Mobile developer Madfinger Games is bringing its free to play shooter Shadowgun Legends to Switch, it has been confirmed.
This visually stunning FPS took Madfinger just two days to port to the Switch, thanks to the fact that it is built using the Unity engine. The company's previous efforts have all been mobile exclusives, aside from the original Shadowgun, which was released on the Android-based Ouya console - remember that?
Shadowgun Legends is already available on iOS and Google Play, where it has received a warm critical reception. It boasts over 500 weapons and more than 1000 pieces of armour, which can be earned in raid battles. Madfinger has stated that it is committed to putting the player first with an in-game live streaming system, "total transparency of the game and update development" and a "bulletproof" anti-cheat system.

Here's some PR:
Experience an epic story campaign, competitive and cooperative multiplayer, and an innovative social hub, all in one game!
In the futuristic world of Shadowgun Legends, humanity is under attack from a deadly alien invader. The last line of defence are the Shadowguns, legendary warriors and heroes. You are a young Shadowgun recruit with limitless potential who can turn the tide of war. So what are you waiting for? Join the fight and show the galaxy who’s boss!
+ Save humanity from an alien invader in an epic Story Campaign spanning over 200+ mission on 4 diverse planetsCO-OP MISSIONS AND RAIDS
+ Join forces with up to three friends and defeat giant enemy bosses for glory and legendary lootREAL-TIME PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER TEAM BATTLES
+ Fight your rivals in unique multiplayer game modes and diverse PvP arenasRPG ELEMENTS AND CUSTOMIZATION
+ Choose from over 600 unique weapons including Handguns, Assault Rifles, Sub-Machine Guns, Heavy Machine Guns, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles and Rocket Launchers. From plasma beams to good old-fashioned lead bullets.
+ Collect over 1000 armor pieces and build your armor sets. Fortified juggernaut, sleek infiltrator or something else entirely? The choice is yours!
+ Make your Shadowgun stand out with 250+ cosmetic items
+ Pick your own skills and create your own playstyle - no classes, no restrictions!INNOVATIVE SOCIAL FEATURES
+ Interact with other players, visit vendors, accept missions, party hard and much more in game’s persistent Hub
+ Chat with friends, create battle squads and form guildsUNIQUE REWARD SYSTEM - FAME
+ Become a celebrity of the Shadowgun Universe
+ Get rewarded for how you play the game. Your every action is appreciated with our unique fame system. The more famous you are the more the world will react to your actions.
Is this one on your radar? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 59
will definitely check this out. Also its 60fps
I was pretty excited. Then I saw it was the free to play model and my excited dropped a lot. I still might give it a try but...
God, I really don't like that model of game design.
Is 60fps confirmed? A new FPS is always welcome, looking forward to this.
It was a great game to play on the mobile phone but I'm not sure I'd get it to play on the Switch.
I'd rather have then creating a new Shadowgun (single player) game and releasing it exclusive on the Switch to avoid comparison with a "mobile phone game".
That was the issue with Gear Club, it had comparisons everywhere and people asked if it was worth to purchase the game as it was free on Android and iOS.
Free to Play AND mobile port! No thank you!
@mist Yeah "Our goal is to deliver an unprecedented level of graphical quality at 60 FPS"
Native chat?
I’ll try it. Especially if it has motion controls!
Yeah nah.
Gosh, after buying Paladins earlier this morning I'll give this game a go when it comes out.
It can only be a good think mobile devs bringing their games to the Switch.
I wish Square would port all their iOS RPG’s to Switch, starting with Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and FFIX
Sounds interesting, but I wonder how the F2P model will work with the campaign and weapons. Might be better if they did what the devs. behind Manticore did and have this game ditch the F2P model.
A free to play shooter you can play as much as you want without spending a dime and if you don't like it then you can delete it and never think about it again since it cost you no money.
The exact same game that costs you £40 instead of being free. Since you paid for it though, you have access to all of the totally non-game changing cosmetic items. If you don't like the game then tough, you paid £40 for it. At least you got all those non-game changing items though.
I don't understand why so many folk just automatically rule out free to play as if games that have this model are all one and the same. For some games the FTP model suits the game perfectly and ensures you will never have trouble finding teammates/opponents to play with.
Misleading name sounds like Shadowrun which is a great game.
Looks pretty cool.
I'll definitely check it out, considering it's free.
Ah yes. The mysterious tales of those grand heroes that... fired something know as a ... shadowgun.
looks very slow paced, character movement ect... hmmm
In the video it kind of looks like if Metroid Prime and Call of Duty had a baby.
I've bought a few games on the Switch that were originally mobile/tablet games (such as Manticore), but they had good production values and actually work better on a system with natural controls.
I don't like the Free to Play model as everything usually ends up behind a pay wall. I'd rather just buy a game outright with everything unblocked. I'll give this a try though.
When I saw it I thought it was Shadowrun too. I loved the SNES version but the last incarnation on Xbox was nothing like it at all. There was a remake of the original happening on mobile but I'm not sure what happened to it. I wouldn't mind that being ported to the Switch.
Wait, an online FPS ftp with possibly 2player story mode?
Considering I'm sucking at Fortnite, sign me up!!
A free game is on offer and most here still won't take it? Smh. How about download the game first before you knock it and if you don't like it, you can always uninstall it...wallah, no money lost! Just think of this as the developers getting their feet wet for potentially more support.
@OorWullie agree 100%. Free to play with solo content - Im in. Not sure how anyone can hate that.
Looks fun. I could use some decent FPS action. I don't normally like F2P, but this sounds like it might not be too obnoxious. We'll see.
Awww man! I just realized the sub-title is misleading. I thought you were saying this would be out in two days. 😩
Is there release date?
It's a pretty fun game too. It's more like Destiny playing solo & Call Of Duty pvp. I guess some of u guys will just miss out tho
I created a account just so I could get on to defend this game lol crazy. But seriously the in game purchases are not a big deal it's just clothing items
It's a quality Destiny clone, but I don't think I would prioritize this over Doom or Wolfenstein. Works fine for what it is on my phone.
I too don't see why people hate getting a free game. It's like a full game demo with some extra content SHOULD you want to pay for it. I'll try it, and if I like it, I'll be grateful to the developers.
Hell, I may change my perspective entirely.
There's Free To Play (yay!), Free Trial (demo), Pay To Win (nope), and then there's even Pay To Play At All (today's standard). While I understand development costs, and am all for the fact that true artists should be able to live of their work without having to do a slave job (no one should have to do that anyway), how about some love for the people who just want you to play their games (which I have no doubt they must have put at least SOME love in), and give YOU the choice whether you want to pay for some extra content or not - and to what extent?
Spoken like a true idiot.
Funny but PC could say the same about games like BOTW. Compared to games like Detroit and Deus Ex the game is ugly. Even compared to that famous game that people test their PCs with.
Mobile is a new platform. You can be as salty as a closet sailor but it doesn't change a thing. You are not intrinsically divine... Nor are you even that important. Many people do not have access to Switch and thus gaming on the go is only available through Android or iOS. There are plenty of amazing mobile games.
And Fortnite proves that F2P can be fun.
The irony is you have 88 in your name and yet like Jim Sterling you seem to display none of the knowledge that gamers from the 90s have... Instead only starting to game during the PS3 era... Which is okay. But don't then act like a "core" gamer when you seemingly didn't game during the arcade era. The only people that have your attitude have never ever played much arcade. Which is where pay to win started.
Most f2p games are usually built with mechanics to incite players to spend money. Of course, you're not forced to do so. But while some went the "cosmetic items only" route, many are still designing their game around an artificially imposed limitation that requires either the player to wait, or pay. Which in the end, make players addicted to a game pay much, much more than what a full game with a one-time purchase would cost.
Also, reviews. Videos. Twitch. YouTube. All of these can give you a pretty good idea if a game is for you or not. It practically never happenned in the last 20 years or so that I paid for a game and felt I wasted my money. If people aren't using all these resources, well, that's their problem. Demos and "trying for free before you pay something" isn't as strong an argument as it once was.
Also, for many, like me, even if paying is entirely optional, putting the options in your face while playing a game creates a disconnect with the game world you're immersed in. It brings the economics of the real world into a game you're playing to escape said real world. To me, this affects how I perceive a game, and my enjoyment of it. It feels like ads on TVs, when they interupt a tense scene in a movie or series. We understand they need to make money, but it also, at the same time, affect the experience.
I'd prefer they release a new, proper, Shadowgun game with a single-player campaign, instead of another "me-too" multiplayer fragfest. One you can also buy for a flat fee. I'd pay for that.
That's funny considering it was released 3 years before Destiny.
@R4z0rGr1nd3r "That's funny considering it was released 3 years before Destiny... Moron."
Google "shadowgun legends release date" and then get back to me.
And seriously..."Moron"? LOL. At least get educated before reverting to name calling. I guess the two don't go hand-in-hand though, am I right?
@R4z0rGr1nd3r A. Rude B. I have not stated fact but opinion. C. I'd rather buy a game and don't have microtransactions shoved in my face at every turn (yes, I'm a rare kind, I know). D. Yes, mobile games can be fun. I'm not saying they can't be. I'm not saying that because of graphics. I'm saying it because mobile games' microtransactions are usually pretty invasive to the enjoyment of games. At least in my opinion.
But I am free to let my opinion be changed by a review of the game.
@mist Hi Mist, greetings from Madfingers. I can definitely confirm this information. We are MAD about high tech performance and highest graphics standards. 60FPS is a must.
Looks good enough to try out, I'll be downloading on release day.
I've been playing this on my Galaxy and it plays really well. I hate mobile shooters with a passion but this one is ok. Graphics are as you would expect but the auto shoot when you aim helps. Hopefully this is replaced and you use triggers to shoot in the Switch version.
It doesn't hold a candle to CoD, Halo etc but for free it might be fun. Will probably looks horrible in docked mode.
@ADistantFuture45 Did you not like Paladins?
@SimplyCinnamon53 I haven't played it yet. I'll be playing it tonight.
I love seeing these mobile shooters make the jump to switch! This is Destiny / The Division for switch gamers! I can't wait!!
They are adding co-op to over 200 single player missions!! wow!
there is a central hub where all the players can dance, go to night club & do all types of mini games together. This the FPS/RPG we need!
Plus it already has mobile fan base , who we'll most likely either already have a switch or go buy one just to continue playing this game with proper traditional controls. I welcome more gamers!
TWO DAYS TO PORT? Unity engine aside, that's telling (Not to mention "telling on" some devs...)
@Heavyarms55 ? You’d rather pay $20-$60 for the same game but with more cosmetic options? Literally all that costs money is cosmetics, which you could spend money on if you really wanted... why wouldn’t you want this for free?
Nice! I had a great time with this on mobile for a few weeks and would definitely download and mess around with it on Switch. I don't think it would have serious longevity, but hey, free is free.
Played the first game on Android TV and loved it. This one is already out, would love to play it on Switch!!!
I like FPS games so I'll give it a try
I just want a release date
@Bermanator That's my biggest beef with Paladins and Fortnite. No offline bot modes. Paladins has bots too. Makes no sense. Just dont allow leveling offline, bam! Still fun games, but really bugs me. Hopefully Madfinger changes the status quo, with offline single player. @TomasNawar Loved these games since the original!
Please add gyro aiming
@Bermanator Agreed.
Just played it on my iPhone 7plus, it was laggy, there is no trigger, it’s just aim and it shoots automatically, also no jump/duck/prone/cover button. I hope they spend more than two days and make this game better on the Switch.
I wish Bullet Force would come to the Switch games if we are gonna get mobile ports.
@ShadJV I'd rather a complete full priced game with fully flesh out content, yes. This seems like it could make for a cool single play campaign, and a more traditional FPS shooter. That said, I will probably still try it. I mean free is still free.
As happy as I am with a new game available i really don't like mobile games ports for switch. I guess with F2P it won't be a bad value but i didn't pay 400 quid to play IOS games.
Looks great.
Definitely worth a go. Love to hear these quick success stories. Square-Enix has no excuse for their piddling around.
They ported it in two days, so why isn't it out yet? Maybe later today?
Awesome can't wait for this, any word on a release date?
No motion controls = No download
I might pick this up to hold me over until Starlink comes out, looks fun
Hi there, quick question as it wasnt stated anywhere, everybody is speculating, is it going to be F2P or you going to the path what Galaxy of Fire took, scrap the F2P and rather sell the game for money insted of MT. Thanks
I just played the mobile version of this game and it's actually pretty fun, I didn't play too much of it because I want to wait for the Switch version to come out, I will get this one for my Switch
I find it strange that they say they got it up and running in two days, and yet a month later still no announcements on the games. They also said it was releasing in summer, so at this rate they will not have much of summer left.
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