Nintendo has confirmed that Super Mario Maker is making the jump from Wii U to 3DS.
This portable version is focused on creating local connections rather than sharing online, with StreetPass being used to exchange courses with close friends. It will include access to some Wii U courses to play, but not every level from the home console version will be compatible.
It's very much being pitched as the local sharing equivalent to the online-centric Wii U version; there'll be no online uploads for courses created in this 3DS iteration. Some Wii U content won't be making the transition, such as the Mystery Mushroom and related outfits.
It's coming on December 2nd 2016.
Comments 151
I wonder what the Super Mario Bros U skin will look like?
I expect their to be a NX version also
Erm, isn't the whole point of Mario maker is the online function?
@Bunkerneath Indeed it is...
with online it would be a no brainer. without it's a no buy instead.
About time! Hopefully they include a super
Mario land filter or something portable like that. This is great news!
No sharing online completely ruins Mario Maker. Wouldn't touch this one unless its a 9.99 eshop title.
@gaby_gabito: Crappy, like all 3DS games.
@SanderEvers Are you sure? It does sound like it lacks online, however it doesn't say it anywhere, it just says they will focus on local connections.
Wait this version still allows you to share online right? Not being able to do that would be quite a bummer.
No mystery mushrooms is just stupid, stupid, stupid. Do they NOT want to sell more amiibo?
Not buying it day one, especially since there's no online. But it's cool, I guess.
Cool, but unless it is 100% compatible with "Download Play", for at least 2 players per copy of the game, I'm skipping.
And it STILL doesn't have slopes.
oh okay, that's good! sorry, didn't watch the direct so I just assumed (and was admittedly confused). @__@;;;
Why don't they port super mario 3D world or splatoon or hell why not xenoblade chronicles X Wii U owners? What Wii U owners hahahaha hahahaha BUY OUR AMIIBO
My kids and I are excited for this. We wanted a portable version of the Wii U game. I'm not seeing this as a bad thing plus I don't really play on my Wii U. I'm more of a 3DS player anyways.
I called it. Lel
A 3DS version sounds good, looking forward to seeing this run on a 2DS!!
Considering you can't even play all of the Wii U made courses on this one, plus there isn't the full range of content to make courses, this isn't really worth the money unless you're desperate to play the game. I'll stick with the better version.
Alexsora89 when the announced it his name was the first thing that came to mind lmao
@Equinox Perhaps so, haha.
@SmashbrosFtw1306 The 3DS wouldn't be able to run either Splatoon or XCX. It'd probably struggle to play 3D World as well.
Are you sure? I was pretty sure it said that--although you can play most levels that have been uploaded from the Wii U version--you can't upload any levels created on the 3DS version. They're just shared via local download or streetpass. Something like that. Which, if true, might be a dealbreaker for me.
Awesome! The one thing holding me back from the Wii U version is that I don't have time to just sit there and create... making them on the go is definitely possible.
So as expected Nintendo pulled MS and officialy pulled the plug. And people had confidence in Nintendo and how great and smart they are and how they will not bone consumers like those other evul companies.
I wait for white knights saying it's great move
This is a maybe purchase for me; depends on the price. Might opt to save my money for Pikmin and Ever Oasis instead.
@SanderEvers Oh I meant that they didn't mention aything about it in this article, since I couldn't see the Direct. Thanks for the information.
Day 1
SO EXCITED!!! I honestly did my expect this game to come to the 3DS, but apparently dreams do come true.
While no online sharing is a bummer, at the very least I can play almost all the Wii U created courses. That's over 6 million courses to choose from! And honestly, I've only been playing the 100 Mario Challenge anyways, so this is perfect for me. I do hope they try and find a way to at least allow us to post our courses online once they see the demand for it. It could be a hardware issue, which would explain a lack of certain features like ID searches and sharing online.
Regardless, it will be wonderful to experience Super Mario Maker where ever I go now! <3
The last few remaining scraps of the Wii U's lunch just got eaten. Brutal.
Not a big fan of the way Nintendo keeps porting Wii U exclusives to the 3DS (if Splatoon makes it to the 3DS, I swear...), but I guess Mario Maker was an obvious choice. I especially predicted the wealth of various local-sharing options, especially StreetPass which I think would be pretty neat.
One question, though... Do Wii U users have to buy the 3DS version again (that is, full price)? Because that would not be ideal.
Hopefully they include a GB Super Mario Land filter.... I'd be all over that
Super Mario Maker without online sharing. Vintage Nintendo.
Would have been better if you had Mario Land 1-2 landscapes / sprites as well or Wario Land.
This game really needs the online features present in the WiiU version in it, it really seems to be a big dealbreaker for many people, including me. The half of the charm of the whole experience is gone if you can't share your creations to other players properly.
I'd of thought if NX was a portable, they would have saved this for the NX launch.
The lack of online pretty much kills my interest. Oh well, I've got plenty of other games to look forward to.
Just re-watched that part. She said: "Instead of uploading courses online, courses you make will be sharable via local wireless and streetpass." So for those just looking to play levels, this is great. For creators, that's an incredibly lame restriction. Oh, and she said that you can't search for Wii U levels by course ID; just by random recommended courses, for the sake of "spontaneity." >_>
@mr12calvin In other words "no online".
Indeed. Mario Maker with no online uploading, which is, as mentioned, classic Nintendo.
While I can understand Mario Maker, putting Yoshi on the 3DS is really lame. =/ And not even its own version, but the exact same with additions.
The Yarn Poochy amiibo is cute, though. Hope there will be an update for the Wii U version or something.
Despite that it seems that the console versions of both are the superior ones. Or maybe not superior, but they differ in focus. Mario Maker 3DS is more like "Go outside and share".
I wouldn't complain about that! It's a picture of Reggie!
@mr12calvin "Instead of uploading courses online, courses you make can be shared via local wireless and StreetPass." That was exactly what was said in the Direct.
The 'instead' makes it read pretty clear to me that there's no online course sharing.
I'm actually VERY excited for the locality of this as the online community for SMM on Wii U was terrible. 10 and 100 mario challenges were unplayable because of the extremely low level quality from the community...
Only local sharing might work in Japan but it does not work in the rest of the World.
I really don't get Nintendo here.
I was super exciteded when they showed the game in the direct and all that excitement died when they said there will be no online sharing and no search by id.
The game went from a day 1 buy to a never buy within its reveal trailer.
While this idea sounds pretty good in theory, no online capabilities would pretty much destroy the entire purpose of it, and the fact that it has features intentionally ripped out from the Wii U version kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
There is still the possibility of online sharing, though, as they never said anything about it not being in there. It is strange that they didn't mention it, though, so I'm going to choose to be cautiously optimistic and hope for the best, but Nintendo's been weird with their online functionalities lately. For whatever reason, they've been obsessed with local couch play on a system that's supposed to be portable this generation, and it's definitely a head scratcher.
I will say that this and the Yoshi's Woolly World port are pretty much Nintendo saying "Yeah, um, the Wii U doesn't sell, so um...yeah, here's some Wii U-to-3DS ports. Please look forward to NX!"
I was so happy that this was announced! And not exclusive to 'New' 3DS is a big plus.
I didn't really understand though, can you not enter course codes to play other people's courses? If so that's a shame.
@Dakt So true and apt. Wii U is already dead.
You people are pathetic. Sony did the same thing. Gravity Rush vita a great game went to the ps4 and the sequel coming this year for the ps4 no vita = no hate. But when Nintendo did it = hate. I remember when super mario maker launch for the Wii u last year most of you was whining to make a 3ds version
I don't recommend buying this since it's lacking online play but you guys do have to realize that the one on Wii U likely isn't selling anymore. So their reasoning is to bare bones port it to a weaker console to hopefully spike sales. Think about it, someone (who didn't watch the Direct) is going to see this 3DS game and say to themselves "Oh! I heard about this game on Youtube! But I don't own a Wii U...But it's on the 3ds?! Which I do have! I'm gonna buy it!" And will be immediately disappointed. So, from a business perspective it's actually kinda smart but to the gamer it's a middle finger.
The average gamer will probably assume that this game will come with all the features of the Wii U version and it won't. Ez Money~
Awesome! Looking forward to this! The reason I don't play Mario Maker more is because I'm never home. This will remedy that!
@Rocky2418 It said the Mystery Mushroom and related levels are WiiU exclusive for who knows what reason
Yeah, I'd love it if I could create a level on the 3DS version and then send it onto the WiiU for less strict item limits (which this version probably has) and upload it. I always get great ideas for a section of a level and until I get home, I forgot about it.
I know a lot of people were wanting this, so congrats, you got your wish! I'm sure that the lack of online sharing is a blow to some, though.
If I ever get a version of this game, it'll likely be the Wii U variant; my 3DS backlog is jammed.
I was a little disappointed with the focus on local play, but I'll probably still pick this up.
Oh yeah, Wii U sales spiking downwards ever since the Splatoon hype ended is totally why they're doing these ports. It does make quite a bit of sense from the business side of things, though, so I can't really say it's a bad idea.
However, I do think it's fair to say it comes off as a tad...lazy, with the way they're handling it. Also confusing. Very, very confusing. I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out. Who knows? Maybe everything will be fine and they'll keep the original online functionalities intact along with the new local options.
"Hey Bob, how do we save the Wii U?"
"What if we port over its killer app to the 3DS, which has a much bigger player base, and make tons of cash while we leave it to die?"
"That's a genius idea, Bob! Think we can do this with Wooly World as well?"
"I don't see why not."
It's a clever plan from Nintendo. They're trying to cut their losses. But I'm afraid they just killed the Wii U off folks. Anyone who owns a 3DS has no reason to go out and buy a Wii U now. What's worse is that Nintendo have biting the hands that feed them (Wii U owners) since last year. This is the final bite, and oh boy it's a big one. Two of the Wii U's finest exclusives gone just like that.
I feel sorry for everyone who recently purchased a Wii U. I truly am sorry.
I'm now worried that I'll be punished for getting the Wii U version like they've done with Hyrule Warriors...
@eltomo Get ready for slopes on Super Mario Maker 3DS!
P.S. They can only be created on the New 3DS.
@Lewieboy124 Nintendo needs to use the resources they used for the ported games to actually promote the Wii U version of the game, instead of doing this.
I know my sisters will love this. They liked the idea of the Wii U game, but since they're not fans of the Wii U itself, they hardly play it. Now it'll be easier to share it with them, just bring my 3DS.
Good, but I don't want to be punished for owning the Wii U version, as eltomo said.
I'll not buy it if it doesn't have new features. And anyway, this is just going to be a butchered 3DS port, like Hyrule Warriors Legends.
I'll my sticking to the Wii U game I have
I'm also sticking with the Wii U game! I can't justify the purchase. I always said that Nintendo should have released a cheaper "Super Mario: Player" game for the 3DS. A budget version that would only allow you to play the levels. Maybe at a $10-$15 price?
first day purchase along with 8 bit link.
@SmashbrosFtw1306 @BensonUii
I was outside and I couldn't log onto the site but I wish I could, I can't express how simian-fecal-matter crazy I am over this.
Not only that--it's exactly what I wanted it to be: a simple downgraded 3DS port. Because it doesn't need to be anything more.
A portable companion to continue creating a stage when going outside, with the Wii U version still being the main one. Also, my Xbox-loving friend (who I gave my older New 3DS) can finally enjoy the game's sublime level editor without needing a Wii U, which is fine in my book.
So yes, yes, yes, all of my yes.
@Equinox Hopefully
Thanks for kicking Wii U owners in the backside again.
I think us Wii U owners deserve a "Please understand" from old Kimishima.
Why? Did you really think no other console would ever get a Mario Maker? Every console from now on will get a Mario Maker.
3DS users even need WiiU users to get more levels. Outside of Japan it will be really hard to find anyone running around with a 3DS that got Mario Maker. When i run around in Hamburg (nearly 2 million people live here) i don't even get a handfull of streetpass hits.
Its a shame they killed the Wii U... Seems all the whining from people wanting SMM on 3DS was heard.
This is why we couldn't have nice things on the Wii U.
I would have preferred a simple showcase eshop title that gave you the option to play the wii u created stages on the go for a cheaper price. Like a reverse Wario Ware DIY.
No online sharing kind of kills this game... :/
The features are really good
@BensonUii It's insult to injury.
First of all, Super Mario Maker is no longer a Wii U seller/exclusive.
Second of all, like @eltomo rightfully pointed out, Nintendo could easily go down the Hyrule Warriors Legends path and introduce new features exclusive to the 3DS version which Wii U fans were requesting for the longest time.
But does it have slopes? 8)
Considering how separate this is from the Wii U version, I highly doubt you'll be able to start making a level on one version and continue it on the other. I would've loved that, but considering how much is stripped from this version, I HIGHLY doubt it.
I agree. While I like the idea of getting random levels from people I pass by, we're so late into the 3DS's lifespan that StreetPass' days are very numbered. And once people stop taking their 3DS around, that's it. Game Over.
At the very least, let us SpotPass levels from our friends, gosh...
The lack of online and poor NSMBU graphics kill this for me. As it's own project, it seems great, but, without the ability to share levels online, it relies on having others' to play it with, since, what's the point of making levels without easily sharing them?
I do like how the Official Courses that come pre-included have their own optional objectives for 'medals', it's a nice touch to get people to think about level design more, which, hopefully, would limit the terrible levels people would make with this, if you could share them online.
Nintendo seems to be treating the Wii U almost as poorly as Sony is treating the PS Vita at this point.
Can we have Super Mario Land graphic style, either the first or second one? Not that I´m buying this game again...
Mario Maker,
Yoshi woolly world,
Mariosports Superstars,
The last great games for 3DS from Nintendo before NX arrived.
No amiibo costumes is stupid. I guess they want to keep that feature on the Wii U to try and still sell some copies on there, but wouldn't they have a better chance of selling New 3DSs? They need to at least have one basic Mystery Mushroom costume just for the gameplay functionality of having Super status while being one block tall.
What's with this Wii U hating circle jerk? I thought this place was better than that, but I was clearly wrong.
Enjoy your gimped 3DS port, I guess.
It'll be nice to play this portable, but there are several concerns, like the one people keep mentioning, can I get my courses from my own Wii U, and what exactly won't be compatible in some courses from the Wii U version?
YWW, Pikmin, and SMM are all good, and I'm pleased that they're coming to 3DS, but I can't say I'm really excited about any of the announcements. Hope others are, though.
Some pretty heavy omissions, for sure.
The singleplayer 100 challenges look good, and are hopefully more substantial, better created, and generally more fun that the Wii U's offerings, but... they've hugely limited the sharing capabilities, and thus a large part of the game's appeal.
〜 If a tree falls in a forest, but nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? 〜
〜 If a course is made on SMM3DS, but nobody is around to share it with, have you really made a course? 〜
Wow, the 3ds is getting some serious love this year.
Mario Maker without online level sharing ? Good job Nintendo, next time make Super Mario 3D Land 2 without jumping feature.
The 3DS is an amazing system i love it but its getting old now and the Wii U is defiantly over the sooner Nintendo move on to the new hardware the better the only 3ds game i'll be getting is sun and moon as for those Amiibos i'll get them if NX has amiibo support
That actually made me laugh out loud, and is so true.
Pretty much.
I'm amazed. I really want to play Mario Maker on the road.
They killed the wii u.
Don't be sorry. Recent Wii U purchasers were in no delusion that the system had many bright years ahead of it.
People who recently bought the system knowing full well that only a couple more games are coming.
So again I say- don't be sorry. Cause no one else is.
"They killed Wii U"
Right. Cause the system has been just roaring with life this year thanks to Mario Maker's exclusivity. And now that that's gone, it's sure to stop topping the charts.
Oh wait...
This looks good, i might get this game
WHAT? no courseworld? then whats the point? better be half the price. i mean for crying out loud even Mario Vs Donkey Kong had online course sharing
It makes no sense not having upload ability since you need to be tethered to wifi to play the 100 Mario course since it draws from wiiU created levels. Even with that, the inability of the 3DS to log on to many external wifi signals that require a webpage approval (think every store, restaurant, hotel wifi) makes this essentially a level creator unless you are home. Which makes it even more ridiculous you cannot upload courses.
The removal of mystery mushrooms also removes an incentive to slog through the terrible levels of 100 Mario challenge. This couldn't have been a worse thought out port.
All that is stripped is:
1) Mystery Mushrooms
2) uploading levels
3) searching levels by ID
other than that, it's Super Mario Maker. And. I. Love. This.
Also, my biggest fear - that is, SMM being a threshold for the Wii U's low sales - is gone. Thank goodness for that. Now about those GBA games...
Nintendo: let's put Mario maker on 3ds so old 3ds owners can play Mario world levels!
Ninty assistant: wouldn't it be easier to put SNES VC on it instead
Nintendo: Off with his head! Blasphemy!
@AlexSora89 Number 2 is a biggun' though. Imagine a Twitter in which it was impossible to upload Tweets.
It's not exactly a direct comparison, but both platforms are (or were) centred around the concept of an online community.
I like the idea of emphasising local connections, but... I simply don't know enough people who are likely to own the game for that element to really come to life.
Maybe there'll be a feature where you can upload 3DS courses to the Wii U, and then get them into the wider world that way. It would give the original Wii U title some purpose
Oh I must have misunderstood it then.
Does it mean some levels from WiiU actually will be available online?
@BensonUii "We got the game in the Wii U which is the better version. Why should it hurt you if they port it on the 3DS knowing the Wii U is beyond saving at this point?"
Logic goes out the window in here. Last year everyone was saying "The Wii U is dead!" Nintendo have known this for ages, diverted projects and ported titles to their more popular system which makes them loads of money - and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that to continue pumping money into the Wii U is a waste of time. Plus it gives a whole new larger audience a chance to play Mario Maker.
One year later? "The Wii U is dead! Why are they doing this???" Adding to that - there's a new fangled NX thing coming up around the corner, let's concentrate on that and cut the dead wood.
@JaxonH it was on life support but now they stopped the machine.
I have yoshis woolly world but I think the 3ds one will be better. My sons finished the game on the wii u I hope he doesn't ask me for this
@WiltonRoots I wasn't here last year (accurately, I wasn't active last year). But I would have said "The Wii U is still putting up a fight! We've got Super Mario Maker coming out this month, StarFox Zero and Zelda U are coming next year!". Now I can safely declare the Wii U is dead. Whatever hope I had for it was gone after this Direct.
Like I said in my initial comment, it is indeed the right business strategy - focus on making money by investing more resources into the 3DS. But did they have to stab Wii U owners in the back once again in doing so? No, they didn't. I wouldn't be surprised if they alienate Wii U owners even more if Aonuma announced tomorrow the Wii U version of Breath of the Wild is cancelled. Seriously, they may have 3DS owners on their side but I highly doubt the same could be said about Wii U owners.
No online sharing is really weird for Mario Maker...streetpass sharing is a cool addition, but not as good of an instead of
The lack of online level sharing is very off-putting for me. Most of my Nintendo friends don't live near me, so I'd have no way to try out their levels. I really don't get why they didn't add that choice and then let the user choose if they want to share locally or online or both.
Plus I have the Wii U version, so there's no point in me grabbing this.
No online? Aw, you mean no slew of auto-levels, or sloppy levels stuffed with hoards of enemies and abundant stars that render them pointless?
And no ability to post levels you're happy with only to have them played by just 5 people then deleted in big hurry?
Sure, there's plenty to enjoy in the online aspects of the game, but it's far from the only feature to it. Even if you reduce it to just a tool to build your own levels and play just those, it has enough of an appeal. I know not everyone would be satisfied with just that, of course, but there's still plenty to do in a version without that connectivity.
Watch them go and put slopes in this version and aggravate everyone, though...
On the subject of lack of online Sharing. Isn't the 3DS capable or doesn't Nintendo know that street pass is not a big thing in the west? I am on the fence about this game.
And that's fine--I'm glad you'll be very happy with it. I had just noticed you mention looking forward to the idea of continuing creating a level when going outside, and considering those very key differences in the versions, I'd say there's no chance of that. These games are clearly separate things--when creating, what you start on one will only be finished on that one, unfortunately.
Absolutely over the moon with this announcement - but also share the same concerns as others regarding the lack of online functionality.
We all know Mario Maker is about sharing levels. Is this just some technical limitation? I don't understand why they'd omit such a crucial part of the game.
So - we must share levels by being close to someone? Not a massive problem for me because I'd play with my other half. But still, I'd love the option to send my creations out there for other people to try! :/
It's still a day 1 for me!
Hope springs eternal, my friend! I'm very optimistic about Nintendo getting their fecal matter right before the game's release. Remember how a day-one patch changed the editor tool unlock rate from once a day to once per a few hours? Yeah!
Indeed. But as I said, Nintendo will realize how much of a big mistake this would be and will eventually fix things before the game releases.
Sadly I'm burnt out on Mario Maker after spending the last year making numerous god-awful courses. So this announcement draws out little to no excitement at all; I don't relish the thought of double dipping for an inferior portable when I can send my faraway friends any level codes.
Happy for those who didn't have a Wii U to experience the game, now they can.
All these Wii U ports are kinda ticking me off. Nintendo has truly run out of ideas.
What's next, slopes EXCLUSIVE to 3DS? Sure sounds like something they'd do to annoy Wii U owners!
@whodatninja Doesn't it just.
Also, look at this beauty of a boxart.

@Lewieboy124 Yeah they put up a good fight, but business is business, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of projects got moved when they realised the console wasn't doing too well. The 3DS on the other hand, look how much stuff is coming out on it...I'm sure the Wii U would have had just as much output if the console was selling.
Despite its lack of success though I have been very happy with mine, I only picked mine up in Dec 2014 - there's still plenty in the back catalogue I haven't even touched yet.
Well, I certainly wish for your strong optimism to pan out. Nevertheless, despite being a lifelong Nintendo guy, those aspirations--that pretty much don't jive with what they did specifically announce--are sadly not the Nintendo that I've come to know in the last 5 or 10 years. But as always, anything's possible, and Nintendo might actually employ some common sense. Fingers crossed.
Either way, I absolutely love the Mario Maker on Wii U.
I just can't fathom why they would leave out uploading, searching by Course ID and mystery mushrooms...
It can't be because of a technical limitation, can it? Is it because they want to keep the Wii U version relevant?
Sounds like a rip off... downgrade downgrade
I'm down for this! Lack of online sharing is lame, but if Nintendo realizes this was a mistake (on their end) they could patch it in. No amiibo support costumes, is a disappoint, but not even close to a deal breaker.Leaves something exclusive for the Wii U at least. I never got this one on the U so I'm actually pretty excited. Kind of a shame they are putting one over on the U. Both Maker and Yoshi were games I was actively considering buying on the U. Yet...I'm more of a handheld gamer, and my Wii U doesn't see much action sadly. For me, I'd rather play both these games on the 3DS. Definitely will make waiting for the NX/NX news go by quicker!
@Kellanved exactly..
Okay, it is pretty funny how many of you are assuming that downgraded (yet still a fantastic version) version of Mario Maker means pulling the plug. Come on, guys. Plus it seems like 3DS one won't allow sharing via Internet, which for most of players will be a bummer.
My thoughts exactly.
What ?!
Gosh...! Unbelievable...!
I think Nintendo is being serious right now.
The NSMB theme was literally the first thing shown in the 3DS version's trailer, so that will indeed be included. And even if that hadn't been the case, what's the worst case result of including Course ID entering? A message saying, "This level is not playable on the 3DS version." In the same way that entering an invalid ID in the Wii U version gives you the message 'Invalid ID' or 'Course not available' or whatever it says. But I digress--all four themes will indeed be present, so that's one positive anyway.
@dkxcalibur I assumed if the game ever came to 3DS it'd pretty much be Super Mario: Player. I'm stunned they got level building working on it, honestly. I don't think I'll get it, though, since I enjoy making courses more than playing them, and sharing is pretty firmly stunted in this version. I'd definitely buy a Player version for $10-$15 from the eShop, but not the "full game" again.
@MarioPhD It isn't that incredible for me. PSP had a Little Big Planet version that allowed you to create with a lot of freedom while also being able to share online. Sharing your levels and playing wtih others is pretty much the thing about this game, so limiting it to local is quite a bad desicion in my opinion. However, I'm still interested in this since I don't have a Wii U, I just wish that they decide to add online but it's quite unlikely.
Well, i have owned my Wii U since April 2016 and i don't think it was too late. Time doesn't really matter for me as long i can play my games anytime. I know Wii U will ended up soon but i have no regret at all. Instead, i feel blessed. I can play my Wii and Wii U , watching Youtube better than my 3DS XL, Typing this comment and many more. No need to say sorry to me. I'm so proud can owned Wii U despite of all negative comments. I don't think people who owned Wii U this year did a great mistake. Remember, time doesn't really matter.
Ooh.... Yellow box ! (Commenting about Super Mario Maker 3DS Japan box art)
So yellow, so mellow... XD
Maybe they cut the Online sharing features due to last experience. Some people create very complicate courses and caused some bugs, some hacking, some cheating, disgraced the image of Mario Maker image. Because of that, maybe no online anymore so no more bugs, cheating or hacking. Some people are doing TOO MUCH or TOO FAR when got Hyped.
@therealgamer The PSV has third-party support. The Wii U doesn't.
Niche third-party support, yes, but the PSV actually has more retail exclusives this year than the Wii U did for the past two years. Past three, if you look at Japan-only titled.
@Anti-Matter Wouldn't surprise me, but it is certainly disappointing.
I think they need to relax and let people play online. Let people chat online. Let people do what they want. Perhaps the no online is just to give people a reason to get the Wii U version.
Not sure what you mean by your last sentence.
Kinda pointless to have a Super Mario Maker on portable when you can't even share it with people you know from far away. When will Nintendo know that over here is nothing like Japan. Over here we don't live near each other. All my friends and families live many miles apart. Why restrict this Nintendo?
i'm excited for this announcement but i do have two questions, is it going to come in a 3ds bundle? and if so will it be available to buy in the UK?
As I don't have a Wii U and have been wanting a port of it for the 3DS for ages, I don't really mind the lack of ability to upload games online or the lack of Amiibo support although the lack of both is disappointing and seems to lack common sense. As long as the other features stay the same, then this is absolutely brilliant and will be a best-seller come Christmas. It does seem to be making the Wii U all but obsolete and it would be funny if they did a Splatoon port albeit possibly a single player one (which I'm also hoping for BTW!).
@16-bitLiam The Nintendo Direct in the UK says that the game itself will be released on December 2nd and I'd presume that there will be a bundle released because the game is being released so close to Christmas. Nothing's been confirmed officially though.
@Luna_110 We do have nice things on Wii U... typically, the console counterparts are more fleshed out. I don't get the rivalry between 3DS & Wii U owners. :x they both Nintendo.
I own both, but it is annoying that they released a game first on the Wii U, you bought it, and now, they are offering you the enhanced version at full price on the 3DS.
Take Hyrule Warriors for example. You may have bought it on Wii U, and suddenly they tell you it is on 3DS, with extra content that won't be available on Wii U unless you buy the 3ds version.
Or Yoshi's Wolly World now. I don't expect Nintendo will release an update for the Wii U to include the new content on the 3DS release. So if you want the "full" version, you have to get a new version of a game you already bought.
@iam12741 Thanks for the info, I did knew it was coming out on the 2nd of December just only wanted to know if there was going to be a bundle for it and if it was going to be released in the UK. Lets just wait and see whether it does or doesn't. Thanks again
About my last sentences, when some people are in hyped, sometimes they can do even until extreme on absurd level or doing too far. Like from cheating to get the result instantly or hacking the system to create their desire content even breaking the law, they just don't care the risk. How about 'BOT' program ? People like to use 'BOT' because they really like the game but they're too lazy to finish the game so illegal ways used in order to get te result instantly. That's about my last sentences.
And so beautiful. Also, riding Yoshis on the go, after the NSMB Yoshis haven't been seen on handhelds yet (only in New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. U so far). That's gotta count for something.
Typical Nintendo: They bring it to 3DS, but strip-out the uploading. No reason to buy it then (for many people), I guess!
Let's hope we get a Zelda Maker, am I right?
I can't believe all the butthurt. This is a smart move on Nintendo's part. They've been trying to sell Wii U consoles but it's just not happening because of NX. Everyone who hasn't bought a Wii U is waiting, myself included. Time to cut their losses and port some Wii U games to the much larger audience of 3DS. Nintendo merged the handheld and console development teams together long ago so games being shared across both was bound to happen and will continue moving forward. NX is unified and exclusivity will end
It would be great if it's like this:
Nintendo: Super Mario Maker for 3DS - no online sharing. BUY NOW!
After release:
Me: Wait, didn't you say it won't have online sharing? This one certainly does.
Nintendo: Sorry, dear customer, but you've been the victim of our professionally crafted trolling. Contact Nintendo for more information.
Or that's how I think. Nintendo never was a serious company.
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