Remember we reported on the news that Scribblenauts Showdown had been listed for release on Switch? That has now been confirmed via Twitter, with the game hitting Switch, PS4 and Xbox One on March 6th.
While previous entires in the series were focused around puzzle-solving, the new title appears to have a more social focus. Up to four players can take part in over 25 mini-games across multiple modes.
Showdown mode tasks you with finding the best word fastest, while Versus is more about the one-on-one battle experience. Sandbox gives you 35,000 items with which to solve problems, either by yourself or with the help of a friend.

Original developer 5th Cell isn't handling this new entry; it's being made by Shiver Games.
Comments 38
Scribblenauts games are always good fun.
Would like to see all the different modes in a bit more detail before deciding whether to get it or not. My initial reaction is that I'm not that interested in these new multiplayer modes but it might still be worth buying if the sandbox mode is expansive enough.
no interest in a purely multiplayer game.
I put so many hours into the DS realeses
@HipsterInkling Can confirm, chainsaw beats monkey.
I hope this means other rumors are true as well like that Burnout HD, GTA V, Red Dead 1, Southpark 2, etc.
I've enjoyed all 3 games I've played (didn't play Unmasked) so I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.
"Banana beats dalmatian!" What? That doesn't make any sense.
Seems like a great reveal to be a part of a mini direct.
This looks like a good time with others. Never played one before but maybe this time
I have not played a scribble nauts game since the ds era. I think I'll give it another go.
Is this confirmed for Europe as well? They had a pretty spotty track record releasing the games in Europe, Unlimited came more than a year after the NA release and Unmasked skipped EU.
love multiplayer games. have not tried a scribblenauts game yet, so hopefully this will change my mind.
That another rumor that has bon confirmed. Do hope we see more WB entertainment ips go to the switch besides this franchise and lego
Hope this new dev will live up to the legacy of 5th Cell. Really loved the games on DS and on Wii U (besides the DC one)
I remember being blown away by the first one on DS but I haven’t played any of the sequels since. Maybe this can be my jumping point back into the series.
@Oubie Dunno about official confirmation but some websites started taking preorders for the European version of the game a few days ago with a supposed March release date.
@BenAV I just saw the game listed with a March 9 release date on the EU eShop on my Switch. Mystery solved, case closed! Thanks
I bought the 3ds game on sale. It's still sealed. Guess I should try that one first
So instead of fixing their buggy Unlimited Android game they instead focus on this. Great to see just how wack the priorities are over there.
From the article: "Sandbox gives you 35,000 items with which to solve problems, either by yourself or with the help of a friend."
It sounds like the traditional Scribblenauts gameplay is still there. Hopefully this will be a fully fleshed-out mode.
Crap. I just wanted classic style. Might wait on reviews now. Not really wanting a mini game collection.
Happy to see Scribblenauts IP continue (and that it looks to actually being released - looking at you Unmasked), but a party game? Nah no thanks.
Awesome! My daughter absolutely loves Scribblenauts.
Cool that this series is still going
I still need to get around to some of the sequels like super scribblenauts. I do wonder however what 5th cell is up to since they aren't making this game
I'm only interested if sandbox mode is worth it. I hope it is, as the DS original is near and dear to my heart.
I'm absolutely baffled that they would release a minigame collection after the series has been MIA for so long.
@sillygostly Did the iOS one a few years ago do much? I only found out it even exsisted hunting down the name for that Wii U one they never released in UK.
Switch is well set up for party games, but can't help feeling these should be an extra mode (Like Sonic and the Secret Rings had) alongside a perhaps co-op enabled core game.
Missed opportunity, and a missed sale from me.
@XenoShaun idk what to say. I'm from the U.K and I had the Wii u version. I had so much fun creating angry vicars and gluttons too!
@Chibi You sure it wasn't Unlimited? We got the first game over here but pretty sure we never got Unmasked. I remember Austrailia got a PAL version so we could import (for pretty hefty price).
The scribblenaughts games have been very good. But never fantastic thanks to the games being way to hard and the games don't understand most of your words. If you can create more thing using words and they work on adjusting the difficulty Then this will be day one.
I hope the developers learned their lesson that Scribblenauts is fun when you're solving a problem with creativity, not when they give you a quiz and ask for the answer.
I'm not holding my breath though.
Interesting. I haven't played a Scribblenauts game since the original on DS. It was pretty fun but I never picked up any of the sequels. I'll keep my eye on this and see how it turns out!
If it's based around multiplayer and mini games, I am less interested, not more. I don't think this sort of game would flow well like that.
Of all the rumored games, we get this...?
@DarkKirby Unfortunately this new Scribblenauts with it's new playstyle is being handled by a new developer... meaning all lessons will likely have to be learned again.
I'm going to have to see how this version actually plays before picking up a copy... though if it allows crossplay on the other platforms it could be intriguing.
I hope Unlimited will soon follow
A little nervous about the new dev. I’ll wait and see how it does.
@XenoShaun Sorry can't remember the exact title. All I remember is having lots of fun with it! Was definitely the Wii u game tho. May have been Australian PAL tho as it came from gadget exchange.
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