Many of you will no doubt remember the panic that erupted about a week ago, where an evidently misprinted box for Lego City Undercover mentioned that the game would require an eye-watering 13 GB install to play. Fortunately, WB was quick to dismiss this, though perhaps an update of that size might've been useful. All the same, the game is out in the wild now and a post launch patch has accompanied the release.
It seems that nobody can figure out what it does yet, but the patch weighs in at a fairly meaty 479 MB. It certainly doesn't fix the load times and it doesn't seem to fix the framerate, but the size of the patch does seem to suggest something important. Hopefully TT Games will put out patch notes at some point so we can have a clearer picture.
What do you think? Have you noticed any change? How do you think Lego City on Switch compares to the Wii U version? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Comments 54
Still gonna have to pass on this one.
"Fairly meaty" 478mb.....
Maybe in 2006. The whole "Nintendo is right, every other dev is wrong when it comes to file sizes and storage!" mentality needs to stop.
That still doesn't tell us how big the game itself will be. 19GB on Wii U/PS4/Bone while having a file size of only 8GB on Switch? My suspicions will not be alleviated until launch.
@Menchi187 It all depends on perspective, considering the whole game is what 9~13gig, then yes 478mb is fairly meaty. Compared to a game which has a size of 40gb, then I guess it'd be quite a small patch. There is no right or wrong answer in this situation and your comment just makes me say. WTF~
@Menchi187 Totatally agree, most of my updates on Xbox are around 5-8 GB, sometimes even more.
@sillygostly it's already launched. I already have it.
@ningeek185 really depends on the game if you have an update for Fallout 4 or something like the Witcher 3 a 500 MB patch is quite small but a 10 GB game let's say, 500 MB is quite big.
@SneakyStyle Game size is irrelevant. It's still a tiny patch. 478mb is weighed against technology in 2017, Nintendo are the odd man out here because they gave ridiculously small storage as default and use "lesser" hardware. This is a file size which can be downloaded in several seconds in most places, and takes up less than 1% on most small devices, less than 0.1% on standard devices in 2017, when the game is launching.
In the "meat" world, this download is the cocktail sausage of updates.
I can't believe all the lost sales from the loading article earlier. I was under the impression the game only loads once when you start it up?
I dont understand why the case says internet required and 13gb download.....i have the game on switch and its ok just needs to fix the framerate please!!!!
Okay seriously, how do you guys still have space on your systems? Aside from a small number of Xbox One S's that got 2 TB, the console world has 1 TB at most. Yes, Nintendo's been meek on storage space. But half a gigabyte is not a negligible update. Sure, it's not massive, but it's definitely not just a small patch, even in a world with games that are getting to be massive in file space.
@ningeek185 How do you even begin to keep your Xbox One from running out of space? I got one near launch, and that 500 GB vanishes in no time. Is yours the 1 TB one? I still find it hard to believe that would be able to work for long.
Oh, and for the record, in 2006 that wouldn't be a meaty update. That would be one that would take up so much storage that no one would even consider downloading it. The 360 had 20 GB at the time. The largest games around at the time, things like Elder Scrolls 4, would be under 6 GB.
@Donderpants Funny you mention that because I finally bought a 2TB external hard drive the other day! I somehow lived on 500GB for over nearly two years...not sure how I did it tbh lol
@Paddle1 There are long loading screens between each "zone". Example: entering or leaving the police station. Zone changes are apparently not infrequent.
@Menchi187 depending on where you live and your internet speed...yes, it's fairly meaty. not all people can afford terabytes of hard drives and fast internet speeds. And flash/NAND memory isn't exactly cheap. There are reasons why most smartphones still uses 32gb-128gb internal capacity that we can just expand w/ SD cards. If you have any idea how I could use my PS4's hard drive with my switch I would so love to hear it.
I just need an Update that robust the Custom Disguise features. Recolor Options for all body parts (Hair, Skin, Eye color, Clothing), Enabled All Custom Disguise body parts so I can make a Karate Boxer Chase McCain swarming around the city with Boxing gloves + Karate trunks + Handsome face + Nice looking hairstyle + Six Pack Barechested body.
@Menchi187 I'm on internet that has a 100gb limit per month, so to me and my perspective almost 500mb is a significantly ''beefy'' piece of my daily/monthly limit. Especially if you do the math. I only get around 3gig per day.
Wow. Is there some sort of knighthood we can give you for that? Because that is a serious achievement.
Yeah, I tried attaching a hard drive too. For some reason, my Xbox One threw a hissy fit about that. Ah well, who needed reasonable storage anyway!
Sad to hear the load times and frame rate have issues. I never got around to this on Wii U and thought it would be fun to pick up on switch. I could always scoop it up on PS4 or Xbox one if it's any better over there, but disappointing for the switch.
This game isn't out on Switch in Australia yet... It is for PS4, Xbone and PC, but the Switch release won't be until next week! (in Australia)
No way I will buy this game again. I have beat it on WiiU to 100%. This is like PS4 all game remake
I bet they are releasing the 13 gb patch in increments.
Loading so HUGE Open World will not instantly take 1 or 2 seconds.
The machine has to work so hard to loading all detailed textures.
But after long Loading time (Just 50 seconds now, not 65 seconds anymore), you can enjoy So Huge Open World without another loading time when you go to certain areas. The 3DS version has a lot of Loading screen though...
I found from Youtube, there are some new contents that you can't found on Wii U version.
There are also some NEW Disguise looking. It's not exactly 100% Ripped Off from Wii U.
I had play the game (Wii U version) on September 2016, finished the Storyline in 1 month. Still play it sometimes to unlock the rest. I can tolerate the 65 seconds of Loading time. Definetely wanna double dip this game on Switch.
You can order the Europe / USA version if you want since Switch games are Region Free.
@Menchi187 Boy, people will leap to the defense of literally any industry practice, huh? Defending software bloat isn't a wise idea. Big-name titles for other hardware average 50 gigs but can go as high as 130 (ohai Call of Duty Infinite Warfare). At this rate game size is going to outpace the availability of terabyte hard drives, and even if it doesn't data caps are a very real problem for many Americans. Hell, SneakyStyle here would be outright unable to download the aforementioned Call of Duty game! Is that nonsense really what you want? Moreover, why is something being smaller a bad thing to you in the first place?
"The size does seem like something important"
I think it was Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- that had a GB big patch recently for a new text language.
The patch was big enough for an entire Dub to fit in. So yeah, size does not always mean its something major.
Sometimes, even a minor fix requires a lot of data to be replaced.
@Zebetite The file sizes of games are certainly getting ridiculous, especially from the big third-party developers. We've got unlimited downloads where I live, but it's still at 25Mb/s so a 2-3GB download takes something like 3 hours (more or less). This is something I think people should give Nintendo more credit for, their ability to compress and optimise their games is unreal and something other developers really need to be taught. Our PS4 came with a 500MB hard drive and because of the discs having to install on the console (a downside of optical discs) the whole thing was full after something like 5-6 games.
@BensonUii well, when I was playing it all day, the install size was showing 0MB under the data management tab, with a 32 MB save file. So the full game is definitely on the game card and can be played without internet connection. Just downloaded the update now, and its now showing 479MB.
Edit:. Sorry, missed the word digitally in your comment. NM me, it's early here...
@sillygostly it already launched.
Did they fix the loading time? If yes, I will buy the game =]
500 MB ?
Did yo mean 500 GB ?
@Anti-Matter Whoops, yeah. Thanks for catching that. It would be amazing if we could fit 5-6 PS4 games on a 500MB hard drive though XD
People complain about the Switch's internal memory, which admittedly is rather low, but it's still better than Xbox One, in my opinion.
The fact that you have to install all of your physical games [on Xbox] is a complete joke. I simply cannot be bothered to play games on Xbox because it means sitting around for potentially hours while the game downloads and installs. Even with 1TB, I can barely fit anything on it.
On top of that, it seems even older download titles aren't exempt from this. I boot up a classic Sonic game, for example, and it usually always has a new update before I can play. I can't understand why it needs to update such an old game, and to top it off the update is usually several times the size of the original game. Blows my mind.
Or make a another Nintendo Account for another Region and buy it from the US, Europe or even Japerese eShop.
@SanderEvers While I agree to a point, I don't think that it's the only reason. I think it's largely a DRM thing. The 360 could play games from the disc just fine, and not every current gen game is so demanding that it needs to be read from internal memory.
Games like Rare Replay? Definitely doesn't need to be pre-installed... but you have to anyway.
I can't see Xbox or PlayStation ditching the disc drive just yet. They're going for that DVD/Blu-ray multimedia machine thing. They still also make lots of money from physical game sales. I think for at least as long as people need a device to watch physical movies on, there will be physcial games on discs too.
Day 1 patch on a 4 year old Wii U port? Stellar stuff!
@sillygostly Texture assets for the game are lower res on the switch. Larger textures = larger size.
@EternalDragonX : I find that very hard to believe considering that it is a LEGO game and all. High quality textures aren't exactly its trademark, and the PS4/Switch comparison has demonstrated almost indistinguishable visual fidelity, unless the textures have been downscaled and they look worse up-close, but indistinguishable from afar. Still though, I just find it very hard to believe that a game that is aurally indistinguishable to every other version can be 11GB smaller. That's a massive difference.
I'm curious as to what the install size is for the eShop version. Sure, it says 8.7GB in the game's page, but is it really?
@setezerocinco The switch has sleep mode so loading isnt a problem. Its like 20% faster than the wiiu version.
@sillygostly 1080p and 720p even though the same textures are larger in file size.
@sillygostly i downloaded it yesterday and the size is 7.1gb
I'm still deciding on whether or not to get this game. I haven't played it on the Wii U. Is it a fun game?
@EternalDragonX : Thanks for the info.
A launch day patch on a port of a 4 year old game is pathetic.
Know what, screw it! I will buy this game.
Gonna grab this on Friday.
Yes. Definetely.
I guarantee it.
Better buy the Switch version so you can play it anywhere.
Just got the game and you need 4 joy-cons or 2 and a pro controller to play 2 player, so will have to buy more just to do this.
I can't decide if I should go for a pro controller or another set of joy-cons for this game's co-op. I'm leaning towards pro controller as the joy-cons feel too small to me. Just I'm thinking about if a new Wii Sports came out then I'd need the second set of joy-cons for 3-4 players. lol
@Donderpants I had to attach a 2TB external to my PS4. 500GB is way too small.
@ningeek185 On the update??
Does it have LAN multiplayer?
Multiplayer with each player having their own screen would be a killer feature in Switch, and it should be in every Switch game.
Played this on the wiiu, when it was first released, loved it then, so was a no brainer for me to pick it up for the switch!
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