Radial Games has announced a partnership with the excellently-named Dinosaur Polo Club to bring their strategy-simulation title Mini Metro to the Switch.
The game sees you creating subway layouts, drawing routes to connect the various stations in an ever-growing city. As time passes you'll have more stations and commuters to deal with in what eventually becomes a fast-paced challenge where you aim to keep up with demands. Eventually you'll run out of steam and everything will come to a halt - the task at hand is to keep things running for as long as you can manage before this happens.

It has a very minimalist aesthetic - something that publisher Radial Games praised in their announcement before going on to talk about how it will perform specifically on Switch.
The game looks as gorgeous on your TV as it does when cradled between the Joy-Con, and you’ll find it even more awesome to play. We’ve been having a great time making the game the best it can be on the platform, and we’re excited that this secret is finally out!
Mini Metro is set for release in early 2018. Maybe this is the perfect game for any commuters out there who have a thing or two to say about their subways at home!
Comments 20
I guess the game will be like Train Simulator in HD.
Played the Unity beta version of this when it came out several years ago. Good quick fun for--ironically--train rides.
Nice. Now I can simulate Sydney's crappy train service on the train!
Aesthetically the game looks like the London Underground map if it were animated. I quite liked it. Not sure if the simple game loop justifies a price tag higher than a phone game though.
This is a great game, glad it's coming to the Switch!
I really enjoyed the game mechanics and soundtrack on the PC quite a bit! It's a very simple concept, but they can make it really tough later on as one could only imagine.
~$9 would be a fantastic price, but it will probably hit around $15-$20. It really is hard to ask so much for games that have been out for so long no matter what you had to go through to put it on a system... I get it, but don't get it...
Lynn, I'm not driving a Mini Metro. I'm not driving a Mini Metro. I'm not driving a Mini Metro.
I was really hoping for this !!
Give me Fez, Papers Please and Don't Starve and I'll be a happy man.
Yep, Switch is officially hot popular since its getting all kinds of shovelware.
What a terrible video!
Shovel ware? This looks like a blast.
Although this needs a gratuitous Partridge reference. Congrats to anyone who understands me when I say,
They’ve rebadged it you fool!!
@JJ286 This game is not shovelware. Simple as that.
@JJ286 This game is far from shovelwear. It is well designed, great sound. Easy to learn and use mechanics and yet still complex. The Switch needs more games like this.
One of the best relaxing/stressfull puzzel games from 2016 glad to see it coming to switch!! I loved this one and poured many hours into it. One of the best iOS games, amazing soundtrack and style. I am glad others get to experience this piece of art. Shame people here are overlooking it already
Everyone is defending the game, but I still don't know what the game is about.
@RodSD64 is about shovelware.
I just Googled for a better video, there's a good one here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3SeRgpQMRXE. Looks quite appealing actually, I'll probably pick it up.
Reminds me of one aspect of Cities Skylines. A game I would love to see on Switch (or something like it/Sim City).
But just this aspect alone doesn't seem interesting to me.
Recently bought it for my android phone for 50 cent. Love the game, but not going to buy it for the switch too. Unless they offer something special.
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