these two.
Crash Team Racing for me. Fingers Crossed its good. Oh and continuing on with the amazing Pikmin 3 on Wii U. I should not have left my copy in the cupboard for 4 years before playing it.....
Btw can we expect the Crash Racing review soon? Please
Same, currently going through Luigi's haunted mansion 2! Love the 3ds library. Happy gaming!
I'll probably be playing some Overwatch so I can get the new Baptiste skin. On the Switch side of things I picked up Wargroove and Hollow Knight when they were on sale so I'll be playing those. I've also been messing around with the Mugen engine too, so I'll probably add a few more characters.
Kingdom hearts 3 .... I love the sense of culmination for that long running franchise (that has been on Nintendo platforms)
My life was complete when Banjo was announced for smash .... now I think I’ll be rooting for Sora........ he deserves it
Been on Nintendo consoles since GBA
@Bondi_Surfer @WiltonRoots Horizon Chase Turbo is great! I am in Japan now, with Hawaii on the horizon (pun intended) The controls, the progression, the unlockables are all well designed--it is a fun game.
I am taking a break from big games, so I am still playing Boxboygirl and a little fun puzzler Piczle.
Happy gaming everyone!
Rimworld and if i can tear myself from that some Pokemon Y randomized
So me and the kids anr playing crash team racing this weekend. While im also slowly getting them into kingdom new lands and smash brothers now their fav character is coming. Banjo kazooie. Fyi nintendo. If banjo 1 and 2 come to switch in a ported form.... you already have 4 sales through our family of die hard banjo and kazooie supporters
Tropical Freeze and BOTW on Switch. Jumping back into Persona 5 on PS4. Thinking about Bloodstained but I think I’ll get that one on PC or Switch later.
Tetris 99 Grand Prix as well as hopefully a few other things. I'm waiting a bit before buying both Cadence of Hyrule and CTR.
Gonna start playing Moonlighter since I haven’t tried it yet. Maybe some Super Chariot in between. Eventually I’ll find time to try Realm Royale also lol.
Yooka Laylee atm, really loving it. Expanded second world right now, had me laughing so hard and it looks great.
Playing some Mario Tennis Aces afterwards. Determined to always be the highest on my friend list.
Trying out Uncanny Valley later. Maybe clearing the last dungeon in Fall of Light: Darkest Edition. Taking another shot at the third island in Kingdom New Lands. Probably a bit Fire Emblem Warriors, long overdue. And most likely some Rocket League.
Final Fantasy XII, Crash Nitro Racing and will spend a little bit trying the 2 new hunts in the MH World expansion.
@Aneira Don't blame you, they're really different mechanically and set out to achieve different things. I prefer CTR myself but it's very subjective.
Days Gone and Dangerous Driving on PS4. On the subject of CTR. There is a comparison video suggesting a track takes 50 secs to load on Switch and 20 secs on PS4. This can't be right, 20 even seems too long. What are your experiences? Could be down to UE4 if true.
Persona Q2 is keeping me very busy still.
With some bouts of BlazBlue CF in between.
Forgive me ! 😫
I cannot resist for Expansion packs and Adds On for The Sims 4 PS4. 😞
I was bored with my Plain Vanilla of the Sims 4 PS4.
That was the only way for me to play The Sims 4 on console instead of PC.
Btw, The Adds On i bought was very cheap. There was a Combo 3 stuffs (1 Expansion Pack + 2 Adds On) with just $25 (Before that it was $50). And Almost previous DLCs got huge discount except the newest stuffs.
My friend pedro, crash team racing nitro fueled, leisure suit larry wet dreams Don't dry,cadence of hyrule and super blood hockey 😍
I'm blown away by a game that nobody promotes and I don't understand why because it's a masterpiece.
A Plague Tale Innocence.
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night!!!
Contra NES
Castlevania 3
Team Sonic Racing
Wonder Boy Returns
Super Mario 3D World
I'm playing A Link Between Worlds again even though I didn't plan on playing that before my holiday, but with all the talk about Link's Awakening going on I couldn't resist any longer. Also still playing GTA5 and Dirt Rally 2.
Having played thru cadence a couple times already, I'm letting it take a rest. My big games this weekend are skyward sword for the first time, and continuing my play through of secret of mana. I actually played a little of Mario 3d world last night too. Trying to clear up some backlog before mm2 comes out
I just recently bought my Switch so I will be playing Breath of The Wild, and Diablo 3. I'm totally new to this community so if you want to play D3 add me.
In anticipation of Super Mario Maker 2 coming out next week, I'll be spending the weekend (well I started yesterday) doing my yearly playthrough of Super Mario World (AKA my all-time favorite game). Depending on however long that takes, I might also dedicate some time to the first Phoenix Wright game, as the trilogy
has been sitting on my Switch untouched since it was released back in April.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier: My favorite shooter of all time. Playing through the campaign and DLC missions again for the umpteenth time.
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+: Playing through the campaign and unlocking all the planes!
Kerbal Space Program. I still want Jebediah to land on the Moon. And cannot overcome the fact that I am a science teacher who is failing in doing so. Get in Jebediah!
I'm resubscribing to Final Fantasy XIV today, so at least mostly that.
@fafonio me too kh3 love the franchise sora seems to be playing second hero behind riku maybe this is his time to shine
Churning through the 3DS backlog. Luigis Mansion completed and now Fire Emblem Warriors. Along with a little Xenoblade 😃
My schedule this past week was beyond nuts; any gaming was either non-existent or fairly brief. I'll be playing catch-up this weekend. XD
I'm still plugging away at both Mega Man X and Kirby Super Star on the SNES Classic. I'll be tackling the Sigma stages in a little while and may finally finish The Great Cave Offensive and unlock Milky Way Wishes in Kirby.
On the 3DS front, I'm close to the Elite Four in Pokemon Ultra Sun but need to finish Mina's trial first. I also hope to get around to playing the Monster Hunter Stories demo on the 3DS. I've been on the fence regarding the main game for some time and hope this will persuade me one way or another.
Have a fun, safe, and blessed weekend!
I'm very surprised that Cadence of Hyrule isn't higher... My family has been loving it
Mirror's Edge (Windows Phone) - Still on a Let's Play
Microsoft Flight (Games For Windows) - Still on a Let's Play
Wheel of Fortune (Game Boy) - Still fun even on a tiny black & white screen.
Completely hooked on Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions. If you like Magic: The Gathering type card games, you should really give it a go!
I went back to Splatoon 2 for the first time in many months. Still an amazing game.
Quickie sessions of Horizon Chase Turbo, Dead Cells, Steredenn and Letter Quest later today.
@PCkid I heard good things. I’ll pick it up on a PS4 sale down the line.
Tried to like CTR, but I just got to the point I’m not having fun with it. The main races in Adventure are way too unbalanced for my tastes, for some reason it’s impossible to hold a 1st place position for too long even if playing flawlessly with boosts and decent handling. It wasn’t like that originally.
It’s not a bad game though, but the constant mashing of the Retry button took away all the fun I used to have in this mode.
I've been playing Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4 pretty much non-stop since getting it. Great game. It's the open world Monster Hunter game I never knew I wanted.
Best $10 I ever spent.
I'll likely also be playing a few rounds of local Smash Ultimate co-op today.
I’m still playing Hollow Knight - I should tackle the Deepnest this weekend when I get over how damn creepy it is.
@dugan it’s so good for short bursts as well, a real arcade racer. I try not to move onto the next country until I’ve got gold on every track, and it’s definitely getting harder now. The polygonal art style coupled with the stripes is fantastic too.
Playing Settlers of Catan. It’s online multiplayer only and the controls take some time to get used to, but it’s still fun as hell.
Got back into Banjo-Kazooie on Rare Replay, also have been still on Splatoon 2 (almost X-Rank in all ranked modes), on XC2 I've been playing some of the blade missions (finished the one with Phonex whispering). Still playing, and losing in, SSBU and got back into Fallout 4.
Edit: Anyone also notice that the trolls have been quiet for a while now? Maybe they've realized Switch isn't the failure they'd hoped it would be. Nintendo shutting trolls up is my favorite Nintendo.
Crash Team Racing and Tetris 99
Playing a few games on the NES Mini. As for the Switch probably so Smash Bros and Capcom Beat em Up.
Just bought Splatoon 2 & Stardew Valley, so those, plus a little Tetris 99 although I don't think I'll place in the event.
Playing Harvest moon light of hope
The Adventure Pals, Splatoon 2, Black Paradox, I tried Realm Royale but after dying while trying to shoot someone with a choppy frame rate I deleted it and redownloaded Paladins (which makes it much more fun to aim because it runs smoothly at 60fps), Storm Boy (that very short game made me cry yesterday)(yes, I hate how choppy it runs!), Marble It Up (last week it had an awesome low gravity beach ball challenge that I wish I could access at any time without internet connection!), Sonic CD, Sonic 4 episode 2, Fighting Vipers (looks awesome at 60fps on PS3!), Blockids (awesome example of beautiful graphics at 60fps on PS1, but I'm playing it on PS3, and it's fun!), Dezaemon Kids, Starfighter Sanvein, and WipEout Pulse on Vita (runs mostly at 60fps and looks awesome, especially compared to Wipeout 2048 which is unplayable at 30fps on Vita!). I'll also probably play Jumping Flash 1 and 2 cuz they're awesome.
I don't have much time to play anything because of work, but I am dabbling in Dead Cells as much as I can. It's an absolute masterpiece. I also might try and finish The Messenger, too.
Working on Mutant Year Zero (finished main story - good game), Vampyr and Ori on the PC Xbox Game Pass.
Only $1 for the month... saved me $70 from my Switch wish list.
Switch on the bench till Bloodstained next week.
A plague Tale : Innocence is probably the best surprise I got this year.
It's superb.
Captain Toad and Tetris 99 for me this weekend.
@GingerNinja But u r just playing PS4 games so why would that interest you ?.
Just loaded monster hunter generations ultimate again after not playing for months (played it for some hours when i it came out hut got side tracked due to other releases). Boy is this game addictive... only at low level quests still but i see myself spending a lot of time in this (if i can find some peeps to play with online to increase my rank).
@Anti-Matter But you should go to www.pushsquare.com, that's a site primarily focused on PS4 games, www.nintendolife.com on the other hand is a site focused primarily on Nintendo games, can you see the difference ?.
@PCkid But that's not a Nintendo game is it ?.
@Link41 Your joking right or r u just lonely ?
Ok so who's playing super mario maker 2 this week-end ? And how did you get the game ? 😊
This Weekend:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)
Minion Masters (PC)
Mount & Blade: Warband (PC)
100% Pascal Sensei Perfect Paint Bombers (3DS)
Final Fantasy X-2 Remaster!!! Game is awesome!
D3 or MHGU both need 500+hrs of love!
Street Fighter 30th
Splatoon 2
@BANJO That's exactly what a I've done with Pikmin 3, left it in a cupboard for years. Will have to put it as one of my next games to play. Think I didn't play it too soon because of how long we have to wait for the next Pikmin game to arrive.
By the way I think the CTR review will be here on Monday.
Skyward Sword. The wife is playing a good portion of it, which makes it way more fun.
I still use my Wii U more than any other console, except mayhap the 3DS. Sorely tempted to get Kirby's Extree Epic Yarn.
Have been to a theme park today and had a wonderful time. Game wise it's Yoshi's Crafted World for me, still enjoying the game it puts a smile on my face.
@wazlon Exactly, I kept thinking I need to play it before the next version is announced. That still hasn't happened.... Hopefully it will be soon. I also have Wonderful 101 and Wind Waker HD to play after for the Wii U.... Along with what's coming out for the Switch there is so many great games to play currently....
Mario Kart 8, SF2 and trying not to buckle and pick up collection of mana!
Currently play in tales of vesperia
@Zerocritic I'm playing that one too!!!! I'm 10 hours in, loving it so far!
@BANJO Cool, I haven't got around to playing Wonderful 101 either and that's been sitting there for years too! I also want to play Wind Waker HD a second time and make sure I get all the heart pieces. There's also Xenoblade Chronicles X I have to finish, got 40 hours into it but decided to play something else but need to get back into it. Yeah, so many great games.
@wazlon I'm really looking forward to playing Wind Waker HD, it's years since I played it on the Gamecube. Yes, Wonderful 101 seems to be regarded highly, so I'm hopeful. I wonder if a sequal could be announced soon???
Oh, and enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles X it's a great game.....
You again with same complain about the game i was playing ? 🤨
How about you, what are you playing for this weekend ?
We are here not just only play Nintendo games but also other machine games.
The other users here in Nintendolife also play PlayStation games.
Don't come after me to complain with what i'm playing !
Myself? I have been playing Little Nightmares, which I absolutely adore, and Katana Zero, which I like but do not love. Oh, and a little bit of NBA 2k19. Pretty solid game, even if there is a steep learning curve for newcomers.
I’ll be playing either Phoenix Wright or okami the physical versions I ordered just came today from play Asia so my weekend will be spent playing one of them when I finish work tomorrow
@BANJO Wind Waker HD is great, when you play it I'd recommend you find out how to get the Swift Sail item as soon as you can (something you could easily pass by if you don't know where to get it). The Swift Sail will make travelling through the ocean much quicker.
Don't think we'll hear anything about a sequel to The Wonderful 101 for a while because Platinum games are working on Bayonetta 3 and Astral Chain at the moment but we can hope.
@Sim1 Do you know the only animal that can't jump?
@wazlon I'm trying to remember if i got the swift sail before (mind you it's been 15 years since I played it). Thank you, I will look into getting it when I play.
Regarding a sequal to 101, I think I can wait..... especially as it's taken me all this time to play 101.
I have Beyo 3 on pre-order so am looking forward to that, Astral Chain I will wait for a review first before deciding, but it looks great so far...
@Aneira Yeah, partly because one runs at 60fps in one and two player mode while the other only runs at 60fps if you've got a $400 beast that sucks 300 watts of electricity! The Switch is awesome and MK 8 is beautiful.
@Anti-Matter It is ridiculous for someone to complain about what you're playing. Keep sharing box art, PS4 games, whatever!
@nathatruc it was cruel to include it in the choices!
I take back Starfighter Sanvein! It's okay, but too choppy most of the time. Interesting gameplay though. I switched to Gaia Seed and Shienryu because they're both so awesome!
@Anti-Matter I understand, but that's how they are getting you. Most of that content should just be IN the base game. They are abusing your love of the series hardcore. And knowing EA they are laughing all the way to the bank because people like you keep falling for it.
Replaying Pokémon FireRed and going through Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion.
@Ichiyama You're not alone. Cranking through my Wii U backlog, but keep realizing "there's another great 3DS game I need to buy/play."
This weekend I am trying out both Crash Team Racing and Team Sonic Racing to get a feel for both. And continuing my journey in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu (my first ever Pokemon experience). Also, some Picross S3.
Play what you want to play bro.
I preffer Nintendo but the ps4 exclusives i love them as well
Both of these aren't anything you sink hours into, so they're not all I'm playing. But my two newest games are Zoids Wild on Switch (Japanese import) and Bubsy Paws on Fire on PS4. I don't care what anyone says, I've always liked Bubsy (but I did skip 3D).
Finished off Goetia with the judicious use of online guides. Kind of enjoyed it but the puzzles were just too obtuse. Started on steam world heist which i wasn't sure about initially but really enjoying.
Some mario tennis and tetris 99 - got me a golden ticket so fingers crossed!
Finally, been playing Harry Potter Wizards Unite on mobile. Not much on mobile games and the mechanics seem very mobiley, but in the mood for some potter after rewatching the films with the kids
Pillars of eternity on pc , need to commit to finishing it , it's been sat on my steam library for years.
No gaming so far but going to carry on with super Metroid and Lego Harry Potter later.
Fired up my Wii the other day but it looks so bad on an HD tv that’s it’s basically unplayable - any tips or do I just need a CRT screen?
@BANJO The swift sail wasn't in the GameCube version but they added it to the HD version.
I like the look of Astral Chain too but will wait and see what reviews say, does look really good at the moment though.
@wazlon That makes sence, looking forward to using this then for Wind Waker HD. I will be playing it shortly....
Yes the more I see of Astral Chain, the better it looks....
I'm always behind on these. This has been my first weekend off in a while and I loaded up on Switch stuff. Hollow Knight, Smash Ultimate, and Labo kits 1 and 3 were all new to me. got them all discounted and had a blast with all of em over the weekend.
@Anti-Matter They should call it "What mind games are you playing this weekend ?".
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