It's that time again, dear readers, for the North American Nintendo Download update; the official update press release came a little later than normal, but the details below are now fully up to scratch. This week we have two retail arrivals on the Switch along with another Neo Geo ACA game and a party game, while a particularly interesting adventure title arrives on the Wii U store. Naturally the 3DS has a download option to consider too, so let's get to the details.
Nintendo Switch Retail Downloads
Disgaea 5 Complete (NIS America, $59.99USD) - This long awaited release of the enormous and quirky strategy RPG includes all of the DLC from the original release. It's willingly written and designed for older players, is utterly bonkers yet at the same time offers impressive depth in gameplay. We enjoyed the craziness and complexity of this one in our Disgaea 5 Complete review.
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Capcom, $39.99USD) - This Capcom release pitches itself as the ultimate edition of the classic fighting game, with a couple of tweaked characters, the full original roster and the option to switch between a new and retro presentation. Unfortunately the new content, including the infamous Way of the Hado mode, doesn't offer much - you can see what we think in our work-in-progress Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers review; we're currently waiting for the online servers to go live. Available from 26th May.
Nintendo Switch eShop
Astro Duel Deluxe (Panic Button, $14.99USD) - With gameplay reminiscent of Asteroids, this first appeared as Astro Duel at the start of 2016 on Steam; this deluxe version offers a range of improvements including new modes and support for 6 players rather than just 4. The action takes place as a local multiplayer party game, which sounds perfect for the Switch with the range of control options at your disposal. We'll get cracking on a review. Available from 30th May.
The King of Fighters '99 (HAMSTER, $7.99USD) - Notable for introducing the "Striker" system - where support characters can leap in to assist your team - the 1999 entry in the long-running fighting series also put new fighter K' in the spotlight. While it's perhaps not as fondly remembered as its forerunner, King of Fighters '98, this instalment is still an excellent brawler. As an 'ACA' release it'll also have the usual batch of extensive menus and customisation options.
3DS eShop
Drone Fight (CIRCLE Entertainment, $3.99USD) - As you'd expect from the title this one's all about flying drones, using both screens for different views. You can either race against the CPU (with various items that can be used) or set times for online leaderboards in Time Trial runs.
3DS eShop DLC
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Season Pass ($44.99, 22 pieces of content): The Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Season Pass includes all five DLC packs as they release. By purchasing the Season Pass, fans who want to receive all DLC will save more than 30 percent compared to purchasing all 22 pieces of content on their own.
FE Echoes DLC Pack #2 – Undaunted Heroes Pack ($9.99, three pieces of content): In addition to a new dungeon (The Inner Sanctum), this pack also includes two challenging new maps that stronger, more seasoned heroes will want to tackle.
FE Echoes DLC Pack #3 – Lost Altars Pack ($14.99, 10 pieces of content): The mysterious dungeons included in this pack hold the power to upgrade characters to exclusive classes that don’t appear in the main game.
Wii U eShop
The Girl and the Robot (Flying Carpets Games, $9.99USD) - This project has been in the works for a long time, so it's pleasing to see it finally arrive on Wii U. Calling to mind the PlayStation 2 classic ICO, the game - as the title suggests - features a girl and her robot companion as they attempt to navigate their way through a mysterious fortress. This game is cited as the "first act of the fairy tale".
Block Zombies! (Nostatic Software, $4.99USD) - As the name suggests this one has blocky visuals, and adopts a top down view as you use a whole lot of weapons to resist zombie hoards.
As always Nintendo of America wants you to browse the eShop and check out the official sales and deals website for discount details.
A number of interesting options to consider in this week's update - let us know what you'll be downloading in the (freshly updated) poll and comments below.
Comments 63
Getting USFIIHD and Disgaea 5 retail.
Woot! Just got the shipment confirmation for SF!!! Can't wait.
Picking up Disgaea 5 Complete on cartridge tomorrow
I'd of considered getting USFII if it wasn't so expensive, I was also considering Disgaea 5 but people have said it's systems are quite complicated which puts me off a little.
Disgaea 5 Complete Limited Edition retail. Not first.
Nothing for me this week. Just got Darksiders on Wii U.
Saving money this week
I don't know if I have more copies of Minecraft across multiple platforms or if there's more versions of Street Fighter ll. Sorry but I'll pass on that. Capcom, don't judge future support on a tired and old game that you just won't let die!
USFIITFC retail for me, Best Buy GCU 20% off FTW! Always been a fan of SFII and so are my buddies so this will be a good pickup for me. I rather play this again then the next CoD or something.
Just received my copy of Disgaea 5, so nothing to download for me
@Linoshi Its systems are not complicated by any means. If you've played one RPG and understood it - Disgaea 5 is very forgiving and holds you hand through various tutorials to make sure you're okay. But trust me, you won't find it difficult at all. Each turn simply consists of: "Move the thing > attack the thing" for each of your characters. All the turns are quick, seamless, the animations are awesome, and it doesn't take much effort for you to decide what the best move for your group is.
The slew of numbers that appear in battle can be ignored completely with no downsides. But there is a bit of grinding... However, there are various ways to make your character stronger so you can mix and match those methods or focus on one or two ways and you'll still be in a good enough spot to finish the main story with little trouble.
I'd say the only thing you need to worry about is the ranges of attacks, heights your characters can move and how far your characters can go. Other than those - you're golden no matter what you do. Its really a relaxed, good time.
I ranted - sorry about that. xD
@ThatNyteDaez Ranting is good, thank you so much for giving me some more information on the game. I think I'll give it a try, but I think I'll get it physically so if I don't like it I can always trade it in.
One question, as it's the fifth game in the series will I understand the story or do I need to have played the others?
@abbyhitter I hope you enjoy it, it's not as good as 2 but it's certainly a great game in it's own right.
Ok, the press release arrived so the article's now fully updated.
@Spoony_Tech The franchise isn't the problem, far from it. Street fighter is still quite successful despite Capcom´s bad decisions and it would be a terrible idea to let it die. The problem is that they are trying to sell us a slightly improved version of a game that came out in 92 (at least on Super Nintendo) for the... 16th time? I don't know. Not only that, they are also charging quite the price for it and the so called "improvements" are overpowered pallete swaps, color customization and a boring mini game with bad motion controls. Add that they will base their support on the sales of this version since they probably saw the feedback and said that as an excuse to try to make switch gamers feel obligated to buy the game in order to get games from their other franchises like Monster Hunter and you have a company that definitely needs to receive the middle finger from people to realize that they are not the awesome developer they were in the 90s, just a lame version of it.
If they don't choose to support Switch other developers will and when they'll see them find success they'll regret their decision.
Hmmm...nothing for me this week...tried Disgea Demo and it did not hold my interest. How is the was Tumbleseed? Might get that instead.
dont get confused folks. the king of fighters 99 is called a fighting game in america, not a brawler.

thats a brawler
@roy130390 Sorry, I shouldn't of used franchise and used game instead. I know the series as a whole is still quite successful and popular but please let SFll go!
So it's more akin to a beat 'em up then? Not a fighting game?
@Linoshi No problem! And no, you won't need to have played any of the others to get the story. All Disgaea games are set in different Netherworlds (worlds?) yet connected in that they are all part of the same universe. A running gag is how main characters from the previous games (DLC) will somehow find themselves in the "current Netherworld" (the one you happen to be playing) and will usually try to fight for dominance just because they can. Its hilarious.
To clarify, each game has a totally new storyline and new characters. You'll be fine.
I will get back to my Switch after Fire Emblem on my 3ds. Disgaea is looking solid but ARMS might be out by the time I finish Conquest, Revealations and Echoes.
Getting USFIIHD and Disgaea 5 tomorrow for my Birthday
the king of fighters 99 falls under the fighting game genre.
the beat em up/brawler genre means the same thing.
Fire Emblem allows one to immediately spend more on DLC than the game. Nintendo has entered this generation of games.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the content on the Wii U since the Switch has come out. I think the week it launched Wii U had Harvest Moon 64, of course it also had Zelda. Now we get this Girl and the Robot thing, as well as Darksiders Warmastered.
I'd really like a Switch eventually, but so far I'm not seeing anything that the Wii U isn't already doing... of course I know those days are numbered! I'll pick it up when Rime comes out, by then I can hopefully find one
I'm currently playing FE Fates and I have quit a bit of backlog, but I'll get Disgaea at some point in time for sure.
@Sm0k nice one, Happy Birthday for tomorrow
I want Ultra Street Fighter II, but not enough to Shell out $40, so I'm good for this week.
USFII but on cartridge.
Anyone else noticed that KoF 99 isn't on the store yet?
I know Switch is only 3 months old but Overall not a great week for the Switch. Where the heck are all the indie games we've been reading about?? I expect it to get to the point where we will see 4-5 games a week in the eshop!
not happy about the price but ill be downloading the FE season pass...
Quick stat update - I know Metacritic isn't everything but after nearly 3 months the Switch has:-
Over 50 games in total (across all regions). 13 with a Metascore ranging 70-79, 11 with a Metascore ranging 80-89, 3 with a Metascore of 90+
I'll get The Girl and the Robot (honestly forgot all about it), and KoF '99, even though it''s not really high on my favorite KoFs list.
I'm going tomorrow to look for Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2. I'll pick up Fire Emblem Echoes and hopefully find Darksiders. I know I should have pre-ordered all this stuff.
If Fire Emblem Echoes was on Switch I'd be buying it!!! Too bad.
@Ninja44X Before you do, please watch LuckyCrit's video on whether or not you should buy the season pass. I thought it was pretty informative. In case you dont have the time, I'll sum it up. Basically get the Undaunted Heroes pack, Rise of Deliverance pack, and the Cipher pack (the last one). The first grinding pack gets made obsolete by the Undaunted Heroes pack even if the 2nd pack is harder, it will give you much better rewards. In addition, the Lost Altars pack is just a set of 10 empty dungeons with a statue that gives you the class, and that's it. Even then the classes are overkill and I don't think you'll really need then. You can also look on YouTube for Japanese footage of the dlc classes to see what I mean.
If you buy the 3 packs I mentioned, it will cost you $29 instead if the $45 for the whole pass. (You'll save $16). I don't want Nintendo to get the wrong message and think it's ok to keep offering season passes that cost more than the game. So if you musy get the dlc, I would advise not to get the season pass, just to let them know that you're capable of voting with your wallet. Sorry about the mini rant
@Spoony_Tech Its probably safe to say there are more ports of Street Fighter II considered that they have been porting them since the 16 bit era.
@Oat thanks and its ok about the rant i totally understand and agree with what u say and i appreciate everything u said. i really dont buy dlc much but i really enjoy the fe games so its quite hard not to want to get all the dlc for it. i think ur idea is better and ill get those 3 u mentioned instead as its really all ill need but i will take a look at the vids as well just to see them all. thanks again
@Fooligan Ohhh good choice. I'm holding out of for the pc version of GG.
@Ninja44X I'm in the exact same boat. I bought all the dlc for the last two games. I love fire emblem and I was SO tempted just to buy the season pass even though I thought the price was BS. I decided on a whim to check once again what exactly was coming in the pack by looking up Japanese footage and videos from Fire Emblem YouTubers. It was hard for me not to want to buy it but I think that just getting the packs I mentioned is better in the long run
haha yea were the same, i did also for the last two and am still playing both even now as they are fantastic games. so like u i was just going to get the season pass but the price is outrageous really. better to just get the three as i havent had time to do any research on the dlc due to work etc, so i appreciate ur comments and ill follow u and get the 3 and check out the vids just to see whats in the but i agree with ur assessment. i dont normally support dlc but for FE i couldnt help it lol, the games are just way cool. thanks again
I have other fire emblem games so I will skip this one until I become rich. All or nothing.
@Ninja44X Yeah no problem at all. Glad I could help
Nothing like usual, not even a sale for a game that's interesting that I don't have, also geez, 3 DLC packs out already for FE? if I didn't know better, I would think you buy the game for the coding, and the DLC weekly just to play the game normally.
thanks! enjoy the game
I'll pick up Street Fighter, it'll be my first of the series
I've bought 2 games for 3ds this year, and the year is almost half over now. That speaks volumes about how little they offer for 3ds. I wish nintendo had a clue that not everyone is salivating over that ridiculous tablet wannabe/Switch.
Disgaea 5! Get it now. Even if you have no interest in it, at least give the demo a try.
Zombie hordes — slightly different.
Disgaea 5 for me. Still not sure on SF2 yet though.
I had no idea the Girl and the Robot still existed, I remember the KS but assumed it never happened. May be worth a look.
@Linoshi you should try the Disgaea demo first.
Aren't you guys gonna write a review for The Girl and the Robot? That one seems like it at least deserves that.
@Linoshi I know someone else already replied to you about Disgaea 5 but I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents too. I would say as a whole Disgaea 5 offers a slew of various systems that serve as potential avenues for you to explore, but you aren't necessarily expected to master or even mess with them at all to succeed. I personally ignored most of the systems in favor of just playing through the story originally.
So yes, Disgaea 5 is complicated and very deep, but you don't have to play it that way. The easiest comparison I could make is Pokemon. The main story doesn't expect you to use max IV fully EV trained Pokemon with ideal natures just to beat the game. The difference is that Disgaea is more upfront that those systems exist to being with.
That said, it doesn't hold your hand either. It is very much a strategy game. But if all else fails, it is very easy to grind in Disgaea if you can't see another way to succeed.
Monster hunter xx coming to switch.
i'm holding off on all purchases until e3 as there just might be a sale then. hell, with xbox giving a free trial of their game pass, i'm good.
Does Atlus not do tons of discounts anymore?
Another long announced, almost forgotten Wii U eShop game, The Girl and the Robot, finally coming out of the blue. If it's coming to Europe I might pick it up. I'm definately buying Disgaea 5 Complete though.
Ultra Street Fighter II (retail)
Disgaea 5 Complete (retail special edition)
King of Fighters 99
Fire Emblem DLC
I'm really excited for Street Fighter. I love the HD look and tbh, I grew up on the SFII games, so playing Ultra Street Fighter II with more palletable graphics and the ability to play against and with people on the spot it too much to pass up. Plus... SFV just disappointed me. It's better now but, it feels nice going back to the classic engine.
Already got the Disgaea 5 Complete special edition, and all the Fire Emblem Echoes merch money can buy. Can I just say FE Echoes is one heck of a good game. Voice acting is stupidly good. Characters and narrative is among the best I've seen in the series and, despite maps being simpler (as it is a remake) it's still one of the most engaging games in the series.
I know it's hard going back to 3DS after Switch but, it's worth adjusting for FE Echoes.
I was really looking forward to echoes, but just bought my switch and thus haven't even picked it up yet. Once the Switch becomes the system in your bag, it becomes trickier to get in time on 3DS. Shame it didn't come out earlier.
So, I take it that the Switch eShop doesn't update on Thursday afternoons like the 3DS? Friday morning on the east coast, and still no updates for this week.
Anyone happen to know when updates go live for the Switch?
[Edit - Its noon on Friday for us east coast, 9am west coast. Noted!]
None of these look good enough to pick up, TBH
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