Things have been quiet on the retro Nintendo front after the release of Arcade Archives Super Mario Bros. VS, but that silence is now coming to an end with a bang. A right hook bang probably since HAMSTER is releasing the original Punch-Out!! on the 30th March on the Switch eShop!
This double-screen monstrosity is not your NES Punch-Out!!, but a whole different beast. Released in 1983 it introduced (video game) boxing legends Glass Joe, Piston Hurricane, Bald Bull and (Metallica unrelated) Mr Sandman. Complete with digitised speech that keeps encouraging you to not only win, but keep pouring in those quarters as well.

Perhaps one of the lesser known facts about this game is that music composing duties where assigned to one Koji Kondo. We reckon he did quite all-right for himself...
Will you be taking the punches next week when this bona fide piece of Nintendo history arrives on the Switch eShop? Let us know in the comments below...
[source japanesenintendo.com]
Comments 89
(Hope this comes with a TATE mode, because that side-by-side screen is a bit weird)
Played this on MAME many years ago.
Always preferred the NES game but this one is OK too I guess.
Whoaaaaaa excellent!!!!
With Sengoku blade, Sengoku 3, Bad Dudes, Sol Divide, and now this within 1 week. It's arcade craziness right now!
I remember seeing this as a kid in the arcade so many times and wanting to play it but for some reason I never did. Better late then never!
Nice! Another solid classic entry! At this point You have to wonder if Nintendo will even bother with the Switch virtual console at all!
Love that advert
I’ve never had a chance to play this version of Punchout!!
On a side note, is Breath of the Wild the only (proper) Zelda game Koji Kondo wasn’t involved in?
OMG! Yes!!!!!! I have waited over twenty-five years to replay this game! I used to play it at my local skating rink, back in the late 80's/early 90's, and I never beat it!
I'm hoping that enough people download it to convince Nintendo that there is an audience for a new entry!
The NES version is a rare example of a console version I like more than the arcade but this is still amazing
Nice! I think I played this arcade once or twice as a kid. I can't really remember much about it other than little mac is now just a wire frame. Anybody know what the big differences are from the NES version?
Nice. Haven't played this in a LONG time.
Having just turned 40 myself, I go back as far as vividly remember playing said Arcade at my local amusements. Can't say I'll be too tempted to pick it up next week however.
@masterLEON It does from what I read in the original Famitsu Japanese report.
Sengoku 3 and Bad Dudes are on the top of my list for next week. I’ll get Punch Out later.
WOO HOO! This is the one I've been waiting for
YEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! My personal GoTY!!!!!
He hasn't been composing for the Zelda series for awhile, I think Grandma's theme from Windwaker might be his last one?
The gameplay is quicker paced. It actually takes some getting used to, because the NES game is more forgiving and wasn't created to eat away at your quarters. It's a really fun game, but it is very challenging. Also, it doesn't have the number of opponents that the NES game has.
All in all, it's totally worth the download, especially if you're a fan of the series. If you liked Super Punch Out on SNES, you'll feel more at home with the arcade game.
Really loved this as a kid (though the nes version was better imo), but definitely grabbing it.
Wonderful news! I'll be adding this to my healthy Switch arcade library for sure. Really hope the Arcade Archives series, Nintendo titles or otherwise, become weekly or more bi-weekly at least. So much gaming joy resides in the history of the arcade era. Multiple arcade releases to Switch a week is pure heaven for me. Can't think of another time I've enjoyed gaming so much as the advent of the Switch and these releases.
Finally! Thank you, been waiting for this. It would be nice to have nes or snes version as well. This will be fun.
Now we need contra.
YUSSS! I've been waiting to play this game again for years! I've played the console Punch Outs to death & I've longed for the arcade title that started it all. Gotta admit that the side-by-side aspect is gonna be jarring at first but whatever I still want it! I never finished it as a kid, but now I plan on rectifying that.
Been waiting for this for decades.
Finally something worthwhile from Nintendo for once.
Yes sir! I’ll be buying this one. Piston.... He did what on his hurricane?!
Contra, Final Fight, Rush N Attack, Ghosts and Goblins, Space Invaders, Arch Rivals, NARC, TMNT (won't happen, but I can dream), King of Dragons, etc.
I downloaded Double Dragon, a few days ago. It's been years since I've played the arcade game, so my memory is a bit hazy......did the original have this much slowdown, or was the port just poorly programmed? It's still fun, but something seems off about it.
Played this for the first time in an arcade last year. Was pretty fun. Loved NES Punchout!! and SNES Super Punchout!! as a kid. I'm ready to drop $8 on this.
Now this is an arcade game I'm excited to finally see rereleased.
For those who did not get to play this in the arcade, one of the distinguishing features from all the console Punch-Out games is the live commentator, which is great. "Body blow, body blow, uppercut, put him away . . . he's down for the count!!"
@saturn_hero It plays a little differently in that you'll have to pay attention to your opponent more. When their eyes turn yellow, they're going to throw a punch. And they also don't necessarily rely on patterns for their attacks (maybe a bit in the later fights, though). They'll also react faster to whether your gloves are up or down, which was in the NES version as well, but to a lesser degree. You can build up your POW meter by landing punches, when it reaches K.O., you can start to throw uppercuts which is unlimited until you get hit, or after some time, I believe (before that, the same button let's you throw slower right hooks). And you'll need to rely on blocking more (there's no stamina hearts, so it's ok) and enticing your opponent to throw a punch so you can counter. To me, it feels more like boxing organically against a real opponent other than an AI that's programmed to lead the player into fighting a certain way.
Edited: Super neat.
@BanjoPickles Yes, the arcade original Double Dragon slows down a lot!
i got this on the Wii U virtual console. why isn't Nintendo allowing us to transfer our copy of the game to the system. them forcing us to buy the game over and over again is annoying...
@BanjoPickles yes the lag is true even in the original when too many sprites are on the screen at the same time
nice, finally
@stevenw45 you dont, its a different game
however, you do realize there are several versions (and releases) of this game. hence my comment.
@stevenw45, this is the original arcade version. It was never released on consoles. I will pick this up, day one.
Two more examples: Ninja Gaiden and Bionic Commando.
This and Bad Dudes next week!!! My Switch has suddenly just turned into my own private arcade!!!
Was this the game where you controlled the little boxer?
Tempted, but I’d honestly prefer the NES version.
Nice. Now I want Vs. Mario and this. lol
Pow right in the kisser..
@Shiryu that screenshot is from the arcade version of “Super Punch-Out!!” Are we getting both of them?
Never seen this In An arcade. Closest I got was frank Bruno's boxing by elite on the speccy
Cool! I never played the arcade ones before.
@InVerted Just the arcade version. Hamster's Arcade Archives deals only with... yes indeed, arcade games.
Okay, that’s good. It’s still fun, but I don’t think that it holds up as well as I was hoping it would. I seriously hope that Final Fight eventually makes it!
@Shiryu but there’s 2 Punch-Out!! Arcades:
Punch-Out!! had Glass Joe, Piston Hurricane, Bald Bull, Kid Quick, Pizza Pasta, and Mr Sandman.
Super Punch-Out!! had Bear Hugger, Dragon Chan, Great Tiger, Vodka Drunkenski, and Super Macho Man.
I guess my question is, are we getting both Punch-Out!! arcade games? Cause the screen shot is from Super Punch-Out!!
He was asking about the Super Punch Out arcade that was released in ‘84/85.
I hope so! I never got the chance to play Super Punch Out!
@BanjoPickles yes!! Me too!! Played the original in the arcades, but would love to own both of them 😱.
@BanjoPickles My bad. That is Super Punch-Out!!, correct? Not yet listed, but surely down the line...? For now, just the original.
@InVerted Eagle eyed dude! will trade that banner image ASAP.
@Shiryu correct, the picture of Vodka Drunkenski is from the Super Punch-Out!! arcade. No worries 😉. But you can have the banner. Have at it 👍🏻
I've seen elsewhere on the web that Punch-out!! will have a few different display modes on the Switch in handheld. One is a side-by-side, as shown above. Another, really cool btw, is TATE, so it looks like the original arcade cabinet display with the info screen above the fight screen, and a third is a greatly reduced top-bottom view (like TATE only smaller and held horizontally).
@InVerted good eye, NL probably just used the wrong screenshot but both would be sweet
I do plan to pick this up.
Can't! Wait! Can't! Wait!
Weren't there Vs. Versions of Wrecking Crew and Balloon Fight? If so then I can't wait for those. Love those two games. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Love the Metallica reference. Great song, great band.
I loved the NES version of this game, but never played the arcade version.
Might pick this up.
Can I just say that Super Mario Bros. Vs. has been on the top of the digital charts pretty much since it came out. Still the lack of a real virtual console is baffling, given that it's sitting on a gold mine. It better be up to strong expectations when the online service drops, if it even involves Virtual Console that is.
@masterLEON There are piccies of Tate mode with the screens in the correct layout. You have to love Hamster ^^
@stevenw45 That was the NES/SNES versions, this is the arcade version. We've yet to hear of Nintendo's plans for a Switch Virtual Console, aside from offering classioc games with their subscription service coming in September and that NES and SNES games will feature online features.
@BanjoPickles I'm not sure about Super, because it has Vodka Drunkenski that is a notorious racial steriotype that they changed in later games to Soda Popinsnki, and in that case they would have to change the name and the voice that presents himm, and I doubt Hamster would do that.
Yes!!! This is the one I've been waiting for!
Buying day one
Arcade Punch-Out!! at last! Wow, suddenly I need to pick up a rash of old school:
Moon Patrol
Bad Dudes
Sengoku 3 (Still gotta get 2)
Arcade Archives Punch-Out!!
I sampled Punch-Out!! at my local arcade recently as I had never played it before and wow did I get trashed lol. Looking forward to owning it.
"Come on! Get up and fight!"
My friends and I used to call him Vodka Bob! Lol!
I spent a fair chunk of my youth and my money in arcades, but I just can’t get excited about purchasing one arcade classic at a time. Gimme a collection at a reasonable price, and you may pique my interest
Well it's about time!! Guess we get one of the next Vs.Nintendo games in the next 3 months?
I assume this is only in NA, as there is nothing in the UK coming soon section.
Will read reviews first but this is one I'll be keeping an eye. Love Punch-Out!! NES, Super Punch-Out!! and Punch-Out!! Wii.
Can't imagine Arcade Super Punch-Out!! (which is a different game than the SNES game of the same title) being too far behind.
Though there is a forgotten Punch-Out game called Arm Wrestling, Wikipedia says that game used voice samples from Enter The Dragon which means it's less likely to be coming.
(Wikipedia says that was Nintendo's last game developed specifically for arcades, after that they focuses on the console market and only made arcade machines ported from console games.)
Punch out is all about stereotypes. The change on console was not about losing the stereotype, but losing the alcohol reference.
I still think they're eventually going to release a massive NES, SNES, N64, etc. game compilation on a single cartridge, per virtual system, like the Classic Editions. Maybe it'll be when they discontinue Classic Editions altogether.
@10-zx hope so...meanwhile thank god for Hamster! I probably say that once a week on Thursday’s lol
@BanjoPickles I’m definitely grabbing it for sure!
Here’s hoping the Wii version gets a Switch port. Not my usual type of game but I immensely enjoyed the animation and art of each adversary. Really felt good to beat the snot out of em.
I went and played a mame version because I remembered not liking it though I have a general love of the 3 console punchouts. And I can't recommend. It. The movements are just so stiff. It ends up feeling really unpolished.
Pretty awful at this. The local video gaming bar has a cabinet... be ready for a different Punch-Out experience. Maybe with Switch buttons it will be easier.
good to see this finally gets a rerelase
Just realized I am off on 3/30. Punch-Out Party!!
Any arcades that still have these games are going to start losing a bit of revenue, either that or the public's interest in them will spike and help them get more money.
Either way, Nintendo wins.
Maybe I'll be able to beat Bald Bull this time around. Could never beat him in the arcade game. Granted I was 7 years old when this game came out. Some faded, but good memories of those Chuck E. Cheese days.
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