Earlier this month the lovely folks over at WayForward announced that that its newest Shantae platformer, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, will be receiving a Switch port. It seems they were not messing around as we now know that it will launch on the eShop in the UK (and Europe) on 8th June for the very reasonable price of £15.99. We'd imagine that the US eShop launch date will be the same, probably priced at $19.99. We'll watch out for more news on this.
We loved the Wii U version, awarding it a nine out of ten and calling it "top of its class". It only makes sense for Shantae to appear on the Switch given the franchise's roots on Nintendo's portable consoles. The game will also be getting a physical later in the year by XSEED too, it seems. The Switch version will support HD Rumble, as you might expect.
Will you be picking up Half-Genie Hero on your Switch in June? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 53
I will definitely wait for the physical release later on this year
Nice! I wanted to play this, but I have yet to get it on any platform. The Switch it is then.
As long as the physical release is priced the same, sure I'll bite.
@MagnaRoader It will probably be more however the physical release for the Wii U came with the soundtrack. So that makes up for it
If I didn't have the Wii U version and they had the DLC ready and included, I would pay £15.99. As it is, I'll give this a miss. I don't think it's as good as the 2nd or 3rd games in the series.
I didn't get this on WiiU but now I will picking it on Switch.
Another day, another port. Good game though.
Would love to pick up physical in UK, but with xseed at the helm thats oh so unlikely. Don't really like importing. Will end up getting digital eventually am sure, great series.
Is the physical coming out on June 8th as well?
I already have the digital version on Vita from backing the game's KickStarter, and was planning to double-dip for a physical copy on Wii U at one point... but I'm glad I never did, because now I can get it for Switch instead.
Yay! I'm really glad this game is coming! Gonna get the physical edition!
...eh, why not? I barely find myself playing it on the Wii U nowadays (My baby bro is playing it more than I do, mainly Minecraft and Super Mario Maker) and just being able to take the console experience on the go makes it all the more satisfying for me. Plus, I'm waiting for Risky to get her turn
I played the Steam version, it was quite fun but it had a lot of half-baked ideas that didn't meld well.
That was before the hardcore mode update though, and the upcoming Risky Boots campaign. It's nice to have this on another platform though!
Loved this game on the Wii U. Probably will not double dip, but good news for those who missed it the first time round.
I really want to play this on my Switch, but I backed the Kickstarter for the Wii U version, so I'll be getting all the DLC for free on that version... Wish there was a way to transfer my free Kickstarter DLC to the Switch version, but Wayforward recently stated that the Kickstarter DLC codes can't be changed to a different platform.
Like Shovel Knight, I have it on Wii U digitally or I would. May get it physically if its a nice package... but I think I'm ready to hold my breath now for the game I REALLY want.
Even with this being the worst game in the series, I'd still have preordered this if there was a way to transfer my rights to the backer DLC. But, there's not, so I won't.
Nice that WayForward is supporting the Switch so early on, though. Hopefully their next game feels more cohesive.
Happy to double dip for some on the go Shantae action!
I'll get the physical version.
We don't use pounds here in the US
I definitely want this game but not enough to create a European eShop account, LOL. Hopefully the North American eShop gets a version for a reasonable price. A game like this I don't need a physical release, I'll happily download it!
Probably not in June since I'm still in the middle of the first game, but it's a must buy for me.
I've been waiting a while to play this game. I'm starting work next week but I guess I'll be starting Shantae as well!
WOW that was fast from announcement! I will wait however for a retail copy being I already have on Wii U, xone & PS4!! Whoops! Vita too!
I'll wait for physical
Excellent, but a bit short right now. Backed it though, so the dlc will come. But is it really worth buying it again?
On a side note, the French translation is AWFUL. The worst I've ever seen. I hope it gets patched up. This alone prevents me from recommending it to my friends.
Glad I stuck to my guns and waited, didn't want 3 games on my 3DS and then 1 on my PS4, at least 1 on Switch keeps it in the family, lol
"We'd imagine that the US eShop launch date will be the same, probably priced at £19.99"
I'm assuming that should be $19.99?
Good game but won't buy again. Gimme something new
I'm tempted but I'm not playing as much Shovel Knight and Wonder Boy as I'd like - so I might hold off or buy it on a whim.
I don't care enough about the series to wait for/import a physical release.
I might have this as my back up if Nintendo don't have any surprise "and you can download it now" announcements at E3.
I'll probably be watching the news in the U.K. with my head in my hands after the polls close on June 8.
Been waiting for this on switch. Will get it digital
Waiting for physical on this one for sure. never bought it on WiiU, and never really get into eShop "bigger games" if physical is available. Looking forward to it, and hoping it's a regular retail game rather than one of those "GameStop exclusive" deals (though it's nice that some games get physical releases through that that otherwise wouldn't.)
I have the kickstarter edition on Steam and will for sure wait for the physical release Switch version!
Didn't got this on WiiU so time to Switch it up!!
I skipped the Wii u version so I will likely pick it up. Will keep me busy til I get Fire Emblem Echoes for father's day.
@JoeDiddley Yeah we might all need some cheering up depending how June 8th ends.
I already have this on Vita, but it's definitely worth a double dip.
so if it releases in the UK that means I can get it on the uk eshop?
Never played a Shantae game before. Very tempting to grab this one and see what the fuss is about. Cute looking character. Hope my Mario, Donkey Kong Country, and Megaman background can handle this. I easily get lost in Metroidvania platformers.
Want the physical for sure
I don't begrudge the developer at all for porting this, nor do I think it speaks ill of the Switch's library. We're talking about a top notch game that released late in the lifecycle of a system that was dead on arrival. Why the heck shouldn't they port it to the system's successor, which has already shown itself to have great sales momentum? Anyone who finds fault with this is, quite frankly, an idiot.
I put in for kickstarter to have this on PC. That being said, I'll be more than happy to grab a handheld version.
@Dazza I know I'm nitpicking, but we don't use Pounds in the US.
@Alikan I haven't played Half Genie Hero, but I've played other entries in Shantae. Platforming wise, you'll be fine, Metroidvania wise, you may need to consult the occasional walkthrough if you really get lost, but the game is definitely beatable without using one.
@SanderEvers even better cuz my credit card should work with uk purchases and if not then ill just get it the hard way with uk point card
Have it and beat it on Wii U so no buy from me. In a perfect world, I would get this on Switch for free with cross buy.
Physical release yeah sure!
I'll wait for the physical version to be released. Hopefully that won't be too far away.
glad I kept forgetting to purchase this one Wii U (even though I had every intent to). definitely will buy for the Switch
Everybody! Please do me a big major favor by voting our lovely precious Half-Genie Hero to be confirmed in Super Smash Bros. 4 3DS/Wii U version for Future Updated and especially Nintendo Switch on these two links: http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/37K1C2wSFsF … … … … & http://www.strawpoll.me/12228707 P.S: Please, avoid the Haters dat really gonna H-A-T-E, but share with Pure Shantae Fans Supporters and #Shantae4SmashSwitch Good-Luck voting, tho! One more thing, please follow me too on Twitter! #HalfGenieLadyLuck https://twitter.com/RaheemRTD/status/679458438204768257 & https://www.facebook.com/ShantaeForSmashNXClub/
Woooo, though it would be super nice if they had some sorta discount for Kickstarter backers who got it on WiiU...though I'll double-dip so I can finally play through on the go
Umm am I the only one that sees a totally different release date in the eShop? It's not coming out in June it says August.
I will be getting this to satisfy my monster transforming platforming needs. I would've got Monster Boy but it looks too old, both mechanically and level design wise, to justify the £17.99 price tag. Shantae on the other hand looks fresh and chaotic, even though £15.99 also feels a little steep.
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