Last Friday, Swedish-based developer Bertil Hörberg announced his new platform action title Mechsternmination Force would be arriving on the Switch eShop this Spring. The game is described as a cross between the Contra series and Shadow of the Colossus on the PlayStation 2, and will apparently be "a lot bigger" than his previous Gunman Clive releases.
In a surprising update over on Twitter, Hörberg has revealed if you own the Gunman Clive HD Collection on the Switch, you'll be able to play as your favourite monochrome cowboy in his latest release. Take a look at Clive battling a gigantic mech in the tweet below:

Hörberg apparently considered giving Clive a more natural colour palette but decided against it in the end. He also clarified how there'll actually be five playable characters in the game, rather than four, as stated on the fact sheet. However, all characters will play exactly the same. Lastly, was the reveal Gunman Clive and Mechsternmination Force are set in the same universe.
For more information about the game, check out the original announcement.
Are you keeping an eye on this release? Do you own the Gunman Clive HD Collection? Tell us down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 13
Dang, now I have to buy the Gunman Clive H.D. Collection again.
This is great news...I own GMC and will certainly pick their new game up too
Nice to know Gunman Clive is coming to the game.
Gunman Clive only worked because it used the 3d effect on the 3ds nicely. I will wait for their Mech Contra Shooter game.
This looks like a boss-only sequel to Gunman Clive. Sadly, I'm not terribly interested as the whole mecha genre, if we can call it that, is of almost no interest to me, but I do wish the Hörbergs every success in their endeavours, and I might just grab it anyway. I'm hoping it will be a bite-size sort of game like the Gunman Clive games. Short games are underrated, I feel, and it's nice to have games that don't require 30-50+ hours to complete.
Keen Dreams can be beat in just over 5 minutes, but that hasn't stopped me sinking 5 hours into the game already. That number would certainly be several times higher if iD were to ever bring the original games over (episodes 4-6 are simply masterful).
The details! He's swinging a sword in the shape of a duck!
I loved the Clive games, and he's already made an awesome meech boss. So I'm pretty sure this'll be great as well
Thats really neat! Nice toss to the fans.
Welp, there's one reason to invest in Gunman Clive HD on Switch now...
As a gamer who owns the game already, I can say that, while I saw such a thing coming a mile away, it's still really freaking sweet.
And it's not that much of a catch since the price of the collection is less than most DLC characters for other games, and the GC games are amazing.
That’s so goofy! I love it. May have to get this now
Looks like I'll be picking up Gunman Clive HD when I have spare change.
New game looks crazy-go-nuts!
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