Ever since it launched last summer, Octopath Traveler has been exclusive to the Nintendo Switch. It would appear that this is about to change, however, as a new Korean game rating has been spotted which suggests a PC release is on the way (thanks, Gematsu).
The rating refers to a PC version of the game which is to be published by Bandai Namco, which does regularly publish Square Enix games in the region. Assuming the release finds its way to the public soon, this will be the first time the game has appeared on any other system.
Of course, the Octopath Traveler brand has already been confirmed to be branching out to other platforms, with a prequel to the Switch release - called Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent - heading to smartphone devices in Japan this year.
Do you think it's a good idea to port the game to PC, and maybe other consoles in the future? Or are you sad to hear that it might not be exclusive to Switch going forward? Share your thoughts with us below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 117
Once again, Square Enix money grabbing
@Bunkerneath Why wouldn’t they port a wonderful and well received game to as many other options as possible?
More people get to enjoy it, sounds good to me.
i'm all about this! can't wait to play on steam if this is true.
Not bad, once we will get theirs like divinity original sin😁
Anyone who is actually unhappy with this needs some fun in there life.
Great game and more people who get to play it the better.
I'm all for timed exclusives; I'll still support them on Switch, as will countless others. If it means more income in order to produce a sequel then why not?!
The more people that know the brand, the more people that will get excited for that switch exclusive sequel!
I liked having such an amazing game as a Switch exclusive, but on the other hand at least more people get to enjoy it.
Definitely my favourite game of 2018
As long as Epic don't try and make it exclusive to their store.
The more, the merrier.
People will find a reason to complain this not being an exclusive anymore. As if they would gain from it.
The more platforms a game can be played on the better.
No problem with this. I loved the game on Switch as it’s portability allowed for quick short bursts. The Switch already has got any sales it would have gotten from having it as an exclusive so now a chance for more people to enjoy the game in their preferred setting.
On the subject of exclusives, I don’t mind too much of a game is originally developed exclusively with a platform in mind as it allows developers to maximise the platform’s capabilities and strengths rather than try to cover many bases with some consolations.
I don't mind this. What I mind are games NOT being on Switch. If a game is also on another platform, that's fine by me.
@Friendly And why does the sequel needs to be exclusive? More people playing the game somehow make you enjoy it less?
I’d laugh my arse off, if it comes to PS4 with censorship included.
Think the game is best suited for a handheld but nothing wrong with giving people options for those without a Switch.
Cool! As someone already said: The more, the merrier!
I'll happily replay the game on PC lol.
Do you Guys think this game is going to sell well on PC?
I think it’s not going to sell better than the Switch version.
Not really a problem. The Switch already enjoyed the 1+ year of exclusivity and months of marketing.
It's one of my favourite Switch games. I am glad that more people get to enjoy this gem
This is great for gamers. Maybe we'll get a Zelda crossover for the Switch version to persuade gamers away from the PC version.
This can only be good for octopath traveler in the long run.
Yes it was awesome to get the game first on switch, and having it ported to PC and even other consoles can only grow the fan base for this wonderful game.
And if it sells even more copies then square may make a sequel which benefits all.
The more that can play it the better.
Never played it
I don't mind this. Quite contrary - more people play OT, more money devs get, more games they can release. And that's great. I wish, however, that they do not abandon Switch, and, hopefully, games from the series, will have Switch exclusivity period.
Even if we are purely selfish: more sales means a bigger budget for the next game. Octopath was never meant to be a system seller and we had the chance to experience it first hand.
To me this seems ideal. The next game will have a bigger budget, more feedback from PC gamers, SE more invested in that beautiful franchise. And that soundtrack... It needs to be shared with the whole world.
PC ports are fine, it’s not like the format has ever had direct competition with consoles.
Godspeed. While I understand the sentiment of exclusivity from a platform owner's perspective, I find it hard to relate to from my perspective as a customer. In all honesty, Breath of the Wild itself can have a PS4 port for all I care. I don't invest in hardware I can play exclusive games on, I invest in hardware I can actually play games on.
''Atlus is bringing Persona 5 to the switch''
Nintendo fans: ''Such generosity! To hell with exclusivity!''
''Square Enix is bringing Octopath Traveler to PC''
Nintendo fans: ''Greedy ****!!''
Some of them at least...
I would love to see how beautiful this game could be on PC.
I know this may not be popular but I would love to see a 3DS port. I know I never will but I still play my 3DS WAY more than my Switch.
@AlexOlney Maybe now the price drops on Switch as well... One can hope.
As long as future games in the series still come to a nintendo platform I see no problem with this
@Bunkerneath Are you equally enraged that Square have ported previously Playstation exclusive Final Fantasy games to the Switch? I hope you're protesting outside Square's HQ in Tokyo, telling them in no uncertain terms how you're not going to buy FF9 on the Switch.
Good. Everyone should experience its goodness.
No issues here. What's wrong with launching a decent game on another platform?
I don't mind - I actually think exclusivity is mildly anti-consumer but that's just me. I get the business realities behind it but it still sucks. Switch is my prefered platform, but if someone invests $1k-1500 on a decent gaming rig, I don't see why they should have to spend an extra $300 just to play Octopath Traveler. The reverse is also true - even though I have a PS4 I'm insanely glad Monster Hunter came to PC and saved me from buying a PS4 Pro to get that sweet sweet 60 fps.
Good to see, a timed exclusive was good enough for Switch. I'm actually in the middle of it right now and it needs to be available to as many players as possible as this type of jrpg is probably my favorite genre.
This lovely game is my favorite JRPG in ages, and as such I'm happy that more people get to experience it.
Its still great if it atleast stays console exclusive to the switch, pc is a different market and dont get me started on mobile
So branching out to those markets is a great idea.
It will not affect the switch
It's a great game, but I just don't get 3rd party exclusivity at all. If they're making a game tuned for given hardware in such a way that they really need that hardware for it to shine, it makes sense. But why go exclusive at all if you really want to reach a large audience?
All that said, this is a game that I feel really shines on Switch....I'm not so sure I'd have enjoyed it much on any other platform. The handheld nature of picking it up and putting it down really worked for the nature of the game.
Part of me thinks that the "inevitable PC" port has nothing at all to do with the Western market and is generally all about reaching China, Korea, Russia, India where PC is all that anyone touches.
Maybe they will finally fix the broken mess of a battle system. I'm sorry, I loved the stories, the music and the art style. But that battle system was garbage. The leveling was way off an so was the difficulty scaling. You could be in a simple fight with good gear at a higher level and still get floored by a low-level mob hitting twice as hard as they should be able to.
@Bunkerneath I didn't see Nintendo fans ******** when they started getting previous exclusives. Everyone looks super excited to get Cuphead and other Xbox exclusives
(You used some not so lovely language - Matthew010)
Glad more people get to play this game, the only games that should be exclusive in my opinion are first party. Though I didn't see any Nintendo fan besides bunker complain about this.
Really? I thought the game was too easy tbh
The PC master race always wins
Watch it be an Epic Games Store exclusive like everything else appears to be these days.
@Spudtendo Only if at some point you over level like crazy. It's even a common issue on forums people saying there are issues with random difficulty spikes. I stopped playing because of that. Tried to pick it up again yesterday. I have 4 characters on chapter 4 and chapter 5 is now way too difficulty like, walk into a regular battle and get wiped difficult.
Yesterday i was in a low-level area where i was 20+ above the level of the enemy and he was still hitting me harder than I could hit him with good gear. I also tried the bewildering grace XP trick and all i get is negative effects just a few XP ones which hasn't been worth the effort. Now I'm forced to try an do the other low level stories in hopes of some cheap XP.
@Reignmaker No..it really doesn't.
Good news for PC owners. Switch as others have said has had a year of exclusivity so it's no problem.....
Very cool news, and nice to see the comments are mostly positive about it. I expected a lot of anger from Switch owners lol
@Ralizah Epic does what even Sony never tried....
@earthinheritor Can you play Breath of the Wild at 60 fps in 4K on a Nintendo device? Nope, but you can on PC.
@NEStalgia It's like they moneyhat literally every notable PC release these days. Also, SE is bad about taking money for temporary exclusivity (that EXACT thing happened with Rise of the Tomb Raider), so, even if it does come to PC, expect at least one year Epic Games Store exclusivity.
@Reignmaker Yeah..because that's all there is right. Hows Red Dead, Spiderman, Kingdom Hearts 3 and the countless other console games not on PC?
Also I will guarantee you that the PC that can run that isn't the same price as a Switch. When was the last time you used your gaming PC on a bus or while flying? Sure you can get a gaming laptop but thats really bloody uncomfortable to use on a plane and damn near impossible on a bus.
PC players aren't the master race, its just another way of playing a game thats it. That whole master race **** needs to go away
(That wasn't very lovely language - Matthew010)
@Appleflap It's got a chance. Larger audience.
This is really a Good Thing for this game. more people will want to play the game. and more sales could give us a sequel.
well this just removes a reason to own a switch and that's not cool
@Ralizah Ugh. I never imagined it would be Epic that would turn PC into a console......
I also like how someone keeps downvoting your posts about this....I feel like, Tim Sweeney is quiety lurking this forum....
@earthinheritor you mean all those recent releases? Lol, maybe not now but they will be. And yeah, it does cost more, just like your courtside seats at a sporting event. I guess you can hang onto portability, you got me there. If you do most of your gaming on a bus, you've got a compelling argument, but most of us don't.
I love my Switch, but PC wins.
Sure, if games coming a year later is what you consider "winning". Can't wait for PC elitists to claim victory when they get Red Dead Redemption 2 in 2022. I game on PC and Switch, but until it gets the same release dates as consoles get with a lot of AAA games, I wouldn't go so far as to claim it's the best platform. Certainly my platform of choice for non indie/Nintendo games, but not the best.
It just goes to show that great JRPGs should be shared among all consoles eventually now COME ON PERSONA 5 SWITCH OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!
I would prefer to stay exclusive like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because you knew from the start that you will have to buy Switch to play it. Now that it will be ported to PC, a user doesn't need to buy a Switch. That's why exclusive titles are good. If they would announced it from the start, it would not be bad because you knew what to expect. At least we have some errr old ... Final Fantasy games..
@Reignmaker PC doesn't win, neither does console gaming. Both have good points and bad points. PC's are high cost and high maintenance that require upgrades etc. But they delivery on graphics and frame rate. Consoles have lower graphics fidelity and a lower frame rate but they are fool proof. No upgrades, low cost, put the disc in install the game and it works. 100% hassle free which no one can say about PC games and if you claim they are you are lying. As someone that built his own rigs for years i know first hand that PC gaming is far from hassle free.
For myself i love being able to play what i want without worrying it wont work or worrying about upgrading in a few years. I have a launch PS4 and still works as good as day one. You could not say the same thing about a 5 year old PC.
Both have their intended uses and both do it well. Still shouting about PC master race is a stupid and childish endeavor.
@NEStalgia Oh, I expect a ton of downvotes. Look at post #10.
You thought the Console Wars were petty? We're entering the age of Launcher Wars, baby!
@Patron Because it would upset the whiny ninty fanboys
@Ralizah sigh, console wars are stupid enough, but at least they're different products. Launcher wars....people are actually going to argue over which digital storefront they want to be DRM locked to on the same piece of hardware?!
I just want a private island, a sufficient supply of food and electricity, and an unlimited supply of nuclear ICBMs.
@earthinheritor who's shouting? And haven't you heard that the best things in life are the things you have to work for? It's fine, man. We don't have to agree with each other.
@NEStalgia I mean, there are legitimate reasons to want games on some launchers instead of others. Steam, for example, offers robust support for many different types of controllers, making the DS4 viable for me. It also allows me to play with gyro. That's the way you should compete on PC: with exclusive features, or by cultivating a particular sort of library that isn't well-represented by the competition. Not by throwing around money willy-nilly so that people can only play new games on your inferior product because you have a massive inferiority complex when it comes to Steam.
I do not think so it is Octopath Traveller...Knowing Square, they will release that mobile spin-off on PC
They better make them pay full price. If I have to pay full price for games that came out 5 years ago every has to. It's only fair other than that I don't care. Enjoy...I haven't beat it yet.
Get used to it.
Not only exclusive games are disappearing more and more, this is the generation where PC Gaming took everything.
PC Gaming got so many JRPGs people could only dream of a PC version, many PS4 exclusives, all of the XONE exclusives, almost all of the fighting game franchises, many classic games from the previous generations that PC never had back then, even the Quantic Dream movies now.
@Spudtendo There's an enormous list of games that were missing a PC Version, but came to PC anyway.
Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Kingdom Hearts III are exceptions.
I’m surprised they didn’t delay the Switch version to bring it to the PS4 at the same time for 10$ cheaper.
My point was that this is a subjective argument, someone could just as easily argue that PlayStation is better because they have Bloodborne and God of War. I prefer PC to PS4/Xbox, but console wars are stupid.
@Ralizah I still don't get why Epic is so petty. It's not like they're some weird conglomerate tech firm. They're the company of Jazz Jack Rabbit and the initial management structure still in charge. They dominate game engines, having stolen the crown from id while id was fluffing around with Doom 3 and messed everything up. I don't know why they feel it necessary to try to dominate Valve with exclusives. I'm not a fan of Gabe (at all), but I'm starting to like Tim less and less with time. He changed somewhere along the line (where Gabe was always kind of a jerk.)
I still don't get the idea of launchers offering controller support, etc.....in my head that's something the games offer, or the platform (Windows) offers...why on earth is a game launcher involved in controller input at all?! Then again, when I last bothered with PC, Steam was a store and a DRM scheme, not a "launcher". Games were still individual items, executed individually. So my dislike for Steam isn't THAT much less than for Epic's 3 headed baby.
Doesn't surprise me one bit. The only games Nintendo can keep exclusive are there own games (Zelda, smash, Mario, etc), sadly.
Third-party exclusives are dying. Unless it's in writing, prepare yourself for a third-party to port to other platforms eventually.
What @Heavyarms55 said is important, and I would add, a game made first for Switch is just as important. It seems Business Division 11 is still making its games for Switch first, and not only will the Switch get first serve, but the game also will be built from the ground up for Switch.
Exclusivity is dead, nothing is exclusive anymore. This is why the 16-Bit era is the best era of gaming cause you got more exclusives to discover rather than hoping to get the same crap from other platforms on your platform.
@retro_player_22 Nope, the end of exclusive games is another reason to take off the nostalgia googles and enjoy the advantages of playing videogames nowadays over playing videogames in the past.
Even if you hate modern games and prefer classics, the current videogame industry got much better in preserving the past, many classic games are playable in modern consoles and with improvements, meanwhile, gaming around the SNES and N64 era was pretty bad in preserving games from the Atari and NES era.
Great for people with a GPD WIN2.
Exclusives are nonsense. Just release games as multi platform. Less of a financial barrier for people to play the games they want.
Also, PC has nothing to do with the strange misguided loyalty of hyping games based on what Console they play on. Software is software.
I rather the Switch get more same day 3rd party Multiplats than 1 random "exclusive". Or more Cross Save with PC games like CIV6.
I'm all for branching out. As long as the switch doesn't miss out on future installments (I'm looking at you, monster hunter) because they start preferring other consoles to the switch.
This is pretty normal, 3rd party Nintendo system exclusives usually lose their exclusivity to PC not that long after.
@retro_player_22 Technically exclusives were never really a great thing. Before the NES "exclusives" were never business arrangements unless they were games produced by the hardware vendor itself, like Atari-made games for Atari systems. They were simply limitations due to the fact that a game designed for one piece of hardware couldn't really run on another piece of hardware because they each had different performance characteristics. (Flashing forward a little it's like running Sonic on an SNES....SNES hardware couldn't draw as fast as the Genesis, it wasn't possible, but similarly sprite heavy, memory hog games like Chrono Trigger never could have run on a Genesis.)
It was Nintendo that originally started enforcing third party exclusivity as part of Yamauchi's empire building in the NES era. By the 16 bit era few games WERE interchangeable between the two due to very different hardware designs, and the fact that a lot of games on Sega were arcade games Sega itself owned rights to. We grew up thinking exclusivity was normal, but it was really never about exclusivity arrangements, but rather manufacturer incentives to buy their platform to play their own games, plus technical limitations preventing many games from appearing on other platforms than the one it was designed for. Plus Nintendo implementing the idea of "if you're on Nintendo, you're exclusively on Nintendo" in the 8 bit monopoly era.
Then we get to 32 bit systems where Sony did what Sony does and copied Nintendo's model wholesale, and luring them into offering the details on a silver platter. Then they applied their movie and music industry publisher model to gaming and we ended up with the mess of exclusivity from THIRD parties, even without hardware necessity. Nintendo helped that process along by having a very incompatible platform with N64.
Basically lamenting third party exclusives ending is lamenting the correction of a PROBLEM that's existed with the games retail industry for 30+ years. (started by Nintendo, furthered by the nature of the tech, and cemented by Sony merging gaming with the music and movie business they ruthlessly dominate.)
Exclusives should be first party endeavors to incentivise their platform. "Walled garden" games designed (or purchased by contract from another firm) by the manufacturer to make their ecosystem desirable. Including crossovers. It was never really meant to be (nor was it a good thing) that third parties make games for one piece of hardware only. We've been clinging to a model forced by widely incompatible tech 30 years ago. Every game on every platform makes sense where it makes sense, just as it should have 30 years ago. Then the hardware itself can differentiate what platform you buy, not the weird mix of exclusive games. Switch is the single most versatile platform so it's a no-brainer....but other platforms offer better looking graphics, networking, etc which is an advantage, etc.
Personally I think the real future in that is cross-buy or at least cross-saves. So I can buy an X1 and Switch version (or buy once from, say, Square-Enix), and play my game on Switch, or on X1 or wherever I want based on hardware features I want. They want to push streaming, and that concept will become a popular concept from the push. Civilization just announced that Switch and PC will have cross-saves now, which, though I don't play Civ on PC is pretty much the single most awesome thing ever for a Civ player....play on the powerful big rig with a mouse and keyboard, then jump on the go with Switch, and keep playing your save. Perfect. That's the hopeful future for all games.
Well at least we got the game first
More people to enjoy. And people that made this game can earn more money to pay their bills. So, everyone is happy.
Don't particularly care about exclusivity after it's been out a while. Actually I don't care about exclusivity for third party titles in general
@superguy123 if it released on PS4 and Xbox one it wouldn't effect switch. Pretty sure the people who wanted to play Octopath Traveler have done so and bought a switch if they really wanted to play it. Releasing it year later on other machines isn't gonna slow down switch sales. People moaning about a game they have access to being released on other machines is just silly.
It's like an Xbox one owner moaning that cuphead is now available on switch. Sounds ridiculous
Obviously ending the Switch exclusivity is no big deal and obviously it's fine that developers want to reach a wider audience and make more money, but I'm a pessimist when it comes to Square Enix's ability to manage their IP. They have creative people making great games and a business model that stifles and ruins them.
The fact that they are releasing it on other platforms and mobile is a sign to me that the quality will decline.
The first sequel will probably be good and I'll probably get it. The second sequel will be trash, but you'll be able to play it on a smart fridge. It won't come out on Switch but the port 2 generations later (from the Apple Watch version) will have Link skins.
Sorry babes, I can’t be having that.
I don't really care
If it means that more people will play it and more chances to get a sequel, that's good
One of the most overrated games on Switch. Square Enix is a laughing stock and this game utterly fails at capturing the magic of Squaresoft's glory days.
Switch users made this game big. I can guarantee you it wouldn't have been half as successful had it come out exclusively on PS4 or Xbox One.
TBH i'm not very fond of it, and i'm truly disagree with one of the comments who pointed out that time-exclusivity is good or better then proper Exclusivity.
Exclusive Games are important, because this are Systemsellers and part of the Identity of an Plattform. Imagine every Nintendo Exclusive like Zelda, Mario or Animal Crossing would be also on PC and other Consoled, do you think any Nintendo Console would sell that well? I mean sure, i know the statistics as well that a huge portion of Folks also buy Third-Parties, but i'd argue they initially bought it for an exclusive as well. Like anyone would buy an Switch for an Fifa? But Folks who bought a switch for the Exclusive Title they were already interested in, surely will pick up also Thirds to make their library bigger.
/Edit2: Though i guess if Persona 5 is a real thing for Switch, it would be an great trade-off... well...
I mean sure, octopath isn't as big as Mario or Zelda, however i'd argue it still hurts and switch lose part of the idenity it has. Someone said: Well i'd rather not buy a Switch for one Game. But now you have zero reason, so what happens if another game gets released on Switch you want to play? Than you again would stick to one game ... otherwise you would have than 2 games already, and that might add up in the feature.
But what about Time-Exclusivity, why is it such an Dealbreaker to me? Because it diverse our gamingcommunity in different classes, and people who doesn't have (like in this example) an Nintendo Switch, will get handled as second class peasant, because for whatever reason(time-exclusivity often tends to be an deal / payed thing) they thing one portion of community should allowed to play a certain game earlier, maybe spoil the fun for others..
So no i'd rather have proper "real" exclusives than "time-exclusives". If a Game follow the mindset of being delievered on each plattform than pls do it from the beginning and don't force others to wait.
P.S.: I also find this "Final Fantasy" Argument wonky, because you compare an Game from PSX era(which some of this weren't exclusive from the beginning like FF7) with current gen games? Wow.. and even than i've to say, i wasn't a huge fan of Spyro and Crash Bandicoot on Xbox and Nintendo and should've stayed on PS IMHO.
That beeing said, i still wish all folks who play it on another plattform fun, it's an great game.
Though i have also to point out, that i want to differ between time-exclusivity and delayed port. If someone say he want to focus (as example) on pc first and deliver an proper and smooth experience, and port it later on, that's okay and show's the priorities. That's not time-exclusivity per se, because the basic idea behind wasn't to push an certan Plattform(and get payed for that)...
Now the Question is, was OT ever meant as "exclusive"... or was it an "time-exclusive" or is it more they focused on Switch first, but did have an possible port in mind since beginning. Still my Point stands, that with that Switch will lose an great exclusive Game...
@Appleflap Youd be surprised. Jrpgs have been blowing up on PC the past few years. Same as fighting games. As for it doing better than Switch? Maybe not, but Id be surprised if it wasnt somewhat close.
@PhilKenSebben Well i agree on your Point about PC Ports makes sense nowdays, because they sell pretty well, though i would disagree on the poin of beeing somewhat close. Maybe for the more mainstream / popular Games, but the majority of JRPG's i would argue sells on Console. Longterm it could be interesting because unlike Console there isn't much of Backwartscompatibility on PC due PC in general is pretty open about that, and Games which aren't compatible gets often fixed by the community, so PC can close the gap in the longterm...
Though if we talk about Visual Novel, i'd bet that Console doesn't stand an chance.
Square ports to PC: "Hey more people the merrier, etc etc."
Nintendo ports Wii U game: "Nintendo is greedy little gremlins."
@DarkLloyd there are plenty other reasons to own a Switch. If someone is buying a Switch JUST FOR Octopath, then...well, that's dumb.
And yes, I'm glad it's coming to PC. Not even sure why this is controversial? At least it's not XB/PS!
@Bunkerneath Because game developer companies are not charitable instituions?
@Bunkerneath “Money grabbing” is what commercial businesses have to do to exist, my friend. There’s no sense in not porting this to other platforms. It stands to be well received and the profit made from going multiplatform can only mean good things for the future of the series.
@earthinheritor I’m not a pro at tbs but if you used the given tactics, fights were pretty easy. I didn’t have to grind almost the whole game. I started with the teacher guy. And went clockwise in the map. Maybe it would have been much more difficult if I would have started with the beast summoner. I didn’t notice any scaling of enemies.
Haven't seen a more overrated title for some time, only fair other consoles get a chance to say, "Super pretty but super lacking"
@Bunkerneath How does this make them "money grubbing"? How does the game being sold on other platforms affect you whatsoever for? It doesn't. And why is it so wrong for a business to make more money by selling an amazing game people actually voluntarily want to buy and play? How does getting Octopath Traveler into the hands of more people suddenly become a bad thing? More money for Octopath means a better budget and a guarentee that we'll see Octopath Traveler 2
I can't believe there's so many complete socialist idiots online these days who don't think or reason about any of their beliefs. What you want is worse for you, me and the industry as a whole and I'm super glad that one of the few good games Square put out is successful - it means I get to enjoy more games like that and I won't only have the crap Final Fantasies they put out in modern years to look forward to.
The more people that play it the better. I don’t want a sequel so much as a continuation of the franchise ala FF and a wider market may help that come to pass.
Square Enix never misses an opportunity to make a little extra money. The Switch release already made some good money.
This isn't news. They have already said before release it would go to other platforms. They just said it wouldn't be soon.
Great news! I view this like the Cuphead news. I got Cuphead for my Xbox One and PC but I am also happy to hear Switch users are able to play this great game. The more the merrier!
I don't see why they wouldn't bring it to other platforms. It's a good game and as long as there isn't a contract or something stopping them... then why not?
Interesting situation as we already know PC is king in Korea over any other platform and Bamco is the publisher, this might end up coming to the west but I don't see it releasing on the other two consoles. Could this mean the upcoming sequel will be multiplatform, at least I see it getting a Switch/PC release
Most 3rd party 'exclusives' are timed anyway. The window of exclusivity a) served its purpose and hyped the system and helped it fill a niche (jrpgs) early on and 2) still seems to include other consoles. A PC release has no impact on the Switch's image or sales of the game, let alone a Korean release. The only reason I can see this being up in article form is that it was a really slow news day.
I'm really enjoying the demo of this and just going through with a 3rd character. I just can't bring myself to spend £40 on it when I can bag Botw for the same price. For that reason I'll grab it on Steam when it's on sale at some point and spend my money on Zelda instead, which Im really looking forward to.
That is the good side.
The ugly side is, lots of people get a game in a system ONLY because it is marketed as exclusive. And afterwards they feel cheated.
For example, one person might really prefer playing games on his gaming PC for whatever reason (personal convenience, time frame, collection, his unique sound/video setup etc) but end up paying for and getting Octopath on Switch because it is exclusive.
Another real-life example are people who even saved up money for the Switch itself ONLY to be able to play Octopath because of love for this type of game. This is a real example, my friend is about to get married this year and is saving up money for that, but worked extra hours to get the Switch + Octopath, and that is all he ever uses the Switch for as he prefers his other gaming system and does not have much free time anyway. So he can be quite pissed off at having been tricked into it.
Another example would be people who bought the game thinking of future (future) reselling value going up as an a highly-rated exclusive game.
There can be even more cases.
Bottom line is, it is always best practice to be clear and honest upfront.
EDIT: I remember I felt the same disappointment on Zombi-U. At the time I prefered zombie/action games on my other systems, and only got Zombie-U because it was exclusive to the Wii U. After it was released on other systems I was pretty mad at having spent my money upfront..
This makes sense. So why not?
@gamekill if you buy a game with the intent of selling it again, jokes on you. And Zombi U is another thing, since it was ported because the Wii U Version didn't sell. Ubisoft needed to get some of their money back.
Well selling is not the intention really. It is more of a reassurance.
It is a bit of a letdown in the end, if something you thought would increase in value actually decreases. Not only pure reselling value. Even that "special" emotional value. For example the original NES Zelda golden cartridge. Even if it does not sell for lots of money nowadays, it remained something unique.
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