Before Super Mario Maker was even a thing, Sony had already released a handful of LittleBigPlanet games across multiple PlayStation systems. If you're not familiar with this established series, it lives by its "play, create, share" motto, encouraging user-generated content to fuel gameplay experiences.
With this in mind, one talented member of the LittleBigPlanet 3 community on PlayStation 4 has found a way to recreate Nintendo's Mario-themed level-maker game. Although the platforming physics are rubbish and the visuals are limited to the Super Mario Bros. NES theme, it's still quite an impressive feat. In saying this, we doubt we'll be seeing Sackboy in Super Mario Maker anytime soon.
Comments 32
I guess this is the "Mario on PlayStation" that's been talked about, huh?
This is retaliation for the lack of cross-play support for Switch.
Makes you wonder what crazy things could happen whenever Dreams comes out for PS4.
I think it’s the music that really sells how janky it is. But still an impressive feat, given how many details were recreated, and probably a testament to how powerful LittleBigPlanet 3’s creation tools are.
As wonky as the final product actually is, you have to admit it’s fairly impressive.
I've always wanted my Mario to run at 15 fps! Looks like 💩💩
Super Mario Maker 2 will overshadow that creation.
Err... What?!
This is insanely impressive! Nice job!
@Anti-Matter im joking. please don't take anything that i'm saying true about this.
Didn't people used to create the levels in LBP1 under the fear of Sony copyright police mods deleting their levels quickly?
User created content like this is often why I can be so disappointed by how limited some professional grade content is. When I say I feel a developer could do so much more, I am thinking of talented people like this, who can do so much with tools that weren't ever intended for that use...
Surely impressive. I never thought the PlayStation community would support LittleBigPlanet enough for them to even /make/ a third one.
Oh yeah, the SMM creation is impressive to.
@MasterGraveheart i'm still wating for LBP4 and Ape Escape 4 (Seriously).
i've haven't found anything interested from Sony's First Party that makes me wanna buy a PS4 for it yet. maybe Knack. but that's about it.
glad i'd got me a PSP to give Ape Escape another chance. i owned Ape Escape 2 on PS4 and loved the game, and i've already play LBP3 on PS4 and tried out LBP on PSP.
This person made a Game Making Game inside a Game Making Game or what? I'm not sure how Little Big Planet works but it seens to allow a lot of freedom to creative user.
Very impressive indeed 👏👏
Having made several games in LBP over the years I have to say it still amases me what people can do. I have seen everything from top down racers to FPS done with the tools you are given. This is hands down one of the most impressive things I have seen created with it!
Wow that's dedicated and awesome!
Eh, reminds me of that NES remake of Super Mario World.
Cool, it's too bad you can't play with it like the real deal.
I really commend the work that went into this, but wow is that painful to watch. I skipped around to the part where the level is played and it is just... the player doesn't even want to get the coins out of the question blocks because it's such a slog. If nothing else, it helps demonstrate why Little Big Planet was so great, but also hard for me to enjoy for more than a few minutes.
But, impressive, nonetheless.
Why you'd want to spend days (or weeks?) creating something, which seems to play absolutely like crap?
Somebody give this guy a job. Dunno who, or what job, but somebody give him one... he’s clearly very clever
My favourite LBP user's creation:
Oh wow, yeah, those jumping mechanics are whack. Though I hear you can finetune it quite precisely, both in terms of air controls, fall acceleration, traction, etc, should you feel like it.
Really looking forward to seeing what people will be making in Dreams, once that "game" makes it out.
It's all what LBP3 was, plus VR support, plus 3D-sculting and painting tools, plus and music composition suite (I'm told) and the list goes on and on.
I have this game for PlayStation 4 this person did enormous amount of work and did a great job! Unreal!!!
Serious question:
Will uploads like this be possible in the EU once the coming new copyright guideline with the article 17 (formerly article 13 in the draft) comes into effect?
Wow, littlebigplanet and no genitals. Impressive!
@Ambermoon The game Dev or online service provider will be liable from what little I understand. So, yes, but they will be strongly incentivized to filter and bar it from going live.
Does anyone even still play the LittleBigPlanet series? The games were trash, especially the controls (which is the most important part of a platformer).
That's pretty cool.
Rather play the real thing, jumping looks like it's a pain LBP has always had bad platforming anyway
Impressive to say the least. Nintendo does it better!
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