The side-scrolling action RPG Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night emerges from the shadows this summer.
Following private hands-on demos at PAX East and EGX Rezzed, the team behind the game has now shared some fresh screenshots of a new area in the game. This new section is known as 'The Tower of the Twin Dragons' and includes more enemies, weapons, costume accessories, updated graphics and improved lighting. See for yourself below:
Ritual of the Night is set in a gothic-horror version of 18th century England, where a paranormal force has summoned a demon-infested castle, revealing crystal shards infused with magical power. You take control of an orphan named Miriam scarred by an alchemist's curse. To save humanity and herself, Miriam must fight through the castle and defeat the summoner, while collecting crafting and unlocking an array of weapons, equipment and loot.
Are you looking forward to this upcoming eShop release? Tell us down below.
Comments 24
I'd like to get a physical copy. Looks very nice.
Have they fixed how the game apparently feels off?
@TechaNinja No, they haven't (as per the latests gameplay videos).
I know that the slow movement is standard Castlevania stuff... but I still don't like it and in this game it feels specially odd. I just don't like the way she moves.
Ye Olde Machine Towere
I really want to like this game, however the more I see the more I worry....
If you kickstart like this there’s just more hype to have to survive. I don’t think the game will meet that high expectation
@FarkyValentine You can.
Gee, everytime I see this game, I am being remembered of the visual "leap" it took and certainly not for the better. I'd say it looks cheap, but in fact, it's hitting that spot of looking cheap, generic and somewhat-unfinished, that really makes it feel iffy as a whole. Very unfortunate.
While I'm not a fan of 8-bit visual aesthetics either, at this point, I would definitely prefer an Curse-of-the-Moon'esque approach here. This ... this is just cannot stomach, maybe if the game plays and sounds otherwordly good, but just maybe ...
@TechaNinja I played about an hour of it last weekend and I enjoyed the gameplay (responsive without stupid fall back damage and with dodge manouver) and visually looks good too apart from the cutscenes (those are bad and the voice acting is terrible)
@Balta666 After the terrible dialogue and voice acting in SOTN you kind of have to wonder... is it intentional at this point? Hope the base game is solid given the amount of time and money put behind this project.
I don't know, but I haven't seen anything yet to put it inline with Castlevanias best. Looks sadly more another quick move to jump on the nostalgia train.
The area featured above is not new; it has appeared in previous trailers like the one at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziyxCRvqeIg, about 43 seconds in.
@TechaNinja I played the earliest demo of the game and found it played great, so I am not sure what any complaints are about.
@KingdomHeartsFan I hated that level, I have like 45 minutes of fails recorded when I played through that game lol.
....but are the screenshots from the Switch version...? Kidding!
Honestly, I’ve had this backed since the beginning and it’s been a long, windy, and.... long road so I’m in for the long haul. That being said I’m really not reading too much into all the negativity (with the movement and models and this and that) around the game. I’ve played the beta way back when and although I know what everyone is referring to with the fluidity and stuff, it feels like a Castlevania game and I know I’m going to love it. There seems to be some very good improvements (like someone said, a dodge move, and I’m pretty sure you can run, right? I’ve seen videos with running I think?) over the “previous” games.
I for one am beyond excited to (finally) play this when it comes out!
I kickstarted this an d just hope it turns out good, doesn't have to be perfect.
I'm really hoping this game delivers, or else how many more decades will we have to wait to get another Igavania?
That said, I also feel the graphics are a bit off. Can't put my finger on it, but maybe it looks like generic Unreal Engine assets. Nothing game breaker but I really liked Order of Ecclesia sprites better.
@KingdomHeartsFan It was never easy haha. I think we just had more time in our youths to focus on getting past the difficult sections.
@Wavey84 That slow movement pace was deliberate in order to make the player feel more vulnerable in the horror-tinged setting. It’s alot like Resident Evil’s early design in that it’s meant to give a slowly building tension to the bosses.
I love how weirdly the original Castlevanina games control because it truly has its own identity. Yea there is some cheap difficulty spikes (Death battle), but mastering the sludgy Belmont walk, jumping over Medusa heads and nailing Fleamen with a powerful whip slash feels very rewarding. Also the soundtracks work so well in those games to add to the pace of play.
And, btw, Super Castlevania IV isn’t fast either.
@Bobb I heard it’s like the foreground characters and background assets feel disparate
@Jokerwolf Good to hear
@Antraxx777 Ya, and as far as I can tell she controls pretty much identical to the SOTN style.
I think I would rather have the tried and true pixelated art style. Not too fond of the 3D models on display here. Cool background and monster designs though; those look lovely.
This game has a confirmed physical release its not just on eshop.
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