Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura launches in Japan today but developer Marvelous Games says that it has no current plans to release the title outside of Japan.
Part of the titillating Senran Kagura series, Shinobi Refle makes use of the Switch's HD Rumble for various - ahem - tactile mini-games.
Of course, having no plans at the present moment in time doesn't mean the game won't eventually come to the west - and the region-free nature of the Switch means, if you can read Japanese, you can play it right now - but would you want it on your Switch anyway? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 80
Eh. It would have an excellent response in the West. They should try to port it
I would prefer an actual side scrolling fighting game anyway, but oh well... maybe next time.
Just noticed the pun @Damo sneaked in (maybe unintentionally?). Sneaky pun is sneaky
Well that's a bust....
It's a fun little game. I tried it and ended up spending 3hrs playing it.
Did they actually say there's no plan to release it anywhere? No news to share at the moment is different from no plan to release it.
Surely for science...
Every Senran Kagura game has been localized so far so I'd be surprised if this one wasn't eventually.
Guess they don't want money then.
I’m keen to see what all the HD rumble fuss is all about
Seems like the biggest duh. Then again they'll get the import download sales anyways.
@premko1 Haha. Not really. I am fan of the series, so I thought I'd check it out. And it's a fun little game to play. Although, I probably wouldn't recommend it if you're not fan of the series in the first place.
glad they don't localize such... stuff
Those girls really have a fetish for having their hands massaged by a water elemental and being sexually harassed by an invisible Mickey Mouse.
Is it wrong to be weirded out by sexualized animated thirteen year old girls?
@brandonbwii Yes.
Bought it yesterday, very fun game. Not played the story mode yet.
Only played in handheld mode... One of my Joy con straps are broken so need to replace it first.
@brandonbwii Twice yes, I suggest visiting a doctor...
@tobibra Did it brake playing the game ?
There are plenty of free flash games online that let me do the things that are apparently the draw of this title though.
@premko1 Too much LOLZ!
I'm hoping for a future physical release. The file size is pretty big at nearly 7GB, and the price of the game along with all of the day one DLC pushes it to a budget-priced retail game (the base game itself is surprisingly cheap at only ¥1000).
If nothing is announced over the next couple of months, I'll most likely cave and settle for the eShop version. I'm really curious about how HD rumble has been implemented.
@premko1 Before I started playing. Put it on the wrong way, found a stupid YT video about how to get it off, broke the lock part because I attempted to do like in the video before finding out I could just pull it off by force...
I would love to give this game to an SJW and watch them freak out. Anything to get those people worked up would be rather entertaining.
Personally, though, I don't see the appeal of rubbing up a young anime girl as a video game. Although, it does make a change from all of the aggresive fighting and shooting games out there.
Boing, boing. HD Rumble bouncing in your hands. 👐 👙
makes violence look wholesome. i'm glad it wont be ported. but thats just me and 99.99999999999% of the population
... Was anybody actually really and truly expecting this title to get a Western release?
Gonna check out the story mode later today. Hopefully it is playable in handheld until I get a new strap for my Joy con.
Thank goodness
Disappointing, but not surprising. At least we can import the game. I'll be more than a little annoyed if they don't localize the pinball game, though.
Eh, I'd much rather have one of the action games. I kind of wish they would go back to the beat 'm up genre of the original game on 3DS, mostly because the bosses in the newer games are absolutely atrocious.
till they give us an actual senran kagura main game this one will suffice just have to switch my region to japan to get it.
Good. They should keep it this way.
@CapricornDavid The flanderized characters in recent games bother me more. I hope they don't screw up the character writing in the remake of Burst.
It doesn't really look all that naughty anyway. It's a bit silly that it's controversial, as it doesn't push any boundaries in terms of decency; it's just trying to simulate with technology something that's perfectly normal in real life.
Meh. I have no issue with fanservice, but what's in the main series games is more than enough of that for me. This one does nothing for me beyond a passing curiosity about how well the HD Rumble does what they say it does.
Also, my kids play on my Switch all the time and, yeah, that wouldn't work out well even if I had wanted the game. I can picture the questions now!
Wait, what?
So this is basically child porn. Humanity is fn**ed in the head. We need another ice age.
I think they will, the Switch is selling so well. Its just they probably are not working on it right this moment or can't currently say that they are.
They could just update the japanese version with english option. So whoever wants it can just download it from the japanese store. Then they wont need to censor or change the game
This game will get backlash in west cause of sexism and sexualising underage looking girls. Like new DOA Xtreme Volleyball game this may never get a release. We never got New Love Plus or Tokimeki Memorial 4 in the west either
@tobibra I`ve got rid of the locks - just unscrew the grips and the gravity will do the rest.
I'm just waiting on the pinball game instead. Besides, Amazon Japan made it more difficult for me anyways, no idea why they stopped selling digital codes. :/
Damn shame but nothing stopped me from buying it yesterday so who cares.
@premko1 Thanks for the tip
@Joeynator3000 If you have a Japanese 3DS, you can use it to add funds Also waiting for the Pinball game myself, my gut feeling thinks it will come q2 2018. I hope it gets released earlier thou.
I don't have a Japanese 3DS, and I doubt that would work anyways. Since you'd still need a Japanese credit card.
@Joeynator3000 It works with my Norwegian debit card. Can't say 100% for American or UK cards, but it do work for me atleast. That's how I add funds on my switch
I dunno then, but I don't have any Japanese systems...So unless they update the Switch to allow international cards, importing will be difficult for me. (and pricey apparently, which sucks because I got MHXX for only $50 when Amazon JPN was doing the digital codes, lol)
@Rika_Yoshitake What do you think so far? I have been playing it in handheld mode myself, don't feel the HD rumble as good as I would by not playing in handheld. Other than that I think the game is lovely
@Joeynator3000 Hope you will find a way that works for you , sorry I don't have other suggestions.
Oh yeah, you know what bugs me?! The Switch gets this, yet PS3/4/whatever gets the Burst HD port/remake...Wat? Burst originated on a Nintendo system, shouldn't NINTENDO get that remake instead? >:c
@Joeynator3000 I don't think PS3 is getting it, but I do agree with you. Maybe the PlayStation games outsold the 3DS games by a huge margin? Dunno, but I wish Switch got Re:Burst too.
It was one of the systems, I can never remember. xD
@Joeynator3000 I hope they actually show Dōgen this time. I might be wrong here, but I don't think I actually saw mr badguy's face until Deep Crimson.
@Beolleika The big question is, the HD rumble really works like they advertise it?
I would want it on my Nintendo Switch if any console! HD jiggly physics and good combat!
Edit: Nevermind, it seems it isn't the combat focused game the name is known for.
Maybe both would be good to get to know your characters type of thing a action somewhat game with interactive simulation. for example if you make your character(s) Strong you massage the parts where its needed so they can hit harder in battle.
@tobibra I've had issues with HD Rumble from the get go w/ the switch where I just don't feel it at times and I have to focus on it to actually notice it. This game is no different, but yeah it looks really good and it's silly fun.
@10-zx @brandonbwii Not that it matters much, but Asuka's not 13. Canonically, she's either 16 or 17 depending on whether you go by the 3DS titles (Burst and Deep Crimson) or the Playstation titles (the Versus series). All of the Ninja schools the Senran Kagura characters represent are High Schools, not Middle Schools. But, that's splitting hairs as far as legality is concerned. Or not, depending on what country/state you're from...or people's stances on whether anime girls are real or not.
But the Day 1 DLC character, Yumi, from Gessen Academy is canonically 18, if it makes anyone feel better.
Dammit, curse and bless the creators of Senran Kagura at the same time!!
@MasterLEON Weeeeell, AAAACtually... Asuka is "first-degree canonically" a second-year student in high school. Which makes her a tenth-grader in Murican terminology. Which means she is probably 15, possibly 16 unless she stayed back a grade or two. The ages were made up after the fact, the original canon just stated what years they were in school. And the whole "no, she's 17" was a retcon, and is quite, quite improbable because, again, she's a second-year student. Most likely retconned so that Western gamers wouldn't feel quite as bad about ogling pixelated jailbait.
It's even worse with the other SK girls because most of them are FIRST-year students.
@JasmineDragon In Japan, while there are still 12 grades like the US, JHS is actually 3 years (year 1, year 2, year 3), and HS is also 3 years (year 1, year 2, year 3), making her an 11th grader in the US. Asuka's birthday is September 8, so she could definitely be either 16 or 17 and still be in her 2nd year of Japanese High School, retcon or not.
That means those first years would be 15-16. Still, not any better than the matter at hand, so to speak.
I never played a Senran Kagura game and I’m curious to try this one, eventually.
Does this make me a perv? Oh hell, who cares XD
It's Japan. The age of consent is completely different there than other territories. Most JRPGs I've noticed list girls as 17 or 18 at the oldest and that's mostly due to localization. Over there the age of many of the "sexy" characters are around 14 or 15.
I'd play this... if I was 15.
@masterLEON Okay, you got me. I guess that changes things slightly. But not much.
Jesus! Don't tell me the player character is above 18.
...Well, then again, we are talking about the same place that birthed THIS.
The problem with young sexualization is that people are still living with their parents, not financially self-dependent, and are too mentally immature to raise young, because it IS reproduction. How Japan does not see this eludes me.
Tf is wrong wit u Japan?
even the cooking one on the VITA was better over this cash in garbage. total disappointment
I love Pinball games so the comments here just led me to YouTube. Only 2 tables and probably not something to play with the family.
"This particular game is currently only available in Japan (was released today in Japan) & at the moment we have no news to share regarding a western release."
Yeah the title in this news headline is misleading. After all I guess this site needs the clickbait. Hench the words "& at the moment".
I believe even in past Senran Kagura games the only censorship that ever happened in localizations was the removal of information regarding the ages of the characters.
I love Marvelous games, they really should reconsider a western release so i don't have to import it an mess up the sales figures
@Rika_Yoshitake Think I'm done with the story mode now.
I think the game is great. Have a few small nipicks, got an error and got kicked to the homescreen once, at the end of story mode. Tho I missed nothing for it.
And one time the game did not booth up. That was only once not happened again.
And my controller don't like the roller... Had problem with that one three times.
Otherwise, the game is absolutely fantastic
@Shane76 I wouldn’t call someone who is repulsed by the idea of sexualizing underage children a “prude”. More accurately, I’d say the perverts lost this round.
Not really interested in this series, but seems odd not to localize the Switch game when they localized the Vita versions. I'm thinking Marv. will probably cave and localize eventually.
@KryptoKrunch Isn't it Xseed who usually do the translation of the SK games? And keep in mind this is the kinda games that sell on Vita. Not that I don't agree it should get an english release.
How long is the story mode? And how much replayability would you say there is? 'Cause based on the video, it seems like there isn't much to do and little reason to keep playing once the novelty's worn off. It also seems like the game gets old pretty quickly.
@SilverEdge92 The story mode lasts five or six massage segments.
But you need play it minimum five times to get the true ending.
And more times to unlock everything.
By the sound if it, it sounds like its not for you. Do you like Asuka? Do you like the dressing room in the regular Senran Lagura games?
If you only play the story once, I guess maybe 20-30 min. Not sure how long time I spendt on a session in story mode.
Ikaruga's my SK waifu. I like Asuka, but I kinda see her as a little sister more than anything else. And I never spent a significant amount in the dressing room in Burst and Crimson, just however long it would take to change them into a new outfit that I'd use for a stage or two then put them back in their normal costumes afterward.
I could see this being an unlockable Extra Mode in a bigger main beat-'em-up game, it just doesn't seem like there's enough to warrant it being a full game by itself with a full game pricetag.
@Shane76 Some people who are legally children do have anatomy like you described. And I personally wouldn’t feel right labeling someone a “prude” for not wanting to molest children, even if the children in question are post-pubescent, which would constitute statutory rape, regardless.
The only Marvellous game i want for switch is UPPERS, came out on vita but only in Japan, bad sales stopped it from being localised. Probably have to import it
When I first saw two hands pop up and move about. I said no they aren't going to do that. lol
If you get the Japanese one do you need a Japanese Nintendo account on your system?
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