Following the recent rumours surrounding a Diablo III release on Switch, Blizzard Entertainment has now confirmed that Diablo III Eternal Collection is making its way to the console this autumn.
This definitive version of the game will include all the features and content from every expansion and update, as well as bonus items exclusive to Nintendo Switch. This means that players will have access to the game's seven powerful character classes, its five-act campaign and Adventure Mode, as well as the Reaper of Souls expansion, and the Rise of the Necromancer pack.
The game's controls have been custom-built for Switch, and staying true to the spirit of the Diablo series, players will also have a wealth of options to choose from to suit their own playstyles. Up to four players can band together for some multiplayer goodness, whether they’re sharing a screen on a single console, linking their systems together wirelessly, or teaming up through the Switch's online service.

If you want to know a little more, and get a quick glimpse at some of the Legend of Zelda-themed content coming to the game, Nintendo of America has just shared this video of everyone's favourite Reggie speaking to CEO of Blizzard, Mike Morhaime. Check it out below.
As for a specific release date? Blizzard says that it should arrive "on or before" 21st December.
Are you excited to see Diablo III on Switch? Are you ready for some Sanctuary cleansing on the go? Share your thoughts with us down below.
Comments 209
Nice coverart
And yet another game to add to my wishlist.
"Burning hells! It's about time!"
Still no third party support for the Switch. Really sad!
Psyched for this!
Never played diablo but I loved torchlight which apparently is very similar
Shocking! Didn't see that one coming.
Looks ok in this trailer
Very excited to play this! I've never played a Diablo game before, so I hope playing 1 and 2 aren't required to understand the storyline.
Any confirmation about the file size?
Last time I played Diablo it didn't have a number, so I'm down for this. It's crazy how there are absolutely no.games for the Switch in 2018.
Great news! No wait, according to the other comment section, I’m supposed to be angry about this. I’m so confused.
Before people complain about the rumored price (€60) then this edition is also €60 on other 2 consoles.
A definite day one buy for me.
Calling it: next Smash 3rd party character is the devil
Will definitely buy!
I did not see the banner of shame on the box art so that brings hope.
@Hikingguy true but just saying before people start about them seeing the dlc-less vanilla game for €5 somewhere
Great news!! Will split joy-con work for 2player mode?
do you guys think this will be a AAA game price?
This game is so f'ing good. I'm struggling to not double dip.
I'm hoping strong sales performance will convince Blizz to port Overwatch to Switch.
Blizzard, meet Panic Button. Panic Button, meet Blizzard...
Come on guys, we need to throw down our support for this... Its defo worth the price for all the content we will be getting AND portability to boot.
But aside from that, Blizzard is a huge company with huge weight behind their games, strong support for this will = more Blizzard games. I personally have never played even though I've had the opportunity... But i will defo be getting this and from what I've seen and heard i already know I'll enjoy it.
If this is a "test" it's important we pass.
@hatch - You may have just offered the best possible advice for not losing one’s mind. I wish I possessed the intellect necessary to follow along with the enlightened views of these keyboard CEOs and basement sages.
Well, I'm one of those people who's never played Diablo III but played the sh*t out of Diablo II, so I'm happy. Goes into my goodybag!
Bring it on I want this I love the game.
Maybe this time to finish the game. Have it already on PS3, but the DLC are not available for that version (so no Necromancer)
This is definitively a buy for me
But I still need a new version of Gauntlet for the Switch!
The guy in the trailer sucks until... MKBHD comes to he rescue.
Honestly though, gotta buy this for sure. Finished the original D3, but never got to expansion packs or such. Was so fun playing co-op, almost as good as like Diablo II. (Let's be honest, few things are as as good as Diablo 2.)
Plus, if it sells well, maybe there's a chance for Overwatch on the Switch?
The Port-all has opened.
Compared to what the Wii U and even Wii got ... This is a total dream.
I could actually play this together with my kids. Very tempting...
Cannot wait for this. Such a fun game, day one for sure.
Forget Diablo! Reggie stole the show! 😂😂😂
No ugly "required download" banner on the box art. So either Blizzard did an awesome job with compression, or they're using a reasonable-sized game cart. Either way, this is an instant-buy for me.
@Hikingguy It does not make it worse too.
But the Switch doesn't have third party support....
Take my money!
It’s very easy to sink 40 hrs in per character, so 40x7 characters = 280 hrs... worth playing. But I do recommend Diablo 2 over Diablo 3 any day
Already own the PS4 version, but nice announcement. Surprised they didn’t wait for a Direct, though.
Ooh, I was going to get Victor Vran, but I may wait for this.
Looking forward to this, haven't played Diablo since the PS1.
I seriously need to restructure how I play my games... To many good games out there, and now this one gets added to the list. I need to stop binge-playing a game at a time and start doing 1-2 hour sessions per game...
And Ganon as costume? What better character to enter hell with?
Sweet, I had always wanted to play Diablo3 but never had the chance to do so.
Is there a single player in Diablo or is it all mainly multiplayer?
Doom Eternal and now this? Two fantastic announcements that better anything from E3.
Was eyeing this on PlayStation. Guess what, I'm going switch now:)
@readyletsgo "Is there a single player in Diablo or is it all mainly multiplayer?"
Even in the PC version, you could play solo even though it was still online. The Switch version, however, will support offline play, which is awesome.
They put a massive story spoiler in the trailer, just warning those who haven't played the game before.
Wow, it's been E3 for Nintendo all year. Keep it up!
@readyletsgo Yeah it's SP. It's better as a social thing because it can get a bit grindy, but I played through the majority of the campaign solo 👍
@abbyhitter it's vaguely rewarding to know a bit about the lore, but it is in no way mandatory. Maybe check a wiki beforehand to get some of the basics, or go in blind. That's what I did and it didn't effect experience.
I failed to see anything that said 60 fps. Where did you get that little nugget from?
@sixrings 960p
60 fps
@steventonysmith https://nintendoeverything.com/diablo-iii-eternal-collection-details-on-frame-rate-resolution-more-no-cross-play-blizzard-on-nintendo-relationship-and-rumored-tease/
"Fall" release date
Nothing like a good M-Rated game about hell to gather the kids around and have family night
OMG!!! This has made my day.
I have lost days to this games on the PC. Time to do it all again on the Switch.
Black Friday 2019 @29.99... count me in.
I can just pretend I payed myself $60 to download it again on my PC. Put it to my game budget 🤔
i played and beat this on my PC but i dont care double dipping for sure just off play anywhere. probally pre purchase for me.
This would have made a nice conclusion at the end of lasts weeks SSBU ND. Unless they were worried about over shadowing it.
Anybody else feel like Reggie is trying out for the part of Screech in a "Saved by the Bell" reboot? Maybe "Saved by the Bell: Midlife Crisis".
hell yeah now I don't need torchlight now.
@Mountain_Man @AhabSpampurse awesome lads, thanks!
I've never quite understood the appeal of this. But the switch has been my window into game types I'd never usually play, case in point, I'm currently enjoying xenoblade chronicles 2 and I never thought I would. So I might give this a go
Am I correct in thinking this is Diablo 3 with a load of dlc? I have been tempted to get it on previous systems but I tend to not finish RPG games so I’m still undecided on this
And with that, the lackluster Titan Quest port is dead and buried. Hahaha!
Big 3rd party announcement for Switch! Keep em coming!
The problem is that in Canada, we went from not so long ago (maybe 5-6 years), with new releases costing $59.99. And now it is $79.99. And we're now even getting remasters (or collected editions) of 2012 games for full retail price.
Meanwhile the collector's edition on PC is $39.99. And I can play it on the go as well on my GPD Win.
I REALLY want to buy games on the Switch. I like the platform and its features, but god almighty... When it's not overpriced indie releases (or re-releases), it's 6-year old games being sold again for full price... Those being sold for a reasonable price are not the norm... (although there are a couple out there).
I really want to support companies bringing games other that Pony Stable 3 or MiniGame Party Mix Turbo 4, and I even find great the idea of re=releasing old games some people might not have played yet. But re-releases should be sold, IMO, not at same price as brand new games. Most of the development cost has been spent in prevision of the initial release, and while there ARE costs linked to a re-released, this doesn't warrant, in most cases, a $80 price tag.
Anyway. Cool that Diablo III is getting released on Switch. Not cool that I'll have to wait for it to drop in price to buy it.
@WesEds "Am I correct in thinking this is Diablo 3 with a load of dlc?"
Yes. It's everything that has ever been released for the game, including the two paid expansions and the tons of improvements and additional play modes that were released as free updates.
Also, it's more addictive action game than RPG, so you might like it.
@Realnoize "Meanwhile the collector's edition on PC is $39.99. And I can play it on the go as well on my GPD Win."
Not without an internet connection you can't. You also can't play local co-op.
Check out the GameSpot article. Blizzard put a LOT of work into this. It's not just a lazy, straight port. Adding local co-op alone likely required significant development resources, not to mention the time spent optimizing for a locked 60fps, 720p handheld, 960p docked. They earned their money for this effort.
Offline mode with portability, I am sold.
Never tried this series before but I’ll probably buy this. The comments saying this can be played single-player and offline have me sold on the game.
I am very excited for this. Day one for me!
Really cool!
There's also a hidden extra benefit to all these more recent games that are being announced... That is the added value to the upcoming paid online.
One of my biggest gripes with the upcoming paid online was the fact that the Nintendo Switch has very little games to benefit from it.
With the upcoming Doom, Dark Soul's, Smash and now this... Also as much as i don't like it Monster Hunter will also add some benefit to the online... It will actually make the online worth paying, if you include the multiplayer games currently available such as Splatoon 2, Mario Kart and Fortnite + classic games we are meant to get. then you will have a healthy online environment that will only grow stronger.
I'm going to have to back track on my pledge to not get online in light of the new upcoming content that fully meets my expectation for the asking price.
Now let's be honest for a moment, the holy grail of ports is GTA V... We need this to drop too.
@Razer GTAV played on the go - Rockstar would be stupid to pass this up. Might not be for me but the fact people still buy this game years later says a lot.
@WiltonRoots Exactly! It's still in the top 10 selling games month in month out in every single region since release... More recently in July coming in at 3rd in the UK. (GTA V)
It has global sales of 92m since Feb of this year. It's one of the best selling pieces of media entertainment in human history.
If any hater tries to call this an irrelevant port has no idea what games even are.
D3 is a nice addition to the Switch's growing library, but still, it is kinda hard for me to get excited for a game that is half a decade old by now, that wasn't exactly state of the art when it was released and that plenty of folks already have played to death on at least one system, if not two (the console version offered a different enough feel to reasonably warrant another go at it).
So yeah ... good addition, but not really something that gets my blood pumping in any way, nothing that wows me personally. Nice to finally see Blizz back on the Ninty train though!
I really hope that this is potentially a gateway for Overwatch on the Switch, as that would really make for a neat fit in my view, with OW being a game very much in the joyful and experimental spirit of the Switch itself.
Good to have Blizz back!
Now, can we get StarCraft Remastered, please?
I am sure having this in a Direct was the original plan. Their hand was forced, though, because of Forbes' mix up yesterday. They should have just announced it at E3.
@Sinton I imagine the next Direct is in mid-September, at the earliest. So the Forbes leak might've forced their hand and made them reveal ahead of time. They probably want to avoid another Fortnite situation.
Edit: Oops, didn't see @Whitetrashguy already said this.
Count me in!
@Pod I would love that. Make it happen Blizzard!
Day one! Let's hope they opt for native chat
@Pod @Audiobraniac StarCraft 64 was the first thing I thought of after this announcement. Shoot, they could even give us the map creator since we've got touch screen this time.
Jacked up n good to go!
@JaxonH Nice broken image
Hell yeah. The Switch is really starting to gain triple-A games and third parties now.
Strange how we don't have Hearthstone yet. They even teased it a while back.
Man, another day one for me!
After this week the Switch is definitely Nintendoomed to Nintendamnation.
I'll show myself out.
(Also, I had this on PS3 but I'm totally sold on double dipping to get the extras!)
Local co-op with the wife? Sold. Anyone wanna buy a PC copy of D3+Expansion?
Let's hope this will open the way for Star Craft 64 with online support come through the Switch online pass... Jesus I have unrealistic expectations
@lansyer It most likely will! I'm sure they will find a way for it to work. It probably won't be the best way to play, but I'm sure it will happen.
Look at that wording!!! You obviously Fillip Muicin'd me!!! : p
@WhiteTrashGuy haha Nah, this was genuinely a case of parallel thinking. I just didn't read more than halfway through the 80+ comments before posting. Which is still my bad, I guess.
@readyletsgo You can play solo or up to 4 people... the game automatically changes the difficulty by how many people in the group.
It's gonna be $60, but well worth it considering it includes all DLC packs and updates. And the fact they got it running at 60fps in all modes is pretty friggin' crazy!
@Pod My god Starcraft on Switch! Do we even need to tell Blizzard why they should do that? I mean if they're able to get Diablo 3 on the console then they should just put their entire backlog on it and make the easiest money they've ever made. I guess putting the other two diablo games on Switch wouldn't make sense with 3 coming, but I want them on there anyway.....in HD.....tomorrow.
My favorite mind numbing killing game.... When you don't want to think but just react, this is the game I go to... be it 10 minutes or hours... that's why this is such a great game for the switch. You can honestly do something like a rift in 10 minutes if you don't have a ton of time... or do a bunch of things over hours. I am totally stoked by this announcement! This is the one game that I wanted on the switch since it released! Totally worth a 3rd purchase for me. I have pc and ps4 already! LOL
Never played Diablo in my life nor was in the market for such a game but have to admit that this trailer sold me in! Well played Nintendo!
@mazz If Blizzard manages to find a way to get Starcraft on Switch, Nintendo's going to have to build a whole new Switch manufacturing plant just to handle Korean demand alone.....
@abbyhitter no need! They are basically stand-alone games which only share the same style and story telling, but not really referencing to each other.
Dammit I won't be able to get this game until I save enough.
@Reignmaker Really hoping we are one step closer to Overwatch on Switch. Have it on PC and PS4 but would 100% buy it a 3rd time.
@mazzel There is no cow level.
Or maybe they just have different wants than you?
I totally get what you're saying, that Switch is missing countless big-name third party titles. Part of the blame for that lies with Nintendo, dating all the way back to the N64 era, a part of it lies with the developers for blaming Nintendo and their fanbase for not being half-hearted efforts, and part of the blame DOES shift to the fans themselves (going back to the Gamecube era, any game that wasn't done by the Big N themselves, or didn't include some sliver of Nintendo fan service, seemed destined to tank). I'm honestly surprised that third parties are giving Switch as much as they have given. Even with the Wii, the best third parties didn't experience as much success as they should have.
It's a catch-22, really. Gamecube, as awesome of a system as it was, proved that there wasn't really room for three equally-powerful consoles on the market. If Switch was a different console (there's no way that it could be as powerful as PS4 AND be the same hybrid), it would likely bomb next to the PS4. It would be awesome to get all of the games that PS4/XBONE/PC get, but those days are over, and I doubt that they'll ever come back. Honestly, though, I'm fine with it, and I think that others are as well. We'll get the same great first party software, the occasional surprise exclusive, ala Octopath or Bayonetta, and select ports from other consoles. In my opinion, Switch is the best console that they have done since the Gamecube, but I think that has to do with the fact that I am a flexible gamer. Some people scoff and see ports, while I see games that I have wanted to play in handheld form for years, and now I get that chance. It's like having a portable Nintendo console AND a portable PS3 in my bag. The games look great, and it's something that I can use to introduce my four year old daughter to gaming (she gets a joycon, I get a joycon. It's great for shmupps).
Crazy how close our comments were. It's sad that Nintendo had to reveal this early. Hopefully this is correct formation for an upcoming Direct!
I completely agree. I own a PS4, but I was hoping DIABLO 3 would hit the WiiU and ultimately the Switch so I could grind and loot at my leisure. Same thing with SKYRIM. It's just a matter of one's gaming time. Now I just need OVERWATCH and I will be set.
@WhiteTrashGuy Yeah, I think all of us Direct hopefuls are starting to hivemind over our desperate need of a direct.
At this point I don't even know what I want from the direct, I just know that I need it. Lol
I love physical definitive versions of games! No DLC, no updates no bs when the servers go offline.
Good news! Might get.
Also Lost Vikings for Smash! They would fit really well and could play similar to the Pokemon Trainer. Diablo for Smash may be more likely though, if Blizz does get a character in Smash at all.
triple dip for me
@EightBitMan you realize that if Nintendo were to compete on that level then we'd have to give up portability... right? or pay upwards of 600 quid for a portable machine to play those types of games.
One of the biggest selling point to the Switch is portability... Yes we will not be getting all the full console AAA multiplatform games that you mentioned... But we will be getting the best 1st party games available, we will be getting solid ports of decent games old and new,even AAA ports such as Doom Eternal and classic/indie games to go with it...
We will even get some solid 3rd part exclusives like Mario and Rabbids and Octopath Traveller... And we will be getting these games portable.
If your argument is that portable is a gimmick, well Nintendo has been hitting consistent 75m+ lifetime sales on all their portable hardware for 30+ years... That is not a gimmick and if you can't see the selling point in portable gaming... Then this console just isn't for you.
We don't need another PS4 and Xbox one on the market, not if the portable market would be ignored as a result...
Everybody be nice to @EightBitMan please. They’re my favourite poster on here now. I really like the ones who can’t comprehend that Nintendo have to do something different to the competition. I can’t help but wonder what other basic, obvious things blow their mind. If I ever could be bothered to make a sock to troll this site it would be modelled on @EightBitMan
@EightBitMan This elitist gaming stance is extremely narrow minded. If having the highest specifications was that important, the console market wouldn't exist and everyone would do their gaming on top of the line PCs.
In what way will Doom Eternal be watered down? It's going to have all the game modes and content of the other versions. Based on Panic Button's stellar record on Switch, it's likely to play quite nicely, and with motion controls as a bonus. For people who don't care about the highest visual fidelity, portability and motion controls might make the Switch version the superior one FOR THEM.
Don't mistake your wants and needs for the wants and needs of the entire gaming community. You're not wrong that Switch isn't getting top name 3rd party support. Some of that may be due to technical limitations, some of it may not. Where you are wrong is that Nintendo's console is inferior because they decided to cater to a different market rather than engaging in the specs arms race. A decision, by the way, that has largely worked out for them and for the people who are having fun with Switch.
I thought I was being nice there. Don’t take it all so personally, eventually you’ll get why the Switch is what it is.
Being a troll may not change your opinion, but it does get you added to my ignore list.
@electrolite77 mmmmultipost combo!!! 😂😂
@EightBitMan You're living in the past. Wii-U was a laughing stock. Switch is everyone's second system of choice. All of my friends game extensively on PS4, but I don't know a single one who doesn't have a Switch at this point. It's replaced 3DS in the market.
@Mountain_Man oh damn that burn. Give this man a round of applause. Lol.
@NoxAeturnus @electrolite77 @Razer @BanjoPickles Just put this sad, tired troll on ignore. There's no point in arguing with him. He hates Nintendo and claims to be PC only gamer now. He says he's here like some kind of consumer friendly saviour (EightBitJesus?) to inform us about Nintendo's wrongdoings against us, but in the same breath calls us all mindless fanboys (basically idiots). He says Nintendo hasn't been relevant since SNES, yet he hangs around on a Nintendo fan page of all places. Of course he's only in it for the trolling, the obvious is obvious. So put him on ignore.
I’m zinging them out there!!! Boom, have another!
@Quarth Nah man, I'm bored. Happy to feed trolls when I'm bored. It's fun. They get what they want, I get to see more of their ridiculousness. You know how it is, it's the internet.
Edit: Call it Whack-A-Troll. Bonus points if you can draw them into a strawman argument or make them talk in circles. You win if they repeat the same points three times running. It's a hat trick for you, and they're clearly out of vitriolic fuel.
4th dip for me couldnt be happier
Amazing, and now both titan quest and victor vran are redundant and no longer even on my watch list. Probably the best news switchwise all year...
Seriously though, wheres my terarria?
@NoxAeturnus Whatever floats your boat, man. At least we can agree that he's ridiculous.
@EightBitMan even if nintendo pulled out a strong console on par to PS5 and the new xbox next generation, that console would not receive all the third party support the others have because third party devs know most of their games won't sell on a nintendo platform.
Most nintendo buyers WANT nintendo games, and most really don't care if the newest graphics-pushing game doesn't come to their system cause they either are used to not getting those games or they don't like them.
Call of duty, assasins creed, etc all those AAA games? honestly i don't like any of those games, and i believe most nintendo people don't do either, that is the reason they buy nintendo consoles, if they want all the AAA experience they get another console or PC.
@electrolite77 Agreed! After his blusterous tirade coupled with a hilarious grouping of citations (and I use that loosely), I think it's best to consider EightBitMan a tool for our amusement; either a troll or a deranged person with too much time on his hands.
What EightBitMan's doing here is the equivalent of a lunatic screaming at a restaurant's waitstaff for rising food prices and then lecturing its customers for still eating there. Annoying to most, but amusing to some. I find it better to be the latter.
Keep being you, @EightBitMan. You're a gift that keeps on giving.
@Quarth I need something to do while my Switch charges. Feeding silly trolls can have a certain entertainment value to it 😂
So many M rated games coming to the Switch. Nintendo's getting bloody this generation!
Great. Now bring a version of Vanilla WoW on Switch!
Will you be able to play with those who own this game on the computer? Or is it just console cross-play?
@Razer Do as you like. At least we can agree that Diablo III on Switch is cool news.
@Frendo Yeah, being a member has its benefits. Glad to see someone that's entusiastic among all the whiners! Welcome aboard!
@EightBitMan That's the spirit!
@EightBitMan best to you isn't the best to us... Thats the best thing about humanity... We all have different tastes...
I wouldn't give up portable gaming the way Nintendo is doing it with the Switch in the same way you wouldn't give up on your AAA PC gaming experience.
But to expect us or Nintendo to enjoy the games we play and to play them in the same way you play your games, well that's just self centered and stupid...
So to answer, you are the troll... You know you're the troll because you're clever enough to articulate what you mean (forming normal sentences) and if your clever enough to do that, which even a child can do, then you are clever enough to know that you are indeed trolling.
Projecting your preference on others despite their desire otherwise = text book trolling...
@Frendo Cheers to all of the above!
So replying more on topic... how's the story of Diablo III? I've read it's weaker than previous games, but I'm not that into this series to know if that makes the story bad, or just not as good as the earlier titles.
@Quarth bro this entire week has been good news... Date for Dark Souls dropped, Doom dropping, Diablo coming... If GTA 5 drops too then I'd actually jump up and down like i did when i was 8 and my dad got me a Snes 😂
“I don't get why there're still many user here who clearly strongly dislikes or even hates Nintendo/Switch ”
Me neither. I don’t play games on my laptop much so I spend literally zero time posting on PC Gaming forums.
Admittedly I was still on here during the Wii U days when I was usually criticising Nintendo but I still had one. It was vaguely relevant to me.
But it’s fun.
That restaurant analogy is excellent.
@EightBitMan Either you're taking trolling to a new level or you need to gain some perspective. As for this idea that Nintendo is scamming anyone, you can't really be scammed if you know what exactly you're getting into. I get the sense most on here and anyone with any sort of knowledge of how the gaming industry works among the Big 3 what they're getting into when investing in their platforms
@EightBitMan Second time you’ve left Nintendo Life within a week because people said mean things about you on the internet. Your ego must be as strong as your commitment.
Took the development team 9 months to port diablo III to switch. But hey I guess you still will here people say 'lazy port'
@Razer well said.
@EightBitMan we do not need party poopers here. Spread your unpleasantness somewhere else.
To all Nintendo fans, Nintendo already said there were more games coming out. Some people had their doubts, but do not underestimate Nintendo. They want to make sure that they will bring out more games than Wii u did. So just sit back and enjoy the ride. It is not over yet.
@Frendo well said.
Surprised so many people here haven’t played this game. I’d say Blizzard games are an excellent fit for Nintendo fans.
Check out Overwatch, Diablo 3, StarCraft 2, Warcraft 2 and World of Warcraft. Some of the best games I’ve ever played.
@EightBitMan I thought you said you were out of here because we didn't flock to your gospel.
@EightBitMan -
"@JTMnM So, people who have different opinion are lunatics now? That's rich. As long as you know that I don't care what you think."
So you cared so little about what they think that you took your time to write what you think about what they think... Classic.
If the game comes complete on the cartridge, I'll support it. If not, and it requires an extra download, then I won't.
@PanurgeJr He did, but obviously @EightBitMan didn’t want to look like he went back on his word, so he deleted his comment.
Something else to note @EightBitMan will often edit his comments that start off as a not anti-Nintendo fan comment to make it an anti-Nintendo Fan comment, I assume to get more likes.
I don't understand why we get these characters when the current generation of gamers have not even been properly introduced to the games they played a leading role in. Forgotten glory.
I don't understand why we get these characters when the current generation of gamers have not even been properly introduced to the games they played a leading role in. Forgotten glory.
Hell, the current generation of Nintendo fans do not know what a good Nintendo is. They weren't around when Nintendo had real third-party support and when Konami was basically a second-party; they weren't around when both were on top of the game.
@lansyer yes, check the 2nd screenshot in the Eshop
It clearly shows SL SR buttons which is only used with one joycon sideways
@hatch way off topic, but your avatar is glorious. Lol
I have it on PC, but still tempted. I found i liked Diablo1 on PS1 far more than PC as the d-pad type controller play better suited some solid action tactics. I have a feeling D3 may feel that way too perhaps.
Need to see how well Nintendo's online holds up before jumping on this one. D3 is one of those games where a slight hiccup during an online session and it's over.
I have played through all the content of this game, first on my 360 then on xbox one. I am excited to see this coming to switch but don't feel it's worth the $60 price tag
Digging the cheese factor in this promo
what will be the next word for video game titles?
also people this game runs on 60fps and 960p in dock mode and off dock its 720.
@EightBitMan you see, where your argument falls totally flat on its face is in portability. Considering Nintendo is and always has been, king of portable gaming for 30+ years, they are considered GOOD, to me and the other 50+ million who play games portable.
You haven't really thrown up a reasonable argument against this, which leads me to believe you're actually salty that this works for them, hence why your here... Hating on something you know deep down works, but because you don't enjoy it, you can't stand it.
Kevin Hart made a joke about women who get mad at their partners when their out enjoying themselves... Everytime you comment, i think of that 😂😂... Just keep being you, the world needs people like you... Not too many, but enough to set "what not to be like" example for the younger ones.
@EightBitMan The first two paragraphs had nothing to do with what I said. It sounds more like like a creed than a response. LOL
Third paragraph: For calling Nintendo fans “slaves” and “cult members”, you sure like bragging about how civil you are. LOL
I am so glad they announced this before Victor Vran was released. I so wanted a Diablo like on the Switch. Now we have actual Diablo!!! Thank you Blizzard and Nintendo for making this happen!
@Fezzik "Will you be able to play with those who own this game on the computer? Or is it just console cross-play?"
No cross-platform play. No linking to an existing Diablo 3 account. Online play will be through Nintendo's subscription service only. However, it will have offline play and single system and multi-system co-op. You can even mix and match, so if you have a buddy over, you can both play online together on the same system or different systems. And if he logs into his Diablo 3 account on your system, he can even use one of his own characters.
@Frendo "I'm actually a pretty negative person often myself, because of many hardships I has encountered in whole life....But I decided to change my behavior, since it's not healthy to remaining that negative for a such long time"
Good man. A lifetime of experience has taught me that being a cynical bastard has never solved anything. All it does is make you and those around you miserable.
@EightBitMan I didn’t mention Nintendo (the corporation) once in this thread
@EightBitMan i love how you are willing to engage with anyone who doesn't use portability as a main focus of their point for Nintendo being relevant.
But you outright refuse to acknowledge the argument when presented to you simply.
You do this because it doesn't fit your narrative (Nintendo being irrelevant), it's quite common in people who suffer from delusions... When presented with an answer to their source of confusion, these people would either blankly ignore the solution or they would lash out in more fits of delusion and confusion, this is because the answer given, doesn't fit the narrative they've built inside their heads. (Word for word exactly what you are doing, hating what you dont understand)
Anyways there's no point me telling you this, its akin to trying to make a crazy person understand what being sane is. Just know that...
We like portable gaming...
@Syrek24 ya but then after it releases they make some new dlc.
I will probably pick this up. But I would prefer Overwatch and Hearthstone from Blizzard.
@NESlover85 "I am so glad they announced this before Victor Vran was released."
Indeed. I had my eye on Victor Vran after the Titan Quest fiasco, but now I don't even have to bother with Diablo-clones because we're getting the real deal!
That's not to take anything away from Victor Vran. I play it on my Kubuntu box, and it's a fun game with its own unique take on the genre, but I prefer Diablo 3. I may still get VV in the future, but it's no longer high on my wishlist.
Um, isn’t this the third time EightBitMan has quit the site this month? He actually loves us, and wants to express his love the only way he knows how.
He's like an abusive father.
I'm stoked for this as I've never really sat down to play any of the Diablo games. My buddies have been trying to get me into DIII on the PS4 but I never have enough time to sit down and play. With this being able to play offline and on the go is "yuuuuuge" but if the price is not right then I'll have to pass until there's a sale. Same reason why I've held off on Doom and Skyrim for Switch.
@HobbitGamer actually he really does... The real reason he's mad is because he wishes Nintendo still made consoles that cater to his tastes...
He knows deep down that Nintendo will make the Switch work through the merits of its portability alone but that actually angers him, because again it doesn't fit his own preference and the narrative he's built in his mind that Nintendo is a failing business because they dont cater to his and others like him, needs.
In the end he's angry because he lost the company who made games for him growing up, but not because they left, but because he did and they didn't follow.
Most people don't take others into account when its them that have lost something... In this case "forget the 50m+ people who do game handheld... What about me?"...
We humans ya know... Very fallible we are
Was always curious about this series. Seeing the game play is making my old Gauntlet itch flair up.
> Describes self as "civil"
> Proclaims that anyone who is remotely interested in & positive about the Switch is a cult-like fanboy
Sure, Jan...
@Razer Pretty much humans also have an innate nature to find negativity easier to wallow in than positivity.
But for the most part, this community on NL is great; Generally, we all just want each other to enjoy a game
@StuTwo The devil assist trophy from Brawl and Smash 4 seems to be gone in Ultimate, so you might not be far off...
Oh yeah, I will have to rebuy Diablo 3 for the Switch I suppose.
@EightBitMan @Razer
I have been reading this site for a long time, and it's always the same. People come in and proclaim how Nintendo is failing, and they are doomed, the Switch will fail, the Wii U is their last system, the 3DS will never sell, blah blah blah.
Eventually they stop posting in the comments, and Nintendo keeps on rolling along.
I got Diablo III free when I bought Mists of Pandaria for WoW. It was an awesome promo that Blizzard ran during Xmas 2012 (I believe). I beat the game and really enjoyed it but I didn't play any of expansions or added on content. This could be a great way to jump back in! I think I'll pick this one up.
Or, one more thing .....I LOVE Nintendo's gaming strategy right now. The majority of 1st party and 2nd party titles they are creating have Teen or Everyone ratings. This gives them mass appeal. However, look at their approach to 3rd party games? LA Noire, Skyrim, Doom, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein and now Diablo. They are mature style games that do not shy away from violence and gore. I'd like to see GTA V end up on Switch, too.
@EightBitMan Dude, you're not free. The amount of time you've spent screaming about Nintendo can only be the result of a powerful need to; you are completely addicted to trolling.
You're also a liar. I remember you said you were out of here, and that comment doesn't exist anymore. You've edited it or deleted it. Either way, saying you only edit to provide additional commentary is a lie. One that assumes everyone here is paying no attention, so it's also insulting.
@subpopz I’m with you on this one! I’m in!
@PanurgeJr just report him if he keeps on trolling
@Camilla I'm sure he gets reported enough. Besides, I find it beneficial to see what I would have become had I not grown out of thinking everyone should like what I did.
Seeing as you implied that DOOM is basically the only 'ONE' game from a third party, well..
Just a few off the top of my head -
Dragonball Fighter Z, Wolfenstein (latest), Fortnite, Team Sonic Racing, Fifa19, NBA2K19.. surely you can't say they are OLDER games, they obviously take time to develop / port for a lower powered system lol...oh...
and.. Octopath traveller exclusive from the SE guys themselves and Mario + Rabbids exclusive from Ubi.
there are others but those third party's just popped in to say hi to your comment/rant. Even if they release 30 more, there will still be people who want to complain and troll (so it would seem!).
Meanwhile, while you're complaining, I'm back to having fun playing a bunch of games that the Switch supposedly doesn't have.
World of SwitchCraft, I meant World of Warcraft!
Ridiculous.. they should have obviously released Diablo 9.. Switch get's no 3rd party.
I am really excited 😁 this is cool.
I ‘m very tempted, but if it arrives after smash, then I’m afraid there’s no time to spare.
Oh lords of darkness, another freaking Smart Guy has arrived to explain to us poor deluded sheeples how Nintendo is doing everything wrong, the Switch sucks and is doomed to fail because it doesn't try to be as powerful as the Twins, and all of these games we are so excited about are really just inferior ports.
Is there some secret cloning laboratory under Sony HQ where they manufacture these guys and train them in the art of trolling?
@HobbitGamer To be fair I think it's "only" the second time he makes a dramatic leave, but seen as he deletes those comments when he's tempted back (now who's the slave?), I can't say for sure.
But it's his calling. He's been around since the beginning of gaming time, unlike the rest of us (I for one have only been walking this earth since the NES/SNES/GB days, poor me) and therefore knows what good and true gaming is.
He's the Gaming Jesus we've all unknowingly been waiting and hoping for, sent down to this backwards place where everyone is a stupid and blind fanboy follower, sadly not of EightBitMan's heavenly beliefs, but of the big evil Nintendo corp. So he's here to tell us the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it will make us feel.
As we're, according to him, part of a cult, we're of course beyond reason, but seeing as he's our true consumer friendly lord and saviour, he won't give up on us that easily and will even "die for our sins" to finally set us free from this corporate slavery that we've all been indoctrinated to accept.
He will save us all! Praise EightBitMan!
Edit: This is my last comment on this guy. But I'm confident I can sleep well at night, knowing that He watches over us ignorant fools. In the end we will wake up! Have a nice day, y'all!
The lighting effects are not as good as PS4, I think it's the PS3 version. That's how they manage to keep it 60fps.
Fanboys of every colour are insane. Like PC fanboys who lock themselves off from Console gaming but see fit to lecture others.
It’s possible to think some of the stuff Nintendo are doing is good and some is bad. Just criticising everything they do is as much pointless zealotry as is blindly defending them.
Lauding Nintendo of the 80s and 90s, where their bullying of third parties and anti-consumer practices created the problems that still dog them today, is laughable. It shows such a poor grasp of their history it genuinely astonishes. It also spectacularly undermines any claims to be a consumer champion.
Equally, criticising Nintendo for not copying Sony and MS shows a total failure to grasp reality for either Nintendo or the industry.
Basically, we’ve heard it all before fella.
@electrolite77 Yeah, you can be a Nintendo fan without a brown nose. Blind love OR hate is never good. Praise when praise is deserved, criticize when criticism is needed.
Had my eye on Red dead, but I'm not sure now.
Guys stop asking for Starcraft. Starcraft wil suck at Switch as much as it did on n64 cause of the controls. You can't play RTS without mouse (or maybe a trackpad). There was a version of Red Alert on iPad on the early days but it was a failure. Red Alert, Age of Empires series, Starcraft. All great games but you can't play them properly on consoles.
@EightBitMan Thinks Nintendo are a terrible company. Proceeds to make an active nintendolife account
@EightBitMan What are you doing on this site? I doubt it is more than wasting your time.
@Quarth Yeah, I too love that he's The One True Gamer. The last bastion of hope from the good old days that no one here is old enough to remember. I certainly don't have memories of playing Top Gun on my NES as a child, or that back in my day we called Call of Duty Contra, and we counted ourselves lucky if we had a friend over to co-op it. Oh man, now I want to boot up some Contra.
@NoxAeturnus Modern crappy Nintendo games like Zelda: BotW and Super Mario Odyssey or useless ports like Skyrim or DOOM has nothing against the AAA third party game Top Gun. A shame that we missed out on that one and only have those worthless Switch games to play now... If only Nintendo where more up to date and consumer friendly... Imagine what we would have!
@EightBitMan I never stated I have a problem with you calling Nintendo fans cult members. My problem is that you think it’s a civil thing to do while deriding people for being uncivil. It’s the equivalent of someone saying racism is bad while being a part of the KKK. Either A. Don’t call out others for being uncivil while being uncivil yourself or B. Actually be civil.
I'm 33 and started gaming on the Original Nintendo Entertainment System. Nintendo has never been at the top of the heap except for the NES and SNES. Outside of that they have always have a very good and solid following, that's why Nintendo games rarely lower in cost and value. The Nintendo Switch is a huge shot in the arm to Nintendo, selling 20 million consoles less than a year and a half is nothing to sneeze at.
@EightBitMan Honey, there aren't words to describe how little I care what video game machines you prefer.
@EightBitMan portability?
Lame!!! Bring new games!!!
@EightBitMan Yep, you are absolutly right!
Definitely going to double dip for this...
Def going to double dip i always wished foe this to be portable
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