One of the larger segments of this week's Nintendo Direct was given to Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which is now planned to arrive on the system this summer following a minor delay. The Direct promised that a limited edition would make its way to retail but didn't show it off, so here's a look at how the bundle will likely appear when it arrives.
The European version will come with a physical copy of the game (that box won't be final design, don't worry), a steelbook, a fancy outer casing, an artbook, a pin badge set featuring the three houses, and some songs from the game's soundtrack on a USB stick. We're not sure why they've opted for a USB over a nice little CD, but there you are.
In North America, you can expect a similar bundle, albeit with a CD rather than a USB stick. The pin badges have also been replaced with a calendar.

This bundle will hit stores on the same day that the game launches, 26th July. The Direct segment revealed information about the game's three house setup, showing off some lovely portions of gameplay along the way.
Will you be snapping up the limited edition bundle? Let us know if you're looking forward to this one in the comments.
Comments 74
I'll try and get one. Canada is a weird place when it comes to special editions, our stores don't have pre orders up that far in advance
Looks pretty cool, my brother will be all over this!
For the first time I put HOPES in my wallet and backlogs - to prevent me from just saying "screw it" and getting this to play ahead of the whole franchise. XD
I don't particularly like special editions. Its a bunch of plastic tat that takes up space. However... the marketing always makes me compelled to buy them. And yet, I can never get the ones I want (damn you Samus Returns European edition!)
Although, why would anyone actually use this calendar? It looks small and dark.
The first round of pre-orders sold out with in 30 minutes at all major retailers. This is gonna be one of those hot items so if you can get it, you'll be happy.
Personally....I like parts of both versions. The European version looks better overall but I don't like the outside box. Looks kinda lazy to me. However, North American only gets the steel book like Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I dunno but I didn't like that.
I would like to talk to the person in NA who made the decision on what is included in this set. Why would they choose a CD over a USB drive???? Also, a calendar over a pin set?????
Congrats Nintendo of America! You managed to make this set feel like it's 2005! If I were going to buy one of these, I would import the UK version for sure.
Meh this doesn't do anything for me. It would be neat if they had a little statue or something.
Nothing interesting in it. Just more clutter that I don't need taking up space in my room. Standard edition it is.
Soundtrack makes it worth it, I've always loved the art style as well. Gimme 3 pls
I buy games, not interested limited edition bundle that are just cash cows for Nintendo.
But Im not sure I want the game now.
Until yesterday Fire Emblem was a must have game and Dragon Quest was a maybe game. After seeing the trailers I now will get Dragon Quest. Fire Emblem graphics are not impressive and it seems to much story driven.
Not big on Fire Emblem myself, but that is one sleek design. A bit light on content, but I’m sure the price will equate. If they release a Pro Controller for this game, that might change my mind.
I really wish NOA would stop with these Limited Editions that only have a Steelbook and no regular game case. I'd maybe import the European one, but it has one of those godawful music USB sticks like Xenoblade Chronicles X. I guess I'm going standard on this, unless Japan's LE looks good.
@ieatdragonz it's a desk calendar, not a wall one, so it's a decent size. That being said, no I wouldn't because this game comes out in June. I guess it's a June 2019 - May 2020 calendar, but I don't need a new calendar halfway through the year :/
Pin badges are nice though. I hope they're enamel and not printed metal.
I'm not sure if I'll pre-order this time, as the last collectior's edition for Echoes didn't sell well, so it dropped massively in price - about £30 within a month if I recall correctly. It will be just my luck this one will sell out and I'll be left with the standard version =0p
A CD!? Hahaha - who still owns a CD player!??!?
@Ogbert I didn't even consoder that. If it started in July, that would basically be a school calendar.
Not sure why I'm complaining about usability though. Out of the three special editions Ive bought for the Switch (Zelda, Xenoblade2, & Fire Emblem Warriors), the only thing Ive used is the shiekah slate case.
What I really need is a Fire Emblem stress ball. These games make me so anxious 😓
It's pretty, but the Steelbook is the only really good item here, IMO. Artbooks collect dust for me. And I'm sick and tired of "sound selection CDs". Include the whole thing, or include none of it. I don't want a 5 track demo of the actual soundtrack as "free content." They used to call these promo records. If you love the soundtrack you end up having to import it from Japan anyway.
@getyourak Everyone in Japan where they still don't really do digital? Or, like, everyone that owns an XBox, Playstation, BluRay player....or audiophiles and music fans for whom 320kbps MP3/256kbps AAC just isn't going to cut it and $6 for a used CD to rip is a lot cheaper than $15 for a new CD to rip, and higher quality than a $10 download from Amazon/iTunes? Roon's entire customer base? So....most people?
Preordered on Gamestop, alongisde the Ken/Young Link/Daisy amiibo bundle set for April.
@getyourak I have a Blu-Ray/DVD/CD/CD-Rom player accessory for my macbook exactly for this purpose.
I put in a preorder just in case I somehow decided OMG I NEED THIS, in the future, cuz I expected it to sell out. Don't see why I need it. I do have a CD player in my car, but I'd rather they imprint a download code onto an object...a tiny sword blade or something.
@getyourak Well, anyone with a PS4 or Xbox One, which is nearly 160 million people to start with. Most people with cars too...
That said, I prefer the USB thing. You can still burn it onto a CD but if you get the CD, you won't have that particular FE USB.
Why can’t they just keep them the same!?!?
Prefer the North American one due to the CDz hopefully Japan will release a complete soundtrack at some point.
@dkxcalibur I’ll trade you. The USB will likely be of useless size and maybe even the songs will be non-removable or even need the stick to play like in the XCX LE. Pin badges also of little use. Would rather have the CD and Calender.
Up at Gamestop right now (despise ordering from, no discount and $10 shipping but, better than not getting one locked in)
@FX102A Honestly the CD would be cool if I had a player besides my PS4 to play it on. I don't have access to a PC with a CD drive and my car doesn't have a CD player either. However, all of my PCs, tablets, and car has a USB drive.
I think I'm done with special editions for a while, I just can't justify the price anymore. Cool for those who want them though.
Hope to buy this! Fingers crossed!
I'll just get the normal edition. Fates was one thing, seeing as how it came with all three routes on one cartridge, but this is just a bunch of (admittedly pretty) stuff that I'll forget about in a week. I learned my lesson from the Xenoblade X Special Edition.
I want this really badly, but the scalpers will probably get to it first...
Personally I prefer USB myself.. not had a CD player outside of my gaming PC for years.
If I do end up getting the pin set then I'll 100% have to choose the red house. Team Valor would never forgive me!
Pretty, but I would rather actually try the franchise outside of a mobile game first.
Sold out on Amazon in the US while I was at Jury Duty 🙄
I have The ZBOTW, Xeno2, Valky4 LE for Switch. Would really like this one. But would also mean loosing my PRIME savings I locked in before it expired. Oh well.
I always go to Spotify to find the music. My work laptop and Gaming PC do not have CD Drives. They Should all just transfer over to a USB.
@JaxonH inb4 they cancel due to an "overselling"
This is the generation I stop buying Fire Emblem special editions. Having all of Fates on one game card was nice but the rest of it just sits there. Never even opened the Alm and Celica amiibo.
I pre ordered mine as well cant wait
im skipping out on this edition and getting the regular game. one reason why is because these kinda editions will get sold out and some people will just put it up for higher prices on ebay.
@getyourak People who care about the quality of sound.
@NightBeast So CDs are the only medium to find lossless uncompressed audio files!? I had no idea - thanks!
I'll stick to the digital version, but looks alright for anyone wanting a bit more out of their physical releases. Gotta say though, all those additions look rather filmsy on their own and nothing here screams "must have" imho - as it is most times with these CEs.
Why would they replaced decent pins with a calendar...?
I want it, can’t wait for this game.
@dkxcalibur I prefer the CD then a USB stick tbh. But I suppose the pin set is better than the calendar
@getyourak Laptops can still play CDs
Plus their are people who actually does have CD players, and even CD players in their Car/Van/Truck.
And what those other people said to you.
Plenty of people have CD players, it's ridiculous to act like this is some kind of antiquated technology. I'd rather have a CD than a USB stick any day.
That steelbook is gorgeous. I wish I could buy the game with the steelbook only. Of course that won't happen because it would cannibalize the SE sales.
Still on the fence about this whole package, though. I'm just not sure I need it, and that calendar is doing nothing to convince me.
@TossedLlama Got to love those people who flock online to pre-order eh? Sadly more and more people do that.
But then again, Gamestop should set a number for online pre-orders and a number for in game store pre-orders that people can get. (of course probably a bigger number for online).
(Edit: "In game store pre-orders", ...... okay I hope you know what I meant XD).
@getyourak I agree with you! I would need to play this on a PS4 with no way of transferring. I love music but I wouldn't call myself an "audiophile" because I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a song played off of a CD or a digital song. I'm also not going to go out and buy a external drive to use with my PC. My vehicle does not have a CD player either......but all of my gaming devices, PCs, tablets, and vehicles have USB drives.
I know you can't make everyone happy though! If it were the other way I'm sure you would have people saying they don't have access to a USB drive! ….but I personally doubt this.
@IceEarthGuard The pins are cool! I would probably get use out of the calendar too, but it would be garbage at the end of next year.
Can't see this for pre-order anywhere in the UK at the moment.
@IceEarthGuard Whatever. Ya'll can enjoy your PC laptops, old cars with CD players and DiscMan with the ESP skip protection draining your double aa batteries. 😛
I'll grab it, as I always do with franchises I love. I hope they change the final design of the limited edition drastically though, as the current one is appalling. Really happy we're getting a USB stick instead of a CD though, bloody hell I hate CDs. I've not had anything that could play them for a decade now. They're so redundant.
@getyourak not the only one but the better one. Who needs a file when you can hold the music in your hands?)
@dkxcalibur To a collector it won't be garbage for sure.
I'll be getting the Europe version but don't like that they picked USB stick over CD. In an era where Nintendo generally just puts the soundtrack on digital services like iTunes, a USB stick is pointless meanwhile at least CDs are physical media.
Was holding off preordering the standard edition for a limited edition, however, this was not as good as I was expecting. Fates had lots more content for less in its limited edition. In Australia this one is double the cost of the standard game. Would like it, but the price for the extras alone is not worth it.
But the Xenoblade Special Edition box is soooo gorgeous. I have it displayed, and alongside the steelcase, it really ties the room together 😉
Nintendo should named this game '3 Kingdoms'. 3 houses sound so stupid, it's like the 3 houses built by the 3 piggies.
I am getting the game day one but this isn’t a compelling SE for me. I will get the soundtrack somewhere anyway.
@RainbowGazelle that's great to know, about your brother and all. My mom's grandpa's younger brother's aunt might get it as well.
Real tempting but I just can't be as confident that I am gonna like it that much like I was with Xenoblade 2. It's a Fire Emblem and it does look good, but I only buy special editions for games I am really really confident I am gonna absolutely LOVE. XC2 remains my most played game on Switch.
I expect to like this game, but will I love it to death like that? Just don't know yet.
I don't really want to import but EU def has the better special edition. Pins over a tiny calender, and a USB over a CD considering that my current laptop doesn't have a cd drive.
Gamestops website says "gamestop exclusive." Why!?
Why can't we get both cases like the UK? Also, why a calendar?
My laptop doesn't have a CD drive either, which is why I bought an external one that allows to rip CDs, which I take any day over the crappy MP3s they put on sticks. That way I can rip in high quality and make use of DACs, PM headphones etc. Makes a HUGE difference.
@JamesJose7 the soundtrack is worth $50 to you? If it was the UK version with the pins, I'd be interested.
@Explodingevo to each their own am I right?
@JamesJose7 Pretty much
I would have wanted the pin set personally but that’s just me.
@Grant007 Good for them.
@RainbowGazelle yeah thanks! Just wanted to make sure you knew because I know you care!
The school aspect kinda bugs me. Wish it wasn't anchored to an idea like that. Prefer a rebellion/insurgency plotline. Oh well I'm sure it'll be done impeccably well and I'm there for sho.
@Ogbert According to the photo, it's a 2020 calendar.
@TossedLlama That's weird since it's still available on the GS website. The website does list it as "online only" though.
@kirbygirl aha yeah it says right there! Good spot thank you!
The school aspect kinda bugs me. Wish it wasn't anchored to an idea like that. Prefer a rebellion/insurgency plotline
It’s just a backdrop for the larger plot, nothing more. The entire story isn’t anchored to it. It’s just the equivalent of MyCastle in Fates. A place where you can optionally micromanage to your heart’s content in between chapters. Most people already know what the gameplay of FE entails, so this particular presentation was focused on the fluff.
If this game is taking inspiration from the classic literary novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (and many are speculating that it is), the plot does indeed involve 3 “dynasties” banding together to fend off a rebellion, but then they turn on each other.
But that’s the thing. This presentation told us nothing about the over arching conflict. It merely presented the backdrop for the initial plot to begin, and provided us with details on the other stuff we can do when we’re not in battle, even though the vast majority of your time will be spent in battle.
@Ogbert Sure, no prob. I think that will be more useful than a split year calendar, at least for me personally.
Amazon Canada just put this up for pre-order yesterday. I secured one and then before I could share the link with friends, it had sold out. Glad I got mine but wow I wish Nintendo would make more than just 5 of these per country. Also I'm jealous Europe is getting the music on a USB stick, would have preferred that over a CD. Additionally I would have preferred the pin badges over the calendar. Calendars have a finite shelf-life and after 2020, this calendar will be useless.
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