Let's be honest - Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash on Wii U wasn’t exactly what we all wanted, and that’s putting it gently. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when Mario Tennis Aces was announced not too long ago it looked like it could hold some real promise. Now we’ve had a chance to have a ruddy good go at it, do those positive vibes still hold?
Straight away we were thrown into the bit we were most excited about; the single-player story mode. After a short tutorial for the basic moves and a slightly longer tutorial to explain the new mechanics the game offers, we were treated to three levels. The variety was good - rather than just being various different tennis matches we also had to lob fireballs back at Piranha Plants, which was actually rather challenging, as well as take on the infamous Petey Piranha. Despite the limitation of being a tennis game, we were pleased to see it being employed in different and interesting ways.

The story that ties the whole game together is ludicrously contrived, but thankfully seems to be aware of how little sense it makes for Donkey Kong to refuse Mario passage unless he proves his strength on the court. It’s a tennis game at the end of the day, and we feel if the developer had tried to take it seriously it wouldn’t work at all, but as it stands - with the Infinity Gauntlet posing as a tennis racquet and the limitless patience of Petey as he’s content to fling balls back at you rather than just bum-rush you into oblivion - it works.
Every way the game handles and plays feels tight, responsive, and extremely well-refined. The basic tennis controls and play is almost identical to Ultra Smash (it even has the same announcer soundbites), but the real evolution for the series comes from the new Zone Shot and Zone Speed.

Zone Shot allows you to slow down time, enter a first-person perspective of your character, and actually choose where to hit the ball with pinpoint accuracy - to the point where you can choose to knock it out of the court if you feel like it. This is controlled by use of gyro aiming, but it can also easily be turned off in the settings. You can only do this when a sufficiently high shot is coming towards you, usually a lob, that is marked so with a star showing its landing path.
Zone Speed on the other hand allows you to slow down time while retaining full movement speed for you but not your opponent. This allows you to reach the ball when you might otherwise not be able to do so, and it’s an absolute lifesaver when your foe tries to take you out with a Zone Shot.

That’s because your racquet now has a health bar, and if you fail to return a Zone Shot with precise timing, you’ll get the ball back over the net but your ball-hitter will take damage. Mistime such a return three times in a game with both of your racquets (you always have a backup if your first is destroyed) and you’ll be forced to forfeit the entire match. If you hit the ball back when it is as close as possible to you, you’ll block the shot and you’ll be spared the pain. Zone Speed naturally makes the timing for this a lot easier, so don’t squander it.
Another 'new' addition is Special Shot. This has been in other Mario Tennis games previously, but it’s got a shiny new trick up its sleeve. Much like a Zone Shot, you have to return a Special Shot with impeccable timing, but with this little sausage if you fail to time your return properly: your racquet will be immediately destroyed. Scary stuff.

All of these are tied to the energy gauge, which fills up by performing Charge Shots, and can be used when you press a button to return a shot long before the ball is near you, or the new Trick Shot. On the face of it, the Trick Shot looks like an easy safety net that’ll allow you to quickly slide over to the ball when it would otherwise be out of reach. However, the reality of the situation is that it’s really quite easy to totally misjudge the distance your trick shot can reach, and over or undershoot the mark. If you can pull it off, it’s seriously worth it, giving you a big boost to your energy, but misuse will usually result in you looking like a flashy and overconfident fool to strangers online.
It may sound overwhelming or perhaps a little over the top at first, but these new mechanics are fairly simple to get your head around, but quite tricky to master. They add a new dimension to the gameplay that the series has been gagging for, and allow for much more tactical play than just drop shots on sand courts.

We were also able to play against other, real humans that happened to also be in the room, and this is where the game shined brightest for us. That’s not to say we didn’t enjoy the single-player, but playing against CPUs is never as satisfying as playing with someone we can verbally abuse in person. The opportunity to turn around and stare down the person that just smashed your racquet is pure magic, and will certainly help to destroy friendships before Mario Party 11 is announced. The game also runs beautifully, able to run at 60fps without dropping a single frame from our analysis, as well as running at a fairly meaty resolution. Our tests came up with a working resolution of around 1728 x 972, but in certain instances such as Special Shots we saw an increase to a full 1080p.
While Ultra Smash felt like a limp attempt to fill a gap in the Wii U’s release schedule, Mario Tennis Aces is looking like it has some real passion behind it. The variety in content, the new mechanics, the wonderfully ludicrous lineup of characters (read: Chain Chomp) makes us feel like this is what Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash should’ve been, and so much more besides. From what we’ve played so far this is looking like a very solid return to form for the series.
What did you make of our hands-on preview of Mario Tennis Aces? Will you be taking to the court this summer? Share your thoughts below...
Comments 47
I think everyone wanted an RPG like story mode that existed in the handheld games.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for a Mario sports game! All this hype has me wanting to learn how to play actual tennis, which is really saying something...for me at least.
I can already see it "the story in mario tennis aces didn't move us like TLOU did" /apply palm to face
Cannot wait to play this
Single player sounds great, interested to see the options for playing online with friends though.
@Rika_Yoshitake "The story mode did not delve into the darker side of humanity in the way games like Eternal Darkness did".
Strikers would have been better for this year in my opinion (World Cup)... but hopefully we get a good Golf and Strikers at some point on Switch.
A quality Mario sports game can quickly become a time sucking monster for me. I have high hopes for this title.
Is the demo soon? Not the network thingy, but the actual demo? Or have I gone further insane and dreamed that a demo was announced?
@PhilKenSebben There's only the 'Pre-launch Online Tournament Demo' which is 1st-3rd June
Cant wait
After World Tennis Tour not leaving an impression, at least not a good one, I'm really glad Aces is shaping up to be really solid Mario Tennis title. I would have prefered a new Virtua Tennis, as Aces might be a bit to arcade'y for me at times, but I'm confident I will still have a good time with it, even though it might not fit be a 100% perfect fit for what I am looking for. Definitely going to try the demo at the end of the week. Hopefully, it will reinfoce my desire to get this game right away at launch
Can’t wait. Looks fun
Wish you could tone down the trails on the ball - it only actually looks like a tennis ball when the point ends, the rest of the time it's an over-done shooting star effect by the looks of it.
Not sure about it if the story mode is contrived. Donkey Kong won't let you pass if you don't beat him in match? How hard can it be to write something that makes a little more sense.
I’m down for this. I’m in the mood for a change in genre and this hands on is making all the right noises for me.
I want Mii joined in Mario Tennis Aces.
@Anti-Matter You're probably the first person I've ever seen that actively wants the Mii's to be playable in a game XD
"With a swing of the Infinity Racquet, I will erase half of the court; your half."
@1UP_MARIO Mario's tennis shoes in this picture are absolutely adorable
@holygeez03 nah, not everything needs to be a game from a theme like worldcup. just enjoy the game
Sounds promising!
@brutalpanda you want a story about a world-hopping plumber playing tennis against a talking Gorilla to make more sense?
Does it have motion controls?
@chardir Crazier it is then. Ha haaa! Insanity.
Hmm...I was really hoping for some commentary on how it felt using both button and motion controls. Sounds like the game is shaping up VERY nicely, but my favorite Wii Sports game by far was Tennis...and I've been hoping the motion controls for this are as good as that was...but I've not really heard much on that point yet.
@Marios-love-child yes it has a swing mode
@Marios-love-child yes
@LUIGITORNADO I've never played a Mario Tennis game (other than Virtual Boy....we won't go there.... ) but even with that I agree. The RPG story for Sushi Striker is what makes the game!
Great! Now if this was icehockey, i‘d be so pumped
Can't wait to play this with my girlfriend.
Will be getting this day 1
Day 1 for me. Last tennis I played since Wii Sports was the Sega all star on 360.
According to the game's page on nintendo.com, it's got motion controls. But I'd really like to hear about it before I purchase.
I want this game
No Frostbite Engine no buy Nintendo!
Just make a good tennis game, all this slowing down time bollox is an unwanted gimmick in my book
@gcunit totally agree, I think the last game to be a regular tennis ball was the excellent mario tennis on n64. Hate that stupid ball effect and won't be buying if you can't turn it off
Game looks awesome, Alex your a legend but you need to listen to the majority and change the way you say Mario though I feel at this stage you're doing it just to annoy us. Must buy for me
@holygeez03 yes it does feel like a missed opportunity. I get the feeling that that series doesn't get much love, but for me it's probably the best Mario sports games out there.
I want this game, but would like more a real tennis with championship and real players.
I guess the story isn't any weirder than rap battling to see who gets to use the bathroom first and if you lose you soil yourself. Maybe my tolerance for video game stories that are supposed to be wacky is a little too high?
@WrongChops I take it you don't want a decent story in a Mario tennis game's story mode.
I can assuredly say that stories of any kind are the least of my priorities when playing any game in the Mario franchise. This is even more so when playing a sports title, even speaking as someone who has been playing Mario Tennis games since the Game Boy Colour. It will be a silly, means to and ends way of taking you across a map, with a sense of progression encompassing different gameplay styles and challenges. I'm not expecting Shakespeare.
Sorry @brutalpanda but the short answer is an emphatic 'no, I don't care'.
When I read the game would have RPG elements it got my hopes up, but seeing the colour trails and trick shots worry me. Once Nintendo believed in their skills to make the core tennis gameplay so fun that the extras weren't really needed but just the cherry on top. I truly hope it's the same here, but I fear we'll never see a Super Tennis or old-school Mario Tennis again (GBA version rocked, N64 was also OK). Gd I feel old
Honestly, the Mario Tennis games stopped being good after Gamecube for me, even then, I felt the N64 game was superior. The RPG games on GBC and GBA were great however.
@WrongChops yeah im not expecting Shakespeare either, you're going to the far end with that one. also if Odyssey didn't have a strong story it would have not been as good of a game. The story and game design went hand in hand.
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