Once again, it's that lovely time of the week where we get to sit back and enjoy a lovely gaming session or ten as the weekend wraps us up in its relaxing embrace. This time around, team Nintendo Life is playing online shooters, retro-inspired platformers, and Metroidvania style modern classics - a nice range of styles, then! But what about you? Make sure to chuck us a vote in our poll down below and leave a comment or two with which games you're playing - after reading our lovely words, of course.
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer
This weekend it's going to be a busy one as I return to the first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead to see just how well it holds up on Switch, continue to throw down in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy and explore new worlds in Planet Alpha. Look out for them on the site next week, in review form, naturally.
I'll also likely be continuing my love affair with Paladins. Even now, after all these months, few things on Nintendo Switch offer as much online fun as Hi-Rez Studios' hero shooter. If only it could just patch in native support for voice chat and it would be even better...

Liam Doolan, news reporter
I’ve played about four hours of The Messenger so far and I’m glad to report that every second has been an absolute blast. The game has a great sense of flow, the level design is superb and the enemy, boss and environmental challenges are varied. The new abilities keep the gameplay feeling fresh and the humour ensures the title doesn’t take itself too seriously. Even little touches like the musical adjustments underwater add to the overall experience. I’ll be playing this game all weekend until I’ve delivered the all-important message.
Glen Fox, guides editor
All is quiet on the Switch front for me right now, and I don't really see that changing very much until Pokémon Let's Go. Having said that, I'm nowhere near done with Paladins so I'm going to play a few bouts this weekend. I really want to unlock Khan because he seems to fulfil my playstyle more than the other heroes. I also dig his Darksiders/World of Warcraft-inspired art style. That's where the fun lies in Paladins for me – messing around with different characters and builds while I figure out my favourite character. I actually like having to unlock characters slowly, as it gives me a chance to get to know each of them individually. That way I have a better idea of how to counter them while playing too! My only real complaint with Paladins is the slow release of new content, but hopefully that will change now that it's settled.
Jon Cousins, Japan correspondent
This weekend I'm still going to be chipping away at Hollow Knight. It keeps getting bigger and better, and I just enjoy wandering around the glorious environments and listening to the amazing soundtrack. Other than that, I have finally given in and got FIFA 18. It's been 20 years since I owned a FIFA game (I went over to PES after France 98) but at a sale price of 12 quid, the caveats are tolerable and as ’19 is on the horizon, it might be enough for me to get fully back involved.
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
Any spare time this weekend will likely be given to Hollow Knight. I finally gave in to the pressure of buying it after it went on sale recently - with the added bonus of some Gold Points I had saved up, I actually managed to nab it for £5 - and early signs indicate that it was a very good decision. I'm only about two hours in, but after a couple of days away, I'm already missing its enchanting worlds and feel the need to explore even more.
Elsewhere, Fortnite's fifth season is nearing completion and I'm slowly edging my way towards reaching the maximum Battle Pass tier. It looks like I'm on track to hit it, but I'll make sure to play through any challenges to help the cause.
Dave Letcavage, contributing writer
Last week I was undecided between purchasing Hollow Knight or Dead Cells. Well, I went with the former, and I’ve been hooked. I’m 20-something hours into the subterranean kingdom of Hallownest and hunting down every ability, boss, and secret area possible. With all the DLC included, I have a feeling it’s going to be a while longer before I see the credits roll. But who knows. With the way I’ve been committed, the end may come sooner than expected! If it does, that just means more time for the wife and I to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Alan Lopez, contributing writer
This weekend I’m at PAX West. I will be playing all that is handed to me. Will it be Diablo 3? Bastion? No More Heroes? Time will tell.
However, what I’ve already been witness to while sleeping on a friend’s couch were the sounds of the new indie arrival, The Messenger. Or maybe I should say, the nonstop, disco party fever dream that is The Messenger's soundtrack. Every single stage claps. At least from what I’ve witnessed, not even the obscure sub-menus could escape the 8-bit thrashings of its compositions. Who scored this thing? I hope they’ve since gotten enough water and have come back to Earth safely.
Which games are you playing this weekend? (256 votes)
- The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season0.8%
- Paladins
- The Messenger
- Hollow Knight
- FIFA 180.8%
- Fortnite
- Dead Cells
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 107
Darkest dungeon, Hollow knight and Everspace (on xbox sadly)
Jumped back into Golf Story after a long absence. Great fun. Probably dabble in some Rocket League and Mario Kart while I'm at it.
Dead Cells, whilst relaxing on holiday in wonderful, sunny Cornwall! Time to fall in love with gaming all over again.
Well... Isaac, of course. I'm done with Eden, so will move on to Cain. But I am very tempted by either Hollow Knight or Dead Cells. I can't decide between them, though!
Twilight princess HD.
1. Overcooked 2 (Switch)

Unlocking some level 4 worlds and Kevin Secret levels.
2. Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers (3DS)

Finally i have a chance to increase my budget by taking part time jobs while keep ignoring the mission to collect some materials for making Long Barrell.
3. Penguin Wars (Switch)

I will play it tomorrow, purchased from my game shop after i pre-ordered last week.
4. Little's Dragon Cafe (Switch)

Same as Penguin Wars, will play it tomorrow.
Finally, i had put ALL my ACNL copies into Dormant , so i have no longer worried about losing my Dreamy villagers.
More Into The Breach! Bought it a couple of days ago and still can’t put it down.
Soldam - Drop, Connect, Erase. Got it long time ago for $15. Finally went back to it and figured it out. I've gotten way better now! Throw in some of The Messenger for good measure!
@fuzzy833 Nice! can't go wrong with Dead Cells either
Blade Strangers and hopefully Hollow Knight
MHGU,then maybe some MHGU and after that a bit of MHGU...........
I've been playing Into the breach. It's very addictive.
I'm playing through Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. Never played through all of it before. I want to play all the prime games before MP4.
My Hero: One's Justice
Octopath Traveler
Mhgu all the way
This week I will be mostly playing
Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver
Nintendo Land
(and possibly Kirby & the Amazing Mirror)
A focus on online Switch games as the paid online service is looming with still very little info despite only being a few weeks away. I'll also probably play some MCC given the update is very good.
With a sad heart I traded in Octopath Traveller after 12 hours play, it just didn't click; and bought DK Tropical Freeze. Which I'm playing.
dead cells all the way the game is SO GOOD
Traveling alot this weekend for the holiday, so if I have time, some more hollow knight and plague of shadows. It's been a few weeks since I've touched splatoon 2, feel like I'm cheating on it hah
@zool me too I love old school jrpg's but octopath just didnt deliver for me
I’ve just picked up cheap used copies of Ultimate Marvel Capcom 3 & Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed so I’ll be giving them a spin.
Tomorrow I’m on a trip to a concert in London. If I dare take my Switch I’ll be continuing with the glorious Okami. Maybe a new playthrough of Cave Story if I take my 3ds instead.
@SuperDan64 That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, too Just got morph ball bombs in Echoes. And I’m gonna grab Other M for $10 today to throw in the mixer.
I’m also going to be dabbling in the Labo Variety kit, possibly making some race tracks to use on the new Vehicle Kit this month. Yes, I like Labo. The new kit is also going to have some additional features to build your own ‘controls’ for the games. Anyone interested should watch the News feed vid.
@PlayedNSlayed lol its not even mentioned as played this weekend. Such an epic game suprised none of the staff are playing it for a 9/10 game
@SuperDan64 I hope you enjoy Echoes. For me, that game was one of my greatest gaming experiences ever. Make sure to turn up the music! The mood of Torvus Bog (upper and lower) is just amazing.
I think MHU has been out for less than a week !!!
I already destroyed Fifa and Hollow Knight
Dead cells, Paladins and Into the breach. Dead cells is super addictive and Into the breach is very interesting...I wish I was better at Paladins
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.
Shenmue again. Managed to land myself a job! Now it's a case of finding those Mad Angels..
Got a long flight on Sunday, so I might get into Majora’s mask 3DS and one of my less battery taxing switch titles. I have my external battery which I can use it with to keep it topped up
I Will finish the original God of War on PS3.
I should have liked hollow knight better than dead cells on paper. Big fan of metroidvanias and not so much rouge likes. But dead cells might be my game of the year. The gameplay loop is rewarding enough to make it very compelling. Sadly lost interest in hollow knight. Might pick it up again later, or maybe its doomed to get stuck in my evergrowing backlog :/
it’ll be a quiet weekend in the slovenian alps.. finally ill have some time for “a night in the woods” and “oxenfree”.. two relaxing games for a relaxed weekend
Thank you for this. One of the things that I love so much about Isaac (630 hours now!) is that you can never tell how a run will turn out due to the many different items which can be picked up. They truly shape a run. If Dead Cells has an element like that, I may go for it. The joy of being suddenly OP in Isaac is just un-rivalled, I think!
Finally finished the Champion's Ballad, and working on Star Fox Zero and Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero that I picked up on the cheap.
Since my son will be playing MHGU (buying it today) on the Switch, I will be playing my 2DS XL. Still need to finish Ultra Sun, Crystal and maybe restart MH Stories if my son lets me.
After 10 days holiday with hardly any gaming I will be back to xenoblade chronicles 3d and I actually just downloaded the messenger so... We will see each one I will focus
Freedom planet and hyrule warriors with morphies law!
Visiting a buddy out in Chicago this weekend so I’ll likely be playing endless rounds of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with his kids.
Golden sun, octopath traveler and hollow knight.
Victor Vran.
Monster Hunter and Salt and Sanctuary
I jus picked up a gba sp so I might start playing Mario and Luigi superstar saga. Or continue my crippling gungeon addiction.
Super Mario Odyssey and some Neo Geo games.
I’m addicted to The Messenger at the moment. That music really gets in your head.
I caved in and got Mario + Rabbids recently. Love it. Very "just one more battle".
Omega ruby
Hollow Knight, maybe Dead Cells, Curse of the Moon, and The Messenger.
Hollow Knight is soooooo good. It's legitimately the first game that has made me question if Super Metroid really is my all time favorite game.
Windows Phone:
Hitman GO
Total Conquest
Age of Empires: Castle Siege
Just Hollow Knight. That is all.
@sketchturner thanks! I am enjoying it so far. Great atmosphere. That's awesome that you had such great experience with it! I will keep the volume up for sure! 😀
@HobbitGamer that's quality! I hope you're enjoying the experience like I am! Not many liked Other M, but I actually really liked the gameplay. Have fun on your Metroid voyage!
1. Titan Quest on Switch
2. World of Warcraft
3. Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
The Walking Dead: The complete first season and Iconoclasts on Switch.
Cities Skylines and Hearthstone on PC.
The Messenger and Metroid Zero Mission on GBA.
On this glorious three(!) day weekend, I'll be putting more time into Dragon Quest V on the DS. Some pesky monsters have kidnapped the hero's wife, and now it's up to him/me to get her back!
On the Wii U, I've been playing Wario Land 4 for the GBA/VC. I just finished up the Ruby passage a few minutes ago. Who knew cuckoo clocks could be so annoying?
I might also start Fire Emblem Heroes on mobile.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, maybe de blob
We have a bunch of family coming tonight so there'll be plenty of Jackbox Party Pack 1-4 along with Mario Kart and Splatoon
Xcom 2 (PC), Expeditions Viking (PC), and some ESO (PC). I might play some Octopath Traveler on the side, but it's doubtful since I haven't touched it over in a week.
I just picked up Hollow Knight and I have to say I'm feeling a bit whelmed so far. After a couple of hours of play it definitely doesn't show any signs of turning into the Game of the Millennium yet. Of course this could all change in a heartbeat, but wow, slow burn.
Started Dead Cells last week, and that one clicked much faster for me. Roguelikes are one of my old favorite genres, and this is an absolutely stellar one. Definitely going to burn a few hours on that.
I'll probably go for a few rounds of Paladins. I don't care for the Dragons Pass event, but the regular game is still good fun.
May get back to XC2 for a while, and of course the traditional weekend ARMS and MK8 sessions with my kid, with maybe some BlazBlue Crosstag as well.
Octopath Traveller and Superbeat XONiC for me
Still digging my way through Hollow Knight. The game is much more expansive than I'd expected.
The Messenger is waiting to be played next (barring a stopover to finish MMX8), but at this rate I may not get to it until next week.
The Messenger, Octopath and I'm going to get in some BBCTB training. Oh and HW...because that game is huge.
Then I think you will love dead cells. You start with a different loadout each time, forcing you to experiment. But its so much fun. And a deep tactical element in the different gears special effects, such as damage multipliers, weapon scaling etc. You can build your run into a dps beast
Splatoon 2, Rocket League, Hollow knight, Octopath travler, and Letter Quest remastered.
Taking a break from Switch, just for this weekend, for an N64/GameCube marathon! Some of the titles i’ll be playing are Wave Race: Blue Storm, Ms Pac Man Maze Madness, Super Monkey Ball 2, Mario Party (the first one), Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Power Tennis, NFL Blitz, Dr Mario 64, and Pilotwings 64
I finally patched Tengai Makyou Zero with the English translation, and started playing that! Yay! I've been wanting to play that game for decades!
Thinking about getting the messenger 🤔
Hollow Knight. Keep me busy till DQXI in 3 days ⏰
Still playing Octopath Traveler(35hrs in), The messenger and Dead Cells. I can't wait to be playing some Hyper Light Drifter and Dragonball Z fighters on the go.
Video Kid. Over and over. All weekend.
It's such a simple little game, and the whole thing should only take about 2 minutes to beat... But I can't get past 92%. Just one more run. One more run... for HOURS.
I'm gonna beat it. Just one more run.
Xenoblade chronicles 2
@Anti-Matter I`ve read so many of your comments I feel like I know you Lol. Internet is funny that way. The review for Little Dragons Cafe was poor, so please tell us how the game goes after a few hours. I feel like it could be a very good sim game, but I`d value your input
I`m playing Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle this weekend. What a marvelous tactics game, Ubisoft did a hell of a job.
Destiney 2 on ps4 &
Octopath traveler on switch
I'm playing Octopath Traveler, nuff said. I was hoping for MHGU, but maybe by next weekend. Other than that, I was showcasing Gorogoa and Bloodstained:CotM to a few friends and watching their minds explode lol. Also I'll dabble a little in my NES Classic games just for good measure.
@chbcn two great titles. Enjoy!!
God of War on PS4. Half way through.
Hollow Knight on Switch. Nearly finished.
@MattFox haha I was thinking the same thing. I remember when he joined the site he was given a hard time but he stuck by what he thought and I respect that and his enthusiasm @Anti-Matter always look out for his comments.
No MHGU on the list.. strange. Playing MH nonstop from yesterday when I got it.
I’ll trow some Paladins in between to finish Battle Pass.
Eternal Darkness with a glass of wine tonight
@bluemage1989 that is funny I do the same thing, especially this particular article at the weekend I always enjoy his comment!
You have a problem. This is an intervention.
I’m currently addicted to Fire Emblem Warriors. Send Help.
It's a very train themed weekend for me. I'm playing Mini Metro on Switch as my casual game but I'm spending most of my time playing Train Sim World on PS4.
Rocket League, because it’s basically crack cocaine.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, with a few breaks of Stardew Valley.
Playing hollow knight and shovel knight. They should be a tag team.
The Messenger is really good so far, but Blade Strangers (not on the list for some reason) is the real surprise for me.
Blade Strangers is truly hidden gem, and I implore anyone interested to take the plunge now, or the first sale - while folks are playing online. It would be a blast with a local fighting game crew as well.
I actually got Bayonetta 2 today. I never played before but heard great things and i like the hack n slash ganre.
It comes with a dl code for the first game, should i play the first one first or doesn't it matter?
Is it very story driven?
Gonna turn it on in 10 mins, some advice on which to play first would be nice.
Finished Hollow Knight and Okami HD recently and struggling to find something else to sink my teeth into. Waiting for a sale on Dead Cells or The Messenger before taking the plunge. So this weekend will mainly be a few levels of super meat boy with a bit of fortnite or rocket league thrown in.
Just finished with Messenger (100%) - great game and very captivating. If you encounter slowdowns (rarely), I found out that it is best to completely shut down your Switch and then reload the game. Slowdowns should be gone now. I wish I tried it out before. During one section I tried to get a green medal but due to slowdowns the Switch didn't want to recognize my button inputs. I took me over an hour to finally succeed.
These slowdowns happend only twice. I am not sure why. There weren't that many sprites on the screen either.
I also encountered two glitches. Twice I got stuck above the screen. I was able to go to the next screen until it glitched out and I had to exit the game. There was no way of returning to safe ground. Strangely, after reloading, my save file showed that I only played 6 hrs and I am pretty sure that before the glitch the counter showed morethan 13 hrs.
@Razer I'd play them in order but honestly it doesn't matter too much. They're both really great so enjoy.
@NintendoPete How long do you think it took to complete? The music is great and I'm really tempted by it but don't want anything too lengthy before all these new releases drop
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Honestly, all of my gaming funds and attention have been siphoned by the media tornado that is SPIDER-MAN on PS4. As such, I have been going back and playing a bit of his past titles. Gotta say WEB OF SHADOWS on the DS is a real gem. Griptonite was such a great developer. From this to SHINOBI on 3DS; WEB OF SHADOWS offers another fantastic combat system.
I am currently playing Breath of Fire on my Snes mini.
The Messenger and Into the Breach!
It's really hard to decide which one I got to play, because these two games are so amazing.
The Switch is just awesome! Can't remember when I was so hyped about a console and it's fantastic game library.
Yakuza Kiwami 2
I'm hoping to finish Oxenfree this weekend and then hop into Blade Strangers while the online is still fresh and populated. I think that I unfortunately missed the most recent splatfest in Splatoon 2
My save file says 13 hrs - with my allegedly lost hours I guess approx 19-20 hours.
The Messenger is 15% off in the NA eShop. Play like a modern day 2D Ninja Gaiden. That’s where my gaming time will be spent this (US) holiday weekend.
I'm cleaning up looking for costumes in Super Mario Odyssey (got the King's and Invisibility outfits last night) and doing a few Pokemon raids in Pokemon GO.
Epic Dumpster Bear on Wii U. It's a surprisingly good platformer and who'd have thought a bear could wall jump.
I'm currently playing Yoshi's Woolly World then I will be playing Pikmin 3.
@mr_grimm Totally agree with you about Dead Cells—I never expected to get so addicted to it! How far did you make it in Hollow Knight? It opens up in a huge, wonderful way after the first major area, and it just kept surprising me how much more there was to it, both in gameplay and in story.
I've played abot 15 hours and opened a fair bit of the map. I want to play more, its an awesome game. I think the difficulty is leaning towards frustrating. Playing The messanger now, and I think the difficulty in that game hits the sweet spot.
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