Sine Mora EX is a new version of what was a rather interesting and accomplished shoot 'em up in the last generation. It's a pity, then, that the Switch release has had its ups and downs in the build-up to its eventual arrival - there's the fact it's $10USD more expensive on Switch (the infamous Switch tax) and that it's been delayed and taken a while to arrive on Nintendo's system.
In any case, it now has final release dates - it'll arrive on 26th September in North America and 10th October in Europe (that seems to be eShop and physical retail). Intriguingly, though the eShop page on the NA store lists it at $29.99, Amazon US is currently selling pre-orders at $19.99USD, matching up to PS4 / Xbox One equivalents. Looking at Amazon UK, however, it's still more expensive than the other console iterations (£19.99 compared to £13.49/£13.99); both pages are yet to add the new release dates.

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As for what this version offers over the original, details from the PR are below.
- 16:9 Aspect ratio (instead of 16:10 which still remains as an option)
- Full English Voice Over (Original Hungarian VO is still available as an option)
- Local co-op for up to 2 players in Story mode (yes, also on the Switch!)
- 3 New versus modes: Race, Tanks, Dodgeball
- New challenge levels
- Improved Rendering
So, are any of you tempted to pick this up?
Comments 41
...but when will the retail version hit?
@Shiryu On those dates presumably, no distinction has been made between eShop and retail by THQ Nordic.
it has an amazing and very adult story. beautiful game. physical copy for me
@ThomasBW84 I will have to keep an eye out for it at amazon, no way this will ever get into Portuguese retail outlets (but I would like to be proven wrong).
What's not to love? Late and more expensive than the other versions. Not to mention it's another last gen port.
Was skipping this until Amazon match the ps4 19.99 price... Pre-order it at that price. These type of games are great on handheld.
Waiting to see if Amazon does the same with BattleChasers On the Switch.
Got it for $19.99 on Amazon. Physical releases Sept 26 in NA I believe
Amazon US seems to have stuck with the $19.99 price (recognizing msrp is $29.99), but it took away the 20% Prime pre-order discount.
It's an excellent game and a perfect fit on the Switch. Will definitely be double dipping on this one.
I'm grabbing the physical version day one.
Yeah I don't mind paying the "Switch tax" for games if they can be bought physical, but the digital versions should remain competitive with other platforms.
@Equinox : The rating is likely due to coarse language.
The story is... edgy, and full of adult themes, including racial hatred and enslavement. I found it quite an uncomfortable ride, actually, and I'm okay with darker stories.
This is just the kind of game I like to have on the go. Just preordered from Amazon for 20$. Can't beat that. My son and I will both enjoy it.
It looks like an insanely fun game, but....I'm sorry, this is not a game that I would spend $30 on, especially when I can get it for $10 less on my PS4. This Switch tax is obnoxious, and it reminds me of an era that I figured Nintendo would have taken a lesson from. N64 games typically ran for $10-20 more than they did on PS1, and we all saw how that turned out.
When this comes down in price, I'll gladly bite.
Will likely pick this up. One of those games that I've always fancied playing, but never have for whatever reason.
@BanjoPickles Yep,... same goes for BattleChasers. Now anything priced an extra $10 I really want on the Switch I either wait for a sale or buy used at Amazon Warehouse. Their used games look new and they guarantee them.
Tons of other stuff to play as I wait
@BanjoPickles It's because cartridges cost more than disks.
Preordered for $20 on Amazon, all good here yesterday.
I'm sure I'm not the only one here tired of the irish whiner finding anything to complain about with the Switch — get over yourself.
You know people it is possible through your control panel to collectively block seeing any posts ever made by someone.
Just a suggestion, unless you're into tired re-runs.
No, I totally get that---which is why the industry moved past the medium a long time ago. When Nintendo announced that the Switch would be utilizing cartridges, I was cautiously optimistic that Nintendo wouldn't be so foolish to make the same mistake twice.
I would love to buy the game on Switch, mainly to support third party developers, but I refuse to pay a loyalty fee for it.
That's a childish comment, loyalty fee? You do understand that a physical card costs notably more than the pennies to the dollar on a blu ray right? This isn't rocket science, just basic economics. Sure the developer could eat the added expense but that's financially reckless and irresponsible.
But hey it's easier to complain and criticize a developer when you're not one yourself behind a keyboard with somehow a better knowledge of their budget than their accounting department does right?
Then keep making excuses for them. You'll be one of those people paying $50 for an untouched port of LA Noir, while others get a remastering of it for $40. You like table crumbs? I don't. It is a loyalty fee because those who are stupid enough to make excuses for the extra fee are only doing so to support third-party releases on the console. Even as a diehard fan, I refuse to make excuses for everything that they do. Can you say the same?
and Nintendo could have stuck with the format to keep costs down. Yeah, cartridges are nifty but, as I've said, there is a darn good reason why the industry has moved past them!
It's not an excuse you idiot. Are you really that dense you can not understand that it costs more money to make a physical card with plastic, silicon, trace metals, sticker than a dippy few cents piece of plastic, paint, with an internal data layer.
This isn't a hard one to understand but dumb people like yourself seem to just want to vilify the companies and people like myself who point out such basic economic realities.
If you can wave a wand and make a Switch card cost as little as a disc I'll be happy to apologize, eat my words, and side with you 100% in being furious over being gouged. But until you can prove Switch games don't cost more you have nothing to stand on.
And no on a portable device like this we learned all too well sticking to cheaper media (discs) with the PSP was a really really bad idea. Even Sony learned that and went with large cards on Vita. You must have missed that one. The industry actually hasn't moved past them, they're returning to them as the costs of the media gets cheaper all the time. It's why most devices now don't have much internal storage and rely on microSD cards. They're smaller, larger capacity (64GB and up), more durable too.
You are nothing more than an apologist, plain and simple. You will rationalize everything that they do, cheer from the rafters when their sales are through the roof, and remain silent when their sales are in the gutter. I fully comprehend the cost that is associated with the medium, as I have stated, but it doesn't change the argument that, perhaps, Nintendo should have explored a different way.
You're taking all of this a bit too personally. I stand by what I said. Next week, I'll gladly download Thimbleweed Park. I'll purchase Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, and so forth. Why, though, would I pay $50 for a game that I can buy on PS3 for $10? Why would I purchase Ultra Street Fighter 2 for $40 when I can essentially buy the same game on PS3 for $15? Cave Story? The Binding of Isaac?
At this price I will not buy it. Not because 30 bucks is too much but because Somehow we must stop this stupid tax specially when levied on digital releases (the case for physical releases is different though) . I hope other guys do the same. This is the only way to stop this insulting pricing.
Doesn't seem like something I would enjoy, but happy to see more mature/edgy games coming to the Switch.
Going for Physical? Bold.
Exactly! I'll support the efforts that are unique to the platform (Mario Odyssey), or unique third party efforts that look to justify the price. What I refuse to support are last gen ports that cost well beyond what they should. It's not whining, it's called voting with your wallet and your voice to let them know that the practice is unacceptable.
Banjo you keep using that limp wristed comment of apologist.
How is it apologizing when it's basic money? I'm not excusing it. I just accept reality.
You're moving the field bringing up at 50 vs 10 dollar price. I was not addressing that. I was talking about something that drops at the same time or fairly near like Sine Mora, RiME, and so on. When it's a $10 difference that's fine. When it's more than the justified value of the parts, they can kiss my arse too. We're on the same page entirely.
I'm just fed up with the 'tax' thrown around when it's a game brought out same time or similar enough(RIME) and there's a $10 difference. The media costs are more so that grates on me. But when it's obvious trolling to rip off consumers screw them entirely.
And I'm no cheer squad. I've relentlessly slammed them for the WiiU for years after wasting money on that when it came out. I wrote them off entirely for stand alone consoles and almost skipped the Switch. Nintendo hasn't been in my good graces for a long time on the home market. The last Nintendo console I was happy with was the Gamecube and I still have it.
Would be nice if they lowered the eshop price, looks fun
Hang on, if the "nintendo tax" is about expensive cartridges, why is the eshop version the same price? It is less valuable as it is; can never be resold.
Looks neat. I'll wait for the diligent folks here at NL to provide me with a review first.
So we are now in the 'Switch Tax Saga'. Sheesh, i also dont want to pay more but at the same time it does contribute to the industry overall. If people do support it these cards will become cheaper to produce just like normal SDCards. It might motivate Sony to also come with a Switch like handheld if it all becomes cheaper over time its not just for nintendo.
Allegedly Nintendo don't allow digital prices to be set lower than physical retail (Sony and MS are similar)
Switch cartridges are more expensive than discs, and Nintendo couldn't use discs on the Switch. It's simple numbers.
Gonna give this a go. It looked and played really well on the Vita so I think I'll stick with playing it on a portable. £19.99 on Amazon UK, done.
Amazon - 1
"Switch tax" - 0
I believe that price is wrong. That's for other consoles. The eshop price is $29.99.
£20 seems a decent enough price, depends on the length of the game.
Day 1 for me!
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